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New Thief Elite - The Specter


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5 hours ago, RyuDragnier.9476 said:

You DO know how support roles function, right?

I don't care? The primary design of GW2 is to be able to stand out well enough on its own while being able to provide something to the team. And here we have a spec that sounds great on paper, but in practice? In WvW and PvP? This spec is going to get creamed in fights.

If I am going to be a support spec that can benefit from my own boons, I would very much like the boons to help me too. Especially when Anet's ingenuity decided that we only needed NINE init base like... when a single short bow  5 depletes your reserves.

And mind you, because everyone always want to say "you're thinking 1v1" No... I'm thinking in general. No you're probably not going to out run anyone now. And eventually, yes - you will have to suffer 1v1s even when it's supposed to be a team fight. And lets be real... you're gonna get focused harder than a scourge in team fights. Because while you're no doubt gonna suck in combat due to having only 9 init to work with and your costs still being so kitten expensive... I will admit your support features are potent enough to warrant a gang up.

Edited by Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497
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This spec is worse than I imagined. 

"Hey guys, you know what would be cool... If we make the teef....like the GW1 MONK! ta-kitten!" 

"Panaku was so impressed by Menhlo that he decided he'll be nice and 'support' his friends and that was the birth of the specter." 



Edited by DragonSlayer.1087
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2 hours ago, Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:

If I am going to be a support spec that can benefit from my own boons, I would very much like the boons to help me too

There would be an easy fix for that, just look at the 3 trait lines. The upper ones are more selfish in nature, the lower line is mostly focused on ally support and the middle one is in between. Now if you look at the upper Major Grandmaster you'll see that it buffs the Minor Master which doesn't really fit the theme of the trait line. This effect should be moved down to either Hungering Darkness or Shadestep (where it would be more fitting) and be replaced with another effect that also applies boons granted by ally support effects to the specter as well even if you're targeting an enemy.

Edited by Tails.9372
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It works a bit like I expected as an offensive support. I just thought it would heal more people or have more buffs (which are probably the part it is lacking). This spec is going to be crazy with a duo and maybe some wells are going to be seen in PvP. I do not see it as a healer in PvE either but as condi damage dealer with a few extra buff for your allies it sounds interesting.

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The spec seems interesting but its clearly showing how they had a hard time finding out how to make Thief a support. They even said it on stream. Like the spec is spread thin in trying to be support in different ways and it shows the lack of focus it has. This is going to be the first support spec that doesn't benefit from most of its support abilities. Like what kind of support role is this trying to be when its mainly ally targetting?

In WvW this is meant to be the commander bodyguard? I mean cool concept but as others have said, what's the point in keeping the commander alive and then the whole squad dies? At least its something to let us play in the zerg I guess

In sPvP I can see this being powerful in 2v2 or 3v3 but tougher to use in 5v5 modes. I don't play pvp much so can't really say much. I do think people are forgetting you're getting extra tankiness from Shadow Shroud replacing your HP like with Necro Shroud.

PvE I'm sorry but I just can't see this working as anything other than a cdps Alac Thief. Maybe if we see the numbers on the healing with healing gear it might be possible as a heal/alac support? Barrier support I think is pretty dead in the water with it being mainly single targetted.

Edited by Xukavi.4320
Added shadow shroud replacing HP.
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Spectre is overloaded.

Increased condition damage, more healing, Barrier and even more shadow stepping is too much in my opinion.


It basically turns Thief into yet another Necromancer that also has access to Stealth.

I guess Harmbinger wasn't enough for the Necromancer aficionados within Arenanet.

sPvP will get even worse with this abomination.

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I  see their unwillingness to not want to give Thieves self boon application as such: We are just sacrificial pawns that’s 1 job is to protect the King (commander) and if we die then we die, because we did our 1 and only job. Doesn’t matter if we don’t benefit from our own boons, we were never meant to live and were always supposed to succumb to a sacrificial fate/destiny. And it doesn’t matter how many pawns die protecting the King because there will always be 1 King and there will always be several-to an infinite number of pawns ready to serve and be used. Specters don’t matter since we’d be the grunts. 

-That’s my take on this spec
We are disposable batteries.

I also see this spec in this way: Imagine a very rainy night. Torrential rain rather. And there’s a huge puddle in the street. You’ve just finished your dinner with your date and got to take them back home and you want to be a good first date (little do you know that this isn’t their first date.. that day) So you give your partner your jacket to put over their head, all while laying down in the middle of the street submerged in the puddle just so they can step on you so their shoes/feet don’t get wet. And then you take them home, walk them to the door, and then they call you their brother. “Thanks for the amazing time tonight, I love that we can do this, you’re like a brother to me”, and then they hug you (when you expected a kiss) and that’s it, they go into their house, and you never hear from them again. (They still have your jacket by the way)


Feel free to laughing emoji if you want. It’s meant to be funny, but actually tell you how it is at the same time. 

Edited by AikijinX.6258
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1 minute ago, Thevaultdwellinggamer.4267 said:

So Anet gave Thieves Necro's Main gimmick, and that's enough for thieves to get excited? I can not even imagine how grossly offended some of the necro are seeing how Specter worked lol.

