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How do top players in Ranked PvP get a win record like 48 - 3?

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Right now on NA the top player Zenyus has a score of 48 wins, 3 losses.


This seems impossible to me. Even if he is the best player in the world, queuing with the 2nd best player in the world, it just seems like you would get screwed by getting randomly bad teammates more often than 3 out of 51 matches.


Are guys with these huge win records cheating?

Edited by Silverpoopoo.1476
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13 minutes ago, Silverpoopoo.1476 said:

Right now on NA the top player Zenyus has a score of 48 wins, 3 losses.


This seems impossible to me. Even if he is the best player in the world, queuing with the 2nd best player in the world, it just seems like you would get screwed by getting randomly bad teammates more often than 3 out of 51 matches.


Are guys with these huge win records cheating?

No, there's a reason he plays thief. The ability to decap far, rotate mid to +1, then recap home and then go back far before the enemy warrior/engi can even make it back to mid is HUGE. 


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4 hours ago, Silverpoopoo.1476 said:

Right now on NA the top player Zenyus has a score of 48 wins, 3 losses.


This seems impossible to me. Even if he is the best player in the world, queuing with the 2nd best player in the world, it just seems like you would get screwed by getting randomly bad teammates more often than 3 out of 51 matches.


Are guys with these huge win records cheating?


- NA ladders arent very competetive. So if they play during off hours, its very likely they play versus players that cant compete with them. 

- A duo with 2 players playing classes that can burst can pick apart teams quite easily. Especially if those players are a level or two below them. 


So no they arent cheating. They just use the bad matchmaking system + lack of competition to their advantage.

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5 hours ago, jwhite.7012 said:

No, there's a reason he plays thief. The ability to decap far, rotate mid to +1, then recap home and then go back far before the enemy warrior/engi can even make it back to mid is HUGE. 


It is not about teef ,,, just go duo and take 2 bursts no matter which class ... play off hours and farm bots and/or not exp. players 

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7 hours ago, jwhite.7012 said:

No, there's a reason he plays thief. The ability to decap far, rotate mid to +1, then recap home and then go back far before the enemy warrior/engi can even make it back to mid is HUGE. 


No Thief doesn’t carry SoloQ, again.

He just duo’s off-time, doesn’t matter what class you run. If you got a buddy, you can pretty much steamroll off-time.

”Rotate mid to +1” only works if his team survives the teamfight. If team dies and wipes in fights, its over and out as thief.

Thief is very strong rotationally speaking, but only if his team doesn’t die/feed fights. It comes both ways. A strong team with a thief makes an unbelievable great team. Mediocre team wiping fights with thief = most cases hard loss if enemy team doesn’t throw. 


A Holo can still sidenode 1v1 in such scenario and carry the wipes but it doesnt have the mobility to +1 as efficiently as a thief.

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holy kitten thats actually a pretty good question.... i see it often myself when checking the top spots and i always thought those ppl are sus and fall into the "win trading" category. I played once with top 20 ppl in a team against other top 20 ppl and they instantly fired at each other with wintrading. Seems like its common practice in top 50 to que up with f2p alt accounts at the same time, hope  that the f2p account lands in enemy team, so it can sabotage the enemy team by either beeing hard afk or playing stupid af. 


But what other ppl explained here seems more legit actually xD. But the idea playing ranked at off-times is no secret. Means isnt it rather likely to play against ppl around your elo than against bots/lower elos? Since obviously he isnt the only one abusing off-time matchups


But its sooooo truee what ppl are writing here.... i always got a feeling that spvp conquest, as it is since now is very very prone to be exploited. Starting off with the matchmaking system and duo-queing. I mean this is not only Rank-farming ... imagine how fast they reach byzant chest and how many times they can repeat it. Thats actually very fast gold-making.

Edited by Yakuzai.6593
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48 and 3 is impossible to get given that premade's are not allowed in pvp, which means 60% of your team is going to be a crap shoot.


Imagine playing 51 game's and 94% of the time you queue you queue with people your in your MMR bracket with our population, you roll no afks, you roll consistent teams like no weird double thief double mesmer issue's, and 94% of time 60% of you team is as competent or more competent then you are.


Long story short its bulshit win trading or some nefarious kitten going down.


Winning 48 out of 51 Games is a 94% win ratio with out the ability to create a stable team.


