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Should GW2 go NFT?

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It’s been such a few months since I’ve been hearing about awesome NFT MMO projects, I think it’s a promising future that all the big companies are already looking forward to, as for example EA and Ubisoft just manifested positively about NFT games, other companies such as Pearl Abyss and Square Enix just announced they are already producing their AAA NFT games and there are rumours about Black Desert going this way too. As a enthusiast of the crypto world, I’m seeing that this will be the future of the online games industry in general, in special of the MMO industry, because in many ways the type of thinking: “Why I would spend my time farming/grinding gold or whatever there is in this game, if I can do the same in an other game with NFT that offers me the same or better fun playing with dungeons, raids, world pvp and all the other good stuff a AAA MMO can offer me and it even pays me for playing? My time has value, and that’s why I need to be rewarded for spending it, because other way I could be just earning money instead of playing, but if I can do both in a game, why not?” will begin to get heavy on players minds. I see that the metaverse is opening a wide variety of opportunities for both players and companies, as companies can earn big profit from small taxes applied into the NFT transactions of buy/sell. Now it’s a good time since all this thing of NFT just began to appear massively, it’s the chance to be one of the pioneers AAA MMO that adopts the NFT system, because sincerely, there aren’t yet high quality MMO games in this system, for example, people play Mir 4 just because of NFT, but the game is trash, completely a “cash-grab auto-mode mobile” MMO, but I can asure you guys, it won’t take long for us to see the first AAA MMOs to show up in the scene, because the big boys I already mentioned in this post (and I think many more other big companies will adopt later) are looking forward to the possibilities of this system, and they’re already producing their AAA games on that. I could extend this text way longer on this topic, but now I want to know from the community of this game that I like so much, what do u guys think? Would be viable to implement without breaking the game’s economy or just impossible? 

Edited by number.8174
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  • number.8174 changed the title to Should GW2 go NFT?
32 minutes ago, number.8174 said:

Should GW2 go NFT?

Uhm... No.

33 minutes ago, number.8174 said:

As a enthusiast of the crypto world, [...]

See? There's the problem: I don't think you are aware of the dangers of the "crypto world", which expand far beyond gaming. The opportunities for scammers are endless in that world.

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How would you expect to see NFT's added? How would the blockchain be added? What would all this look like and would the development time be worth it to do so?

Leaving everything about NFTs out, there are serious technological limitations and cost-benefit considerations. If Anet spent this long with DX9, the trading post/gemstore window is a janky chromium browser, and no one can touch multiple parts of the game engine lest the entire thing break, how would they feasibly incorporate blockchain code into the game without breaking the game entirely? And how would they do it in a way that's cheaper and easier than updates to the engine that they're only now starting to address despite it benefiting players and devs alike once done?

You can't just tack blockchain onto anything and everything—games need to be built from the ground up with it.

So no, I would not like to see GW2 with NFTs. It would probably break the game if attempted and NFTs are a money laundering scam, despite the creator's intention, where the value is tied to how many people get in on the scam (almost like a pyramid scheme, eh?) while destroying the environment. And the goal of NFT games is to make as much money from players as possible, not to create a fun game and I'd rather play a game where fun is a priority over milking gullible people.

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16 minutes ago, Zephire.8049 said:

So no, I would not like to see GW2 with NFTs. It would probably break the game if attempted and NFTs are a money laundering scam, despite the creator's intention, where the value is tied to how many people get in on the scam (almost like a pyramid scheme, eh?) while destroying the environment. And the goal of NFT games is to make as much money from players as possible, not to create a fun game and I'd rather play a game where fun is a priority over milking gullible people.


Zephire gets it. Zephire really gets it.

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9 hours ago, number.8174 said:

I think it’s a promising future that all the big companies are already looking forward to, as for example EA and Ubisoft just manifested positively about NFT games, other companies such as Pearl Abyss and Square Enix just announced they are already producing their AAA NFT games and there are rumours about Black Desert going this way too.

"Big capitalist industries" are already looking forward to.
But sure, NFT games are for the best player experience, nothing about the best way to make players throw money.


9 hours ago, number.8174 said:

As a enthusiast of the crypto world

Enthusiast, doesn't mean "expert" nor "skilled".


9 hours ago, number.8174 said:

 “Why I would spend my time farming/grinding gold or whatever there is in this game (...) and it even pays me for playing? My time has value, and that’s why I need to be rewarded for spending it

That's exactly why you are "enthusiast", not "skilled".
Just one question :

What in game activity generates added value and would therefore create wealth ?


9 hours ago, number.8174 said:

I see that the metaverse is opening a wide variety of opportunities for both players and companies, as companies can earn big profit from small taxes applied into the NFT transactions of buy/sell.

Are you really expecting the taxes to stay "small" ?
Are you really expecting countries and governments to let private companies tinker their own monetary sovereignty and acquire the possibility of "beating currency" ?


9 hours ago, number.8174 said:

Would be viable to implement without breaking the game’s economy or just impossible? 


First thought: a big no !

Second thought : why would I have to spend real money to buy anything in game ? Because that's what NFT speculation is ?

Third thought : how do you regulate a NFT money when it's really miss liquidity/ Even more, when in an mmo you have a part of the players that disappear over time, so the creation of eternal savings.


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10 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Uhm... No.

See? There's the problem: I don't think you are aware of the dangers of the "crypto world", which expand far beyond gaming. The opportunities for scammers are endless in that world.

Yes, but the opportunities for scammers are endless with government money too in that world, or pyramid schemes just began with cryptos and never existed before that? 🤔

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I had to google what this was and it's one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. Not just for GW but in general. Video games are just that; games.  NFT sounds more like jobs, and just like most corporate jobs it will stand to take advantage of those in the lower levels of the ladder. And in this case it's the players. Like other mentioned it is more of a scheme than a game setting/theme. Not to mention that the tradeoff are in cryptocurrencies which have not worth to them (but that's a different topic).

