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what being new to WvW feels like


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It feels like I am being severely punished when playing WvW for being new, at first, it was kinda fun, I made it my goal to get a keep fully upgraded after capturing it with a random group when they left and I was left outnumbered and it felt rewarding after I spent the whole night doing that and managed to get it upgraded, but after that stuff started going downhill, and it was after I checked the rewards for playing the mode.

I was getting around 5 pips each tick during my first week and then 6 the next one and it felt like I would have to force myself to play for several hours a day to be able to get all the chest rewards which was fine during the first week because not knowing how the mode worked I thought that the more tiers I finished the more pips per tick I would get next week, but I found out it was just 1 extra pip for finishing the wood chest...

It was demoralizing to find out that even after putting so many hours into the mode the previous week to finish the rewards I was just getting a pat on the back and then told to put nearly the same amount of hours into it, and then seeing that I was not even remotely close to the next level tier for the extra pip at level 150, which would be fine if I got a couple more pips from the "commitment" thing(it is absolutely ridiculous to call finishing wood division commitment) it honestly feels like the game mode is kicking me while I am down.

I need to know if I am the only one experiencing something like this, are any other newcomers to WvW feeling this way, or is everyone just down with the ridiculous grind this game mode forces people into?

Edited by Namikazeminato.9348
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Wtf is wrong with those people, especially new ones. Why you cant just type thread/comment like every other sane person, instead you edit your post making it so harder to read. Just dont, be like everyone else, no1 likes special snowflakes.

If you play WvW for rewards, you are in wrong place buddy. You play it solely for fun purposes

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1 hour ago, Namikazeminato.9348 said:

It feels like I am being severely punished when playing WvW for being new, at first, it was kinda fun, I made it my goal to get a keep fully upgraded after capturing it with a random group when they left and I was left outnumbered and it felt rewarding after I spent the whole night doing that and managed to get it upgraded, but after that stuff started going downhill, and it was after I checked the rewards for playing the mode, I was getting around 5 pips each tick during my first week and then 6 the next one and it felt like I would have to force myself to play for several hours a day to be able to get all the chest rewards which was fine during the first week because not knowing how the mode worked I thought that the more tiers I finished the more pips per tick I would get next week but I found out it was just 1 extra pip for finishing the wood chest... It was demoralizing to find out that even after putting so many hours into the mode the previous week to finish the rewards I was just getting a pat on the back and then told to put nearly the same amount of hours into it, and then seeing that I was not even remotely close to the next level tier for the extra pip at level 150, which would be fine if I got a couple more pips from the "commitment" thing(it is absolutely ridiculous to call finishing wood division commitment) it honestly feels like the game mode is kicking me while I am down.

I need to know if I am the only one experiencing something like this, are any other newcomers to WvW feeling this way, or is everyone just down with the ridiculous grind this game mode forces people into?

WvW isn't a place where you get rewards and it never has been.

The only real difference when you're not new to WvW is that you don't expect to be given rewards and the veterans have experience reward tracks not existing and no WvW rank so no level up reward chests either.

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1 hour ago, Namikazeminato.9348 said:

I was getting around 5 pips each tick during my first week and then 6 the next one and it felt like I would have to force myself to play for several hours a day to be able to get all the chest rewards which was fine during the first week because not knowing how the mode worked I thought that the more tiers I finished the more pips per tick I would get next week but I found out it was just 1 extra pip for finishing the wood chest...


Imagine this: there used to be no pips at all at some point. I know, I know, it seems ludicrous that there used to be players who played the mode because they enjoyed it.

If you only want the rewards, go play PvE.

Oh but wait, you probably want the legendary gear right? Then either learn to love the game mode, get good at raids or do your spvp games.

WvW is not the go-to PvE player place to get the gear and loot.

On the upside: if you manage to actually find fun at playing WvW, you will eventually spot worrying about tickets, pips, gold/hour, etc.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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WvW isn't truly about rewards. It's about large scale competition. It feels like a lot of people that come from other game modes completely fail to recognize that. If you don't enjoy WvW for what it is, then you're going to continue to struggle with spending time in the game mode if you're laser focused on PIPs. What you refer to as "ridiculous grind" is absolutely fun for most of us that main WvW.

Your post is unclear whether you're referring to the material rewards or the tickets, but if you bounced in for the legendary skins, and you don't like the way the PIPS and WXP are set up, that's a you thing, and not a everyone else thing. I know tons of PvE players that spent time in WvW for the legendary armor, and your time spent in the game is no more valuable than theirs.

No one is forcing you to complete all the PIPs every week. That's pressure that you put on yourself, based on the amount of time you have. Use boosters and buffs to level up your WXP, play when you can, and eventually you'll get more pips per tick, just like everyone else that came in from other game modes.

