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New Asian faces

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9 minutes ago, nobleboivin.4102 said:

I'm also trying to figure out why Norn would have asian faces.

It's probably due to groups like the Yupik, Inuit and Ainu that live in cold regions (like the Norn) and have distinctly Asian-looking features.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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2 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

It's probably due to groups like the Yupik, Inuit and Ainu that live in cold regions (like the Norn) and have distinctly Asian-looking features.

Could be.  I was thinking that.  I really hope we get some lore for it.  I do like the norn asian faces more than the human so def going to make an asian themed norn 😄

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As an Asian person, I find the human and norn faces for both male and female disappointing and off putting.  This is a fantasy game where I want my characters to have unrealistic beauty expectations.  I pretty confident that this is true most players, because of how they make their characters. But to only have faces that are caricatures with stereotypical features are some what offensive and is a strange move.  Would I be offended if these choices were included with other better looking models, no.  But to only give these options, doesn't feel good.  And in my opinion is it racist, not really.  But is it disappointing, yes.  Maybe this is a big middle finger to NC SOFT.

Edited by Mushin.6789
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5 hours ago, kettering.6823 said:

Am I looking at the same faces you are all looking at, or have none of you actually looked at a real woman before? None of the new faces are ugly. Some I find very beautiful. Like the poster above me said, they look like real people. And to say it's racist unless they all look like k-pop stars, who are expected to live up to unrealistic beauty standards, and most of whom have had plastic surgery? What the hell. Touch grass, guys. 


What I do agree with is that the quality for all the new customization assets is a little subpar. I hope they get polished a little bit. 

In Tokyo, the only women I saw that looked like this were 90 years old.

Edited by Shiyo.3578
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3 hours ago, Juno.5741 said:

i bet the artist who made the sylvari faces is not the same who made human and norn ones, sylvari faces look so nice.


I've felt this from the beginning of the game, not only with faces, but with the body models. Human face and body models look like rounded over approximations, like dolls. Sylvari bodies, in spite of their plantiness, look like they have bone and muscle strucure, and their faces have a ton of character.

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5 hours ago, kettering.6823 said:

Am I looking at the same faces you are all looking at, or have none of you actually looked at a real woman before? None of the new faces are ugly. Some I find very beautiful. Like the poster above me said, they look like real people. And to say it's racist unless they all look like k-pop stars, who are expected to live up to unrealistic beauty standards, and most of whom have had plastic surgery? What the hell. Touch grass, guys. 


What I do agree with is that the quality for all the new customization assets is a little subpar. I hope they get polished a little bit. 

except it is insulting. This has nothing to do with expecting plastic surgery, it's expecting reasonable elegance and beauty. Heck they could have even done something with Kurzick Makeup to cover mistakes and that would have been a nice touch as well but did not. You cannot hide the Ugly with these female faces. One has to wonder if it was done on purpose.


Edited by Tungsten Monarch.6058
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The new faces made me realize that we need more mouth customization options. The leafy sylvari face on males is decent-ish with enough editing (it looks awful in the stream imo) but it has this long sad pouty mouth with darker lips that makes the poutyness stand out even more. There's no way to alter it away from the mouth and I ended up wasting another kit to change it to the zelda-werewolf-lookin one instead.

Then the mustashe one well... has a mustashe you can't remove. :u

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42 minutes ago, Tungsten Monarch.6058 said:

except it is insulting. This has nothing to do with expecting plastic surgery, it's expecting reasonable elegance and beauty. Heck they could have even done something with Kurzick Makeup to cover mistakes and that would have been a nice touch as well but did not. You cannot hide the Ugly with these female faces. One has to wonder if it was done on purpose.


I agree. Look at the human female faces we got for PoF. Even before playing with sliders, there's a number of unique details and differences between the faces. Some of them have little upturned corners of their mouth like a gentle smile. Others have a more neutral expression. Some look severe in their beauty; others look soft and sweet; some look ordinary; some look like models. There's a very wide range of lovely and interesting faces. And playing with sliders allows one to change the entire face - you can guarantee no two PoF faces are alike.

For these, though? Uh...that's not the case. Sliders don't work or change things so minimally it's almost nonexistent. The faces all share the same angry, bitter, unimpressed scowl.

