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On a scale of 1 to 10, what's your EOD hype?

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Like a 3 or 4, but if the other especs turn out to be interesting it will probably jump up to an 8. The features they have announced just don't really interest me, but it doesn't bother me too much as especs have been the only major selling point for both HoT and PoF for me too. If they are good then I will be happy. 

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Pretty solid 5 out of 10.


The part I look forward to most:

elite specs and playing the story. At least in the short term this should be fun and spice things up.


The part I am undecided on:

basically everything they showed in the launch event. Could be good fun. Could be a disapointment given the high expectations placed on this content (what if fishing and skiffs are not as amazing as mounts?).


The part I am highly skeptical of:

multiple of this games communities are withering away, be it spvp, wvw or challenging pve content. It doesn't seem as though there will be anything for these players come expansion. Since I firmly believe that these players are a corner stone for this game in creating content, guides, maintaining social structures in form of guilds and communities, etc. I'm not as confident that there is a bright future at the end of the tunnel.


Who knows, maybe a fully casual player base which returns every 3 months for a living world episode can sustain future development. If so, there will be something to return to regularly to get updated on the story for me.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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I am looking forward to fishing and siege turtle mounts, as well as the environment Cantha brings. 

I am primarily a pvp player though, and it's been -really- bad over there for a while. I'm not sure if an expansion will fix it. 


I will probably enjoy the story, though. I don't think expecting the expack to fix ongoing issues is fair, but those ongoing issues do have an impact on my hype. 

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I'm undecided. Features as they are revealed hint toward more complex mechanics which I hope will be pushed further : Skiffs used as platforms, mount combat all sound like it could influence a lot of other unused aspects of the game. I would need to hear more from them on what they can be Used for. A skiff is all well and good, but aside from carrying people, what can it do that a skimmer cant ? Let me carry allies into battle in an epic ocean battle, and Then we'll talk. Have my allies man cannons and harpoons, and you've got yourself a deal.


I do not have enough information regarding the elite specs to draw interest. Their wish to "break rules" sound interesting, but it's far too vague to get me pumped up. I need to see for myself. I need to see whether or not I can pull something interesting with what they're launching with. Most of my personal interest in content comes from these, since I have the most fun from creating uncommon builds that are not necessarily efficient, but fun to use. They need to show me what kind of tools I'll work with.


The maps of Cantha is probably the positive aspect that sold me on grabbing it in spite of the doubts from the above. I'm a sucker for great vistas and I particularly enjoy green and lush environements. Heart of Thorns did give me plenty to work with, but that place was oppressive, as it should be. I hope to have a grand time in Cantha, and judging from the Guild Hall shown there, I plan on moving my guild there. I look forward to meeting Bubbles as well, seeing as we've seen a lot of him in that trailer.

Edited by Naxos.2503
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It would have been 8.5 or 9 if they had implemented a housing system. One that allows you to design and build your own house and environment, with 3D edition capabilities, textures, also add useful services, of course maintain crops, rewards, add entertainment systems, games, etc. It is also something that would help the game financially, being able to monetize some objects and materials or exclusive designs in the gem store. A missed opportunity. What a pity.


Fishing and skiffs are pure filler to justify extra content and interaction with the water. But I hope that its use is not mandatory and that under no circumstances deactivate the mounts in the skiffers environment. I would hate if they artificially force its use and also force you to waste your time fishing if you don't even intend to create meals out of what you catch. Overall, in the end, the price will drop to a negligible value over time.


Anyways i'll buy it. I hope that at least I like some of the new specializations. And that the story is better than the recent one of champions that they put with shoe horn and in a hurry wasting two old dragons in a bad way.  If i like the architecture there, i will probably migrate my guild hall to Cantha.

Edited by Zoser.7245
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I’m at a two. The last storyline fizzled, and I’m not interested in finishing it. So much so, I’m playing something else. The End of Dragons trailer lacks excitement, and the new specialization(s) look terrible. My humble opinion, of course, but I’ll end up buying it to see how this ends.


But I’m not hyped.


Edit: Yeah, I'm not buying it. Decided to play something else, instead. Might come back one day.

