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Balthazar Fight that is a no win fight

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1 minute ago, Vilin.8056 said:

Neither of those posts meant to insult anyone and does not deserves an insult response. 

However you wish to interpret OP's need is your own interpretation, acting toxic for whoever who don't follow your ideology makes it an ego issue.

Shoehorning the word "ego" ain't gonna change the fact that this isn't an ego issue.

As for both statements, neither statements needed to be made unless someone is trying to undermine someone... Literally, the playstyle was never an issue to begin with, someone made it an issue. I'll leave it at that before this gets derailed further.


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11 minutes ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

Shoehorning the word "ego" ain't gonna change the fact that this isn't an ego issue.

As for both statements, neither statements needed to be made unless someone is trying to undermine someone... Literally, the playstyle was never an issue to begin with, someone made it an issue. I'll leave it at that before this gets derailed further.


Except this is exactly a playstyle and most importantly, playskill issue. An entire hour to reach 50% boss health indicates that, which center OP's frustration.

Who's comment is needed and not needed is not yours to judge, therefore it's still an ego issue. If you disagree with my points, simply debunk with reference to game system/mechanics.

Edited by Vilin.8056
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5 minutes ago, Vilin.8056 said:

Except this is exactly a playstyle and most importantly, playskill issue. An entire hour to reach 50% boss health indicates that, which makes OP's frustration.

There's a difference between skill level and playstyle. I can easily admit to camping longbow on possibly the same boss fights OP mentioned and have absolutely no issue. Is the playstyle of "camping longbow" still an issue? 

5 minutes ago, Vilin.8056 said:

Who's comment is needed and not needed is not yours to judge, therefore it's still an ego issue.

That ain't an ego problem, that sounds like a you problem. No one else brought up playstyle being an issue because it was never the issue. 

Edited by ChronoPinoyX.7923
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1 hour ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

There's a difference between skill level and playstyle. I can easily admit to camping longbow on possibly the same boss fights OP mentioned and have absolutely no issue. Is the playstyle of "camping longbow" still an issue? 

That ain't an ego problem, that sounds like a you problem. No one else brought up playstyle being an issue because it was never the issue. 

Camping one weapon in a game class that is designed to swap weapons to burst indicates skill level issue, which is one most common new player mistake when they complain about not making enough damage. 

Veteran players can get easily through this boss fight with handicaps, but OP is clearly a first time player. Therefore I stated that I am guessing this is the potential cause.

If you are going to simply accuse people around class mechanics just because you think it is a playstyle, this is your ego I'm dealing with, and I've wasted an hour defending my point against your ego for the past hour already, in which you haven't brought up any points regarding the game mechanic to counter for the whole thread.

Edited by Vilin.8056
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48 minutes ago, Vilin.8056 said:

Camping one weapon in a game class that is designed to swap weapons to burst indicates skill level issue, which is one most common new player mistake when they complain about not making enough damage. 

Not making enough damage is not an issue in this fight. Balthasar doesn't heal back.


Veteran players can get easily through this boss fight with handicaps, but OP is clearly a first time player. Therefore I stated that I am guessing this is the potential cause.

LB camping is actually a good idea for a newbie player there, as it does make a lot of issues with this fight easier to avoid. It's the "meta" approach that's more likely to end up with the player dead.


If you are going to simply accuse people around class mechanics just because you think it is a playstyle, this is your ego I'm dealing with, and I've wasted an hour defending my point against your ego for the past hour already, in which you haven't brought up any points regarding the game mechanic to counter for the whole thread.

The one that is going about usage of class mechanics and builds are you. Tht fight does not need a good understanding of those at all. What it does need is knowing how, when and what to dodge however, as well having a basic knowledge of positioning.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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Balthazar last boss fight is heavy telegraphed, is about attention, not about "build", but if u have much heavy flash effects activated, could be a issue, u cant see aurene "mark" on ground. 



Aurene appears to assist you. She'll drop bright orbs that grant you Barrier (temporary health), and at times she'll glow brightly, sharing her power. Step close to her to receive temporary invulnerability and a protective boon.