(Heck, even the male faces we just got look unique and different from one another. Why do the ladies get the short end of the stick?)

35 minutes ago, Belisaria.8136 said:

white american male gamers angry that they have to actually look at real humans rather than anime waifu faces. 😭

I'd love to know where you get the idea that the people in this thread who say "I'm Asian, and these faces are so hideously ugly it seems insulting and almost racist" are stereotypical white American males. 🙃

Edited by Batel.9206
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Well, Anet has access to how many people create or convert to the new faces.  If the numbers are far lower than expected, they will realize that they messed up.  At least I hope they have access to that data.  
It would be nice if they have access to what faces the majority of the player base use.  Perhaps which faces belong to the characters that get the most playtime. 
I am certain some of the default, and some of the premium faces, are barely used.  Anet should be able to learn from that. 

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6 minutes ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

Well, Anet has access to how many people create or convert to the new faces.  If the numbers are far lower than expected, they will realize that they messed up.  At least I hope they have access to that data.  
It would be nice if they have access to what faces the majority of the player base use.  Perhaps which faces belong to the characters that get the most playtime. 
I am certain some of the default, and some of the premium faces, are barely used.  Anet should be able to learn from that. 

The character I play the most wears the Reaper’s Hood, so his face doesn’t really matter. I don’t even know which one it is. 

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One thing some people might not aware is: when u pick a profession and start building from the prebuilt, the models are mostly adjusted already (except the warrior model which has 0 on each slide bar I believe?) so at first they can look weird and unattractive. If u want to see the most default face models, use warrior profession and u can see what the original design of each face model looks like

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This is really making me not want to use the faces.  I  do like them.  They're Canthan, not Japanese, not Chinese, not Korean.  Canthan.  A fictional group of people.  But if I'm going to get complaints every five minutes that my character looks racist, I really don't want to hear it when I'm just trying to enjoy the game.

I also find it odd how with POF release there was no complaints about those new faces yet there is with this release.

Edited by nobleboivin.4102
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15 minutes ago, nobleboivin.4102 said:

This is really making me not want to use the faces.  I  do like them.  They're Canthan, not Japanese, not Chinese, not Korean.  Canthan.  A fictional group of people.  But if I'm going to get complaints every five minutes that my character looks racist, I really don't want to hear it when I'm just trying to enjoy the game.

I also find it odd how with POF release there was no complaints about those new faces yet there is with this release.

Yeah, I highly doubt Anet had racist intent when making the faces lol. That just seems like a stretch. 

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13 minutes ago, nobleboivin.4102 said:

This is really making me not want to use the faces.  I  do like them.  They're Canthan, not Japanese, not Chinese, not Korean.  Canthan.  A fictional group of people.  But if I'm going to get complaints every five minutes that my character looks racist, I really don't want to hear it when I'm just trying to enjoy the game.

I also find it odd how with POF release there was no complaints about those new faces yet there is with this release.

Cause the POF faces and hairs were good.  My main has an elonian face and hair because it was really attractive to me.

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I think they look very real, and maybe that's what makes them off putting? I don't think they are ugly at all, just normal Asian faces. There should be an option to put makeup on however, as they do look a bit plain.


Maybe throw a generic kpop face in there to make some people happy lol

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4 minutes ago, Yabisi.1570 said:

I think they look very real, and maybe that's what makes them off putting? I don't think they are ugly at all, just normal Asian faces. There should be an option to put makeup on however, as they do look a bit plain.


Maybe throw a generic kpop face in there to make some people happy lol

Generic kpop face usually = plastic surgery though. :u

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Like I said before I don't think ANet were trying to be racist or anything like that, but compared to the effort they put into past faces and hair this round is highly disappointing.  For me it feels like a slap in the face (no pun intended).  Yeah we don't have the time and resources so here are some generic npc flat faced squinty slant eyed faces for you. Work those sliders folks.

Edited by Mushin.6789
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I expected them to look like Asian people... and they do. I do get the argument that they could have spruced them up with a little more "fantasy flair" but at least they still look like living people.... the Charr on the other hand look like Shishi... which are STONE STATUES. ( I swear, they have run out of ideas with that race )

Now those "Asian" Asura ladies however... 💗

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