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Why doesn't GW2 have the option of 1x1 duels??

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As far as i know there really is no official 1v1 Button, however if u really want to have an isolated 1v1 there is a very good option --> PvP Browser: there are tons of rooms and a lot of them are open and pretty much always empty.

So u want to duel someone -> open browser -> scroll down, look for empty room -> tell your mate to name of the room and let him join --> Fight! 😄

That way you play in a pvp environment, means by only using pvp gear (amulet, rune, sigils) 

Edited by Yakuzai.6593
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ArenaNet seems to struggle with letting players instantly switch between game modes. Take guild hall arenas for example, which is probably one of the worst places to PvP. Guild halls use the PvE ruleset for abilities. They probably also don't want to have a problem where people try to duel to exploit a PvP ruleset in a PvE setting. We'll probably never see a proper open world 1v1 option with how game modes control how abilities function.


That said, there really should be a dedicated 1v1 area of the game, if only for the amount of interest we can see in it. For now all players can do is pick between a large number of places that have both pros and cons. They should give it a little mists island in the PvP lobby. I don't think that we will see such an area and we'll keep seeing those PvP lobby arena fighters occasionally getting griefed.

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There are 5 ways I know of to have a 1v1 fight in GW2, covering all 3 game modes (and therefore all versions of skills and builds). 3 of them are free and at least 1 is available to everyone.


With PvP skills

  1. The free-for-all arena in the Heart of the Mists. This is the easiest to access because everyone level 2 and above can teleport there for free and go back where they were instantly afterwards. Since it uses PvP builds everyone will have all their skills available and equal equipment. The downside is it's free-for-all so there's a chance someone else could interrupt your duel, but whenever I've looked there's been pairs of players dueling and everyone else left them alone.
  2. Set up a custom PvP arena. This is probably the most complicated to set up and definitely the most expensive, but it also gives you the most customisation options and uses actual PvP maps.


With WvW skills

  1. The Mists Arena in the Edge of the Mists. Also free to access, but free accounts have to be level 60 to enter and it's slightly harder to reach (you have to use a portal in your home base). But you can teleport back where you were afterwards. It used to only let you fight players on opposing servers but it was changed a while ago so you can pick your teams. There's also an identical arena in the Armistice Bastion, but since it's the same and you need a pass from the gem store to reach it I don't count it as a seperate option (but it gives some people an alternative location if the Mists Arena is in use).
  2. The Obsidian Sanctum. This one only lets you fight players on opposing servers, but it can also support any group size (up to 50 I think) and other than getting there it has no set-up involved. It also lets you teleport there from anywhere in the world and teleport back where you were afterwards.


With PvE skills


Go to either player's Guild Arena (you can visit other guild's halls if you're in a party with a guild member). This is probably the most awkward to set up because one duelist has to be in a guild with the right upgrades and the other has to get to the entrance (you can't teleport in and out of other guild's arenas) but it's more customisable than the free arenas and if for some reason you really want to PvP with PvE skills it's currently the only option.



If dueling in open-world maps, cities etc. was possible for Anet to do I'd only support the option if there's a way to disable it, so you cannot be attacked and cannot be spammed with duel invites. Of course it wouldn't stop other forms of 'invites' like constantly spamming skills on top of the person you want to fight or jumping in circles around them hoping to be so annoying they want to kill you even if they have no interest in duelling, which is what usually happens in other games. But at least it might signal to some people that not everyone is interested, especially if the game clearly tells you when you're sending an invite to someone who has them disabled.


Oh, I'd also want it to only be possible in open areas away from NPCs and locations like waypoints where a lot of players are likely to gather because fighting on top of other people who are just trying to get on with things is incredibly annoying and also very common in games which do allow duelling.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

With WvW skills

  1. The Mists Arena in the Edge of the Mists. Also free to access, but free accounts have to be level 60 to enter and it's slightly harder to reach (you have to use a portal in your home base). But you can teleport back where you were afterwards. It used to only let you fight players on opposing servers but it was changed a while ago so you can pick your teams. There's also an identical arena in the Armistice Bastion, but since it's the same and you need a pass from the gem store to reach it I don't count it as a seperate option (but it gives some people an alternative location if the Mists Arena is in use).
  2. The Obsidian Sanctum. This one only lets you fight players on opposing servers, but it can also support any group size (up to 50 I think) and other than getting there it has no set-up involved. It also lets you teleport there from anywhere in the world and teleport back where you were afterwards.

You forgot the main part there though - literally anywhere at any time because there is no way to predict if the next fight is solo. When I run around in WvW I have a tough time not to get dragged into duels on a daily basis.

