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Legendary armor by pve exploration [Merged]

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2 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

I agree with the op and i agree All armor should be tradable and sell-able.. Its a large reason i stopped playing GW2 and stopped using the cash store..


Its also a reason i don't WvW or PvP as you are instakilled unless you have the best gear these days so you cannot even earn anything in those modes.. Best ignored.


Every avenue should be available to get these things..

Maybe you should look into WvW and spvp again.

spvp gear dont matter and WvW you can even cap stuff in white gear.

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6 minutes ago, ASP.8093 said:

Please don't, though.

Or better yet, please do if you're an enemy.


One thing that would help both PvE and WvW is to change all default gear (including from the merchants), from PvT to Celestial, which would round newbies out alot better.


In most cases its not your gear quality that matters as much as the stat spread it provides.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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4 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

Or better yet, please do if you're an enemy.


One thing that would help both PvE and WvW is to change all default gear (including from the merchants), from PvT to Celestial, which would round newbies out alot better.


In most cases its not your gear quality that matters as much as the stat spread it provides.

B..but if I blame the gear I can whine about how unfair the aqusition process is, how it is all P2W and basically I'm a victim and everyone else is a big, old meanyhead. If it's somehow tied to skill it could be my own fault for failure and we got rid of that concept somewhen in the early 2000s....

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15 hours ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

Does it make ascended gear better than legendary one? If your point is that legendary gear is harder to get then read here, it's not an argument because it's not a problem.



The point is that the situations are not comparable. If someone spend the money it took to get a leg armor set on builds in ascended they probably are better equipped as the can atleast gave different weightclasses. 



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2 hours ago, yann.1946 said:

The point is that the situations are not comparable. If someone spend the money it took to get a leg armor set on builds in ascended they probably are better equipped as the can atleast gave different weightclasses. 

The point is that people refuse to admit legendary gear is practically better than ascended gear because in their plain reality only raids do matter and in raids you only need 2-3 sets of ascended gear to cover meta-builds of your profession therefore legendary gear aren't needed. If i want to play in open world and go nuts experimenting with different builds and don't care about raids or PvP, i for some reason have to go to raids or PvP, run to Mystic Forge each time i want to swap stats or craft as many sets of exotic/ascended gear as many different stat combinations i want to try out, which is totally won't be a hell of inventory management. All this to get maximum enjoyment out of game, but all these methods will totally ruin my experience, no one will go to mystic forge to change stats many times per day or craft whole set with specific stats that isn't meta to try out specific build on one specific enemy, many people go in modes they don't like for legendary armor exactly because your suggested methods of solving problem even worse. But hey, open world is easy and doesn't require legendary gear to complete content therefore legendary armor shouldn't be aqcuireble through open world.


People who oppose idea of OW legendary armor are too narrow-minded to see something beside meta play and to admit that play styles that are crucially dependant on legendary gear exist. I do fractal CMs on daily basis for more than 2 months by now and i'm sick of it repetitiveness, i go to raids and when i'm in i only want it to end as soon as possible, i play heal scrapper in WvW 1-3 times a week when i see raid annoncement in discrord, and i leave as soon as my 2 hours boost ends. I did nothing of those before i knew Legendary armory will be a thing, do you think i would play WvW or raids if i would consider stat change in Mystic Forge or crafting tones of ascended gear sets as a good alternative to legendary gear? No way.


Good thing is raids aren't succesfull, and all we'll get is CM's for story mission bosses tweaked to fit 10-man content. I hope strikes CM will fail as well, 10-man instanced content will be abandoned completly and Anet will start to spend resources for some actually intresting and fun cooperative content in open world, because there is so much unused potential for it.