PS, that Izzy account you see in my signature? That's my NA main, a second account so I can play both regions, and that account has all the ascended gear required to make all the legendary armors. It took a hot minute, but I didn't complain. It can be done.

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I still remember when I was new.

The first thing on my mind after jumping in a WvW map for the first time is to find enemies and kill them because I think I already know how the game works after leveling from PvE and got bored fighting programmed monsters over and over.

Then suddenly I encountered a large group of red named objects. I did rushed to them and tried to kill them on my own. I got downed in an instant but few seconds later a group of green named people fought that red named groups then said to me "we got you" then rezzed me.

Then I followed that group and eventually invited me to their squad and guild.

That is where my WvW story began.

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It can be a grind especially when you're starting fresh and you're alone. So what i would suggest for you to do is find a guild to join. preferably a casual wvw guild not those hard core fight guilds unless that's your thing. that way you'll at least enjoy playing the game and you'll have guildies that will help you get the hang of it and by then it won't be much of a grind.


regarding the skirmish chests don't push it too hard. only aim at what you think you can play enough with. getting to diamond chests takes a LOT of hours and that needs dedication so if you can't play WvW for long hours everyday then i would suggest just aim for Gold chest since that will give you 2 MC.


For rewards select the reward track that you think is best for you but since you're new i would suggest the triumphant reward track as that will get you started with the journey for the legendary armor.




Also, each server has their own down time. i.e no one is online, so if you end up playing on that time you will be overwhelmed because A. nothing much is happening or B. you're being ganked on both sides and outnumbered everywhere which is a terrible experience especially if you're new.

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6 hours ago, Widmo.3186 said:

Wtf is wrong with those people, especially new ones. Why you cant just type thread/comment like every other sane person, instead you edit your post making it so harder to read. Just dont, be like everyone else, no1 likes special snowflakes.

If you play WvW for rewards, you are in wrong place buddy. You play it solely for fun purposes

What the kitten are you talking about? snowflake? dude I grew up in a town where you would get beat up for daring to go to school the day the townsfolk were on strike which was a couple of times a month, I have thicker skin than you will ever have and it turns out I don't like to waste time, WvW feels like a waste of time, why do you think pip farming  is a thing?

1 hour ago, Skynet.7201 said:

WvW isn't truly about rewards. It's about large scale competition. It feels like a lot of people that come from other game modes completely fail to recognize that. If you don't enjoy WvW for what it is, then you're going to continue to struggle with spending time in the game mode if you're laser focused on PIPs. What you refer to as "ridiculous grind" is absolutely fun for most of us that main WvW.

Your post is unclear whether you're referring to the material rewards or the tickets, but if you bounced in for the legendary skins, and you don't like the way the PIPS and WXP are set up, that's a you thing, and not a everyone else thing. I know tons of PvE players that spent time in WvW for the legendary armor, and your time spent in the game is no more valuable than theirs.

No one is forcing you to complete all the PIPs every week. That's pressure that you put on yourself, based on the amount of time you have. Use boosters and buffs to level up your WXP, play when you can, and eventually you'll get more pips per tick, just like everyone else that came in from other game modes.

PS, that Izzy account you see in my signature? That's my NA main, a second account so I can play both regions, and that account has all the ascended gear required to make all the legendary armors. It took a hot minute, but I didn't complain. It can be done.

just because you and other players have a high tolerance for wasting time doesn't mean it is not wasting time, the one thing you did say that makes a lot of sense and I will focus more on is the bit about playing when I can and not focus on pips.

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3 minutes ago, iamreb.9175 said:

It can be a grind especially when you're starting fresh and you're alone. So what i would suggest for you to do is find a guild to join. preferably a casual wvw guild not those hard core fight guilds unless that's your thing. that way you'll at least enjoy playing the game and you'll have guildies that will help you get the hang of it and by then it won't be much of a grind.


regarding the skirmish chests don't push it too hard. only aim at what you think you can play enough with. getting to diamond chests takes a LOT of hours and that needs dedication so if you can't play WvW for long hours everyday then i would suggest just aim for Gold chest since that will give you 2 MC.


For rewards select the reward track that you think is best for you but since you're new i would suggest the triumphant reward track as that will get you started with the journey for the legendary armor.




Also, each server has their own down time. i.e no one is online, so if you end up playing on that time you will be overwhelmed because A. nothing much is happening or B. you're being ganked on both sides and outnumbered everywhere which is a terrible experience especially if you're new.

legit the first person to give good advice instead of telling me "leave or deal with it", thanks

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25 minutes ago, Namikazeminato.9348 said:

it turns out I don't like to waste time, WvW feels like a waste of time

Welcome to gaming! First time? Its a waste of money too. Just as a heads up.

Anyway, what are you grinding for? Why are you grinding? You never defined that. You just said you did.

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2 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Welcome to gaming! First time? Its a waste of money too. Just as a heads up.

