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New Patch notes ? ArenaNet What are you doing? [Merged]


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8 hours ago, Substance E.4852 said:

While I generally endorse any attempt to remove people's ability to confuse "cheese and exploits" with "skill", this does seem like an odd thing to care about at this point in the game's life where "speed clearing" things is pretty much the only reason a large chunk of instanced content players even still bother logging in

Also seems rather dumb given that you are expected to pre-buff prior to activating a strike fight and presumably will have a similar system in the EoD strikes

You can't prestack buffs in Strikes. They get removed when you start the fight. Even before this change.

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Guys, I think this was more of a change to affect WvW performance. It just so happened to bleed over into FotM and Raids.

Kind of like the crappy Boon/condition update that the Raid/FotM community loved (torment specifically) but wrecked several utilities and builds in competitive play (resistance, resolution, and torment specifically).

Turnabout mates. Turnabout.

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13 hours ago, Loboling.5293 said:

I actually hadn't played with this change yet, and I think the change is a little heavy handed in PvE. And downright broken at other times. (Kind of like how they nerfed minionmancer for everything other than afk farming, with the removal of pets on mounting)

not sure if this has already been pointed out, but the minionmancer "nerf" was (allegedly) a bug-issue that caused minion-duplication, hence why it's disabled. I would assume that means "for now, until the issue is fixed", not permanently. I also don't think it was in any patch notes, either, which I'd hope a permanent change would be. But they also haven't really had an update on it yet, so who knows?



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4 hours ago, Mik.3401 said:

The silver lining is that it will increase difficulty cap of the game which is nice thing to have.

What I loved in guild wars 1 was that choosing a build was a single decision set in stone for the period of given group run etc.

This stimulates players to be strategic with what they have and really pay attention to making a good team build, any idiot can just change spec out of fight to do something else for different encounter.

And this is what I think everyone know here, just no one wants to admit - this was just an exploit and kind of pay to win with additional templates - not serious gaming skills

Not really, it just changes what the strategies of buildcraft, not the difficulty.

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Swapping weapons on the fly in open world has never felt so cumbersome and strange. Especially since it seems to affect classes very differently. Although I never did any prestacking (besides when might was hard to get on launch), but I do swap around my weapons when I'm doing events and story missions. It's kind of lame how swapping a weapon will remove any objects you placed. (return ports, turrets, banners, etc) 

Playing around with this last night, I found it useless and bad. Although I do understand why some would like more challenge in PvE, but I don't think bugging out mechanics with the swap of a weapon or a single trait is good mechanics. 

I really think this change should only be in effect in WvW. I don't see what we've gained from this change, game is certainly not running better as far as I can tell. If it's about server stability, add this to WvW, and remove this change from PvE. Swapping to a warhorn to put some swiftness on a Dolyak, then swapping back to your regular weapon, shouldn't remove your swiftness. 

My 2 cents. 

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I would just use it to switch to get alacrity and be back. Can't do it in combat anyway. Also if you didn't know your elite, usually your strongest skill, seems to have its very own cooldown, so you'll keep it on swap. Just surprised that it's taken so long to be changed if it's supposedly this bad.


Anyway, here all I see is people complaining about the change that to be honest I don't understand the reason about affecting the server, if it's a handful of people in a map vs 3 squads of 50 people spamming skills in a fight and it's fine; and others making fun of the former because they don't use it, adding nothing.


It's something that was convenient and that everyone could use (you get 2 gear and 3 build templates by default, not P2W). If it's about bugging your chars then no need of removing boons, just spec mechanics and trait related things. If it's about "it's not intended and we see it as cheating", then just say it clearly, don't blame the server being unable to handle 5 more aoes in a map.

That's the issue to me, after all if you wanna play an mmo you gotta stick to their nerfs and changes or that, quit and uninstall.

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It is basically the same story with every single exploit in this game for years:

1.) They discover an exploit.

2.) They claim ownership of that exploit. It will not be reported, the few players who know about it promise each others to never report it. ANet may own GW2, but these players own that exploit. 

3.)OPTIONAL:  Depending on the strength of the exploit, they may open LFG groups "Teaching the new [exploit] - 10-25 gold"

4.) Then the smart ones make youtube-videos and detailed guides. At that point, the players at 3.) have already milked the cow down to the skeleton. You cannot make any gold with LFG teaching anymore, at least not in an efficient way. 

5.) The exploit gets established as baseline-strategy. Depending on the impact, the dps-pages maybe even adjust their meta-builds to fit to this exploit. Among the self claimed elite-players, you will not find a single player not using the exploit. 

