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If there were new game modes, what would you like to see?


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Be as serious or fun with it as you want. Just want to see what people think would make for good sPvP game modes to add. They don't necessarily need to be "competitive" or well thought out. Just something you think could freshen up PvP enough to get more people interested and improve on the fun factor.

I'll start off fi something. I haven't really thought it out too much and there are probably glaring issues with this but I wanted to get the conversation rolling. 

One idea I had that's more on the fun side would be sort-of-kinda team death match but with an objective similar to something we have. The map would be fairly oval shaped with an open lane down the middle. In the middle would be a single capture point and scattered around the sides of the map with terrain and stuff would be objectives. The game has two phases, the first 5-10 minutes (not sure on exact time) would be the prep phase. During this players would fight over the secondary objectives which are "lord buffs". The objectives would function like capture points. There would be 4 of them. Two would open up at a time on a set time in the match (Say the first two when you start, the next two at 4 minutes) on opposing sides. They will remain until they or captured or the next phase starts.

Then once the first phase ends the middle capture point opens and on each side of the lane that teams lord spawns. They meet in the middle and fight over the capture point WITH the players. During this they will focus each other while the players try to peel for their lord and burn down the other. When your lord goes down you'll have one last "come back mechanic" sort of chance. While he's down the remaining lord will start focusing enemy players. You can try to rez the down lord and if you do your team gets some kind of buff for ~1 minute but the lord does not rejoin the fight, and instead flees. Once one lord dies/fless the remaining lord will heal up a bit and focus enemy players and hit HARD. The game ends when the middle point is taken and the team that takes it wins. Once one lord dies/flees respawns will start to increase over time to prevent a stalemate. So the team with the dead lord still has a chance to win, but it will be a very uphill fight. 

How is this death match like? Well, there will be the lord buffs in the first phase but those will be more to just give players a focused place to fight with a bit of a bonus to their lord for taking it. The main way to buff your lord will be through kills. Each kill you get will give them more health and/or damage when they spawn.  This will be the main way of buffing your lord with the objectives being a "bit of extra".  It'll be balanced in a way that even if you take all the lord buffs but you have way less kills, the lord with more kills will be stronger. The buffs may just unlock specific skills for your lord or something. You could even go a different route in that a percentage of your teams total damage buffs his damage by a percentage, total healing buffs his health by a percentage, and kills will give him the "base" stats. So if you had 10 kills, that would give him 1000 damage/health and if you had 1,000,000 team damage it would be 1000 + 10%. That last part may be too much but just an idea. 

High level, the first phase would be a death match with some objectives sprinkled in to focus fights. The second phase would be an all out final desperate brawl in the middle to win. Different builds/professions may be stronger in different phases.

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25 vs 25 Deathmatch on a large map. maximum 2-5 players can Queue as a group. (dont want 25 people Zergs to happen)

First team to reach 300-500 kills wins. 

It could also be like the ticket system from older Battlefield games. you would use a ticket when you respawn. Basicly 1 ticket is 1 life. But there is also some capturepoints. holding 1 capturepoint bleeds one ticket from the enemy team every 5 seconds.

(its somewhat similar to what conquest is right now, but bigger and therefore it will be more chaotic and the meta wont be so stale.... atleast thats what i hope for^^)

Edited by Sahne.6950
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I was a big fan of Costume Brawl and Codex Arena in Guild Wars 1.

The idea of having  a limited set of skills and abilites to work with forced players to think outside of the box. Granted there were hundreds of skills in GW1 and multiple ways to run stats back then so it wouldn't be a perfect fit in GW2.

Let's say we have a Codex Arena and for the current season, if one chooses to play Warrior, they can only play core or Spellbreaker for this season in Codex. They can only choose 'x' traits, 'x' skills and 'x' weapons, 'x' sigils and 'x' runes. Literally every other player that chooses warrior will have the same options as well.

The next Codex Season would then rotate Spellbreaker out and now you can only play core Warrior or Berserker. They do something similar for the other professions as well and it would switch and change each season.


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I would like to see a smaller scale version of old school alterac valley. Basicly 10v10 battleground with PvE and PvP objectives that when completed would spawn groups of  NPCs with varied level of strength based on difficulty of the event, that would then go assault enemy base or to upgrade automated defenses). With the hardes event being an equivalent of a world boss. In the middle of the map (outside the main attack lane).

Events could be for example:

A tug of war - A chest of gold that would slowly move to the base of whoever has the most players in proximity.

CTF - capture something from the enemy side of the map and get it to your castle.