Necromancer mains have no reason to be angry, when Arenanet effectively gives them two elite specializations in one expansion.

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Just interested to give it a go and see what it's like, it's an entirely different playstyle for me, so it'll probably take a while to adjust/figure out. Then post opinions at a later time. 


Genuinely don't understand people being angry/disappointed before even getting to try it.

Edited by Chips.7968
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3 hours ago, Felices Bladewing.3914 said:

the real question is: Dire, Plaguedoctor, Minstrel or waiting for a possible new stat combi in EoD?

My guess is either full plaguedoctor or some plague for 50% boon duration to give perma alac with 3 Wells and the maybe go into apostate or apothecary or whatever. First major trait seems to gain a lot of value from it but you are sacrificing the aoe heal on the bottom row so we will see how the meta goes.

Edited by Sons.5493
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32 minutes ago, Thevaultdwellinggamer.4267 said:

Even it that was the case, at the very least it sticked with it's main mechanic, Shroud. What's Specter excuse?

People complain a lot about Thief's passive sustain, so Arenanet simply bolted on the best sustain function in the game.

Engineer got Ranger's core profession mechanic and Warrior got a kit, so Thief getting a Shroud should not really be all that surprising.


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1 hour ago, Chips.7968 said:

Just interested to give it a go and see what it's like, it's an entirely different playstyle for me, so it'll probably take a while to adjust/figure out. Then post opinions at a later time. 


Genuinely don't understand people being angry/disappointed before even getting to try it.

 Na im not angry but realistic. How u want to targeting heal in a big fight? This can work in a sPvP Setting but not in large fights where u barly see anything. Who needs a single targeting healbot when u have classes which can support 1000 times better? Anet should stop give us 50%. When support than full support and not such a gimmicky nonsense. It can work in roaming group but everyone said me that they want now a Zerg Spec. I do not see that with the specter. Targeting heal in a game where other classes can spamm the support in a AoE Ragnarök and your FPS goes down to 7 FPS with a effect thunderstorm is a bad design choice. 

Edited by Grebcol.5984
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With all the 300s CD that have been thrown around across all classes, but in particular for Thief, our Acro line; I’m surprised they let this passive trait slip through the cracks. When is it time to re-address 300s CDs?  (And yes I know they’re just trying to sell us on the specter that’s why they let it slip through)

but as an Adept trait, it’s the same case as Acro’s adept trait (Instant reflexes)- It does essentially the same thing minus the ally support aspect of it. (And yes I said essentially,) because it’s not completely the same, but the concept is the same. Shallow Grave prevents you or your ally from going below 1hp and instant reflexes Prevents you from going below a threshold that’s usually like half HP.


Shallow Grave - 60 sec CD
If the ally tethered by your Shadow Shroud takes a lethal blow, consume your shroud to prevent their death and heal them. If you would take a lethal blow, enter Shadow Shroud instead , if your shroud is above the threshold. 

This trait is unique per game mode 

Percentage Returned as Healing: 100%
Energy Threshold: 20


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13 minutes ago, AikijinX.6258 said:

With all the 300s CD that have been thrown around across all classes, but in particular for Thief, our Acro line; I’m surprised they let this passive trait slip through the cracks. When is it time to re-address 300s CDs?  (And yes I know they’re just trying to sell us on the specter that’s why they let it slip through)

but as an Adept trait, it’s the same case as Acro’s adept trait (Instant reflexes)- It does essentially the same thing minus the ally support aspect of it. (And yes I said essentially,) because it’s not completely the same, but the concept is the same. Shallow Grave prevents you or your ally from going below 1hp and instant reflexes Prevents you from going below a threshold that’s usually like half HP.


Shallow Grave - 60 sec CD
If the ally tethered by your Shadow Shroud takes a lethal blow, consume your shroud to prevent their death and heal them. If you would take a lethal blow, enter Shadow Shroud instead , if your shroud is above the threshold. 

This trait is unique per game mode 

Percentage Returned as Healing: 100%
Energy Threshold: 20


All the numbers that we saw on the stream are PvE numbers. There's a good chance the cooldown of this trait will be higher in PvP/WvW as well.

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The specter loses some of its function when it isn't tethered and when in PVE solo. The shroud absorbs damage so that could mean in solo PVE we aren't really in shroud that often because we keep getting taken out of it due to taking regular damage. I'd rather have a cool down because if its costs to cast shadow shroud skills AND we are taking damage it pretty much nullifies that mode. Also trying to target a specific ally in big fights is going to be a hot mess. Good luck whoever receives these boons I'm flinging around I GTG! pew pew!

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15 hours ago, Felices Bladewing.3914 said:

this single target support thing is not a great solution. 

When the teaser was released i kinda felt like this espec was going to be good, and in terms of the raw potential it is - dont get me wrong - but it is a lackluster AoE Support which also means you cant buff/support yourself so this spec is too reliable on constructed group play.

Hope i am wrong and proven better, but so far it might be a dead spec in openworld, WvW or solo PvE.


Also i can already hear people crying out loud that they didnt receive the thiefs healing from the same guys that are constantly complaing about stealth.

On the flipside 10 specters all tethered to an adjacent player would be god. lol

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