6.) The exploit slowly gets established in the casual sector, as the self claimed elite-players often play with casuals. If it is rather difficult to execute, this step can take some time.

7.) ANet finally addresses the exploit - usually several months up to 1-2 years from the date of discovery. It depends on the impact of the exploit. Some have higher priority than others. But the usual stuff takes months to be fixed. 

8.) GW2 is dead, again. The bug-fix has ruined the entire game, made everything pointless and all builds useless.

9.) People continue like nothing happened, they have made a lot of profit from the exploit for a very long time. Some are still salty, but most realize that the exploit was overpowered as kitten. The content, the exploit was used in, is slightly tougher for a few runs. After a week, no one notices a difference. 



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35 minutes ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

It is basically the same story with every single exploit in this game for years:

1.) They discover an exploit.

2.) They claim ownership of that exploit. It will not be reported, the few players who know about it promise each others to never report it. ANet may own GW2, but these players own that exploit. 

3.)OPTIONAL:  Depending on the strength of the exploit, they may open LFG groups "Teaching the new [exploit] - 10-25 gold"

4.) Then the smart ones make youtube-videos and detailed guides. At that point, the players at 3.) have already milked the cow down to the skeleton. You cannot make any gold with LFG teaching anymore, at least not in an efficient way. 

5.) The exploit gets established as baseline-strategy. Depending on the impact, the dps-pages maybe even adjust their meta-builds to fit to this exploit. Among the self claimed elite-players, you will not find a single player not using the exploit. 

6.) The exploit slowly gets established in the casual sector, as the self claimed elite-players often play with casuals. If it is rather difficult to execute, this step can take some time.

7.) ANet finally addresses the exploit - usually several months up to 1-2 years from the date of discovery. It depends on the impact of the exploit. Some have higher priority than others. But the usual stuff takes months to be fixed. 

8.) GW2 is dead, again. The bug-fix has ruined the entire game, made everything pointless and all builds useless.

9.) People continue like nothing happened, they have made a lot of profit from the exploit for a very long time. Some are still salty, but most realize that the exploit was overpowered as kitten. The content, the exploit was used in, is slightly tougher for a few runs. After a week, no one notices a difference. 




That's not true, there are YouTube video with every single tricks that you can achieve. Just check any video from Ns members, or follow SC members Youtube channels you'll see that those tricks are far from secretive.


There is even a website listing most speedclears that were achieved. https://www.speedrun.com/gw2

There is an entire website called the "raiding league" which has PoV video of all the speedclears records, for each team that partaked into it.


dT website gives extensive details about how to execute your precast what's important, and even give a complete CC infographic  for each boss encounter as well Fractals Builds.  https://discretize.eu/guides/cc-distribution

Most people just refuse to do a little bit of research and get better at the game.

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8 hours ago, Mik.3401 said:

The silver lining is that it will increase difficulty cap of the game which is nice thing to have.

What I loved in guild wars 1 was that choosing a build was a single decision set in stone for the period of given group run etc.

This stimulates players to be strategic with what they have and really pay attention to making a good team build, any idiot can just change spec out of fight to do something else for different encounter.

And this is what I think everyone know here, just no one wants to admit - this was just an exploit and kind of pay to win with additional templates - not serious gaming skills

using skill out of combat isn't an exploit, you not being able to do it doesn't make it an exploit. additionally if idiots were able were able to do it why was it such an underused feature?

Meanwhile players are still able to wear backpacks with effects that drop heavily fps and they still haven't done a button to let you deactivate other players backpack. and why so?
-Because too hard to code?
No, model quality to lowest is already able to do so with armors so it can be done with weapon and backpack too
-Because it would offer an advantage in pvp by detecting a mes from its clone?
No, else turning model quality to lowest would make you available to detect the mes from its clone.
-Because backpack are gemstore item?
Yes, having pigeons running all around and jumping around other players is a free advertisement for the new wings in store, and it's not a big deal if it affect players gameplay, as a matter of fact this update prove that it's better to sacrify gameplay over gemstore 😉

Edited by Fangoth.4503
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5 hours ago, Cyprien.4208 said:

Please help me I don't know what to do with my life now I don't have a 1% bonus in damage and can't clear blank content 1min faster. The horror!.

