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Afkers problem

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There are a lot of people afk in the world boss fight like Drakkar and Dragonstorm . They did nothing but making the boss harder for those who really fighting the boss  , we have to waste more time to kill the boss for them and they still get reward. I think this is not fair for the people who really do things. I really hope Anet can do something about this.

Sorry about my bad English


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34 minutes ago, ngairon.2018 said:

There are a lot of people afk in the world boss fight like Drakkar and Dragonstorm . They did nothing but making the boss harder for those who really fighting the boss  , we have to waste more time to kill the boss for them and they still get reward. I think this is not fair for the people who really do things. I really hope Anet can do something about this.

Sorry about my bad English


Scaling could be changed to how many ppl attack instead of how many people in that area. Or how is it now? 



Can't stop ppl from AFK since there could be good reasons for someone to sudden be temporary afk. 

Same to can not force people to have proper gear.


When dmg dealer NR 1 does 20% of all boss dmg it makes other active player in a full squad look kinda AFK 11111 clicking...


Another solution is to make those Big Boss Fights shorter or with phases and participation extra rewards like increase ur drop chance how more phases u struck gold reward level. 


Multi boxing is something what as well increases amount of AFK players 

Edited by Balsa.3951
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Scaling or not doesn't change the fact that afk and leeching leaves a very bad aftertaste for everyone that actually put efforts into the fight, some even cracking joke back at us when being talked to. Yes we can't judge how ppl play the game but how they played might one day affected the way ppl thinking and interacting with them. Right now it has becomed a culture in almost every mmos out there and there isn't really a way to stop this.

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I understand that sometimes a player has to go afk for legit reasons, but the behavior of an afk player who is leeching is different then someone whose mom called them to take out the trash. 

I assume players who leech have no shame so I don’t mind commenting on their behavior in /s  it has sometimes resulted in those players becoming more engaged. I have never had anyone suggest they were justified in being afk, they either start playing or straight up admit to leeching. 

fortunately, most of the time I am playing, leeches are not something I see since I am facing the boss, not the peanut gallery behind me. 

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9 hours ago, ngairon.2018 said:

I just fight a Drakkar when there were 3 to 4 people hit Drakkar then stand there do nothing until the fights end ,  and they kept dying , people waste time to rez them .  

I dont rez anymore I think the downstate mechanic needs to go away in open world. It just makes everything harder when you try to rez people that dont even move taking your time away from the mechanics of the boss or meta. I think downstate is fine in raids strikes fractals, but people abuse it in open world making it harder for everyone else.

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Yup, that seems to be the problem when the goal is to make everything more or less an "autowin' instead of giving incentives for people to improve by learning the game/content.

It even gets a little funnier when apparently the goal of some people is to leech the legendary armor:

17 hours ago, Captain Kuro.8937 said:

Just give me an easy mode and let me "leach" if you believe so


So sure, maybe leave some content "easy" to the point of being "autowin", but also make sure there are some worthy rewards behind the content that need actual participation or this situation will never improve.


24 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Meh, people will just die and lay there in the hopes of being rezzed after the event.  Happens a lot in many of the world bosses now.  Frozen Maw is a prime example where the WP is really close, but people just lay there dead anyway.  Golem Mark II is another example.

Yup, I get it when someone dies near the end, but if someone dies at the beginning/in the middle of the encounter and then just stays on the ground for next 5 minutes, I'm not rezing them. Sure, someone will, but not me 😄  

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 minute ago, Soggy Biscuit.9372 said:

If they really wanted, they could make it so you don't get rewarded if you don't contribute a certain percentage of dmg/healing done throughout an encounter. My guess is keeping those leecher types playing outweighs the cost of implementing something like that.

Why play a game if you dont want to ..ya know , play the game?

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9 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

Or how is it now?


Right now the game will upscale every mop in the area based on the number of players around it, operating under the assumption that every player fights every mob which is totally unrealistic leading to a situation where even if there are no AFKlers around there is almost always no point in attacking anything but the boss mob in question. AFKlers can drag a fight out quite a bit but they are usually the most destructive in content like DRMs where enemy HP seems to be multiplied by the amount of people in the instance.



2 minutes ago, Soggy Biscuit.9372 said:

If they really wanted, they could make it so you don't get rewarded if you don't contribute a certain percentage of dmg/healing done throughout an encounter.


I can't see that happen as this wouldn't just punish those who are intentionally leeching but also those who are just bad at the game (whats the DPS of "the average player" again? something between 1 and 5k iirc.) which is not in A-Nets interest.

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3 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

I can't see that happen as this wouldn't just punish those who are intentionally leeching but also those who are just bad at the game (whats the DPS of "the average player" again? something between 1 and 5k iirc.) which is not in A-Nets interest.

Also, in low level areas, it'd weirdly punish those who are actually appropriate level for the boss/event, but dwarfed in damage/healing by the level 80s swooping in to get the credit.  I saw that a lot today with the event daily.  Level scaling just isn't that effective.

Edited by Lyssia.4637
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11 minutes ago, Soggy Biscuit.9372 said:

If they really wanted, they could make it so you don't get rewarded if you don't contribute a certain percentage of dmg/healing done throughout an encounter. My guess is keeping those leecher types playing outweighs the cost of implementing something like that.

You could..


But here is what would happen:

100 people show up.

1% is the threshold

players A, B, C, and D are raiders with extremely effective rotations who do 4-5% of the damage of this boss, leaving 80% to the remaining 94 players…


and boom..  half of those, despite trying hard, get nothing.  Because they didn’t cross that % threshold….,


People complain when things get ‘hard’.  

they’ll blow up the forum if it takes a percentage to get credit.

