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8 minutes ago, jwhite.7012 said:

Just cant see that happening. If anything it would probably just be a modified toolbelt, similar to how virtuoso's shatters were altered, or how a firebrand's tomes just increase the access. Might just be that we get an altered pet window, or a separate window altogether just for basic pet managements- while leaving the toolbelts intact. They would have to do some pretty serious trait reworks to eradicate the toolbelt skills to serve an Espec, and considering that they seem to be stretched thin enough to not work out other kinks such as turrets and gadgets (or even our core weapons), I doubt we'd see a full overhaul. 

I'd say it would lean more towards a minion mechanic, rather than a full fledged pet. 

  • I feel like you underestimate how bad Anet sometimes design stuff.
    Just taking the Virtuoso's and it's "New" shatters, it were a huuuuge mess this beta cause of sooo many of their shatter traits not interacting with the bladesongs.

    Like I'm not saying we get a wanna be ranger pet and I really hope we don't get that or any minions at all. Cause that would suck serious kitten.
    But if this "bug" we see is a hint to the elite spec getting to name it's "Pet", then I see it more being inline with rangers pet that can be named, then necromancers minions which can't
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Mhhh... tbh, it could be actually nice.


You get a golem as pet on your F5 for management.

Your GM traits augment your golem => giving boons, supporting condi damage, etc.

You get shouts ("Commands") for utilities.

This could actually offer a nice playstyle and you could go condi or support/boons.

Though obviously it should be a different kind then scrapper.

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1 hour ago, MrForz.1953 said:

Yeah I implied that because people would argue "eeeh ackchually healing turret blah blah".


Rifle turret sees some use in power DPS builds as well, but I think that's more for Surprise Shot than the turret itself. So... mostly dead. Which is still a little bit alive, but only a little bit.

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2 hours ago, Quench.7091 said:

The engineer F4 shares the same coordinates on the as the pet management button does on the ranger. Seems like a UI developer could've easily opened up engineer's UI file by mistake, changed the F4's right click function instead of the Pet Management's right click function, saved it, then wondered why it didn't change anything on the ranger.

As others mentioned, it might just be a bug. But it might not be. Following your logic, it should also happen on F4 on Mesmers. Not sure wether it does?


Someone else mentioned Pistol AA (which recently got fixed as far as I'm aware). I'm pretty sure the anomalies on Engi and Thief were caused by Harbinger Pistol...

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53 minutes ago, Xaylin.1860 said:

As others mentioned, it might just be a bug. But it might not be. Following your logic, it should also happen on F4 on Mesmers. Not sure wether it does?


Someone else mentioned Pistol AA (which recently got fixed as far as I'm aware). I'm pretty sure the anomalies on Engi and Thief were caused by Harbinger Pistol...

If I had to guess, they are probably able to assign scripts to the click events of each button object. These buttons could be children of a very versatile button parent, so if they had assigned a button something by mistake that could explain it.

Edited by Quench.7091
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i hope its a bug.. To be given a core ranger mechanic for a elite seems underwhelming to me at best realistically. im not entirely against some sorta golem theme being there. but i'd prefer of seen them more as a Temporary pets that did several things rather then a Pure pet that follows u around all day.

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11 hours ago, MrForz.1953 said:

First, your post makes no sense, they aren't the same people at all. 


Excuse me, what makes you think you know who I am referring to?

11 hours ago, MrForz.1953 said:

Second, there's precedence for that panic.


As I said, same level of discussion of that preceding the beta test of the willbender. I can understand having your concerns about a specific system being used. I cannot understand acting like you have anything more than a hint of a shadow of what the class can be. First, we may or may not get mace, second it may or may not be a power based spec (revenant condi mace anyone),  third we may or may not get that golem-ish looking icon, fourth we may or may not get an AI based pet, fifth ANET may or may not have learned from their past mistakes, sixth even if all those speculations are true the spec may or may not be a valuable addition to the engineer kit. Yet we have people here who are acting like they know exactly what is going to happen "it is destined to be dead on arrival" "it's just going to plain old suck" "this would be gyros all over again". Take a break guys, no need to suffocate on your own mental narrative.


12 hours ago, MrForz.1953 said:

What makes you think that this time, it will be good?

I don't think this time it will be good I just believe ANET can learn from their past experiences, they have had some very enjoyable elite spec releases in my opinion, and if everything else does not work, they can always tweak numbers.  That's why I see no point in panicking as of now.


12 hours ago, MrForz.1953 said:

And if it ends up being good, then why is everything else condemned to rot?

First of all, we don't know if everything else would be condemned to rot, that is yet another assumption some of you make. Second if Engi pets are good, I won't particularly care why ranger o necro pets suck, that's not my problem and arguably not the problem of the Engi subforum.

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This is one of those things where the smallest detail can mess up the entire spec. I could either be really happy about this, or absolutely hate it, depending on how they go about it.

For me, best case scenario would be a Ranger-like Pet. Something that has; Traits, Utilities, Skills, any or all of those that interact with the Pet, and a full bar of F skills, maybe that replace the Toolbelt, that gives us full control over the Pet abilities. Unlike Ranger where you can only control one skill while the Pet gets to decide when it uses the rest.

It'd be even cooler if the Pet had either different skins or different Pets (assuming robots or golems or something) to choose from.

But if instead it were like... A Pet that's more functionally like a Minion, something you don't get to interact with at all, it's just there, does its thing, and dies super easily - then yeah I'm gonna hate it. Even worse if it doesn't have any Traits, Utilities, or Skills that improve it. I'd be fine with a Pet that didn't have any of that as long as it's functionally like a Ranger Pet and has at least a couple skills we can directly control.