6 symbol precast with all the buffs/boons resulted in around 70k~ dps per guardian (just from the symbols). So slightly more than 1%, but yeah

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Personally to me I feel like this is a good change but I don't think Anet should have done it. I hated watching a YouTube video or some other gameplay video to watch people switch in and out of builds and traits in a clearly obvious way to get around the system put in place - it was a cheap glitch and definitely not "skillful" as some people here seem to be claiming.

BUT in no way did it affect me so I did not really care I just ignore those videos/groups as people who aren't really playing the game for properly just glitching/bugging the system and tried to find videos/groups of people playing properly as in the way the game is meant to be played. Who cares if people glitch to be honest - unless it has an effect on my gameplay couldn't care less. But to people claiming that this was intended are just lying to themselves, in what way would this be the intended gameplay, if this was the case what even would be the point of trait lines or weapons if you could just have access to everything. This was an unintended glitch of the system and was fixed, but after being in the game for 9 years it might as well of stayed. 



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how is it an exploit? The game is litterally designed this way that you can swap weapons, armor, skills and traits freely when you are out of combat to give players as much freedom as possible in their gameplay. If people want to use that system to their limits then that is okay. If anything the way it is now feels very very unintuitive (if thats even a word), with boons, buffs and fields dissapearing without anything ingame telling you that it happens or why it happens.


Also none will complain about things being slower now, thats not the point. Its about the gameplay that is getting dumbed down, lowering the skill ceiling, making it feel more clunky. Gw2 has the best combat system of all the mmo's, but with changes like this it is slowly getting worse and worse. Also the fact that these changes happen cause of server stability doesn't mean that using skills and swapping weapons suddenly was unintended all those years. The fact that they make these changes now does not mean that it is considered unintended right now either, if it was they would not have said that it was purely for server stability issues.

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1 hour ago, MrTJpwnz.4710 said:

Also none will complain about things being slower now, thats not the point. Its about the gameplay that is getting dumbed down, lowering the skill ceiling, making it feel more clunky.


A system where you can't swap builds to prestack boons before a fight is more clunky?

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Honestly this update was anets answer to people griping about when the armory came out that they couldn’t fast weapon swap their legendary weapons so they could precast. Well guess what, now no one will have to worry about swapping weapons fast anymore. Say goodbye to ascended cause you don’t need them to fast swap anymore.

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11 minutes ago, Dark Red Killian.3946 said:

Honestly this update was anets answer to people griping about when the armory came out that they couldn’t fast weapon swap their legendary weapons so they could precast. Well guess what, now no one will have to worry about swapping weapons fast anymore. Say goodbye to ascended cause you don’t need them to fast swap anymore.

Well it is not only that tho sometimes you want to swap weapon for 1 boss and the legend swaping kittens up that aswell.

Edited by Linken.6345
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To improve the stability of the game, performing any of the following actions will "reset" your status, removing ongoing skill effects such as damaging area effects, traps, preparations, missiles, and many boons and profession-specific enhancements.

This process will clean up many possible broken states in which a skill effect could be present when it should not have been. Some of these states caused duplication of performance-intensive skills such as traps, which degraded server performance for everyone.

It's stated, in very clear and layman terms, why they implemented the change.

Nothing to do with exploits.  Nothing to do with framerate.  Everything to do with the background systems that are not apparent to players.  (because they are, y'know, in the background).

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On 8/31/2021 at 5:29 PM, Math.5123 said:

Solo AC runs on ele relied on self-stacking might.

So does a lot of guardian solos and lowmans in general. Using swiftness and weapon ports to move around faster and more fluently all added to what constitute a good player in the dungeon scene. 

Take the latest sorrows embrace p3 record by SC as a prime example. They completed the path in 1 minute and 45 seconds. Most people wouldn't even be able to run from start to finish in that amount of time, yet clear bosses on the way. 


If you have never seen a dungeon speedclear, you should look it up to see what this change does to that scene. 

That should tell you something about how unintended pre-stacking buffs were in the first place. 

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On 8/31/2021 at 5:29 PM, Math.5123 said:

Solo AC runs on ele relied on self-stacking might.

So does a lot of guardian solos and lowmans in general. Using swiftness and weapon ports to move around faster and more fluently all added to what constitute a good player in the dungeon scene. 

Take the latest sorrows embrace p3 record by SC as a prime example. They completed the path in 1 minute and 45 seconds. Most people wouldn't even be able to run from start to finish in that amount of time, yet clear bosses on the way. 


If you have never seen a dungeon speedclear, you should look it up to see what this change does to that scene. 

That should tell you something about how unintended pre-stacking buffs were in the first place. 

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