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Cost-Prohibitive to Returning Players

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1 hour ago, WelkinDust.8764 said:

My problem is with how much MORE expensive this game is compared to other major MMO titles,

Are... are you trolling? 


There are many things worth criticizing about Gw2's monetization system, but with the exception of BDO I legitimately cannot think of any major modern MMO that's cheaper to play than Gw2. 

1 hour ago, WelkinDust.8764 said:

Compare to WoW for example: sure, they have a monthly subscription and lots of people hate that. I spent way too much on WoW over more than a decade. But no matter how long you haven't played for, you can buy the current expansion for $40 and have access to the entire game, including all of the story

WoW starts to get more expensive than Gw2 after only 6 months of paying for a subscription. 

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Every time this comes up I will say the same thing I always do. The issue is not with the cost, which is fair, but that the cost is not transparent on purchase and is misleading which is a scummy business practice. Anet needs to make it clear living world is not included in expansion price and offer a proper bundle with all content as an option for returning and new players.

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1 hour ago, Rasimir.6239 said:


If you're looking for a game that you can no-life for a month or two, then drop again, you're better off looking for a subscription game. Buy-to-play games are usually set up to give good value for money for people that play less intensively over a longer period of time.


The game is aimed at people that play less per day, but many more months, and for them it's probably among the best value for money you can find in today's MMO market. There are plenty of MMO players for whom subscription MMOs are much more of a rip-off than what this game charges one-time. Those the main target audience of this game's purchase model, not the ones who rush through the content for a few weeks, then drop the game like a hot potatoe.

I was going to make a similar post. I've played GW2 continually since 2012. If I'd stuck with WoW during that time I would have spent literally 10 times as much. And the moment I stopped my WoW subscription (back in about 2010) I was left with nothing.

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I came back recently, too. I was very impressed with how much things have changed. Even things like traits —> specializations is new to me. I bit the bullet and paid 100 for the Ultimate edition. I missed the S2 and S3 freebies,  but I got most of S4 and all of Icebrood. The gems will get me the missing seasons with some leftover for QoL items.

It is a chunk of change, but if you see yourself playing this for more than 4 months, I think it’s reasonable. 


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You must be a troll or simply doesn't (want to) understand what people trying to tell you.

$100 (EoD ultimate collection) for this much of content is ridicilously cheap.
I mean really.

A lot of:
- new maps
- legendary items
- materials
- new mechanics
- skins
- hours to play

This is not a single player / story game. This is an MMO.
If you want to play a single player game let me recommend you some:
- Assassin's Creed series
- Grand Theft Auto series
- All playstation exclusives

If you want to play an MMO you don't do it just for the story...
And this is a lot more cheaper than any other MMO...
I let you calculate 9 years of WoW subs price, or 6 years, lets calculate it with a 3 years break... tell me how much it is.

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On 10/24/2021 at 2:00 PM, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

I do not want to play sales agent here, but ...

The Collection Ultimate Edition costs 99,99 €. It contains all three Expansions. In addition, you get:

- Flame Serpent Weapon Skin, which equals a BL Claim Ticket (worth ~ 30 gold) => ~ 100 GEMS
- Shing Jea Mosaic Cape, which equals to any Gemstore Cape (worth ~ 500 GEMS).
- Shared Inventory Slot = 700 GEMS
- Max Level Boost = 2,000 GEMS
- Character Slot = 800 GEMS
- Skiff Skin = ~ 400 GEMS
- Raptor Skin = ~ 400 GEMS
- Identity Repair Kit = 1,000 GEMS

SUM= 5,900 GEMS worth of goods. If I want to buy 5,900 GEMS, it would cost me ~ 70- 80 €. Let's go worst case, 70 €. 99,99 - 70 = 29,99 € for the three expansions. 

Now the good thing about the Collection Ultimate Edition is that you get another 4,000 GEMS for free. If you look at your calculations, that is almost the entire amount for the LW unlock. 

Having 100 € or not is another question. 

Any new player i know,... i tell them to get this one just for the 4000gems to buy the whole living story. People pay 50-70€ for a game.....so i think paying 100€ for even 3-4 games is completly OK.


Unluckily many people are not aware that the ultimate version in the end will be cheaper than the cheapest version.

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I do think they should include season 2, 3 and 4 with the expansions. It's an issue that has been brought up quite a few times regarding new and returning players with the story. Sufficient time has passed enough to do so. Going forwards, they should address how new story content will be handled.  


As for the OP addressing those that took the time to log in and play the game as fanboys.... you clearly didn't miss this game then. You clearly won't now.   

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1 hour ago, moony.5780 said:

Any new player i know,... i tell them to get this one just for the 4000gems to buy the whole living story. People pay 50-70€ for a game.....so i think paying 100€ for even 3-4 games is completly OK.


Unluckily many people are not aware that the ultimate version in the end will be cheaper than the cheapest version.