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12 minutes ago, number.8174 said:

Yes, but the opportunities for scammers are endless with government money too in that world, or pyramid schemes just began with cryptos and never existed before that? 🤔

Scams have existed all the time, so no need to give them a bridge to enter the game, it's not the first forum where i've seen someone advocate for the NFT like things, each time the response remain the same, it's a game, if you want to get money, start streaming, making content, not become part of an elaborate scam

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59 minutes ago, Parthenos Polias.5683 said:

"Big capitalist industries" are already looking forward to.
But sure, NFT games are for the best player experience, nothing about the best way to make players throw money.


Enthusiast, doesn't mean "expert" nor "skilled".


That's exactly why you are "enthusiast", not "skilled".
Just one question :

What in game activity generates added value and would therefore create wealth ?


Are you really expecting the taxes to stay "small" ?
Are you really expecting countries and governments to let private companies tinker their own monetary sovereignty and acquire the possibility of "beating currency" ?



First thought: a big no !

Second thought : why would I have to spend real money to buy anything in game ? Because that's what NFT speculation is ?

Third thought : how do you regulate a NFT money when it's really miss liquidity/ Even more, when in an mmo you have a part of the players that disappear over time, so the creation of eternal savings.


Yes, I’m not an expert on that, that’s why I’ve put “enthusiast”, in any part of the text I said I’m a expert. And yes again, you can spend your money too in NFT games, just like every investment you can’t expect to invest nothing on it and have huge profits.

About the player experience, the NFT mmos we got now are really trashy in gameplay mechanics, lore, etc and I said that on my text, don’t know even if you read it btw. But sure that will come aaa mmos into the nft world in the near future, as big companies already known for developing successful mmos just announced they are making their own aaa mmos. And when that begins I see that we will have good mmos with the same or better quality of GW2, FF14, ESO, BDO being produced, so you can have fun meanwhile you make a little bit of money in this free time you’re spending playing, of course you’ll not get rich with that, but it’s better than just thrown your money to companies to buy things on theirs in-game stores that don’t offers any financial return to you, just your time and money being spent uselessly. And don’t get me wrong, I like to play just for fun too on my free time and spend my money on things I like on the game store, but I have to admit that isn’t worth my time and with nfts I could be doing both, having fun and earning a little bit.

Maybe it wouldn’t work to implement nft into an already established game like GW2 as some comments just said, I don’t know about the technical side of it, I’m not a programmer, what I gave was just a suggestion, a sketch of idea, of course ANet would have to look to the technical side of it. But if ANet ever does a brand new nft mmo I would be one of the firsts to give it a chance, why not?


I see here that there are lots of comments of people that don’t understand the concept of nfts neither the concept of crypto-currencies in general and appears that they never ever really invested into the crypto market nor played any nft game. 

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The only thing NFT stands for in my abbreviation list is Not Fit for Tyria!

As a side note: It is very easy to call people who are critical, stupid or uninformed. But as mentioned. Being a crazy fanboy of crypto currency, you should also know that the opposite can be true as well.

Crypto currency as a concept is very interesting and the technology is very interesting, however the negative side effects show also it's darkness. when someone is over-enthousiastic about it, it shows they are ill-informed when the downsides of the technology are very much visable.

Edited by mercury ranique.2170
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36 minutes ago, SkinnyT.5382 said:

I had to google what this was and it's one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. Not just for GW but in general. Video games are just that; games.  NFT sounds more like jobs, and just like most corporate jobs it will stand to take advantage of those in the lower levels of the ladder. And in this case it's the players. Like other mentioned it is more of a scheme than a game setting/theme. Not to mention that the tradeoff are in cryptocurrencies which have not worth to them (but that's a different topic).

About being a job I think that there’s a lot of mmos that aren’t nft and already feel like a job by wasting your time on grinding/farming things for hours everyday, but they are non-paid jobs that gives you virtual things (stronger equipments, mounts, etc) that only have value inside of the game, inside a fantasy world, meanwhile the company gets what have real value, your money. So for the boring grinding and pay-to-win games, it would be better to play one that at least I can extract real value from it by selling nft items, terrains in game and other stuff for real money that I can actually use in the real world. And for those who play p2w games, already exists these same p2w mechanics in nft mmo, just as Mir 4 that it’s getting successful just because the nft system, so people have the type of thinking that I mentioned above in this comment that at least the game gives them profit, but the game itself is really trashy. Although I think we will have aaa nft mmos in the near future brought by the big mmo companies we already know (Square Enix, Pearl Abyss, NCSoft, Zenimax, etc) that will both bring the fun you can expect of a aaa mmo and the chance to make a little bit profit from the game by the nft system.

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I have no idea what NFT is, but judging from the responses I think NFL would be a better fit. A pro football team comprised of Arenanet devs, that is! Their uniforms would be Dragonjade Green! And their mascot would be a hype train! Choo Choo!


Coming soon to a Living World near you -- LS6: No Brakes 'til the Super Bowl!

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1 hour ago, number.8174 said:

Yes, but the opportunities for scammers are endless with government money too in that world, or pyramid schemes just began with cryptos and never existed before that? 🤔

I never said that, but it is easier to fall for such scams in the cyber world, and particularly in a gaming environment, because everything's "light-hearted" and "just a click away." It's also harder in some cases to track down the culprits involved in such schemes. (Yes, governments are also prone to corruption, but that's not what we are talking about here, right?)

Online, and especially in games, all sorts of groups can be targetted, including youngsters, which is another danger that is remarkably bigger than "in the real world."

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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