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nerf or remove stuns in pvp


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its stupid and absurd, it allows players with zero skill to win ranked pvp and get free wins
you shouldn't be allowed to cc chain at all, if you cant win without cc chains then you're just kitten, period.

either remove stuns from pvp entirely or make it so that you can only use 1 cc every so often,


and for those who think this is a bad idea, kitten, ur the type of person to play stunlock builds because ya got no skill.

this cc meta is kittening kitten and shouldnt be a thing, no one wants this.

and kittening nerf dodgeroll, it needs to have less kittening iframes, you shouldnt be allowed to just press v and automatically dodge 6 attacks in a row, thats kittening stupid and only people with no skill need that kind of kitten, a dodgeroll should only be used once in a while at rare opportune moments, with precision, not every single kittening fight, and remove sigil of energy while you're at it too.

and if anyone doesnt like these changes then kitten and go play ur stupid dark souls or whatever, only kitten players who cant pvp and like to ruin everything for others use stunlock builds and bs evasion

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1 hour ago, geekiedude.4731 said:

its stupid and absurd, it allows players with zero skill to win ranked pvp and get free wins
you shouldn't be allowed to cc chain at all, if you cant win without cc chains then you're just kitten, period.

either remove stuns from pvp entirely or make it so that you can only use 1 cc every so often,


and for those who think this is a bad idea, kitten, ur the type of person to play stunlock builds because ya got no skill.

this cc meta is kittening kitten and shouldnt be a thing, no one wants this.

and kittening nerf dodgeroll, it needs to have less kittening iframes, you shouldnt be allowed to just press v and automatically dodge 6 attacks in a row, thats kittening stupid and only people with no skill need that kind of kitten, a dodgeroll should only be used once in a while at rare opportune moments, with precision, not every single kittening fight, and remove sigil of energy while you're at it too.

and if anyone doesnt like these changes then kitten and go play ur stupid dark souls or whatever, only kitten players who cant pvp and like to ruin everything for others use stunlock builds and bs evasion


welcome to dark guild wars!


16 minutes ago, Kovu.7560 said:

Have you tried stability?


The OP does have a point to, I use a flamethrower and yer I still get CC'd to hell somehow, tha's how much of an issue it is becoming when a 3 second passive stability still isn't enough to save you from the amount of CC that is beginning to rise.

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2 hours ago, geekiedude.4731 said:

its stupid and absurd, it allows players with zero skill to win ranked pvp and get free wins
you shouldn't be allowed to cc chain at all, if you cant win without cc chains then you're just kitten, period.

either remove stuns from pvp entirely or make it so that you can only use 1 cc every so often,


and for those who think this is a bad idea, kitten, ur the type of person to play stunlock builds because ya got no skill.

this cc meta is kittening kitten and shouldnt be a thing, no one wants this.

and kittening nerf dodgeroll, it needs to have less kittening iframes, you shouldnt be allowed to just press v and automatically dodge 6 attacks in a row, thats kittening stupid and only people with no skill need that kind of kitten, a dodgeroll should only be used once in a while at rare opportune moments, with precision, not every single kittening fight, and remove sigil of energy while you're at it too.

and if anyone doesnt like these changes then kitten and go play ur stupid dark souls or whatever, only kitten players who cant pvp and like to ruin everything for others use stunlock builds and bs evasion

every character has a dodge button.
By default is on a V key, you are welcome

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1 hour ago, Stalima.5490 said:


welcome to dark guild wars!



The OP does have a point to, I use a flamethrower and yer I still get CC'd to hell somehow, tha's how much of an issue it is becoming when a 3 second passive stability still isn't enough to save you from the amount of CC that is beginning to rise.

it's a single stack of stability it shouldn't solely save you from multiple sources of hard cc abilities within the span of 3 seconds.  If it's a single person, they're using up 2 CCs to pry you open for a setup within 3s or a form of fast boon removal into a cc, with the high possibility of person with that flamethrower traited stability dodging the follow up cc anyways. 

