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More flying mounts with EoD?

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1 minute ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

I think the closest we will get to another mount will be the siege turtles and skiffs. 

Siege turtle sounds interesting. I dunno, we'll see I guess.


1 minute ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

Gliding was a HoT thing,

Gliding was okay. It was one of many ways not to fall to your death should you accidently wander off the beaten path. I honestly didn't really care for it. 


2 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

Mounts was (primarily) a PoF thing.


I was just hoping that they'd be included in more expansions then just PoF because they're so useful and fun to run around on the map. I was hoping EoD might give us one or two to add to the collection. 

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2 minutes ago, Sir Arigius.6294 said:

I was just hoping that they'd be included in more expansions then just PoF because they're so useful and fun to run around on the map. I was hoping EoD might give us one or two to add to the collection. 

I wouldn’t be opposed to it.  Likely what we will get is skins for current mounts.


That can be monetized.


But the mounts that we have pretty much do all things between them.  I am not sure there would be a niche that isn’t filled.

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What would a new flying mount do that the skyscale or griffon don't, and won't make one or both obsolete?

Unless we get airships and can have more people on board. Multi-person vehicle does seem to be a thing. Maybe post EoD, when passenger land and passenger water are old hat. LS6, new grind long, epic quest to unlock your personal airship!

Edited by Gibson.4036
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As neat as turtles are, I'm actually pretty bummed that they keep adding more mounts instead of just innovating with the ones we already have. That mount-select bar is getting pretty long, even with key binds. They took a step in this direction by allowing Skimmers to dip underwater, so imagine what other skills the current mounts could pick up?

Rough ideas:
Beetle: When ramping off a high area, can open wings and glide short distances to break their fall instead of dismounting.
Springer: They figured out carrots grow underground and have started learning to tunnel.
Skyscale: After playing with their sticky feet for a few years, they've learned how to (slowly) ascend walls and other vertical surfaces instead of just suctioning to them.
Skimmer: No more special skills; they're only pancakes after all.
Warclaw: Finally old enough to roar and knock back/fear enemies without dismounting the rider.
Jackal: Big Awoo, similar to proposed Warclaw skill, primarily for getting enemies to leave you alone when you're just trying to get to that HP in Path of Fire but 48 Branded Devourers have your number.
Griffon: No real complaints. Maybe they just learn how to flap more often or something.
Raptor: Gains a skill (with cooldown) that can be activated at low health to drop a 'fake tail' and gain back half their HP for those times when a single, seemingly-invisible Jacaranda will make it impossible to visit your mom in the Crystal Desert without being dismounted.

(Note: All proposed ideas - super rough, three seconds of thought put into them, much balancing and hmm'ing required)

I dunno, I'd just rather see them do more with what we have than add more mounts. UI's cluttery, and it's hard enough to complete a set of skins.

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6 hours ago, LucianDK.8615 said:

Reputedly the skyscale was meant to have been a spider. But they axed it because of concern of players with arachnophia.  The skyscale wallclinging is what which remains of the spider concept.

Didn't know that. Is a bit funny that they didn't make one, as we already have spiders ingame 🤔.

5 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

As neat as turtles are, I'm actually pretty bummed that they keep adding more mounts instead of just innovating with the ones we already have. That mount-select bar is getting pretty long, even with key binds. They took a step in this direction by allowing Skimmers to dip underwater, so imagine what other skills the current mounts could pick up?

Rough ideas:
Beetle: When ramping off a high area, can open wings and glide short distances to break their fall instead of dismounting.
Springer: They figured out carrots grow underground and have started learning to tunnel.
Skyscale: After playing with their sticky feet for a few years, they've learned how to (slowly) ascend walls and other vertical surfaces instead of just suctioning to them.
Skimmer: No more special skills; they're only pancakes after all.
Warclaw: Finally old enough to roar and knock back/fear enemies without dismounting the rider.
Jackal: Big Awoo, similar to proposed Warclaw skill, primarily for getting enemies to leave you alone when you're just trying to get to that HP in Path of Fire but 48 Branded Devourers have your number.
Griffon: No real complaints. Maybe they just learn how to flap more often or something.
Raptor: Gains a skill (with cooldown) that can be activated at low health to drop a 'fake tail' and gain back half their HP for those times when a single, seemingly-invisible Jacaranda will make it impossible to visit your mom in the Crystal Desert without being dismounted.

(Note: All proposed ideas - super rough, three seconds of thought put into them, much balancing and hmm'ing required)

I dunno, I'd just rather see them do more with what we have than add more mounts. UI's cluttery, and it's hard enough to complete a set of skins.

Some really cool ideas. Now I want a Gecko like Dragon, maybe like the fairy dragons from WoW 🥰.

Griffon could use Upwinds, would make easier use without optimal starting point.

Springer sounds fun, but what could we gain from it? 🤔

Edited by Naneel.2348
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I'm not sure there is much room left for new mount designs. The current mounts will cover just about anything solo. The two new mounts (turtle and skiff) will cover multi-occupant. It would be a hard effort to try and design anything else that isn't already covered by the aforementioned mounts and doesn't supersede them.

