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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. Make all weapon skills require a target. Get rid of the endless aoe spam everywhere, make people actually target an enemy and use the skill at the right time (otherwise they get constant out of range or no line of sights). Doing that would solve a lot of things, small and large.
  2. Much bigger toxic group ftw as most servers use , zergling mentality rules. Pffft Dude... Even in reallife you could take big castles with a much bigger army. All you want it to be is untakable structures to hide behind.Honestly at what point would it be acceptable to take an objective in your opinion? If no defender is there at all? Well, you can´t defend if there´s no defender or rather it´s pointlessto delay the inevitable when there are no reinforcements. As it should be... If you have no reinforcements and cant hold it against a much bigger blob, then you should lose it.Same question to you.When exactly is it acceptable to take a structure in your opinion? If there is no scout, not a single defender? You all make it seem like it should be impossible to take a keep, as long as there is atleast 1 person inside... I think the problem the OP has (and several others), which I somewhat agree with, is it should take more than 25 seconds to take a T3 tower. More than 1 minute to take a T3 keep. Regardless of how many people were attacking or defending. Groups that know what they are doing can do that, from siege drop to flip, 25 seconds is ridiculous, especially since it likely took 2 hours or more to get the structure to T3. If you're lucky you might get a chance to use invulnerable, but in NA, it's almost always trolled right before the attack. Siege disablers are blocked because good groups are just that, and not every class has the option to make their attacks unblockable before trying to throw a disable. I totally agree that the structure should be lost, but the time to enter and flip is exactly what the ktrain blobs asked for and it's far too low. There needs to be a middle ground. Those numbers are not rly a thing, a full t3 keep takes more than 1 mimute to take, even when empty. Not to mention that structual invuln already is 1 whole minute when activated lolNot sure where you play or when, but those numbers are not something I made up. T3 towers are flipped before the swords even pop on it (which is 30 seconds). So we started timing certain megablobs, a T3 tower can be flipped in 25 seconds, from the second siege is dropped to the lord is dead. 25 whole seconds. It was only 45 seconds before all the crying T3 stuff was too hard to take, and anet agreed with the server hopping (paid gem transfer) superblobs, who just want to fight doors. Some T3 keeps require almost no time to flip. You can flip T3 hills in 50 seconds from siege drop to flip...if you are good, and know what you are doing. It should not be that easy, even if everyone is asleep.
  3. The blood ruby backpack is only 200. Literally the best asc backpack in the game since it can be stat changed any time you need to. If you like wvw, you can do the reward track for bloodstone fen over and over, you get 50 rubies every track and a track can be done in 4-8 hours depending on boosts. I have this track on repeat for this exact reason.
  4. Much bigger toxic group ftw as most servers use , zergling mentality rules. Pffft Dude... Even in reallife you could take big castles with a much bigger army. All you want it to be is untakable structures to hide behind.Honestly at what point would it be acceptable to take an objective in your opinion? If no defender is there at all? Well, you can´t defend if there´s no defender or rather it´s pointlessto delay the inevitable when there are no reinforcements. As it should be... If you have no reinforcements and cant hold it against a much bigger blob, then you should lose it.Same question to you.When exactly is it acceptable to take a structure in your opinion? If there is no scout, not a single defender? You all make it seem like it should be impossible to take a keep, as long as there is atleast 1 person inside... I think the problem the OP has (and several others), which I somewhat agree with, is it should take more than 25 seconds to take a T3 tower. More than 1 minute to take a T3 keep. Regardless of how many people were attacking or defending. Groups that know what they are doing can do that, from siege drop to flip, 25 seconds is ridiculous, especially since it likely took 2 hours or more to get the structure to T3. If you're lucky you might get a chance to use invulnerable, but in NA, it's almost always trolled right before the attack. Siege disablers are blocked because good groups are just that, and not every class has the option to make their attacks unblockable before trying to throw a disable. I totally agree that the structure should be lost, but the time to enter and flip is exactly what the ktrain blobs asked for and it's far too low. There needs to be a middle ground.
  5. Remove all siege except oil and rams, limit rams to 3 on a gate (where they can only hit the gate if the oil can hit them).Only siege damage contests structures.Make it so that all weapon skills require a target to cast. Now attackers and defenders have an equal chance (because now ALL weapon skills require line of sight).No more attackers painting walls with aoes (because they need a target and LOS to cast it, no more defender siege advantage inside - not that it really existed). I could go on with the other suggestions, but this post was only talking about siege and walls, so I'll stop here for now.
  6. We have been asking since launch for them to add the option to "turn off other players effects". Boss fights are a seizure inducing light show...they don't care. Every MMO for 2 decades has had this option...except, you guessed it, this one.
  7. Didn't they just change it so that open world pvp now requires you to "opt in"? Meaning, all you are gonna see is gank groups who 10v1 and then turn off their pvp flag so they can't be hit back. Not even worth the time to install it.
  8. The same thing happened when they switched to Amazon servers. Anet claims it made things better, yet nearly everyone's ping doubled.Go figure.