Edited by Rinagal.9235
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5 minutes ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

The point is that people refuse to admit legendary gear is practically better than ascended gear because in their plain reality only raids do matter and in raids you only need 2-3 sets of ascended gear to cover meta-builds of your profession therefore legendary gear aren't needed. If i want to play in open world and go nuts experimenting with different builds and don't care about raids or PvP, i for some reason have to go to raids or PvP, run to Mystic Forge each time i want to swap stats or craft as many sets of exotic/ascended gear as many different stat combinations i want to try out, which is totally won't be a hell of inventory management. All this to get maximum enjoyment out of game, but all these methods will totally ruin my experience, no one will go to mystic forge to change stats many times per day or craft whole set with specific stats that isn't meta to try out specific build on one specific enemy, many people go in modes they don't like for legendary armor exactly because your suggested methods of solving problem even worse. But hey, open world is easy and doesn't require legendary gear to complete content therefore legendary armor shouldn't be aqcuireble through open world.

The reality is that for most players legendary  armour and weapons does not do much in comparison to its cost. Now does it have advantage, absolutely. But for most people they wont change stats enough to warrant it. (Which is why the armory became a thing btw.)


People who oppose idea of OW legendary armor are too narrow-minded to see something beside meta play and to admit that play styles that are crucially dependant on legendary gear exist.

playstyle who cruccially depend on legendary gear have no place in this game period, because they could not exist before legendary armour existed and even know it exists it becomes grinding to have fun which is antitetical to the design. 




I do fractal CMs on daily basis for more than 2 months by now and i'm sick of it repetitiveness, i go to raids and when i'm in i only want it to end as soon as possible, i play heal scrapper in WvW 1-3 times a week when i see raid annoncement in discrord, and i leave as soon as my 2 hours boost ends. I did nothing of those before i knew Legendary armory will be a thing, do you think i would play WvW or raids if i would consider stat change in Mystic Forge or crafting tones of ascended gear sets as a good alternative to legendary gear? No way.

You do them because you like the idea of the statswap. and maybe you are one of the people for which it will be worth it. But for most people it is not from a pure monetary perspective.


Good thing is raids aren't succesfull, and all we get is CM for story mission bosses tweaked to fit 10-man content. I hope strikes CM will fail as well, 10-man instanced content will be abandoned completly and Anet will start to spend resources for some actually intresting and fun cooperative content in open world, because there is so much unused potential for it.

Why do you want content to fail just because you dont like it? 

Honestly thats on a way higher level of toxicity then even the most toxic raiders i have  seen in my life.



Edited by yann.1946
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48 minutes ago, yann.1946 said:

The reality is that for most players legendary  armour and weapons does not do much in comp

So what? What conclusion i must make from it? That if for most players don't really need it then i don't need it either?


48 minutes ago, yann.1946 said:

playstyle who cruccially depend on legendary gear have no place in this game period, because they could not exist before legendary armour existed and even know it exists it becomes grinding to have fun which is antitetical to the design. 

Griffon didn't exist before PoF, yet there's channels on youtube filled with videos of griffon riding made by people who mastered it. There are players who spend big part of their time in game (maybe even most of it) riding a griffon, It alone makes your argument wrong. I like open world, i spent over 3000 hours in game and most of it is open world, and it was before full legendary gear became my goal. I have total access to open world, but softly locked from build crafting, if i can unlock full potential for build crafting by playing mode i like then grinding is not a problem at all, especially if implemented well, i actually liked doing collections for legendary weapons, and even prefered manually farm most of materials in open world for my legendary weapons (for example i did daily runs in Malchor's Leap and Cursed Shore during couple of weeks for Ghost Pepper to craft incinerator instead of just buing it for few golds); .

Edited by Rinagal.9235
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If stat swapping was not locked behind legendary equipment we would see a lot more "non-meta" gameplay in all modes. Simple fact is that many of us look up a meta build and gear up for it because we don't want to build multiple gear sets just to swap builds for different situations or if we want to try a new build. The last time I wanted to try something different on my warrior it was a big time investment because I had to craft and buy everything. It felt bad because it didn't work the way I hoped and I wasn't up for crafting another set of gear to try and tweak the stats. I also didn't want to manage that many peices in my inventory. Stat swapping is on the wrong side of our gear tree right now. Elite armor in GW1 was nothing but a prestigous skin. I'm okay with stat swapping staying on legendary gear because changing that at this point would be an uproar but take away that account bound nonsense, at least on the crafting materials if not the gear itself.