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When people ask for new/more flying mounts, they want real flying. Imagine the entire air in tyria is a thick as water and you can just float and swim wherever you want? That is a real flying experience. But way too slow, so the mount that can do this magic trick has to be fast as kitten and precise in mobility. Preferably with a teleport skill of 15k range, to get to the  end of the map if wanted. Should not be blocked by any kind of invisible walls. With an option to install a auto-target, full range, 1-shot, rocket-launcher. 

The major problem I have with this request. You turn this magnificent game, with its awesome map-design into a boring flight simulator. Everything important, every reason to play this game, happens on the floor. The Skyscale mostly goes into that direction, but as an ultimate reward for beating almost the entire game. Then the community complained about it, so it got nerfed. With all the shortcuts for the collections, we have Skyscale owners who have absolutely no clue about the game at all. But they can fly and skip what they do not understand. Success!

Over the years, the game slowly became its own nemesis. Creating mechanics and shortcuts to skip and ignore what made it unique. What made it famous and outlive its competitors. 

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7 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Beetle: When ramping off a high area, can open wings and glide short distances to break their fall instead of dismounting.
Springer: They figured out carrots grow underground and have started learning to tunnel.
Skyscale: After playing with their sticky feet for a few years, they've learned how to (slowly) ascend walls and other vertical surfaces instead of just suctioning to them.
Skimmer: No more special skills; they're only pancakes after all.
Warclaw: Finally old enough to roar and knock back/fear enemies without dismounting the rider.
Jackal: Big Awoo, similar to proposed Warclaw skill, primarily for getting enemies to leave you alone when you're just trying to get to that HP in Path of Fire but 48 Branded Devourers have your number.
Griffon: No real complaints. Maybe they just learn how to flap more often or something.  
Raptor: Gains a skill (with cooldown) that can be activated at low health to drop a 'fake tail' and gain back half their HP for those times when a single, seemingly-invisible Jacaranda will make it impossible to visit your mom in the Crystal Desert without being dismounted.

  • Beetle: I think this infringes too much on the gliding mastery.
  • Springer: This is likely to take too much work and for what functional advantage?
  • Skyscale: This idea might work if you find a solution for the energy management of going higher.
  • Skimmer: Well, they already got their extra skill
  • Warclaw: This is likely to be too powerful. You have to take into account that there are zergs. Just think of zergs doing this.
  • Jackal: This could be done more easily by giving them the power of a shield that lasts a few seconds, but then teleporting already doubles for this. So I don't think this is necessary.
  • Griffon: I also think they are fine the way they are
  • Raptor: I think they put Jacaranda in the game to create such moments, they wouldn't want to take those moments away. And don't forget you already have a skill to make you invisible on your mount.


Conclusion: I like the Skyscale idea because of how irritating it can be to get stuck against the smallest rocks or tree branches. Instead you would just ascend at a slow pace. I think that finding a solution to the energy management of ascending could be solved by doing something like going up a wall like that costing stamina (the yellow bar) as opposed to energy (the green bar on top of it). 


Sidenote: I think what you want is to get around maps a lot easier than it already is. That seems to be the general theme here.

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8 hours ago, Eraden.8740 said:

I'm not sure there is much room left for new mount designs. The current mounts will cover just about anything solo. The two new mounts (turtle and skiff) will cover multi-occupant. It would be a hard effort to try and design anything else that isn't already covered by the aforementioned mounts and doesn't supersede them.

Maybe its about variety, and the 2 seater mounts one is water only and the other is slooowww. I like the idea of a helicopter multi person mount. I would also like to see a jetpack mount, my spider mount ofc. There are tons of beasts and inventions they could make mounts out of, variety is a concept for why people collect mounts in games. And if they add new base mounts they can add new skins to make money on. Imo we dont have a tech mount, which is odd considering we have asura and charr and all the gadgets they make, give us a pact copter or an asuran golem mount, or the jetpack ect. I can def think of mount specials for them all, just takes a little imagination.

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Well tbh, I think they should keep exploring new unique ways to traverse the maps and change the gameplay up. It's one of the main reasons I truly consider mounts a feature in this game versus just a visual % speed increase like in most MMO's (WOW/ESO/FFXIV). 


Each mount is special in its own way as you all know and whether or not you want to use them in a viable way, the option is there to change up your gameplay and make it interesting. 


I'm looking for the turtle to do the same thing and tbh, it's a turtle c'mon... who doesn't want a turtle lol. Same with the skiff mount (I'm just going to go ahead and call it a mount lol). The skiffs opens up a new dimension to the water parts of every single map. 


The next mount should be something like a snake that can borrow and travel underground and open up a layer of vertical depth to the zones. The type of soil would dictate how fast the snake can borrow and travel. Sand would offer the least resistance while stone/rock etc. would be impassable. 


IDK, maybe they could design a map random generating script with assets that creates the underground terrain based on the areas soil tag type. 

Edited by Marikus.1875
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