You'll need to cooperate with Aurene to kill Balthazar. When he wreathes himself in an impenetrable shield, stand in the glowing circle next to it and use the special action key to perform a joint attack with Aurene, making the god vulnerable again. At other times Aurene will be wrapped in chains and you'll need to break them to free her.




Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Not making enough damage is not an issue in this fight. Balthasar doesn't heal back.

It is an issue in OP's post.

1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

LB camping is actually a good idea for a newbie player there, as it does make a lot of issues with this fight easier to avoid. It's the "meta" approach that's more likely to end up with the player dead.

Neither am I suggesting the meta approach.


Here's the video of the fight. Ranging afar increases majority of the AoE radius makes it almost impossible to maneuver away. Which fits OP's frustration not able to avoid the AoE attack.

1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The one that is going about usage of class mechanics and builds are you. That fight does not need a good understanding of those at all. What it does need is knowing how, when and what to dodge however, as well having a basic knowledge of positioning.

If you never get hit, sure, feel free to tell that to new players.

Edited by Vilin.8056
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18 hours ago, Deedrick.4372 said:

 They are the 2nd laziest build behind minion master, and suffer the most l2play issues?

From my experience the most lazy builds that cause the most L2p issues are your generic DPS meta builds that people pull off the internet.
Don't understand how to actually use them properly.
And use them through the entire game regardless until they finally hit a sponge wall they can't just DPS smash through and then start complaining about how "hard" the game is because they don't know how to actually make builds or modify them to overcome situations where their current playstyle and build is no longer effective.

It's easy to just blame that all on the players but the game deserves some criticism as well, the base game fails to teach players a lot of things, and all the powercreep over the years really doesn't help either.

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4 hours ago, Teratus.2859 said:

From my experience the most lazy builds that cause the most L2p issues are your generic DPS meta builds that people pull off the internet.
Don't understand how to actually use them properly.
And use them through the entire game regardless until they finally hit a sponge wall they can't just DPS smash through and then start complaining about how "hard" the game is because they don't know how to actually make builds or modify them to overcome situations where their current playstyle and build is no longer effective.

It's easy to just blame that all on the players but the game deserves some criticism as well, the base game fails to teach players a lot of things, and all the powercreep over the years really doesn't help either.


I don't disagree any build taken from anywhere with out learning to play it causes l2play issues. I guess it was meant more as a snarky joke, more than a realistic comment. However, when people start the game and need to get comfy playing I recommend bear/bow. Easy to set up easy to play easy to maintain, and if minimal effort is put into it, easy to learn to play. From the few friends I have recruited, that 4th step is often missed. including when they get meta builds they find for alts.


For this discussion though, its all about the learn to play for what ever class/build they are using, instead of trying to lower the already low bar on skill need for open world/ story content. For this PVE content all builds/classes will work for all content if you learn to play it right,

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I dont aim to sounds dismissive, but most of the fight can be resumed in two words "Just dodge". He hits hard yes, but everything he does is heavily telegraphed. By dodging most attacks, you save time you'd otherwise need for heals and buffs. Using Aurene's buffs also help damage mitigation. In essence you can almost entirely focus your skill selection and usage to full damage. He's not really affected by CC anyway, and what he summons dies in a couple of hits. 

If you feel your hits are not dealing enough damage, and his health is not going down fast enough : Ensure your equipment is atleast level 80, sigils and runes. Even if you have a messy stat line and rune selections, if it's atleast the right level, you should be fine, it really isn't a complicated fight. Furthermore, everytime he summons those little crystal thingies near the edges of the arena, make a bee-line for these and destroy them, it shields him from damage. Favor weapons that cleave and pierce, to deal with the small fry along with dealing damage to him.

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On 9/20/2021 at 4:37 PM, sevenDEADLY.5281 said:

The be super clear about what Cael is saying, there is a scripted fight with Balth that is designed that you lose to continue to the story.  While I feel like you're probably not talking about this encounter, OP, I suppose its not entirely impossible.

If you're not talking about this fight though, you're 100% missing something because there isn't a single story boss encounter in this game that isn't soloable with just a minute amount of gameplay understanding. 

