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Why doesn't GW2 have the option of 1x1 duels??

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14 minutes ago, Imba.9451 said:

Well I, and clearly others, have differing experiences then. Who is to decide who is right now? And why would anyone randomly choose one of many other random persons to spam? This literally never happened to me before in my 32 years of life - only with people I actually interacted with in some way or another. And I am not exactly a casual player.

I am sorry if you were unlucky enough to have differing experiences, I I fail to see how this is supposed to be the norm.

Clearly its all opinion/experience based. Yours hasnt been as bad? Im glad for you, really am. Mine has been, and in a thread requesting it im going to express my experience and opinions on it. You dont have to agree with them, but its clearly not all that uncommon given the feedback each time these pop up. But saying a experience/opinions are wrong? Nah. Not doing that.


Im Just glad this feature hasnt been added, its not needed.


Id agree to instanced arenas in open world, but only if anet could gurantee no toxicity at all to players who dont want to engage in dualing, an impossible task for them, and unless they can gurantee no toxicity to players not wanting it, this feature needs to not be added.

Edited by Dante.1763
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Even if people like it, would be a crazy mess to develop in Pve, especially because of runeset. most ppl who do pvp, have separate their mains for pvp/open world. and if they "teleport" to pvp instance to load pvp gear/setup, the load screen will take even more time, in the end, will be annoying.


Also for "shiniest" guys in pve probably would be flooded with challenges, another day i had seen a pvp guy with the exclusive pvp king "ball" above his head doing chack gerent... or anet icon guys toos.



Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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2 hours ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

If someone were inclined, they could do this already. 

Players sometimes flash some skills, a few kids may even become a little annoying jumping around, but that's about it. 


Duels can take quit a bit of time and duels will likely find place where there are lots of people to "invite", also duelers will probably like it when others can see their skillz and/or victory, it comes with the type. It also comes with the request to be able to do it in the Open World, since dueling in the obscurity of a Guildhall apparently is not fun enough?  I can assure you that the space near the Bank in Divinities Reach will become one spammy fest.


Seems Anet provided people with a lot of PvP options (sPvP, WvW, Guildhalls duels, Costume brawl) but I guess some people need more exposure or something.  



Edited by Tyncale.1629
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1 hour ago, Dante.1763 said:

Id agree to instanced arenas in open world, but only if anet could gurantee no toxicity at all to players who dont want to engage in dualing, an impossible task for them, and unless they can gurantee no toxicity to players not wanting it, this feature needs to not be added.



Well if they really insist to have arena's in PvE, A-Net could put Arena looking buildings into every map with an entry portal

that send the players to the exact SPvP place as the PvP button does.

Sure, i would serve no purpose at all since the button is already there but if that helps finally shutting those really annoying guys up, i am all for it.

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I would love duel options. I've spent days and weeks just dueling in WoW before arena way implemented. It's a nice fast side activity to spend some time when you are waiting for something (like end of TD meta). And duels are a great way to learn your and other classes. They have not be balanced in most games anyway and I've never seen many requests for balance anyway. 

But yeah the community is really strange here about duels. I have no idea why people are so threatened by something they can simply ignore and does not affect them at all. I've never been harassed by duel or duelers in any game ever. They could easily implement it that you need to flag yourself for duel otherwise you can't be interacted in away with regards to duels and pvp.  

As much as I like the soft and cuddly and nice community here, I sometimes wish this game had more pvp crowd and everything that comes with it, because the base mechanics are perfect for a great pvp mmo game.

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if you want to duel, there's toons of people doing that in the arena,
There's a place just for that.

If they can't even make the 'block'  function works imagined a hell it would be 
the PMs from those people asking for a duel?! 

This will never be a thing in this game.
And thank god for that.

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9 hours ago, Yakuzai.6593 said:

Pelo que eu sei, realmente não existe um botão 1v1 oficial, no entanto, se você realmente quiser ter um 1v1 isolado, há uma opção muito boa -> Navegador PvP: há toneladas de quartos e muitos deles estão abertos e praticamente sempre vazio.