King of the hill - hold a point for 2 minutes

Killing time - Be the first to get 30 player kills

Escort - protect an NPC as it summons a powerful monster.

Small scale npc wave kills / champion kills tha would spawn randomly (but mirrored for both sides). Either finish the event to get low power troops or just to defend your own castle.

Boss event - kill the boss. Whoever does most damage to the boss wins (boss does not regen HP when there are no players nearby). Of course players killing the boss are still a PvP valid target. Some ideas for the boss: Pirate galeon docks at the bay. Team that does most damage to the captain when he/she dies will win a cannon barrage (not controlable) upon the enemy castle. Destroying some deffences or gates. Depending on current state of enemy castle. Legendary monster (dragon, giant spider, wyvern w/e) that when killed will be raised by an NPC necromancer as undead and will then move to attack the losers castle.

+ many more. This is really an expandable content that could have new events added every patch.

However there should never be an apocalypse level event that would grant auto-win upon completion as it would invalidate all previous effort.

And there would always be at least 2 different events active at a time so that each side can decide what thwy wanna focus on.


Edited by Chrysaliss.8720
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Something completely diffrent! its not really a pvp mode but i loved it back in ESO and i can see it here too.


Take a big map like a wvw map for example(maybe desert map). 3 Teams on it (its not a team as a whole... you can just leave and join at any time and lets say 100 players per team/map total) (could be linked to your server and current WvW matchup for example)

you fight over PVE events and minibosses, but there is some small mobs to be killed aswell. They drop a currency (it was called Telvar in ESO). you have to get that currency back to the spawn to bank it(you cant Waypoint while having currency on you). If you die you loose your money. So there will be certain people farming the mobs and there will be people that hunt the farmers for their loot.(you drop all the currency to the person that killed you) You can then spend the money on certain things/buffs/cosmetics/etc. 

back in eso it was the best money one can make if you are a good pvp player and it was always fun.


Farming+pvpgameplay = People will love it<3   (but there is alot of salt involved obviously)

Edited by Sahne.6950
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I want them to fix up stronghold tbh, make summons regular units get rid of supplies make it closer to dota2 or league or what ever moba people play allow people buy amulets and rank them up using game mode currency as well as buying runes  have everyone start with one trait tree and as they kill people or do objectives they get exp to get more traits and ulitilies at max level you get your elite. Ofcourse scale leveling to the game mode.

Have the unit you pick up before the fight affect your stats as well put strong hold heros at the end of every pvp track aswell and some on pve and wvw.

Edited by Genesis.5169
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3 hours ago, rrusse.7058 said:

I was a big fan of Costume Brawl and Codex Arena in Guild Wars 1.

The idea of having  a limited set of skills and abilites to work with forced players to think outside of the box. Granted there were hundreds of skills in GW1 and multiple ways to run stats back then so it wouldn't be a perfect fit in GW2.

Let's say we have a Codex Arena and for the current season, if one chooses to play Warrior, they can only play core or Spellbreaker for this season in Codex. They can only choose 'x' traits, 'x' skills and 'x' weapons, 'x' sigils and 'x' runes. Literally every other player that chooses warrior will have the same options as well.

The next Codex Season would then rotate Spellbreaker out and now you can only play core Warrior or Berserker. They do something similar for the other professions as well and it would switch and change each season.


As someone who enjoys theory crafting builds, this sounds super fun! Maybe instead of "limiting" though they just lock in skills/weapons. They choose 1 trait line (with traits), 1 weapon, and 1 skill that are locked in and you have to build around them. The "setup" maybe be themed or could be entirely incohesive.  They might even add like a "bonus objective" that if you also play with a certain sigil/rune you get extra rewards when the match ends, if you win. There are a ton of ways they could do it bu I like this idea a lot. 

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1 hour ago, Genesis.5169 said:

I want them to fix up stronghold tbh, make summons regular units get rid of supplies make it closer to dota2 or league or what ever moba people play allow people buy amulets and rank them up using game mode currency as well as buying runes  have everyone start with one trait tree and as they kill people or do objectives they get exp to get more traits and ulitilies at max level you get your elite. Ofcourse scale leveling to the game mode.

Have the unit you pick up before the fight affect your stats as well put strong hold heros at the end of every pvp track aswell and some on pve and wvw.

I agree that stronghold needs to be revamped badly. I have no idea why they didn't make it more MOBA like. MOBA's formula are popular for a reason and I think they strayed wayyyy too far off of it trying to make it "unique". I think your suggestions are good ones overall. 

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9 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

1v1 format that works like 2v2 arenas where you can swap build template before each round.