Edited by Ardenwolfe.8590
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1 hour ago, devanea.2041 said:

After they ruined IBS and are leaving us with replays for over a half a year and the lack luster reveal of FISHING as a highlight. It's only because of the elite specs I have any excitement. So I am going to say 4 on a scale of 1 to 10.

Comeon this is anet.. When they announce mount is comming.. People reject the idea think tgey are common mount in other mmo..


Now..fishing is coming... 

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Maybe a 2.


Disappointed that the main features are, honestly, peripheral/ ancillary features in really any other game. Extremely underwhelmed in that department. Hopefully I can be amazed with something else they can bring to the table in the next 6 months...

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On 8/5/2021 at 6:29 PM, radda.8920 said:

no urgoz / the deep (elite missions from gw1 to cantha),... they disfigured the face of shing jea which was superb on gw1

This brought my hype WAY down.  Though I agree that Echovald has promise, I was not impressed with what I saw.  A lot of my excitement was that I loved playing Factions and have been looking forward to seeing Cantha in GW2 pretty much from GW2 release.  I was really hoping that they would add the Deep and Urgoz, even just as new dungeons, and maybe re-envision Fort Aspenwood and Jade Quarry as something for WvW, even it was only as a map.  And I get the lore, but I still can't understand why they tossed away such a ready-made way to enliven up WvW with the Kurzick-Luxon conflict... and didn't replace it with anything.  I appreciate fishing and all, but in the end, with the reveal, I plunged from an 8 to... oh, we'll round up and say 3.


My own fault, of course.  As said elsewhere, excitement about this kind of thing only leads to disappointment.  

Edited by Lyssia.4637
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1 hour ago, Bear.9568 said:



NC Soft putting their logo on gw2 trailers now. I literally despise korean game developers. Slum lords of the gaming industry. I liked it better when they kept their ugly faces behind the scene.

NC Soft has been doing that since GW1. NC Soft acquired Arena.Net even wayy before the official release of Guild Wars ONE.


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Like others in this thread, I don't really do "hype" that well. I see others take time off, plan elaborate meal prep ahead of time, get special items and such. I don't do any of that. It's pretty common for even games I'm excited for to just miss the release date all together. 


Weird and pointless disposition out of the way, I'm relatively excited for the expansion. But, also admit not from really anything we've seen so far. I'm really hoping Anet can pull another "mount fiasco" with fishing and boats. They went from being against mounts initially to having some of the best mounts in MMOs in terms of quality > quantity. The difference is I liked mounts in other games. I have only ever enjoyed one instance of fishing in an MMO and it wasn't because of the fishing part. 


I'm indifferent to Canthan. I liked it in GW1 with the old man and the "lol necro" attitude in designing mobs. But, I'm not like overly excited for it. I'm happy we'll have mounts to navigate that one city that everyone was always lost in during GW1. Curious what it'll look like rebuilt. 


Pretty excited for e-specs. But, also admit that Virtuoso looks really boring to me. I would consider Mesmer to be in my top 3 favorite specs of all time with Necro and Engineer. Just doesn't have that same excitement as Chrono turning back time or Mirage's unique dodge and ambush skills to me. But! I'm super excited to see more about Necromancer. Getting a pistol sounds amazing to me and I've already planned a new outfit for it. I'm worried about Engineer. 


TL;DR This is way longer than I intended, lol. I'm not hyped. But, I'm cautiously optimistic and just generally excited to play more GW2 because I enjoy the game. 

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Aesthetics, as usual (well mostly) look great. Fishing and skiffs look interesting. Always good for more builds, etc etc.

The eastern theme IS a bit played out in MMOs...so meh.  Im still waiting for huge changes to wvw and other neglected areas.


6.5/10, maybe 7/10.  HoT was absolutely one of the best expansions ive ever played in an mmo.  PoF was...OK.  And Im so sick of Aurene.  Shes been a focus for way too long, and as silly as it is...I REALLY dislike her name.  Its too on the nose.

Edited by cesmode.4257
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Fishing as a main feature is laughably bad. Did they really cancel half a living world for that. 😕 such a let down. And only 1 new mount when pof gave 5. Feels more like a feature patch than an expansion. I do like canthas aesthetic and look forward to the elite specs though, so it gets a 2 from me.

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