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Give back old LA please


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You've stolen old LA from us. I've been talking to few people about it and we would want it back.
Why can't you just release it as accessible area like Mistlock Sanctuary?
You could have a ton of excuses why it could still exist. For example:

Moto has helped reconstructing a virtual, fully functional version of old LA
Or it could be some torn apart piece of fragmented memory preserved in the mists
or or or
You already have that area somewhere on your harddrives and you could turn it into another cashgrab item you can sell for 1000 gems or whatever.
But give it back please. New LA still sucks.

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Please bring back old LA. I have some people who owe me gold, but my repossession man is stuck in the old map!!

Jokes aside. 
I think the whole way how the old map looked, but also how it was destructed, is awesome.  I think it is a tale that needs to be told for cubs and progencies as a reminder that al things have a right to change.

Maybe a strike mission?

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I don't really see how it can be brought back lore wise. I mean, the story happened, the old LA was destroyed by Scarlet. The new LA was built in its place. The old LA was designed from parts of ships after the original LA was destroyed by a tsunami.  So there's an LA before that LA...a Guild Wars 1 LA.


The old LA had a certain charm to it, but the story is told and change happened.  It's a bit like saying let's bring NYC back 50 years. It's easier said than done.   I'm glad I saw the first LA, but I'm actually okay with it staying as it is.

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I don't understand why they can't just make the story instances where you are in the old Lion's Arch more accessible, so that as a player who came after the old Lion's Arch, you can see it once directly in the game.

Personally, I have nothing against the new Lion's Arch. But it would be nice to walk through the streets of the old one. Personally, I'm interested mainly to make nice screenshots and i bet a lot of RP'ler and veterans would be mega happy about it.

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I'd rather have some cataclysmic event tear down the new LA, a.k.a. SeaWorld, and have it rebuilt in a non-cheap-plastic version. Old LA would be fine as well, but this has been discussed many times now so it won't happen, also it wouldn't make sense given the story of the game.

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One thing that would be nice would be to open up the borders of the story instances. They are pretty tightly constrained.

I know it would be like a museum, because there wouldn't be an interactable stuff beyond what the story mission requires. Just recently, though, I was accompanying my daughter on her personal story, and after each mission we would walk around the allowable borders, getting a good look at old LA. If those borders were opened up, we could at least take a nostalgia trip on a new character, and even give a tour to players who never got to experience the old LA.

Even better, though, would be a lounge pass that lets us use old LA as our lounge of choice.

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9 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I do not care for the new LA and so avoid going there. Even so, I do not see ANet changing it back as it would be a serious stretch to justify, in lore, why it would be done.

Not changing it back, so much, but making it avaialble in an alternate way. And they have a magic justification in lore for pretty much anything called, "The Mists".

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1 minute ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Not changing it back, so much, but making it avaialble in an alternate way. And they have a magic justification in lore for pretty much anything called, "The Mists".

Sure. It could be interesting to see. Keep in mind that if it isn't actually a functional zone it is not likely to be used sufficiently to justify the expense.

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7 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Sure. It could be interesting to see. Keep in mind that if it isn't actually a functional zone it is not likely to be used sufficiently to justify the expense.

Depends on if they could get people to pay for it in the gem store.

Make it a lounge, make the pass automatically port you back to where you were when you initially used the pass, like the other two mists lounges, and maybe add the benefit that you can port in your party for added enticement.

I'm not saying it wouldn't take any developmental resources, but all of the parts are already there, so it would just take coding it to be available.

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5 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

Considering what "forward think content" seems to mean to Anet these days I think I'd rather stay in the past.  


There are a lot of good thing Anet added in their expansion and LW. Gliding, mount, specialization, masteries that changes the way you play on some map... If staying in the past means missing out on so much potential content then no thanks.


I dont even remember how old LA even looks like before Scarlet destroyed everything but I do remember how much time I spent in the post Scarlet attack LA and some places were kind of very annoying to move around. At best I'll check it once...if there is a reason to do so, then never again. 

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6 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


There are a lot of good thing Anet added in their expansion and LW. Gliding, mount, specialization, masteries that changes the way you play on some map... If staying in the past means missing out on so much potential content then no thanks.

The things you bring up go back multiple years and several content releases, when I'm speaking of the most recent and up coming content releases of IBS and whats been shown of EoD.

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