13 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I just want 1v1. with:

  • all the classes as close to balanced as possible
  • 2v2 ruleset 

I would love a 1v1 game mode similar to the 2v2s. The main hurdle I see though is balance. With 2v2 you were able to cover each other's weaknesses to some extent. This would allow for you to play most professions somewhat viably, though there defiantly is a pretty small meta in 2v2 and not everything worked. In 1v1 you wouldn't be given that option so if you're matched against a profession that counters yours you're going to be at a pretty big disadvantage before the game starts, build aside. That'll probably lead too an even smaller number of professions/builds that are even playable, let alone meta. 

Even if Anet perfectly balanced professions for 1v1 death match they would be wildly unbalanced for 5v5's because the two modes are completely different with completely different goals. Thus why WvW and sPvP balance is split. I only see too good ways 1v1s could work well without just being a meme; Splitting the balance or only allowing profession on profession match ups (which wouldn't work for match making and is boring anyways). 

There may be some better way to handle this so feel free to expand on it. I didn't plan on going too deep into the if/how any of these ideas in this thread would work realistically but I'm really down for a 1v1 mode so I'm curious to discuss it. 

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5v5 deathmatch or 15v15 would be great. If I have to be super honest, I do not know how many actually like this conquest mode or if people are just playing it because it is their only option. 2v2 is too small and just ends in necro battle, because of the "imbalance" around such a small party.

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50 minutes ago, zengara.8301 said:

5v5 deathmatch or 15v15 would be great. If I have to be super honest, I do not know how many actually like this conquest mode or if people are just playing it because it is their only option. 2v2 is too small and just ends in necro battle, because of the "imbalance" around such a small party.

I wonder how things would pan out in a death match mode. Stuff like decapping and holding node would have no value so duelist and roamers would less desirable but probably still useful to an extent. In all honestly I think think it would just turn into a mini-WvW style fight. Each team death balls as hard as they can and pelt AoE's at each other until someone goes down. 

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13 hours ago, Zexanima.7851 said:

As someone who enjoys theory crafting builds, this sounds super fun! Maybe instead of "limiting" though they just lock in skills/weapons. They choose 1 trait line (with traits), 1 weapon, and 1 skill that are locked in and you have to build around them. The "setup" maybe be themed or could be entirely incohesive.  They might even add like a "bonus objective" that if you also play with a certain sigil/rune you get extra rewards when the match ends, if you win. There are a ton of ways they could do it bu I like this idea a lot. 

That also sounds like a solid approach as well. I'm curious how receptive the GW2 community would be to the idea of being locked into a certain build. I feel GW2 has this "Play what you want, how you want." sort of atmosphere to it. Though this locked setup playstyle would only be intended for the reimaging of Codex Arenas for GW2.

Then again some players seem to love the seasonal PvP game modes and those have players getting locked into setups when they pickup a weapon, so maybe it works.

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5v5v5 and each team defends an orb. The enemy has to try and steal it and bring it to their node. Similar to a game mode in eso. You could actually come up with dif strats depending on team comp like who is attacking and who is defending.  Should your team turtle and then rush a point that is less defended. 

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Please, PLEASE give us game modes that have more then 5v5 players in ranked/unranked. 5v5 is so boring, and conquest capping nodes is soooo boring. I miss Warhammer online scenario's so badly. But then again that had MUCH better pvp. 

AND PLEASE remove the forced 50% win ratio. And please ban win traders and bots and actually do anything for pvp for the first time in what must be 7 years. 

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6 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Please, PLEASE give us game modes that have more then 5v5 players in ranked/unranked. 5v5 is so boring, and conquest capping nodes is soooo boring. I miss Warhammer online scenario's so badly. But then again that had MUCH better pvp. 

AND PLEASE remove the forced 50% win ratio. And please ban win traders and bots and actually do anything for pvp for the first time in what must be 7 years. 

A 50% win ratio is how it should be in most competitive modes in games, roughly. It'll be a little higher if your improving or a little lower if you're playing poorly. Think about it like this. You want to be playing people of the same skill as you right? You should be as that's where competition is at its most fun. In this senario we'll say two teams of the EXACT same skill level get matched up. Everything is the same, skill level, profession, builds, ect. Who would win? Its a coin flip right? No good way to tell. So in a perfect system a 50/50 split would be ideal. However, there is no perfect match making system. To emulate a "perfect" system though they put in conditions like "If you're on a win/lose streak then they'll try to give you better/worse players to play against to bring you back towards 50/50. It's not the most ideal but its the best anyone has come up with. 

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