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7 hours ago, geekiedude.4731 said:

its stupid and absurd, it allows players with zero skill to win ranked pvp and get free wins
you shouldn't be allowed to cc chain at all, if you cant win without cc chains then you're just kitten, period.

either remove stuns from pvp entirely or make it so that you can only use 1 cc every so often,


and for those who think this is a bad idea, kitten, ur the type of person to play stunlock builds because ya got no skill.

this cc meta is kittening kitten and shouldnt be a thing, no one wants this.

and kittening nerf dodgeroll, it needs to have less kittening iframes, you shouldnt be allowed to just press v and automatically dodge 6 attacks in a row, thats kittening stupid and only people with no skill need that kind of kitten, a dodgeroll should only be used once in a while at rare opportune moments, with precision, not every single kittening fight, and remove sigil of energy while you're at it too.

and if anyone doesnt like these changes then kitten and go play ur stupid dark souls or whatever, only kitten players who cant pvp and like to ruin everything for others use stunlock builds and bs evasion

Like you said,  use dodgeroll for imp skills.  Go ahead and use it to dodge the cc,  if tou can't then go play stupid dark souls or whatever players who can't pvp play. 

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6 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:


welcome to dark guild wars!



The OP does have a point to, I use a flamethrower and yer I still get CC'd to hell somehow, tha's how much of an issue it is becoming when a 3 second passive stability still isn't enough to save you from the amount of CC that is beginning to rise.

Imagine complaining about CC on a juggernaut engi

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3 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

*Violently knocks over everything on the table*



Well if they were viable in the first place. If they got so many stuns and so on on warrior, must be for a very good reason:Prob to land some of those blows that i heard are really telegraphed. I don't know for sure but seems rather poor judgement to just erase random cc's off a class because you hate those CCs. 

Edited by Axl.8924
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14 hours ago, geekiedude.4731 said:

its stupid and absurd, it allows players with zero skill to win ranked pvp and get free wins
you shouldn't be allowed to cc chain at all, if you cant win without cc chains then you're just kitten, period.

either remove stuns from pvp entirely or make it so that you can only use 1 cc every so often,


and for those who think this is a bad idea, kitten, ur the type of person to play stunlock builds because ya got no skill.

this cc meta is kittening kitten and shouldnt be a thing, no one wants this.

and kittening nerf dodgeroll, it needs to have less kittening iframes, you shouldnt be allowed to just press v and automatically dodge 6 attacks in a row, thats kittening stupid and only people with no skill need that kind of kitten, a dodgeroll should only be used once in a while at rare opportune moments, with precision, not every single kittening fight, and remove sigil of energy while you're at it too.

and if anyone doesnt like these changes then kitten and go play ur stupid dark souls or whatever, only kitten players who cant pvp and like to ruin everything for others use stunlock builds and bs evasion


So because you can't dodge properly and get stunned as a result the answer is to...nerf dodging and CC? Well, I've thought carefully about this and I think the answer is L2P.

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15 hours ago, geekiedude.4731 said:

you shouldnt be allowed to just press v and automatically dodge 6 attacks in a row

Don't spam all your attack skills while someone is dodging.


If you see they're dodging… then don't use any more cooldowns, because you will waste them.


Do you also keep hammering all your attack buttons when someone throws up a Shield Stance or Blinks/Shadowsteps away?

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Hey, mate. Stuns were already incredibly nerfed in Feb2020, most likely due to unreasonable QQ like this.

Dodge, blind, block, evade, blink, shadowstep, to negate the attack, or use stability. Can't do that then use the stunbreaks that you brought. Plural, since you should have at least 2.

Not to mention the irony of "nErF sTuNs, CaUsE mE bAd aLsO NeRf dOdGeS mE nO LikE NoT hItTinG."

Sorry, but this is the game. Don't get hit by the CC, and if you do, stunbreak. Don't like them pesky dodges. Use an immobilize. Don't bring stunbreaks, then don't complain about stunlock. Don't bring immobs, then don't complain about dodging. 

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What I find absurd is the current state of PvP being dominated by Necromancers and Engineers and the counter to them is more CC. I would welcome stunlock mechanics because GW2 offers balance through stability and stunbreaks. The latter is not as bad as in other games where these mechanics do not exist or are very limited to 1 use per minute.

Engineers and Necromancers are broken against enemies without CC or area denial. 

I would buff Thieves to be able to stunlock like rogues in WoW just to see the current Meta being counterable, there are some professions that would be immortal if CC and stability never existed and this is actually a good time to bring some balance into the game.

Edited by Touchme.1097
Grammar correction
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