  9. Thank you for finally moving the wall back at smc so that red keep can not treb it. Problems:You can still hit red keep from smc.You can use a mount to jump from the northeast outer corner straight on to the outer wall.Mendons tower has a broken wall all the time that can't be repaired. Might as well rename it Mendons camp. Can we please get these fixed this week, and not "never"? While you are looking at wvw, can you please, please fix the trait for oil? You can still be knocked off it when traited. It's been reported for years, still nothing. Edit: I forgot the cannons. Please put the north wall cannons for smc, ON the wall. Right now they are just floating in the air, 10 feet off the ground and 20 feet north of the wall, so can't be used.
  10. If they made them invulnerable, it would also mean they would have to add in that they can't be shattered while invulnerable either.
  11. Rune of the Scholar, this has been changed; all stats have been removed, equipping 6 gives you a fluffy pink aura. On a more serious note, my confidence level is at an all time low, so I really hope they are awake while doing this.
  12. A few steps and a glide is a "JP"?Come on now.... I love JP's, they are the only part of the holiday events I look forward too, and I think it's dumb to have it at the beginning of a "fight".
  13. Just from a pure dps perspective, you have figured out something that Anet hasn't yet. The problem they ran into, was they half-assed removed the trinity, but left armor weights in the game. There really isn't a way for them to fix it at this point. Soo many things are broken that just can't be balanced anymore.
  14. One of my favorite things to say in map chat is: "It's time for the (insert time) double team" when both enemies are in our third. Mostly, because it triggers dumb people who think you're whining, despite all of wvw being a double team. It's literally how RvR works in a 3 way matchup.
  15. I love that people say it takes soo much to set up. Auto attack anything, once, pop 2 signets, instantly down whatever you hit. I've been hit for 30k in minstrels by this build, with no vulnerability stacks. I've also been playing this build all week, and it is pretty ridiculous. I switched to the gun flame version last night, I find it more fun, but does considerably less damage.
  16. If the Charr get uppity, the Asura will just turn off all their waypoints. Good luck getting around.At that point, they will likely just go back to blaming each other for their predicament and then the infighting will start...again.
  17. During one of the "devs play wvw" this was brought up (November I think). Their reply was basically "there's nothing we can do, this is as good as it's gonna get". They said if they find a skill in particular that can be tweeked some to improve it they can try, but that basically the game is what it is. Lag is now just a feature.
  18. Once a day... You either play 24/7, your account is hella lucky or you are exaggeratimg quite a bit I finish all my tickets on 3 accts each week, occasionally 4, and I don't average an ascended drop a day. In fact, I get an ascended drop maybe once every 3 weeks.
  19. The intern that programmed it isn't surprised.Neither are any of the rest of us.
  20. So staff AOE skills need a target? No peppering the tops of walls with Marks from Necros? No barrage from Rangers? No storms from Eles? That would, I think, significantly and negatively affect the game. I agree with all the rest though. I don't think it negatively affects the game. One of the other problems wvw has is walls. Attackers can farm you on them, defenders can die on them, not much else can happen (this assumes equal skill and game mode knowledge by both sides). This thread was about stealth so that's all I included, but I have (several times in the past) included other suggestions for wvw. To help understand why making all weapon skills require a target wouldn't hinder wvw: Remove all siege from wvw, except rams and oil, limit rams to 3 on a gate (if placed outside oil damage range, they can't hit the gate), if you want to take something, you have to walk to it and take it, no longer hiding in fully fortified smc with trebs and waiting to treb it downOnly siege damage contests a structure, this would actually allow attackers to kill gate guards and build rams before the timer startsMaking all weapon skills require a target would make the walls an even fight (no siege on walls, only oil), meaning each side needs to target an enemy AND time their attacks to hit them, instead of the attacker spamming the wall with marks, etc, and the defender having 0 chance to hit ground defenders. With weapon skills requiring a target, both sides would often get a no line of sight to target error, but it evens the playing field, for both sides, and for stealthers. Defenders can't hide inside with tons of siege and repel the attack, attackers can't just treb it down, or aoe the walls and defenders down from the almost certain safety of ground outside. People would actually have to fight other people to take and defend stuff.Remove downstate. Numbers may be the determining factor for every fight, but if a skilled small group can slowly thin out a blob, they should be able to, instead of .1 sec resses being the only reason the blob wins.Just more food for thought, Anet.
  21. Please just pretend Anet never mentioned alliances...they aren't coming. Any solution to bandwagoning and server stacking is never coming. Transfers = gem sales, not much else to say.
  22. Honestly @OP, I would just forget they ever mentioned alliances. It's been 2 years since they were announced, and we now know by their Q1 2020 plans, that they won't even have started working on them by then either. People keep bandwagoning to outblob smaller servers, and those gem sales are likely a big motivator for them to never actually start work on alliances. Can we just move on from this topic, because it's never going to happen.
  23. Don't worry, the following balance patch will read something like this: "We've heard your concerns and we've taken a look at everything problematic. We're going to reduce damage by around 25% on all profession skills and reduce healing and boon support by 50% on all professions. Guardians will be getting a 150% boost to their damage potential and boon output to compensate. We've also buffed all Warrior skills by 100% because we felt they weren't performing how we'd like." Sadly, you are probably quoting some internal memo of theirs for the new balance patch.
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