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This is usually why I stay in the back end of an encounter...So I can see who's leeching and who's actually playing.  If I suspect someone is just leeching, I don't bother going to their aid for the rez, I just leave them down, but I'll go to the others and support them.  Once in awhile I will see someone who starts off well in the fight's and then suddenly they've gone afk or something...sometime's that happens...I figure they got distracted by something IRL and had to shoot off real quick.  I know it happens...can't blame those guys when it does.  I've had it happen to me a time or two when I've had to run off when a boss was 2/3's down because of something going on...Someone hit my in the parking lot, unexpected visitor, unexpected phone call, unexpected ISP disconnection, whatever and just couldn't complete a fight. 

The thing is, when these things happen, I usually just shut down my game and computer...or if I leave it running, I don't expect someone to rez my kitten bum...because chances are, I know that, even after the boss or whatever is competed, I may not return again and the area mobs are just gonna kill me again.  There's no point.  Leave my corpse to rot in place until I get back to my keyboard and I can WP to wherever I gotta go...regardless of whether or not I get my loots if I've earned any.

The leechers, though, yeah, they are the worst.  But it has been going on since forever and game dev's haven't done anything really to prevent it.  As long as they start out with a few whacks on the big guys, they got their hits in and as far as the game is concerned, that's technically enough for participation.  What are the devs going to do about it?  Probably nothing.  Would be nice if they did put a cap on how many hits are required for technical participation on a world event or boss fight to reduce the amount of AFK Leechers, but I don't foresee it happening.  They'll either QQ about it until it's changed back or they'll find another way to subvert the system to get the loots with minimal effort just like they've been doing.

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If someone needs a full rez and is too lazy to WP in the middle of the fight, it's not worth it to help them anyhow -- takes too long and you'll probably end up getting downed as well for your trouble.


I've definitely had to go AFK in inconvenient places or during fights, but at least I have enough in me to hoof it back; unfortunately, there's no real good solution to stop people from leeching like they are cus even a small amount of damage to get bronze is enough for some people.

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I looked up the wiki for some background to the event participation system and came across this


Should a player wander away from the event's location for too long, they will receive a notification stating "Due to inactivity, you are no longer participating in EventName." and will no longer earn event rewards if it is actually completed (by others).

Source:  GW2 Wiki - Dynamic Event


So it seems there is some semblance of a system in place that can measure time away from the event area.  So the problem remains is AFK within the event area.

I know that event credit is based on damage contributed.  I'm not sure there is a system that tracks damage dealt throughout the duration of an event.  It seems that each event has it's own background thresholds that player damage is compared to.  Those that meet certain thresholds (regardless of when the threshold is met) gains the reward level of that threshold.  I see no indication that this system works otherwise.

I'm also not sure if healing, alone, is tracked in event participation.  I remember, long long ago, that the subject of not getting participation for healing was a major issue.  I see nothing on the wiki that shows that healing gains event participation credit.


This brings up a potential issue.  To measure thresholds over time will cause players to focus only on damage to the detriment of all other mechanics.  Players will want to constantly ensure they meet the threshold while ignoring downed (not defeated) players, ignoring break bar, etc.  Damage will be the sole focus at all times.  Also, any interruption to participating in the event will fuel some very negative emotions.

Doesn't seem worth it.

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They don’t need damage or healing threshold for participation. Skill-usage participation is enough. As long as the player manually uses meaningful skills (damage skills on event enemies, healing skills on allies) on a regular basis, they get credit. This way, even players who are not good or have bad internet connection can get credit as long as they actively do something, but players who only auto attack or just AFK get nothing.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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5 hours ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

They don’t need damage or healing threshold for participation. Skill-usage participation is enough. As long as the player manually uses meaningful skills (damage skills on event enemies, healing skills on allies) on a regular basis, they get credit. This way, even players who are not good or have bad internet connection can get credit as long as they actively do something, but players who only auto attack or just AFK get nothing.

This creates a problem where the easiest means of getting event participation credit is to constantly press all the number keys on your keyboard.

The alternative is to create a system that is intelligent enough to determine what skill is appropriate for any given situation.  it must also track all skills used by every player in every situation.  The processing power for such tracking is far beyond the technological resources of most software companies.  Correct usage is also a feat of artificial intelligence that I'm not aware of anyone or anything is capable of.  I have yet to see any organization create artificial intelligence that can abstractly think as well as a human.


I will admit that it sometimes seems like players just mash all the buttons when fighting in zergs.  Whether or not ArenaNet should condone the spam-all-the-keys gameplay is up for debate.



Has anyone confirmed that healing alone can get event participation?  My support characters are kinda buried in the character selection screen right now and I don't have the energy to log onto every character to maintain that order.  I'm still really not sure if healing is tracked in event participation.

Edited by Rogue.8235
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6 minutes ago, Yggranya.5201 said:

I have been wondering why games, a souce of entrertainment, is something these people "play" while actually they just do it on the side for the rewards and do something else for entertainment. How can it be possible that a lot of people need a distraction from a game?

I unno, personally i always do something else while playing gw2, either watching something on my laptop, running a game on my phone or in some cases writing. The latter of course is usually while im sitting around talking to folks / doing RP. All the multitasking.

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5 hours ago, Rogue.8235 said:

This creates a problem where the easiest means of getting event participation credit is to constantly press all the number keys on your keyboard.

Um… yeah, that’s kind of the point. Right now, afkers just sit there doing nothing, or just auto attacking at best. This will force them to actually use damage skills on event enemies or heal nearby allies and actually contribute something. A leecher randomly spamming attack skills on event enemies may not be as useful as regular players actually playing, but it’s infinitely better than them doing nothing and scaling stuff up.

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