Então você quer duelar com alguém -> abra o navegador -> role para baixo, procure por uma sala vazia -> diga ao seu companheiro o nome kitten sala e deixe-o entrar -> Lute! 😄

Dessa forma, você joga em um ambiente pvp, usando apenas equipamentos pvp (amuleto, runa, sigilos) 

Thank you very much. I will try this. :)

I am new to this forum even though I have had a GW2 account for a long time. Years ago I played GW2 for only 1 or 2 months, then I went to WoW and as today only people who like to be "tortured" play World of Warcraft... I went back to GW2 and this time I'm loving it.

I apologize if the thread "duel 1v1 in the open world" is already a very debated and negative thread for so many people to the point that some say "If this exists I leave the game" (even though there is a possibility that you will never be asked to do this enough one click).

There seem to be a lot of ways I can duel 1v1 and I just didn't know. Thank you very much to everyone who suggested these solutions to me and once again I apologize to the rest who were almost offended by this thread.

A good day to all. :)


(English is not may first lenguage, sorry some mystake)

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3 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

I have no idea why people are so threatened by something they can simply ignore and does not affect them at all.

The ability to duel is already in the game in ways that can be ignored and currently do not affect those who aren't interested in participating. I think maybe you might be threatened by the idea that you can't force your preferred mode on others, but feel free to enlighten me if you can articulate a practical need for open world dueling that isn't simply the desire to have an audience.

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14 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

The ability to duel is already in the game in ways that can be ignored and currently do not affect those who aren't interested in participating. I think maybe you might be threatened by the idea that you can't force your preferred mode on others, but feel free to enlighten me if you can articulate a practical need for open world dueling that isn't simply the desire to have an audience.

I just want to be able to duel with my friends wherever I want.

I can't understand why many people on this forums won't tolerate a duel option in open world with the following rules:

  • You can only duel people that are both on your friend list and follower list.
  • You can't duel on cities.
  • You can't duel near dynamic events. Dynamic events shut off duels.

If someone is harrasing you via chat with duel request, you can block them, like with any type of harrasment.

I don't want to be that guy but the people that say "This feature is not needed because I say so", just because they don't want to make use of it, reminds me of anti abortion people.

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3 minutes ago, Naxian.9823 said:

I just want to be able to duel with my friends wherever I want.

I can't understand why many people on this forums won't tolerate a duel option in open world with the following rules:

  • You can only duel people that are both on your friend list and follower list.
  • You can't duel on cities.
  • You can't duel near dynamic events. Dynamic events shut off duels.

If someone is harrasing you via chat with duel request, you can block them, like with any type of harrasment.

I don't want to be that guy but the people that say "This feature is not needed because I say so", just because they don't want to make use of it, reminds me of anti abortion people.

Says the person who whispered me in game not to long ago, to ask to dual. I assume jokingly, or was it to troll? Regardless, welcome to the list.

Its because of crap like that, that i dont want it.

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1 minute ago, Dante.1763 said:

Says the person who whispered me in game not to long ago, to ask to dual. I assume jokingly, or was it to troll? Regardless, welcome to the list.

Its because of crap like that, that i dont want it.

Hahaha, I knew I could get you to reply. C'mon, you had to laught seeing me here after it. Yes, people can be very anoying throught the chat sometimes, but I think that's an excuse too vague to get rid of a feature that many people might enjoy.

People can result anoying throught the chat without any excuses...

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3 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

I would love duel options. I've spent days and weeks just dueling in WoW before arena way implemented. It's a nice fast side activity to spend some time when you are waiting for something (like end of TD meta). And duels are a great way to learn your and other classes. They have not be balanced in most games anyway and I've never seen many requests for balance anyway. 

But yeah the community is really strange here about duels. I have no idea why people are so threatened by something they can simply ignore and does not affect them at all. I've never been harassed by duel or duelers in any game ever. They could easily implement it that you need to flag yourself for duel otherwise you can't be interacted in away with regards to duels and pvp.  

As much as I like the soft and cuddly and nice community here, I sometimes wish this game had more pvp crowd and everything that comes with it, because the base mechanics are perfect for a great pvp mmo game.

LOL, I guess you need to go back to WoW exclusivly.


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8 minutes ago, Naxian.9823 said:

Hahaha, I knew I could get you to reply. C'mon, you had to laught seeing me here after it. Yes, people can be very anoying throught the chat sometimes, but I think that's an excuse too vague to get rid of a feature that many people might enjoy.

