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New player coming from WoW


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Figured I'll give this feedback on the forums, though I assume this post will be met with more toxicity.


Came over to this game from WoW, was excited to get into PvP as it is my favorite game mode in WoW. I managed to worm my way into plat 1 this first season playing a combination of condi mirage and nade holo. So far the only thing keeping me from continuing to play is the terrible, terrible community. Every game had people complaining, throwing, accusing other people of being trash, and I got more rage whispers when I made mistakes or died than I care to remember.


Was fun GW2, but I don't think I, or many new players, will be sticking around while the community behaves like this. I know it isn't all players, but after toughing it out for a solid few months, and adding ample people to my blocked list I am putting the game down and returning to WoW.


Shoutout to my guild, and the PvE community though, because they were awesome, just unfortunately not a game mode I enjoy.

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46 minutes ago, trinket.9420 said:

Figured I'll give this feedback on the forums, though I assume this post will be met with more toxicity.


Came over to this game from WoW, was excited to get into PvP as it is my favorite game mode in WoW. I managed to worm my way into plat 1 this first season playing a combination of condi mirage and nade holo. So far the only thing keeping me from continuing to play is the terrible, terrible community. Every game had people complaining, throwing, accusing other people of being trash, and I got more rage whispers when I made mistakes or died than I care to remember.


Was fun GW2, but I don't think I, or many new players, will be sticking around while the community behaves like this. I know it isn't all players, but after toughing it out for a solid few months, and adding ample people to my blocked list I am putting the game down and returning to WoW.


Shoutout to my guild, and the PvE community though, because they were awesome, just unfortunately not a game mode I enjoy.

       No need to give any value to such futile actions from them , which aren't related to helpful advices. Vengeful whispers, insulting by sending a mail, which is full of meaningless words - I would rather abandon all of them,  put them into the abyss, carry on what I desire to succeed and go along with people who have positive energies than wasting time on them and sinking into the endless cycle of suffering. 

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1 hour ago, trinket.9420 said:

Figured I'll give this feedback on the forums, though I assume this post will be met with more toxicity.


Came over to this game from WoW, was excited to get into PvP as it is my favorite game mode in WoW. I managed to worm my way into plat 1 this first season playing a combination of condi mirage and nade holo. So far the only thing keeping me from continuing to play is the terrible, terrible community. Every game had people complaining, throwing, accusing other people of being trash, and I got more rage whispers when I made mistakes or died than I care to remember.


Was fun GW2, but I don't think I, or many new players, will be sticking around while the community behaves like this. I know it isn't all players, but after toughing it out for a solid few months, and adding ample people to my blocked list I am putting the game down and returning to WoW.


Shoutout to my guild, and the PvE community though, because they were awesome, just unfortunately not a game mode I enjoy.

I'm really sorry this has been your experience. Please know that we're not all like that! If you ever want a non-toxic buddy to play with, hit me up!

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10 hours ago, trinket.9420 said:

Shoutout to my guild, and the PvE community though, because they were awesome, just unfortunately not a game mode I enjoy.

Overall it seems like you figured this game out over a couple months, down to the community. PvE community = great. PvP community = barely tolerable. If the quality of the PvP community matters to you, then yeah... time for you to go lol.

Ultimately if build freedom and gameplay aren't what you're looking for, GW2 is unfortunately not what you're looking for.

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Whatever you do with GW2's sPvP, just don't take it seriously.

It's an unsupported game mode the developers have little to no interest in.

GW2 is 99% tailored towards PvE. If you want to take PvP seriously, this is the wrong game.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Whenever I ask my guild members about trying pvp the general responses I get:


1. From those who haven't tried it: they think they will be bad at it

2. From those who tried it: they don't want to go back because of consistent bad experiences with other players.


Most of the people in this forum are pvp regulars so they complain mostly about matchmaking and balance but the real thing that will grow the game mode is new players and the pvp community (it's not much of a community honestly as there is no incentive to cooperate and be constructive) in this game consistently drives new players away. I am starting to think Anet should be more aggressive in punishing hostile behavior in GW2 like the mods do in FFXIV.

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   PvP is the competitive part of the game; not for the sensible skins or soft hearts; and even less after, what? 4 years with no real support or care from ANet?

   The only amazing thing is that 1) they didn't add a give up/concede button and 2) you can't chose to automatically hide the chat every time you enter in that game mode. I think that both things would improve a lot PvP at 0 cost. But 0 cost is probably too much for PvP to ask at ANet, currently...