Not to mention you also forgot the central ABL island - 9 years of WvW later it remain highly popular with duelists and people generally respect/ignore their presence. One could also argue for some areas around SM.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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I want this because ArenaNet doesn't design new map content for PvP.

I'm tired of being forced into an ugly box if I want to enjoy this games combat to it's fullest. It'd be really nice to have fights with friends in the gorgeous PoF maps for example.

PvE players literally get more maps than they could possibly ever use. 

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From what I read most people are against 1v1 options because they personally don't like it and fear that the world starts falling apart should it be introduced.

I personally do not care about 1v1 (because I know that I suck), but the arguments against it are just petty.

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10 minutes ago, Imba.9451 said:

From what I read most people are against 1v1 options because they personally don't like it and fear that the world starts falling apart should it be introduced.

I personally do not care about 1v1 (because I know that I suck), but the arguments against it are just petty.

No, the argument is that we have had 1v1 for 9 years yet its not the 1v1 some people want, they want another 1v1. That we should make special 1v1 just for them is apparently a given.

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21 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

No, the argument is that we have had 1v1 for 9 years yet its not the 1v1 some people want, they want another 1v1. That we should make special 1v1 just for them is apparently a given.

"We" do nothing. Anet does.

Like I said, I do not care about 1v1, but geez, I also don't mind it. You all act like if Anet implemented this, EoD or whatever else content might be up on the horizin will get delayed to the heat-death of the universe.


Personally, the 2 times I did 1v1 was in private arenas. Having a "real" mode for it serves one problem that hasn't even been mentioned yet: Matchfixing. The moment you have such a mode tied to rewards, people will go "red resign" like they did in GW1.

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As others have said...there are places where you can make it happen if that's what you need.


For others crying foul for even the suggestion though, need I remind folks that technically...dueling in pve has been in the game since launch.  It's called costume brawl.  If Anet had the will, I'm sure they could design a similar system or even better, flesh out the one they have...just using class skills for the open world.  If worried about balancing for duels was an actual worry, normalize it then using one of the modes...spvp preferably.


Also, if pvper's and other's aren't bombarding folks with duel request now with all of the current options...I think it's kind of a stretch to think that would change so drastically if  dueling were added in pve land and you had the option to flat out deny all request to the point that you didn't even know you got them...like almost every mmo with pvp and pve working together I've been in.


As with disagreement with anything that has been added to the game, it's never as bad as you think it is or make it out to be.  Largest example is all of the griping about mounts upon announcement,  turns out...wasn't as bad as some thought it was going to be and actually turned out to be a highlight to the game in many regards.

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I do not like the spammy nature of two people dueling around you when you are Banking or talking to an NPC or chilling in some spot or, well basically, anything I am doing in the Open World.  It is annoying to be exposed to this, two players jumping up an down, over chairs and crates, running back and forth, jumping through you, with all the flashy skill-spam, no thanks. 


And you just *know* some people like to especially do it close to other players and groups. 


And I also do not like Costume Brawl. 🙂 Or any of the stupid PvP "Daily Activities" like crab toss, ugh. 

Edited by Tyncale.1629
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18 minutes ago, Tyncale.1629 said:

I do not like the spammy nature of two people dueling around you when you are Banking or talking to an NPC or chilling in some spot or, well basically, anything I am doing in the Open World.  It is annoying to be exposed to this, two players jumping up an down, over chairs and crates, running back and forth, jumping through you, with all the flashy skill-spam, no thanks. 


And you just *know* some people like to especially do it close to other players and groups. 


And I also do not like Costume Brawl. 🙂 Or any of the stupid PvP "Daily Activities" like crab toss, ugh. 

If someone were inclined, they could do this already. 

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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

You forgot the main part there though - literally anywhere at any time because there is no way to predict if the next fight is solo. When I run around in WvW I have a tough time not to get dragged into duels on a daily basis.

Not to mention you also forgot the central ABL island - 9 years of WvW later it remain highly popular with duelists and people generally respect/ignore their presence. One could also argue for some areas around SM.

There's a lot of ways you could be playing WvW or PvP and end up in a 1v1 fight, but I don't think they fit the OP's definition of duelling or the ones I've seen in previous topics because there's no way to arrange it or to fight a specific player, you just end up in a fight with whoever happens to be around at the time. Even if you and your chosen opponent both went to WvW you could only fight if your servers are currently matched up.


As I understand it players asking for duels want to be able to choose a specific person and then have a fight against them, so I was listing ways that can happen.