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51 minutes ago, yann.1946 said:

Why do you want content to fail just because you dont like it? 

Because not all content is good and raids in GW2 is the best example of it. I don't even understand why someone play it when we have games like WoW and FF14 that do it better, and most people even play it the same way ignoring GW2's strong features like wide diversity of play styles provided by build craft system and instead just run meta-builds just like WoW players do, where they have only one significant choice of what class/spec to choose. Probably because it's only way to get Legendary Armor through PvE.

Edited by Rinagal.9235
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As an Elementalist main and attempter of raids and pvp on other characters, the WvW legendary armor is the only viable armor path for me at the moment. I've not even started it because to max out my skirmish claim tickets and keep a consistent schedule, I have to rely on my server having zergs. Sadly, this isn't the case for Crystal Desert (that I know of, it was pretty dead when I hopped in for MCs a few week ago). There are some limited options to keep your pips up when all you can do is run around and grab some accessible camps and then wait for them to flip so you can rinse and repeat.

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25 minutes ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

So what? What conclusion i must make from it? That if for most players don't really need it then i don't need it either?

No, just that the problem your describing is niche at best and for most and if you're argument pro something only applies to a ridiculous minority, then it might not be worth the cost of implementation . And you might not be aware, but I'm not against another leg armor set. Their are actual good reason for it, you're just not providing them. 

25 minutes ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

Griffon didn't exist before PoF, yet there's channels on youtube filled with videos of griffon riding made by people who mastered it. There are players who spend big part of their time in game (maybe even most of it) riding a griffon, It alone makes your argument wrong.

No, because their enjoyment of the game is not crucialy tied to the griffon. They probably had fun playing the game before the griffon was released. Ofcourse the griffon enhanced their experience, which is fair. 

25 minutes ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

I like open world, i spent over 3000 hours in game and most of it is open world, and it was before full legendary gear became my goal. I have total access to open world, but softly locked from build crafting, if i can unlock full potential for build crafting by playing mode i like then grinding is not a problem at all, especially if implemented well, i actually liked doing collections for legendary weapons, and even prefered manually farm most of materials in open world for my legendary weapons (for example i did daily runs in Malchor's Leap and Cursed Shore during couple of weeks for Ghost Pepper to craft incinerator instead of just buing it for few golds); .

So your enjoyment /playstyle is not crucialy dependent on legendary armour then. 

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17 minutes ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

Because not all content is good and raids in GW2 is the best example of it. I don't even understand why someone play it when we have games like WoW and FF14 that do it better, and most people even play it the same way ignoring GW2's strong features like wide diversity of play styles provided by build craft system and instead just run meta-builds just like WoW players do, where they have only one significant choice of what class/spec to choose. Probably because it's only way to get Legendary Armor through PvE.

This whole paragraph is just you not understanding raids in this game. And not understanding players in general. Do you think metabuilds are a raid unique feature, that these things are wow related? 

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53 minutes ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

So what? What conclusion i must make from it? That if for most players don't really need it then i don't need it either?

Well, objectively you don't need it. Nobody does. So let's keep it to "want". You want this, however, that isn't enough for Anet to do it. If they had to do everything every single player wants then they will never get anything done and even if a lot of people want it, it may not be good for the game in some way if they get it. 


And of course it's more convenient to have instead of 3 sets of ascended gear but let's be honest, it's a lot less effort and cost to make 3 sets of ascended gear though than a set of legendary gear. It's not as convenient perhaps because of the inventory space it takes up but that's it really. So legendary gear is for cosmetics and convenience purposes but not a requirement to do content. That's the reason I say that it's not "needed" for anyone.


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8 minutes ago, yann.1946 said:

No, just that the problem your describing is niche at best and for most and if you're argument pro something only applies to a ridiculous minority, then it might not be worth the cost of implementation . And you might not be aware, but I'm not against another leg armor set.