Edited by Buran.3796
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12 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

you know this is actually kind of an interesting take on gw2 pvp. we hear all the time of how pvp is dead cuz balance, mm, etc. and whatnot but not about how the lack of community could be a main issue.

In my experience it is the number 1 reason why players who are new to pvp don't want to come back. Or if they haven't even tried it yet, they are told by their friends and guild mates about how bad the pvp community and stay away.


But the game mode needs new players to survive and more players makes matchmaking more accurate. Anet tried to fix this by making pvp more rewarding and it has enticed some pve players to try pvp but the general response i get from them is: "i play ranked to get my rewards and get out as soon as possible because pvp is toxic".  


The average gw2 player doesn't understand that necro is kitten in pvp (they probably think firebrand is broken in pvp like it is in pve).What they do understand is you calling them trash and accusing them of throwing within 60 seconds of match start.



Edited by Kuya.6495
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People want competitive games they can play with their friends. There is no reason to keep playing if you never interact with players. Also ATs are not the solution because it scares away new players and only runs at certain times. I work for a living so I dont have the time to become super competitive,

I dont have good matches/they dont matter in unranked, and I have no guild to queue ranked with. Imagine being a new player with this type of experience. As a community we need to set aside time to help newer players. If we cant do this in guilds we need another medium to interact such as a discord that assigns coaches and trainees.

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PvP community is toxic af! no arguing against that. ALL of my guildmates have quit PvP, not because we dont like it, but because you always have someone afk/trolling/insulting people altho he is the worst one on the team/or unbalanced matches. The problems dont have to be the people itself... it is the enviroment that has made them become what they are today... I fully understand that it is not everyone! it is not even 50% of the people. But just 1 salty dude spamming the chat/or going afk out of the 10 people participating in a game can ruin it for everyone else. The only game that i have ever encounterd a similar level of toxicity is LoL. (again not saying it is everyone but jsut 10% is enough to have a bad experience in EVERY GAME). Anet has to step in and swing the ban/mute hammer or it will never change.

People also have to understand that not everyon might be as good as them. as soon as someone sees a bad play they call you out to be a noob or that you are trolling even. I remember when i started gw2 pvp... i was pretty bad but i was trying really hard! obviously i made mistakes because at that time i couldnt even tell what class i was facing from the profession pictures....   I got shouted at so hard and i quit pvp... i never really returned since... only one time a few months ago as WvW was a laggy mess. I duoQed with my buddy and we steamrolled every game, putting us in plat 2 after just a few matches. We were MVP in almost every thing (kills,offense,defense,etc.) every game, BUT PEOPLE STILL INSULTED US NONSTOP...  ROTATE TEEEEEFFFFFF,  FKING NECROO L2P!!!!!! OMG THAT RANGER IS DOGPOO!!!! only to find out that the same people insulting us all the time were the weakest link in our team....  we were not even close to loosing those games but still people are being negative, because THEY would have played that engagement diffrently.....   we were just shaking our heads nonstop in these few hours... and again we havent touched PvP since that.

I LOVE PVP in every game... but it is unbearable in Gw2. Nowadays all we play is WvW.

you can only play PvP with Chat disabled. Or with a MASSIVE Block list

Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 2/3/2022 at 2:30 AM, trinket.9420 said:

Figured I'll give this feedback on the forums, though I assume this post will be met with more toxicity.


Came over to this game from WoW, was excited to get into PvP as it is my favorite game mode in WoW. I managed to worm my way into plat 1 this first season playing a combination of condi mirage and nade holo. So far the only thing keeping me from continuing to play is the terrible, terrible community. Every game had people complaining, throwing, accusing other people of being trash, and I got more rage whispers when I made mistakes or died than I care to remember.


Was fun GW2, but I don't think I, or many new players, will be sticking around while the community behaves like this. I know it isn't all players, but after toughing it out for a solid few months, and adding ample people to my blocked list I am putting the game down and returning to WoW.


Shoutout to my guild, and the PvE community though, because they were awesome, just unfortunately not a game mode I enjoy.