Yeah if I was aware at the time that I bought the game about the LS and what I actually get from LS, I would buy ultimate or whatever it was called then. 

But all I saw was skins and gems which at the time I was not fully aware what gemstore offers and its impact on gameplay. I was under impression gemstore is purely skins. And I dont care about skins. 

So yeah I fully understand new or long time returning players are reluctant about the upfront cost of the game and LS. Sure longterm value is great but a new player just doesnt have the experience to valuate that. 

Players forget this is not a new game. 

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OP, why are you glossing over the fact that you do not have to buy everything at once? It is really ignorant of you to slap a large price tag on a bundle of items that are sold seperately and complain it costs too much. Buy it as you get to it and enjoy. The price is more than fair. You can make the argument that they don't advertize the cost of Living World effectively. Many of us will agree with you on that but the prices are not bad.

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8 hours ago, Rasimir.6239 said:


If you're looking for a game that you can no-life for a month or two, then drop again, you're better off looking for a subscription game. Buy-to-play games are usually set up to give good value for money for people that play less intensively over a longer period of time.


The game is aimed at people that play less per day, but many more months, and for them it's probably among the best value for money you can find in today's MMO market. There are plenty of MMO players for whom subscription MMOs are much more of a rip-off than what this game charges one-time. Those the main target audience of this game's purchase model, not the ones who rush through the content for a few weeks, then drop the game like a hot potatoe.

Actually if you play this game a lot each day you will gain enough Gold which you can turn into Gem and purchase items including Story parts for Gems. This is a better deal then other MMOs have as you now have access to that content on ALL of your characters and as long this game will be having running servers from ANet. So comparing MMOs where people pay a sub fee each month and very often also feel a pressure to play because their time is counting down to next payment period isn't fair.

As an old ESO player I can also add that ESO had a lot of down time every time they made an update or maintenace, down time which where sometime longer then they expected (could last up to 6 hours or more). In GW2 when we have updates of client it is often a very fast update that don't take more then a couple of minutes and you are ready to go and don't loose any play time. For a game you don't have downcounting since last payment of sub fee it is much better deal and also you will not miss out of oppertunity to play as you could in ESO where planned and unplanned down time could happen.

ANet even compensate player when accidents happen like last week during beta testing of WVW and gave us 20 ticket for Skirmishing Claim and 20 WvW Reward Track Potions: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/103555-update-on-eu-wvw-reward-issue/

Costumer Support are also rather fast to respond to issues in this game compared to my experience with ESO.

ESO have also been giving away free items including event where they gave a way older DLCs for free (meaning even when you did not pay any sub fee you would still have access to those DLCs content) and sometime compensated player when there have been large enough complaints, so this isn't to make any of those two games look bad, but ANet with GW2 have in general better responce and less of cost as you can play this game without loosing uptime from servers going down for maintenance.

As for @WelkinDust.8764 it seem you don't really want to wait to get your story parts for a reduced Gems Store price (they have been on regular sale before each pre-EoDs "Returning to..." which now give an in game email item that unlocks for free that part of story, something that have been going on now for some time. If you actually care about this game you could also just farm Gold during Festival events like running Halloween Lab runs which isn't too demanding as long you have at least one decent character at level 80 in exotic gear and sell you Candy Corn Cobs or do any other major events which often have farming trains, so you don't really have an issue to gain Gold to purchase those episodes that you might need to unlock.

For the future at least make sure to read your mails from ANet/NCsoft for events that give away free items and add at least a social media network like Facebook or Twitter to Guild War 2, so don't miss out of these oppertunity. Reddit is also a good source to keep an eye (you don't need to have an account there if you don't want). There is more ways to keep up to date what is going on in this game then just emails.


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2 hours ago, moony.5780 said:

Any new player i know,... i tell them to get this one just for the 4000gems to buy the whole living story. People pay 50-70€ for a game.....so i think paying 100€ for even 3-4 games is completly OK.


Unluckily many people are not aware that the ultimate version in the end will be cheaper than the cheapest version.

Actually it depends on how you play as most of these items that are included are skins in deluxe and ultimate versions. The Shared Inventory slot will be blocked with Level 80 booster item, so you can't use it (if you don't want to waste it on another character) as it is delivered in that shared slot on evey version of EoD expansion from Standard to Ultimate Edition.

The real difference here is the amount of Gems, but you could as well just purchase those Gems with real money, so there is no reduction for Gems with this pruchase, just that you have one less payment to do to get those added to your account. In game you can upgrade your standard EoD account with Gems to deluxe, so there is not really a need to go deluxe if you don't just want to have those shiny things from day one (and likely there will be some Gem Store sale on Deluxe after some time like there have been for other version of this game like when I bought PoF upgrade to deluxe for getting access to Lily of the Elon Pass). Upgrade to one more character slot have also been on Gem Store sale, so it depends on what and how you play this game for how much value there is from purchasing these different version.