Maximum amount of people you can queue with is 2 which means of the 5 you have only 40% of you team will be consistent and reliable assuming he plays great for 48 games, thats where those numbers came from. Just to add it would be entirely possible for some one to have that kinda WR with the ability to queue as a full 5 but as a duo?  NO.

Edited by Genesis.5169
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There's a million ways to abuse matchmaking really, pick your poison. Some PvP streamers do soloq only streams but log on at degenerate hours to tryhard duoq and keep their rating up. Same people who say "lmao I don't even try in ranked" but their egos can't take not being in the top 10 every season.


Even at high plat 2 you often need to win 3-4 games to make up for a single loss, it's just not sustainable or worth the stress to do it the legit way.

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18 minutes ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:


I'm having trouble finding your ranked matches stream/broadcasts...


most of the VODs thats on my twitch channel where i play thief im queuing ranked, just ignore the last couple streams where ive played harbinger and there you go


Edit: you can also check narus VODs and im sure that youll find us duo queuing 

Edited by Zenyus.2569
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I mean in EU we often have the first 10 players with 0 losses and >30 wins, they simply don't queue at the same times so they don't play against each other but against high gold/low plat unorganized players who obviously don't stand a chance. The game simply doesn't have enough population for pvp matchmaking to work, which is a result of the treatment pvp had from the dev team.

Edited by Kanto.2485
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Of you course you can manipule matchmaking.

Already the "night" platinium players don't have same level then "day" platinium players; because they often match with restricted community, and so match often with lower players > more victories or generous balance of rating points on 1:1 >everybody  rises in ranks.


You can also be very good, to carry a lot and have chance to have okai allies.

Edited by Zhaid Zhem.6508
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5 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:

48 and 3 is impossible to get given that premade's are not allowed in pvp, which means 60% of your team is going to be a crap shoot.


Imagine playing 51 game's and 94% of the time you queue you queue with people your in your MMR bracket with our population, you roll no afks, you roll consistent teams like no weird double thief double mesmer issue's, and 94% of time 60% of you team is as competent or more competent then you are.


Long story short its bulshit win trading or some nefarious kitten going down.


Winning 48 out of 51 Games is a 94% win ratio with out the ability to create a stable team.


Maximum amount of people you can queue with is 2 which means of the 5 you have only 40% of you team will be consistent and reliable assuming he plays great for 48 games, thats where those numbers came from. Just to add it would be entirely possible for some one to have that kinda WR with the ability to queue as a full 5 but as a duo?  NO.

you would be surprised how many games in a row you can win by tryharding duoQ in the middle of the night.
My record was 23 winstreak on a ranger soloQ ( im not very good at ranger )
I could see someone much better then me, with duoQ on top of abusing matchmaker easily get 10-15 wins before losing reliably.
To top it off if you do that most other good players will also avoid you, making it even easier for you.
No matter how bad your team is, all you have to do is play something like rev+thief, and repeatedly keep killing enemy gold players as that's what matchmaker will throw at you at night.
I bet the 3 loses he got was due to DC's if anything. As there is simply lack of good players during nightly times and nobody can fight back.

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he's above average clearly


2 he plays offhours


3 he duo q


But let's talk about the other players


The other ppl lower in leaderboards  don't wanna risk getting matched against zenyus


So they add him to their friendlist to be aware when he's on


This leaves zenyus free to farm ppl gold 2-, the only ppl that could beat him just dodge him, everything from there is free win, i guess those 3 games he was matched with bots or ppl that rage on their team and afk after throwing their bodies 1v3 mid.

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Like all ppl here are writing more or less the same --> Matchmaking at off-times throw stupid brain afk or simply bad player or bots at you on a silver plate to getting farmed. Ok, got that.

But actively abusing this mechanic, doesnt this make the top 10 player, especially the first spot (in this case) actually a very very poor and bad player? Like how bad and frustrated do u have to be to abuse matchmaking to play against weaker opponents... and on top of that even as duo-premates!?!?!? Tbh thats the only conclusion i can draw from it.

Edited by Yakuzai.6593
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It is combination of

1. being really good (even i as rather mediocre thief can solo 2-3 people in gold at times (ah i love placements); top players are completely different story)

2. playing duoQ only (if 1 really good player can solo 2-3 people if not more, take a guess what 2 can do? If they got the right momentum all they need to do for the rest of the match is farming enemy at spawn - seen it plenty of times)

3. queuing at "dead" hours so they face only lower ranks making it a farm experience

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