Or, as some people here have said, it could also be cool if it were like a mech suit.
What if it's sort of like Soulbeast? Like, we have a Golem that follows us around and has some skills that it can use, but we can also merge with it for some kind of benefit. 

I dunno, just giving some thoughts on what it might be and how I'd like to see it. I'm pretty neutral on this as is because it could go either way. 

If it's like Ranger Pets though, and we can name it... Personal Battering Ram is definitely going to be the name I give it.

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Well, wether it is Engi or not, I guess it is safe to say that they are working on the pet mechanic somehow...


If it was Engi and at least somewhat comparable to Ranger pet, then at least we know it won't be a total disaster when it comes to skill interactions. Toolbelts would most likely turn into the pet skills and we could potentially have interesting interactions with the Tools traitline.


Still... not very keen on a pet e-spec. Not because I dislike them in general (mained Enchanter in DAoC and Lore-master in LotR). I just don't feel that their implementation is very successful in GW2 and because ANet has a shoddy track record when it comes to balancing them.

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If the pet can fill a full roll on its own and the eng can swap its target fast enofe as well as letting the pet "stick" to the eng to allow cleave effects with out needed to target i see a pet class for eng as posable a very powerfully effect. You would have the eng fill a roll though kits and the pet fill another roll though chose of that pet.

The big thing would be letting a "stick" effect where the pet uses its skills but stay on the eng it self is very important and is something missing from AI effects that we see on ranger or necro or even ele. It would fix pet classes and AI classes over all. It would even let the existing eng pets and how anet effectively "fixed" gryos.


Added note:

Keep in mind all skills that hit more then 1 target are AI base though the games making the chose what to target your skills effects on its kind of problem for support classes in more then 5 target needs. All skills are temp pets.

Edited by Jski.6180
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17 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

The big thing would be letting a "stick" effect where the pet uses its skills but stay on the eng it self is very important and is something missing from AI effects that we see on ranger or necro or even ele.

It's not impossible although it would need a load of taunt to work anywhere outside of PvE. However, since this hasn't been done so far, looking at Ranger, I highly doubt such a set up will happen for Engineer. Unless they also rework core Ranger. Who knows.

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6 hours ago, Xaylin.1860 said:

It's not impossible although it would need a load of taunt to work anywhere outside of PvE. However, since this hasn't been done so far, looking at Ranger, I highly doubt such a set up will happen for Engineer. Unless they also rework core Ranger. Who knows.

The though is to have the pet attk when you do or on its own cd at what ever your attking or just what ever in front of you. Anet has done this with scraper gyros they just simply have no hp now.

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It is kind of worrying to me. But, I'm not without hope. Time and time again, Anet has added some kind of twist to expectations posted on these forums and reddit. There are certainly times they don't. But, I'm still hopeful it'll be more than just a pet spec if it even is one at all. 

I've yet to see a single guess that was actually completely right. Virtuoso was probably more basic than a lot of people thought... But! Harbinger and Willbender had more. No one guessed that Shroud was going to actually cut your HP. And now, people are thinking Warrior might actually be getting some kind of gunblade mechanic for their pistol. I've seen some Warrior posters already changing their tune at just a silhouette teaser. 

Again, still kind of worried. They don't have a good track record with AI. I just think that creativity is probably Anet's strongest perk even if it doesn't always shine (especially lackluster in writing). Maybe I'll be eating my words when we get a basic "ranger, but engi" spec. But! Maybe we'll get something extra cool and unique. It wouldn't be unsual of Anet to do the latter. 

Feels kind of weird to be defending Anet after the neglect. Maybe I'm just in an extra good mood today or something. Just please... if it's a pet, please give us options. I have an Engineer of each race except Norn and Human, but I don't want to have to feel like I have to play my Asura Engineer without feeling out-of-place in the e-spec. I much prefer my Sylvari Engineer. Different skin options would go a long way towards my enjoyment of a pet-based spec. That's true for turrets and gyros, too. 

Gah, I hope Engineer is in this set of reveals. I'm tired of thinking about it and worrying that I'll drop Engineer like I plan to do for Mesmer for the start of the xpac. Sorry for ranting. 

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20 hours ago, SkyCakeLight.3750 said:

Gah, I hope Engineer is in this set of reveals. I'm tired of thinking about it and worrying that I'll drop Engineer like I plan to do for Mesmer for the start of the xpac. Sorry for ranting. 

It won't be...two have already been revealed, and I doubt they'll put the least popular class in the 2nd batch. It will be the last one revealed in the 3rd batch.

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If this a golem, I hope it interacts with other abilities. Like, turrets are placed on the pet instead of the ground, so they can’t be destroyed separately, and they move with the golem, elixirs are shared, the TB elixir throw instead happens around the golem, the golem replicates your gagdets use (AED golem could be fun, same with battering ram or quadruple mine if traited), the golem replicates kits toolbelt skills (double wrench, double BOB, double incendiary ammo could be game changers). Maybe make us chose only one type of skill to interact from traitline… IDK, but there could be some cool stuff.

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I have had this multiple times since one of the previous patches. Thought I had accicentally started to press a key combo to rename pets that would pop up this dialogue even for classes without pet. Playing engineer main most of the time.

I always wished for some kind of golem as pet or a sniper-like spec. (But the thief has that one with daredevil.) Pet would only be fun though ... if there was a lot of customization options. (Like giving it actually gear with different stats and changing the skill bar. Not collecting different pets like the ranger.)

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Why would anyone want a pet Elite Spec for Engineer... at any point, Anet could have fixed the summoned golems for Core Engineer, and made them "permanent" like for the Necro.  Instead Engineers' golems have always been useless, and I don't want to waste an E-Spec just to fix something that should never have been useless in the first place.


I want Mechs and Dual Wielded Maces... or Bust.

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