How do you know players like me are "ridiculous minority"? If frequency of new content releases for certain modes is any indicative for mode success, then open world is most succesfull mode in GW2, how providing legendary armor for most succesfull mode in the game might be not worth of implementation, especially when every other mode already have it? How do you know there's no players who need legendary armor the same way i do, but yet don't know it, like they didn't know they needed GW2's mounts before they got them.

27 minutes ago, yann.1946 said:

No, because their enjoyment of the game is not crucialy tied to the griffon. They probably had fun playing the game before the griffon was released. Ofcourse the griffon enhanced their experience, which is fair. 

I want to remind you that i didn't say anywhere that my whole enjoyment depends on legendary gear, i said that legendary gear will max out my enjoyment. Reasons why i and other players like me aren't worthy of enhanced experience? Or is it just because one time investment of developers resource to make legendary armor which we don't even ask unique shiny skin for is too much? It's for sure less invesment then develop the whole new set of legendary weapons, gear type that we already have 2 generations of.


44 minutes ago, yann.1946 said:

So your enjoyment /playstyle is not crucialy dependent on legendary armour then. 

People might like many different playstyles, i like open world and build crafting, my enjoyment from open world aren't dependant only on build crafting but might be drastically improved by it, but build crafting softly locked for me, because i have to go to modes i don't like to unlock it, or deal with such huge inconviniences and resource investments that first option becomes autopick, but just lesser evil..

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4 minutes ago, Rinagal.9235 said:


How do you know players like me are "ridiculous minority"? If frequency of new content releases for certain modes is any indicative for mode success, then open world is most succesfull mode in GW2, how providing legendary armor for most succesfull mode in the game might be not worth of implementation, especially when every other mode already have it? How do you know there's no players who need legendary armor the same way i do, but yet don't know it, like they didn't know they needed GW2's mounts before they got them.

I want to remind you that i didn't say anywhere that my whole enjoyment depends on legendary gear, i said that legendary gear will max out my enjoyment. Reasons why i and other players like me aren't worthy of enhanced experience? Or is it just because one time investment of developers resource to make legendary armor which we don't even ask unique shiny skin for is too much? It's for sure less invesment then develop the whole new set of legendary weapons, gear type that we already have 2 generations of.


People might like many different playstyles, i like open world and build crafting, my enjoyment from open world aren't dependant only on build crafting but might be drastically improved by it, but build crafting softly locked for me, because i have to go to modes i don't like to unlock it, or deal with such huge inconviniences and resource investments that first option becomes autopick, but just lesser evil..

Yea there is a good reason that the content that is played the most should not have legendary armor.

Its to entice the people who only play that mode to do the others.



And about you having to craft exotic armors to try different playstyles why is that shouldent you have enough materials through all your pve playing to buy bladed or leystone armor that is stat selectable?

Edited by Linken.6345
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1 hour ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

Because not all content is good and raids in GW2 is the best example of it. I don't even understand why someone play it when we have games like WoW and FF14 that do it better, and most people even play it the same way ignoring GW2's strong features like wide diversity of play styles provided by build craft system and instead just run meta-builds just like WoW players do, where they have only one significant choice of what class/spec to choose. Probably because it's only way to get Legendary Armor through PvE.

What?? GW2 is a challenging game, its promoted as a casual game but that is misleading. Imagine this game without a downstate all those people that die on world boss fights, in story, in metas would change the dynamics of the game and you would see just how mechanically challenging GW2 is. As for raids , I dont know who designed them but they are some of the best mechanically made raid encounters I have ever seen. Better than WoW or FF, and I raided in those games. The raids here can be downright brutal, but the encounters are just so well put together it puts other games to shame. The reason games like wow have a lot of people play in raids is because they opened up LFR, till then only 10% of the players ever saw the inside of a raid. LFR is a raid with the safety rails on, I dont have anything against it. I think it was good for the game community to put it in, it opened up a whole new level of content for the majority of players.


Meta builds exist because they do the best at what content they are aimed at. Open world has meta builds everything does. Can you run a custom build, sure you can, if you are good you will be successful at it. But theorycrafting is part of the fun of gaming, can I make this work if I swap x with y and do z. And GW2 gives you a big pool to play in.