Lol, what did you expect, its 5v5 mode in terms of gw2, of course its gonna be toxic. Look at all MOBAs, like LoL is called king of toxicity for a reason. WoW is not so far behind, if you play rbgs or arenas with your friends, its fine. But have you tried playing lfg with total randoms? Usually mid players are gucci, but lowbies think theyre gods at 1.2k rat and like to flame, and so do high ends, because they think they already won WC after getting 2.4k two times in a row.
I love toxicity and its one of the main things im looking in PvP modes, so I enjoyed it both in WoW and in GW2. GW2 is way more casual in terms of ranked pvp, but calling it way more toxic than WoW? Lmao, yeah, you either play with your friends all the time or have been incredbily lucky with lfg.
Imo toxicity is one of the last problems of gw2 pvp

PS: Okay, Ill actually give one thing to OP. Whispers. I agree that gw2 players really, r e a l l y like to whisp after...whatever happend. They lost, they whisp, you lost, they whisp, god is dead, they whisp. Sometimes you feel like you play Whisp Wars 2, but its fantastic if you hold private collection of all salty whisps. Boi, thats neverending goldmine.

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Pati has it right he 100% described what is the issue we are facing for a long long time.


I could see it too, PvP has lost unnumerable interactions/fun and competitiveness thanks to duo queue.


90% of PvP guilds/teams died. They are now just conglomerate of Plat + players for being AT pool of players, no interaction no love.


To find a welcoming guild, we must train begginers ourselves put a lot of dedicated time to coach them and do what anet should provide, all this without any kind of rewards just the satisfaction of acting right.


All this abnegation for one day this guy u trained to fall in the limb of ranked................ Such a shame for Anet......



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Came from WoW a few years ago. I'm actually amazed you think what you see here is more toxic than what's going on over there.


I stuck here because i could actually avoid most of it by just switching my chat to combat log, instead of going back to being stuck in the LFG after some man-baby ragequit on me for dying in the opener vs an RMP after deciding that leaping behind the pillar across the map was the smart thing to do when the Rogue still has Smoke Bomb.

Its also the reason i'm not a support in this game this time around, lol.


But hey, whatever floats your boat.

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19 hours ago, Mabon.8756 said:

Newish player that recently came back and I have to agree. I don't think I've seen a more vile and disgusting community in gaming. Every time I enter the lobby its just people treating people like literal garbage.

   Don't make me laugh; the thread creator came to evangelize about World of Warcraft PvP, a game from a company under federal investigation for harrashing their female workers so bad that at least one of them ended his own life...

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On 2/3/2022 at 10:26 PM, Kuya.6495 said:

"In my experience it is the number 1 reason why players who are new to pvp don't want to come back. Or if they haven't even tried it yet, they are told by their friends and guild mates about how bad the pvp community and stay away."

This exactly I play for achievements and have most of the pve achievements, all I have left to do in this game is pvp, but I only play 3 matches a day and told 4 of my 500 members guilds yesterday I'm emotionally drained after 3 matches, and a lot said they haven't tried pvp yet and I replied "I won't recommend it".

Edited by RubyHazel.2719
edited to add I play those 3 pvp matches 7am, to dodge the toxic community but they are toxic 7am too. And then I only win 1 out of every 12 games (that's 4 days of pvp for me, so 1 win every 4th day), because everyone is so busy typing and dying.
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2 hours ago, trunks.5249 said:

 if you like the pvp keep playing it and do not look at chat. i didnt like what people were saying in chat so i stopped looking at it. so now i am enjoying pvp much more.

See? But this is the problem. If spvp toxicity is so bad that you need to turn off chat and go invisible to be able to enjoy it, then there is a serious problem here. Imagine having to wall yourself off from any form of communication to be able to enjoy a game mode. In a team game! 


We need more aggressive punishment and enforcement of rules against verbal abuse and "throwing" (afking at spawn to spite your team).  Being able to talk to your team is important in 5v5 and if the toxic environment in pvp is preventing this then the toxic environment is something that requires a serious attempt to address it.

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Do you have to reach a certain threshold of skill before you see this level of toxicity?

Reason I ask, is I’m new to PvP, and not  very good, and haven’t seen the kind of stuff being described here.

I’ve solo queued ranked, seen a bit of grumbling and some superior laughing at enemies for being bad, but nothing worse than the trash talk you’d expect from a kids on a neighborhood pickup bball game.

Like I said, I’m not a good player. Was ranked silver. Is it just that I was being matched with a bunch of other players too bad to care that much?

Recently I’ve been playing unranked with my son, since he’s too new to play ranked. We’ve ground out enough matches to get him to 19 and haven’t seen horrible toxicity. We’ve even had matches where people try to help others understand rotation.

Is there a certain level of skill where things start to get as toxic as everyone describes because games and skill start to matter more?

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