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Just now, Jilora.9524 said:

Why? So this can happen?

Bob has challenged you to a duel

I click no

Bob has challenged you to a duel

I click no

Bob has challenged you to a duel

I click no

I whisper eff off dude

Just duel me

I block bob

Or the alternative:

Have invites turned off.

Bob whispers you demanding a dual/to turn invites on.

Tell bob no.

Bob whispers you again, calls you a kitten.

tell bob to kitten off, block bob.

Bob procedes to call you a kitten in map/say, which you cant see, leading to more whispers coming your way from kitten trolls.


Not far off from my experiences with the "feature".

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I play Dota, and even there the stuff happening isn't even half as bad as you guys make it out to be. Sure, there is the toxic guy who sometimes goes "1v1 me kitten", but even that is rare.

Stop making it out to be like the end of the world. It wouldn't be.


The general sentiment of "I don't want people being able to do things I don't want" is highly egocentric.

Edited by Imba.9451
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14 hours ago, hatozeni.5721 said:

(English is not my first lenguage. Sorry some mystake)


Hi. There are few things that GW2 lacks for this to be the most perfect game I've ever played.

Beautiful, the best armor skins, the most fun and varied classes and the main thing: the best PVP of an MMOPRG on the internet.
I just love PVP in GW2 but there's one thing I miss a lot: 1x1 casual duels.

Why after so many years we still don't have this simple addition? I look at all those toons standing in Lion's Arch (bored) and wonder if it would be like this if we had the duel button.

Just do a search here. You will find all different opinions on this subject. IF you are suggesting dueling in PvE, you will find it has been rejected and rejected and..........    If you are bored, time to take a break.

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14 hours ago, Aplethoraof.2643 said:

a) Toxic people can be toxic without it. It isn't the feature that makes people toxic, no worries about that.

b) A duel requires consent. So you can't be forced into it.

Spamming requests would be a major issue. So no thanks.


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32 minutes ago, Imba.9451 said:

I play Dota, and even there the stuff happening isn't even half as bad as you guys make it out to be. Sure, there is the toxic guy who sometimes goes "1v1 me kitten", but even that is rare.

Stop making it out to be like the end of the world. It wouldn't be.

Okay, that's your experience from Dota.

I, and clearly others here, have experienced much more than the occasional toxic guy. I've been in games where, even blocked, there is constant "duel me" spam in /say /whisper /map wherever people gather.

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Just now, Gibson.4036 said:

Okay, that's your experience from Dota.

I, and clearly others here, have experienced much more than the occasional toxic guy. I've been in games where, even blocked, there is constant "duel me" spam in /say /whisper /map wherever people gather.

Well I, and clearly others, have differing experiences then. Who is to decide who is right now? And why would anyone randomly choose one of many other random persons to spam? This literally never happened to me before in my 32 years of life - only with people I actually interacted with in some way or another. And I am not exactly a casual player.

I am sorry if you were unlucky enough to have differing experiences, I I fail to see how this is supposed to be the norm.

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1 minute ago, Imba.9451 said:

Well I, and clearly others, have differing experiences then. Who is to decide who is right now? And why would anyone randomly choose one of many other random persons to spam? This literally never happened to me before in my 32 years of life - only with people I actually interacted with in some way or another. And I am not exactly a casual player.

I am sorry if you were unlucky enough to have differing experiences, I I fail to see how this is supposed to be the norm.

Well, it seems to be normative enough that more than one person has experienced it.

So why not just use the PvP arenas for your dueling needs?

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14 hours ago, hatozeni.5721 said:

I don't see problems. Many games the 1x1 is like this:
1 - Click on the player you want to duel.
2 - Click on the DUEL option.
3 - The player invited to the duel will receive a notification
that you want to have a PVP duel against him.
4 - The invited player would have the option to accept, decline and in the options tab he can choose "Never receive a duel invitation" (if he hates it).
That simple.
Notes: You don't die if you miss the duel. When your health comes to an end only a winner screen appears, the duel is interrupted and your health goes to the maximum.
This already exists in many MMOs. I don't understand why GW2 doesn't have it yet.

If it were implemented, hypothetically, this would be a good way to do it.  I might add that perhaps having duels available simply in the pvp lobby for practice would also be a viable option.  

Not interested in it personally, had enough of dueling in WoW.  On a pvp server, where you were likely to be in combat frequently in open world, it made sense as practice.  Handy for trying out against certain classes or builds with friends.  Definitely some people who that use it as a chest beating and arrogance...until they lose.   Lol I'd say keep it to a lobby area or guild hall.

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