Edited by Zuldari.3940
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59 minutes ago, yann.1946 said:

This whole paragraph is just you not understanding raids in this game. And not understanding players in general. Do you think metabuilds are a raid unique feature, that these things are wow related? 

Please enlight me on what i don't understand about raids? Maybe i don't understand GW2's unque tanking mechanics that differs from boss to boss? Or i don't understand that there's no holy trinity but insted "control-damage-support" role sytem which makes the whole experience is sooooo different? What is GW2 raid's unique feature and what i don't understand about players?


34 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

Well, objectively you don't need it. Nobody does. So let's keep it to "want". You want this, however, that isn't enough for Anet to do it. If they had to do everything every single player wants then they will never get anything done and even if a lot of people want it, it may not be good for the game in some way if they get it. 


And of course it's more convenient to have instead of 3 sets of ascended gear but let's be honest, it's a lot less effort and cost to make 3 sets of ascended gear though than a set of legendary gear. It's not as convenient perhaps because of the inventory space it takes up but that's it really. So legendary gear is for cosmetics and convenience purposes but not a requirement to do content. That's the reason I say that it's not "needed" for anyone.


Oh god, i really don't want to go back to the point in discussion which i already elaborated on. I don't need legendary gear to complete content, complete content isn't my goal, my goal is to get maximum of fun and enjoyment from the game and legendary gear is critical part of my goal, so yes, i totally need legendary gear for my goal, not just "want" it.

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It's time to stop pretending this is a buildcraft issue.


The statistical difference between Exotic and Ascended/Legendary Armour is negligible.

The vast majority of relevant stat sets can be purchased on the tp for peanuts.

The game showers you in stat selectable armour boxes.

4 of a player's 6 trinkets can be obtained easily in Bloodstone Fen and Stat reset for 100 unbound magic (total)

Ascended armour can be stat changed cheaply and easily.


Players doing actual buildcraft, (not Forum Buildcraft) know and understand the above.


The actual buildcrafters were doing their thing  before legendary armour....before stat selectable exotics... before Bloodstone Fen.


Claiming this desire for Legendary Armour is powered by buildcraft is intellectual dishonesty.

Edited by mindcircus.1506
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1 minute ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

Claiming this desire for Legendary Armour is powered by buildcraft is intellectual dishonesty.

Im honest about my desire for legendary armor through another means. The QoL of armory cant be beat, and i think it would make areas of the game that are abandoned become active again. Again not asking for any unique envoy skins, just the functionality of the armory. It could be a plain looking set for all I care. 

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23 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yea there is a good reason that the content that is played the most should not have legendary armor.

Its to entice the people who only play that mode to do the others.

And for them to find out they don't like it and as result being forced to play modes they don't like if they want to reach their goal, and as we all know force players to do content they don't like is the best way to keep players interest in the game.


32 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

And about you having to craft exotic armors to try different playstyles why is that shouldent you have enough materials through all your pve playing to buy bladed or leystone armor that is stat selectable?

Should i calculate for you how many items i will have to craft/buy to have exotic armor set for every possible stat combination (and i suppose we will get new stat combinations in expension), how many inventory space i'll need to have (did you think it's free?) to maintain this collection for each character? I'm not even saying about exotics have less stats.

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50 minutes ago, Rinagal.9235 said:


How do you know players like me are "ridiculous minority"? If frequency of new content releases for certain modes is any indicative for mode success, then open world is most succesfull mode in GW2, how providing legendary armor for most succesfull mode in the game might be not worth of implementation, especially when every other mode already have it? How do you know there's no players who need legendary armor the same way i do, but yet don't know it, like they didn't know they needed GW2's mounts before they got them.

Because as far as I've known(I have to look at the quote again) most people don't even have traits selected. And a lot of people who wanted legendary armour might already have gotten it through different modes. 


You're not asking the set for ow players, 

Your asking for a set for exclusively ow players, and that's a way smaller group then the former. 

