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When’s enough enough (elite specs)

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Taste also plays a part, there are already elite specs that some people simply don't like and never use because of that.
Personally I really don't like the Scourge elite spec, thus I don't use it.. but many others do.
Harbinger too was interesting to play but not really my cup of tea tbh so I doubt i'll be using that one much either.

These new specs will gain their fair share of people who like em and those who don't and don't use them so really there can be a lot of different specs still to come that have their appeals to different people.

There's always next time if you find yourself unimpressed by any of the new specs.. sure can be disappointing for paid content but it's not like it will significantly impact you if you choose to stick with a core class or one of the other 18 Especs already in the game.

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Well EoD would likely be “enough” since going forward, we likely won’t get an expansion and if anything we’ll get patches that will probably expand on our current profession and elite specs. So for example, the addition of new weapons to wield, more added skills to current skill types, etc…

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4 minutes ago, Tseison.4659 said:

Well EoD would likely be “enough” since going forward, we likely won’t get an expansion and if anything we’ll get patches that will probably expand on our current profession and elite specs. So for example, the addition of new weapons to wield, more added skills to current skill types, etc…

To be fair they have tried this a few times and every time people clamour for an expac so here we are...

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6 minutes ago, Sigmoid.7082 said:

To be fair they have tried this a few times and every time people clamour for an expac so here we are...

I mean lol that’s gonna be too bad for them because we’ve seemed to have covered the main areas now with Cantha being the last one. Soooo…unless they want to do an expansion with us going to a new dimension or outer space then by all means lol. 

I still think after EoD and after we’re done with all the dragons, they’ll expand on current expansions, maps, elite specs and introduce new villains. The sound of expansions will always be nice but for what I just mentioned it isn’t really required I feel atleast.

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6 minutes ago, Tseison.4659 said:

I mean lol that’s gonna be too bad for them because we’ve seemed to have covered the main areas now with Cantha being the last one. Soooo…unless they want to do an expansion with us going to a new dimension or outer space then by all means lol. 


You haven't seen the full Tyria map?  There are a lot of unexplored areas yet.

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I much prefer elite specs to new classes. 


Having played WoW for a long time. The elite specs are, imo, a far better design choice. In WoW classes get overhauled expansion but i'm still playing the same thing. The same class fantasy,.... In GW2 every elite specs brings new class fantasy, new way to play, new meta, ... I'm much more excited about what Anet will do with the next elite spec for my guardian comared to what will my rotation be this patch on WoW.


While i can definitely see imbalance between the specs, especially compared to core specs it's not like there is only just one useful spec for each class. You can be effective in roughly all content with every spec. 

Yes in the high end pve and pvp content you need to min max and run meta builds. But that's not any different in any other game and it's to be expected.


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7 hours ago, Marikus.1875 said:

Do other games really add actual classes?  Wow's I didn't know that! You know why I didn't know that? 

Because arguably (still) the largest MMO in history World of Warcraft hasn't added a new class since 2016, 5 years ago a.k.a 2 expansions ago. 

Do you know what we got for the Shadowlands latest expansion? 8 new skills and you can ONLY use 2 of them at any given time because it's only 2 per covenant and you can only be in one covenant at a time. Switching covenants was also time gated by like 30 days or something ridiculous like that until players had enough and now they're changing it for 9.1.5. 

Do you know how many of us pleaded with the devs to just make those 8 skills as talents (which are essentially the equivalent of specializations here)? 

Some of yall have no idea how spoiled you are and how grateful you should be...

Oh and BTW, that game has a $180 + expansion cost price tag for any given year with the mandatory monthly sub.

Edit: Another example, ESO hasn't added a new class for two expansions (Greymoor/Blackwood) and in that game, they didn't even add new skills to your existing classes skill trees since the Necromancer release in Elswyr. 

So how many classes have ESO and WoW added since launch?

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Each time they've added an elite, there's at least a year of total imbalanced rubbish across the game modes. 

Then, as they get close to announcing a new expansion, the existing imbalances get some general nerf dust thrown their way, as we prepare our anus for a whole new round of half thought out ideas.


Huzzah for inadequate balance patches!

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WoW added 3 classes in 17 years (lol). It launched with 9.

ESO added 2 classes in 7 years. It launched with 4.

GW2 added 1 class in 9 years. It launched with 8.


So GW2 has been around for 2 years longer than ESO, but it also launched with literally double the class variety. Additionally, WoW has only 3 more classes than GW2, but has been around for 8 more years.

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3 minutes ago, Marikus.1875 said:

WoW added 3 classes in 17 years (lol). It launched with 9.

ESO added 2 classes in 7 years. It launched with 4.

GW2 added 1 class in 9 years. It launched with 8.


So GW2 has been around for 2 years longer than ESO, but it also launched with literally double the class variety. Additionally, WoW has only 3 more classes than GW2, but has been around for 8 more years.

Right forgot about monk and deathknight in my earlier post.

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4 hours ago, Tseison.4659 said:

Well EoD would likely be “enough” since going forward, we likely won’t get an expansion and if anything we’ll get patches that will probably expand on our current profession and elite specs. So for example, the addition of new weapons to wield, more added skills to current skill types, etc…

You forgot to mention the endless nerfs that will come with those patches as well.

Edited by Mil.3562
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Everything they are offering in this expac has been previously offered for free in the living world episodes, except elite specs and fishing. Without those specs there would be no reason for people to spend money (unless they really want to pay $30 for fishing.)  

I personally prefer if they released a new class like other mmos but guess they don't have resources for that. 

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10 hours ago, Marikus.1875 said:

You do NOT need additional classes to keep an MMO fun and engaging if anything THAT is an unsupported claim. Show me in the data where games that released classes in a regular cadence maintained and grew in popularity because of said content.


I'll wait. 

You're claiming you don't. Show me the data that that's not true. You're trying to ask people to prove that switching up gameplay is actually a positive. Why don't you prove to me it's a negative.

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1 hour ago, Ultramex.1506 said:

An entirely new class or an new way to play my favorite class? I go with the latter

I'm totally open to both. I only play 4 of the classes, but have been opened up to new classes based on their new elite. Its either a new way to play a few classes (considering I like the spec), or a bunch of new ways to play a single class. 

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4 hours ago, Ultramex.1506 said:

An entirely new class or an new way to play my favorite class? I go with the latter

Same. I really like how it give me new uses for existing skills and traits. I also like being able to keep using (most of) my same gear, and the ability to switch builds mid-map without reloading/requeuing.

Edited by ASP.8093
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Choice is a good thing..


5 hours ago, Ultramex.1506 said:

An entirely new class or an new way to play my favorite class? I go with the latter

I'm the opposite more classes are better or even better GW1 style dual classes. I even miss hunting for skills.

Edited by Dante.1508
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4 hours ago, Klowdy.3126 said:

I'm totally open to both. I only play 4 of the classes, but have been opened up to new classes based on their new elite. Its either a new way to play a few classes (considering I like the spec), or a bunch of new ways to play a single class. 

Yeah I would still like to see the Ritualist as a class.

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