Well depends did I solo them all? no sometimes I had a guildmember help. Can they all be soloed by anyone? yes if you dont mind dying a lot and whittling them down.

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GW2 is a game where you have to understand a few things - primarily what your build is/should be and ... dodging.


Just acquiring good gear isn't the end. You should understand how to use your build. You should definitely have a build - get;

  • skills, 
  • abilities,
  • weapons,
  • gear stat sets,
  • runes and sigils

that compliment one another. You can find lots of builds on Metabattle or equivalent websites, or design your own build from scratch using http://en.gw2skills.net/


If you're in a competitive mode it gets FAR more complex when you're trying to understand all the different combinations of abilities and gear your opponents are using.


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On 9/20/2021 at 2:50 PM, davida reis.3695 said:

Im a ranger and I just spend a very unpleasant hour fighting Balthazar and no matter what I did he keep killing me every minute,. All I have to say is this is no fun at all. This is the type of boss fight I HATE!!!!! AND THE TYPE THAT TURN ME OFF PLAYING GAMES WHERE YOU CANT GET PAST BOSSES WITH OUT MORE THEN ONE PERSON FIGHTING THE BLANKING BOSS.  After an hour his hit points where only down to blanking half and there was no room to move or even think of how you to fight this boss. Of course no one cares how hard this blank boss is if you cant get passed this boss you can not move on with  the story or anything else I for see myself not playing this game much anymore sure the hell will not be spending my money on gems or anything else in this game all become of this boss fight that take way to long to do. 

This is an action combat game and as such the story boss fights are usually chock full of clearly telegraphed attacks that punish failure to move and dodge properly with heavy damage and knockbacks.  A few tips toward succeeding in fights like this:

- Keep your eye on the boss.  No, really.  Stop looking at your skillbar and the flashy lights!  Watch the boss for telegraphs.  The attacks that hit the hardest are almost always the slowest and most obviously telegraphed.

- Stay close to the boss and stay in motion, circling around behind him.  Many attacks are directional.  He'll have to turn toward you before initiating one of these attacks.  This not only makes it easier to see the attack coming, but if you're in motion you won't even need to dodge at times because you're already moving out of it as the telegraphs begins.

- It also helps if you have a decent build.  Some fights can be phased very quickly with a high-damage build, but if you find that too difficult to survive with you can run builds with more sustain.  Here's a video of this fight done using celestial fire/arcane weaver.  This is a high-sustain build popular for solo play as opposed to a meta raid DPS build and it makes pretty short work of this fight, completing it in a little over 4 minutes.

Good luck!

Edited by AliamRationem.5172
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6 hours ago, Naxos.2503 said:

I dont aim to sounds dismissive, but most of the fight can be resumed in two words "Just dodge".

I'd add one more thing: don't backpedal so much.

If you're used to playing a ranged spec like Longbow Ranger, you may have gotten in the habit of moving backwards or sideways while facing the enemy so you can keep using your attacks against them. This is OK sometimes but when you're in a situation with a lot of big telegraphed attacks, you're usually better off just not attacking for a sec so you can move faster by actually facing in the direction of movement.

An easy way to do this is to either de-target the boss or use your stow weapon key (might need to set one first). Then just focus on movement/dodging and get your attacks in when you can. Most of the personal-story bosses don't have that much HP, as long as you can survive their "big rotation" you'll be able to take a pretty big chunk out of their bar in the breathing time the game gives you before the next one.

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It seems the gw2 community is extremely adamant of protecting ignorance and people ranting be cause they are simply immune to learn stuff and instead blame the game. This developed over the years as I play games since the 90s. Remembering really bad game boy games and still I blamed myself that I have to get better instead of saying these programmers are bad and should have made it easier etc.

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51 minutes ago, ProtoGunner.4953 said:

It seems the gw2 community is extremely adamant of protecting ignorance and people ranting be cause they are simply immune to learn stuff and instead blame the game. This developed over the years as I play games since the 90s. Remembering really bad game boy games and still I blamed myself that I have to get better instead of saying these programmers are bad and should have made it easier etc.

This visualises really well what you're talking about. 

PS: I really don't like snickers but their commercials are funny.

Edited by Gehenna.3625
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