People can result anoying throught the chat without any excuses...

I didnt laugh.


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4 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

As much as I like the soft and cuddly and nice community here, I sometimes wish this game had more pvp crowd and everything that comes with it, because the base mechanics are perfect for a great pvp mmo game.

It's "soft and cuddly" because the game as a whole encourages cooperation, and open world has minimized situations where players can come in conflict (shared nodes, etc). Failure just means some time wasted This is very much by design.

Once content even gets a bit harder (failing boss events) even when so little is at stake and suddenly people get salty. More so once you've entered instanced content, and then there are the competitive game modes...

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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The game is not balanced on 1vs1 and I highly doubt the developers would be interested in a game mode balanced on duels. 

If you want to do 1vs1 you can currently do it in the guild hall arena, WvW, PvP instances but be aware that these game modes are balanced separately so pick your favourite.

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9 hours ago, Imba.9451 said:

From what I read most people are against 1v1 options because they personally don't like it and fear that the world starts falling apart should it be introduced.

I personally do not care about 1v1 (because I know that I suck), but the arguments against it are just petty.

I don't care either since I have no interest in dueling but I have to agree.


I can't blame people who are tired of seeing this brought up.  But some of the reasons are ridiculous. One guy in this thread was even threatening to quit if this was ever added. Talk about dramatic. 


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1 hour ago, Naxian.9823 said:

Hahaha, I knew I could get you to reply. C'mon, you had to laught seeing me here after it. Yes, people can be very anoying throught the chat sometimes, but I think that's an excuse too vague to get rid of a feature that many people might enjoy.

People can result anoying throught the chat without any excuses...

"made you look!"


seriously... ew.

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5 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

But yeah the community is really strange here about duels. I have no idea why people are so threatened by something they can simply ignore and does not affect them at all. I've never been harassed by duel or duelers in any game ever. They could easily implement it that you need to flag yourself for duel otherwise you can't be interacted in away with regards to duels and pvp.  

As much as I like the soft and cuddly and nice community here, I sometimes wish this game had more pvp crowd and everything that comes with it, because the base mechanics are perfect for a great pvp mmo game.


1. As people point out every time this subject comes up, there are places for duels so it’s not that people are against them in principle. You can enjoy boxing and not want to see boxing in the street.


2. Another reason you might find resistance is in your juxtaposition of “nice and cuddly” with “more pvp crowd”. I am a huge fan of the skill and dedication demonstrated by PvP communities but less enamoured with the notion that being competitive is antithetical to compassion or sensitivity. Those who believe that “soft/cuddly” people can’t excel at the competitive scene could be a reason why the idea of public duelling is socially disruptive; it normalises a type of hyper aggressive PvP attitude that changes the practice from sport to macho exhibitionism.

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9 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

Or the alternative:

Have invites turned off.

Bob whispers you demanding a dual/to turn invites on.

Tell bob no.

Bob whispers you again, calls you a kitten.

tell bob to kitten off, block bob.

Bob procedes to call you a kitten in map/say, which you cant see, leading to more whispers coming your way from kitten trolls.


Not far off from my experiences with the "feature".

Or the alternative:

Bob tells you to come to public PvP arena X.

Tell Bob no.

Bob whispers you, calls you a kitten.

You block Bob.

Bob starts harassing you in map chat.


I assume that happens a fair bit currently to everyone with a similar perspective to this?

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7 minutes ago, Aplethoraof.2643 said:

Or the alternative:

Bob tells you to come to public PvP arena X.

Tell Bob no.

Bob whispers you, calls you a kitten.

You block Bob.

Bob starts harassing you in map chat.


I assume that happens a fair bit currently to everyone with a similar perspective to this?


I think people are drawing on their experience of duelling in other games. Which does sorta correspond to the fears being expressed here. No, the sky won’t fall, but some people like GW2 because it’s not WoW, so the thought of making the game moderately more WoW-like is not a prospect they welcome.

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2 minutes ago, shrew.3059 said:


I think people are drawing on their experience of duelling in other games. Which does sorta correspond to the fears being expressed here. No, the sky won’t fall, but some people like GW2 because it’s not WoW, so the thought of making the game moderately more WoW-like is not a prospect they welcome.

Yup, not just wow, but yup.

Edited by Dante.1763
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