50 minutes ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

I want to remind you that i didn't say anywhere that my whole enjoyment depends on legendary gear, i said that legendary gear will max out my enjoyment. Reasons why i and other players like me aren't worthy of enhanced experience? Or is it just because one time investment of developers resource to make legendary armor which we don't even ask unique shiny skin for is too much? It's for sure less invesment then develop the whole new set of legendary weapons, gear type that we already have 2 generations of.


You said crucialy depent on it, that does imply you can't have it without. 


And I repeat, I've never said that I'm against ow armour. I'm explaining why it might not be worth it. 

50 minutes ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

People might like many different playstyles, i like open world and build crafting, my enjoyment from open world aren't dependant only on build crafting but might be drastically improved by it, but build crafting softly locked for me, because i have to go to modes i don't like to unlock it, or deal with such huge inconviniences and resource investments that first option becomes autopick, but just lesser evil..

And that is a good reason to not make an ow, it pushes people to different gamemodes. 

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36 minutes ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

Please enlight me on what i don't understand about raids? Maybe i don't understand GW2's unque tanking mechanics that differs from boss to boss? Or i don't understand that there's no holy trinity but insted "control-damage-support" role sytem which makes the whole experience is sooooo different? What is GW2 raid's unique feature and what i don't understand about players?


So first, not all bosses have tanks and the thing gw2 raids have above all else is that they use the gw2 combat. Why do you think a chrono was the Meta tank for such a long time. How do active defenses play into encounter design etc. 


About what you don't understand about players. Who do you think does the most build craft? Why do you think meta evolves? 

And how many people do you think actively engage with the builssystem to overcome encounters in pve.? 

36 minutes ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

Oh god, i really don't want to go back to the point in discussion which i already elaborated on. I don't need legendary gear to complete content, complete content isn't my goal, my goal is to get maximum of fun and enjoyment from the game and legendary gear is critical part of my goal, so yes, i totally need legendary gear for my goal, not just "want" it.


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3 hours ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

The point is that people refuse to admit legendary gear is practically better than ascended gear because in their plain reality only raids do matter and in raids you only need 2-3 sets of ascended gear to cover meta-builds of your profession therefore legendary gear aren't needed. If i want to play in open world and go nuts experimenting with different builds and don't care about raids or PvP, i for some reason have to go to raids or PvP, run to Mystic Forge each time i want to swap stats or craft as many sets of exotic/ascended gear as many different stat combinations i want to try out, which is totally won't be a hell of inventory management. All this to get maximum enjoyment out of game, but all these methods will totally ruin my experience, no one will go to mystic forge to change stats many times per day or craft whole set with specific stats that isn't meta to try out specific build on one specific enemy, many people go in modes they don't like for legendary armor exactly because your suggested methods of solving problem even worse. But hey, open world is easy and doesn't require legendary gear to complete content therefore legendary armor shouldn't be aqcuireble through open world.


People who oppose idea of OW legendary armor are too narrow-minded to see something beside meta play and to admit that play styles that are crucially dependant on legendary gear exist. I do fractal CMs on daily basis for more than 2 months by now and i'm sick of it repetitiveness, i go to raids and when i'm in i only want it to end as soon as possible, i play heal scrapper in WvW 1-3 times a week when i see raid annoncement in discrord, and i leave as soon as my 2 hours boost ends. I did nothing of those before i knew Legendary armory will be a thing, do you think i would play WvW or raids if i would consider stat change in Mystic Forge or crafting tones of ascended gear sets as a good alternative to legendary gear? No way.


Good thing is raids aren't succesfull, and all we'll get is CM's for story mission bosses tweaked to fit 10-man content. I hope strikes CM will fail as well, 10-man instanced content will be abandoned completly and Anet will start to spend resources for some actually intresting and fun cooperative content in open world, because there is so much unused potential for it.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Forge_Conduit_(container)   <--- very cool item
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Permanent_Bank_Access_Express  <--- also a very cool item!

Now you do not have to run to LA to change your stats! 
also https://killproof.me/proof/rdP9 ... curious... 

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