Anyway, what are you grinding for? Why are you grinding? You never defined that. You just said you did.

Investing in entertainment and "wasting time" are not the same thing, I played the last of us, it was not a waste of time because I enjoyed my time with it, I played dead space and I played Doom, it was not a waste of time because I had fun and the investment was worthwhile. 

That comment brings literally nothing to the table aside from being a response I would expect from a very young child, what I am grinding for is not important, Skynet and iamreb were the only 2 comments in this whole thing I needed to read and they have the right idea, now I wont focus on the rewards and will try to get a group to enjoy the mode a bit more, that's it.

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I was expecting another warclaw is too hard to get thread.


10 minutes ago, Namikazeminato.9348 said:

Investing in entertainment and "wasting time" are not the same thing, I played the last of us, it was not a waste of time because I enjoyed my time with it, I played dead space and I played Doom, it was not a waste of time because I had fun and the investment was worthwhile. 

Ok so the question is, did you enjoy the little time you spent in wvw? I'm pretty sure all those other games you mentioned don't shower you with rewards, it's the game play that was fun for you, so was wvw fun for you? If not then you're wasting your time and investing for rewards probably won't make it any better for you, since you'll consider it a grind to obtain anyways.

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hello namikaze welcome in this game mode...... you will have a lot of fun I assure you.

I also recommend not to pay attention to the rewards and focus on looking at who you have around you to find new friendships ........ that could become good friendships....... and together with good friends having fun is easier.

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1 minute ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

I was expecting another warclaw is too hard to get thread.


Ok so the question is, did you enjoy the little time you spent in wvw? I'm pretty sure all those other games you mentioned don't shower you with rewards, it's the game play that was fun for you, so was wvw fun for you? If not then you're wasting your time and investing for rewards probably won't make it any better for you, since you'll consider it a grind to obtain anyways.

There is a difference between being showered with rewards and the game being rewarding, last of us is rewarding because advancing the story is the reward, Doom is rewarding because you constantly get upgrades and new weapons nearly every level to kill demons in more fun ways, same with deadspace, meanwhilde in WvW I put around 50 hours into it and have very little to show for it, aside from a mediocre mount that has no use outside of WvW being inferior to the raptor mount in every way.

If I had to put a number on the amount of hours I had fun as opposed to the hours that I played WvW  the ratio is not good, I would say 10 to 15% of the time spent in the mode was actual fun gameplay and the rest was me trying to finish diamond so I don't have to play more of it.

As I said before I will try to focus more on the gameplay and the advice I got from iamreb rather than keep checking pips and getting anxiety from it.

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37 minutes ago, Namikazeminato.9348 said:

Investing in entertainment and "wasting time" are not the same thing, I played the last of us, it was not a waste of time because I enjoyed my time with it, I played dead space and I played Doom, it was not a waste of time because I had fun and the investment was worthwhile. 

That comment brings literally nothing to the table aside from being a response I would expect from a very young child, what I am grinding for is not important, Skynet and iamreb were the only 2 comments in this whole thing I needed to read and they have the right idea, now I wont focus on the rewards and will try to get a group to enjoy the mode a bit more, that's it.

That's all subjective stuff you are trying to objectify and you react pretty harsh to people not agreeing with you.

I prefer an evening of "rewardless" WvW over any Dead Space or Last of Us session (not so much over Doom, that game is great - to MY subjective opinion). 

Edited by KrHome.1920
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8 minutes ago, KrHome.1920 said:

That's all subjective stuff you are trying to objectify and react pretty sensitive to people not agreeing with you.

I prefer an evening of rewardless WvW over any Dead Space or Last of Us session (not so much over Doom, that game is great - to MY subjective opinion). 

"Welcome to gaming! First time? Its a waste of money too. Just as a heads up."

That is what I responded to, did you read it? I don't care what you call fun, I never asked, the point I was trying to make when responding to that statement is that gaming in general is not a waste of time or money when you invest time and money into something that is entertaining to you whatever that may be, that's why I, as stated several times by now, will try to focus more on the gameplay of WvW instead of the rewards.

Edited by Namikazeminato.9348
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55 minutes ago, Namikazeminato.9348 said:


"Welcome to gaming! First time? Its a waste of money too. Just as a heads up."

That is what I responded to, did you read it? I don't care what you call fun, I never asked, the point I was trying to make when responding to that statement is that gaming in general is not a waste of time or money when you invest time and money into something that is entertaining to you whatever that may be, that's why I, as stated several times by now, will try to focus more on the gameplay of WvW instead of the rewards.

And nobody here cares about what u find fun or waste of time, the developer wont change the gamemode just for you, if you dont like it just leave.

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2 hours ago, Namikazeminato.9348 said:

 it turns out I don't like to waste time, WvW feels like a waste of time


just because you and other players have a high tolerance for wasting time doesn't mean it is not wasting time

Every game is, in a way, a waste of time.