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You are mostly right. Living Worlds are a terrible design business for players that weren't here when the episodes were released. It has ZERO sense to buy the expansions only to discover that there is more stuff to buy to play the story.

You shouldn't be surprised to see so many people defending this model, they (including myself) paid for them or got them for free so most of them don't know that feeling you have.

But to clarify, the living worlds are not cost prohibitive. To be fair they are cheap and if you are going to heavily delve into the PvE, is highly advised to acquire everything. If you returned just now, you'll get the living world: Icebrood Saga for free by login in every week. All the previous ones won't be available for free in the future, presumably.

Edited by Telgum.6071
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I sympathize I really do, as a new player when I started in 2018 I came from wow and FF. I was used to buying the latest xpack and getting full access to everything in the game. When I came here it said B2P so I assumed you buy the game and all the content was there, the gem shop was for utility and fashion. When I saw that the stories were not included as part of the game I bought it did upset me. I think at least back then it wasnt very clear to new players, this is what most new players get upset about. I have been able to get the story through rerelease only because I was informed they would be coming back this year. I had quit in 2019, if someone had not told me I would have missed them all. So I would just hold out till they do it again in a few years or save gold and convert to gems if I were you, then buy them that way. There are going to be a lot of new pissed players when EoD releases and it dont have the LWS in them. Because new players are new they dont know that there are whole maps ect they wont be getting when they buy EoD. 

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1 hour ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

I sympathize I really do, as a new player when I started in 2018 I came from wow and FF. I was used to buying the latest xpack and getting full access to everything in the game. When I came here it said B2P so I assumed you buy the game and all the content was there, the gem shop was for utility and fashion. When I saw that the stories were not included as part of the game I bought it did upset me. I think at least back then it wasnt very clear to new players, this is what most new players get upset about. I have been able to get the story through rerelease only because I was informed they would be coming back this year. I had quit in 2019, if someone had not told me I would have missed them all. So I would just hold out till they do it again in a few years or save gold and convert to gems if I were you, then buy them that way. There are going to be a lot of new pissed players when EoD releases and it dont have the LWS in them. Because new players are new they dont know that there are whole maps ect they wont be getting when they buy EoD. 

Dont really matter they dont get hot or pof with EOD so cant play those episodes anyway.

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2 hours ago, Nimrod.9240 said:

No Mans Sky and Path of Exile for example.

To be fair, PoE is completely F2P with $40-60 cosmetics. THAT doesn't really have a bearing on content releases, but the entire game is free, so it would be weird to charge for DLCs. And the cosmetics show the extent they need to go to make up the money somewhere. It is insane seeing the amount of people with 10+ supporter badges that were $100+, lol (just a side note).

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8 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

But all I saw was skins and gems which at the time I was not fully aware what gemstore offers and its impact on gameplay. I was under impression gemstore is purely skins. And I dont care about skins.

You shut your filthy mouth (lol jk).

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1 hour ago, Telgum.6071 said:

Blasphemous, three free DLC

I mean they did give them away, several times, to people that play the game. I bet if new players continue to play the game, they will get them for free. The issue here is people want free stuff on THEIR terms. Sorry, none of us get to decide when they are free. I will guarantee that some point in the future (more than likely around the end of S6), they will hand them out for free again. If you don't feel like waiting, there is an alternative. It's very entitled to think you (general you, not you personally) get to decide how people will give you their things.

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Going to sound weird. I think people should stop responding to this thread, run its course. Importantly, the OP response to the most on page 1 responding to this thread is telling. The very last paragraph says it loud and clear; he/she moved on. He/she said, FFXIV and SWTOR give more for less for their money.

I imagine they logged out, (maybe laughed at the responses) and not look back.  

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4 hours ago, CalamityO.2890 said:

Going to sound weird. I think people should stop responding to this thread, run its course. Importantly, the OP response to the most on page 1 responding to this thread is telling. The very last paragraph says it loud and clear; he/she moved on. He/she said, FFXIV and SWTOR give more for less for their money.

I imagine they logged out, (maybe laughed at the responses) and not look back.  

I read that, which is totally nonsense.

The montly fee for both games are over $25. (without counting the initial purchase)
And he complains about that onetime $100 is expensive for lifetime content?
The logic is epic there.

Edited by Zentao.6314
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I am reading through all of this and wonder... If you do not want to pay for all of this, why not just grind the gold and turn gold into gem ?


I understand if you missed the free release it sucks but Anet has been kind enough to basically allow you to grind gold and buy it with gold. Yeah it may takes time but it's basically free. Or you pay with real money. Or wait for them to release yet again, the LS for free. Part of me was kind of pissed that I had to pay 400 gems for an episode and then a month later they're releasing that same episode for free but I dont mind, I already gained back all the gold I used to pay for the episode.

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