Simple solution for you: If you do not like the game mode, then don't play it.

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At first, when I read the title I thought it had something to do with getting the Warclaw, which I agree, totally sucks for new players, but the post seems to be about the Rewards for WvW? Which WvW/PVP are never really about the rewards because they are just PVP gamemodes and PVE gamemodes will always win out in terms of Cosmetics + Gold/hr returns (https://fast.farming-community.eu/ is a great site for Gold/hr conversions/metas/reward tracks). I've played WvW on and off for 8 years, and I hadn't really cared about the rewards because I enjoyed the WvW gamemode more than I did the rewards.  Like others have said, if you feel like the rewards are a bit too low, then you can always play another gamemode or look for a more populated server for your timezone (https://wvwstats.com/timezones)

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11 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

Every game is, in a way, a waste of time.

Simple solution for you: If you do not like the game mode, then don't play it.


12 hours ago, lotus.5672 said:

And nobody here cares about what u find fun or waste of time, the developer wont change the gamemode just for you, if you dont like it just leave.

Knee jerk reaction, absolutely useless responses, I've had some good advice telling me how I may find more enjoyment out of the mode by finding a clan that does WvW, grouping and not focusing so much on the rewards which is good advice.

Your responses are effectively garbage.

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4 hours ago, Namikazeminato.9348 said:


Knee jerk reaction, absolutely useless responses, I've had some good advice telling me how I may find more enjoyment out of the mode by finding a clan that does WvW, grouping and not focusing so much on the rewards which is good advice.

Your responses are effectively garbage.

I am sorry that there is so many people here in this thread that seem to tell you get out of WvW, just because they for some reason didn't like what you asked about PIPs and so on. WvW as game mode in GW2 have changes over time and right now we are in Beta stage for WvW Restructuring which where post poned at as it where supposed to happen 12th Nov. at the same time we had last Beta test for PvE.

As a new player WvW can be confusing and take some time to get a grasp around how things work, but with time you will also find out how both WvW and PvE work as both are related in GW2. There are things in PvE which you need to go to WvW to get as part of Legendary gear and vv.

I would advice to try to work get the Gold you need to unlock Commander tag for yourself as that helps when there is no Commander on map in WvW and is very useful when you are doing things in PvE as it lets you see other player and coordinate things. You don't need to be an expert to play with a Commander tag in WvW as it helps other player to focus on what you want do for your World/Server (and other commander with different goals can do what they want to do).

Until you have your own Commander tag try to see if there is any Commander tag when you enter WvW and ask in map chat (or whisper) if you can tag along that squad. You earn more Skirmishing tickets over time by doing this and you will also have an easier time when you are grouped to what is going on for each WvW map.

Depending on which Server/World you belong to it can also be hard to find dedicated WvW Guilds as a lot of players that did play mostly WvW in those Guilds have left, so you have to find out how things do work today on your server. Use Google to search for Guilds that are on that Server/WvW that you belong to and see if they have an open spot for you to join.

WvW Restructuring where supposed to happen for some years now which also add some frustration to player base as it where meant to remove how players are locked to a server/world and can not change it to another without paying a fee in Gems (and some Server/World are also almost always "Full" population meaing you can not enter those Server/World with a Guild. Alliance system (with WvW Restructuring) where supposed to replace World/Server restriction with Guilds that worked instead of World/Server.


(This information in link is more to reflect how much back and forth of the years this discussion have be going on then to exacly describe what is to be expected IF WvW Restructuring are going to the final stage).

Right now three servers/worlds are linked with other servers (smaller and in the same range for tier as the larger which they are linked to) to make it a three vs thee World/Server fight. Dedicated WvW Veteran players have most likely bought more then one account (one account = one World for WvW) which also cause issues with loyality to the World/Server as there is no gain to keep on fighting for only on side in WvW. Farming player on low populated maps (world) give more reward then trying to build up a defense during Night time to keep those Servers/Worlds from dominating all maps in WvW, which also have been an issue and WvW Restructuring where meant to reduce part of that flow from high to low population during 24 hour.


Here is a link to show you have how WvW work as for rewards, for how Servers/Worlds etc work in WvW.



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54 minutes ago, Brandon Uzumaki.1524 said:

WvW players are weird lol, most constant complain that the game mode is not rewarding enough compared to  the others, but when someone says WvW need more rewards they are against the idea of having more rewards, i can never understand lmao.

I think you may have some of the players confused.  Sure, there are some vets that complain about new rewards.


In the case of this thread, most are complaining about people getting credit for activities which…. Aren’t very active.  Not quite on the level of the AFK errr ‘ Inattentive’ farmers in PvE.  

More rewards that do not incentivize server stacking or AFK play styles are always welcome.

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