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10 hours ago, Blue D Phoenix.7260 said:

I also dont get why people thing jade bots customization is skins, maybe it is about its features.

It's because of the wording. The trailer said the bot could scavenge and a number of people were immediately hooting 'they said it can salvage!!' which isn't quite the same thing. In the case of customization, they should probably have said 'modification', as the articles I read said no skins were on offer during the testing period. They may add them later, but I fully expect the bots to work like gathering tools (Utilities with a basic function that you can also slot upgrades into) at release with any cosmetic options not added until later.

Given what I've seen and read so far, this is what I wanna know:
- How annoying will the 'charges' mechanic be?
- Do all bot skills require charges or only some?
- Does camera/screenshot/remote control mode go into first person or will the bot always be visible?
- We know the bot will have three upgrade slots; which upgrades can go into which slots?
- Will a bot without any upgrades slotted into it still be useful?
- Will the skiff speed upgrade interfere with the cheer speed buff applied by skiff passengers?
- Will there be a place where I can store cores/upgrades not currently in use, or will I have to dedicate bank space?
- Are bot upgrades per character or accountwide unlocks?
- Can we toggle the visibility of the bots (ours or other people's) maybe using the same tech that turned Braham into a raven on other people's screens during IBS?
- Can we toggle the bot noises (ours or other people's)?
- Ziplines look very slow/cumbersome compared to gliding - does their speed get upgraded over time or is there some benefit to them that makes them as/more useful than gliding?
- It looked like the bot skills get added to your skill bar instead of the overburdened special action key; do they all work like that?


- Was the kitten still alive after the trailer?

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3 hours ago, Ultramex.1506 said:

 And "all of the skins will still go to the store"...really? IRC there are skins that can be earned in-game, if you meant mounts than you seem to ignore the gem-gold exchange which you get by........playing the game.

If in 2022 you still don't understand the difference between earning your reward and buying your reward then with all due respect I don't think you want to understand. I'll give you this one example though:

A lot of people are only playing Burning Crusade Classic right now to get their warglaives from the last boss of the raid. They are willing to spend months trying to grind it out because they just carry so much prestige. Do you think anyone would care about warglaives if you could spend 10$ on the store and buy it? Absolutely not. Fishing for 20 hours and converting gold so you can buy it from the store instead of spending 10$ doesn't solve the core problem. 

This is a major problem with GW2.

When everything's for sale, there's nothing to earn. Nothing to motivate people to play, to try harder, to improve, and to get invested.

3 hours ago, Ultramex.1506 said:

Maybe give us an idea how Anet can make money if every skins are available without buying? You all want what benefit the player and ONLY the player without realizing If Anet go under, so are those benefits. Who are greedy here?


.. did you even read my post? I said store skins are fine during LS because that's free content, but if I paid 30$ for the expansion then your "but it's free content" logic doesn't apply.

Edited by witcher.3197
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40 minutes ago, Wintermute.5408 said:

I don't like the fact that they require charges, because, right now, they sound completely useless out of EOD maps. Recharging is stupid.

Other than that - nice to see eles get their long-deserved survivability buff.

I'm guessing that outside of Cantha, waypoints become the recharging stations.

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9 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

I am not aware of anything in game that would let you spawn your own private waypoint anywhere in the OW, and definitelly not "existing for ages". Revive orb is also different in functionality as it revides you from defeated, not from downed.

You can spawn an emergency waypoint that can't be contested for your team in WvW. 

You can nitpick about what technically is considered a dIfFeRenT fUnctIonAlItY as much as you want, the point is that as it is now, it doesn't offer neither new, nor game changing features, it's a QoL wheelchair that recycles existing mechanics and positions them as a unique selling point because the skin is cute. 

Edited by Kondor.2904
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6 hours ago, Freya.9075 said:

You can get a skin for the warclaw through reward tracks.

You have to pay 200 gold for unlocking that reward track. Its a bit cheaper than the other skins, but if you want the skin you have to pay for it (and then finish the reward track).


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Not going to lie, this one has negatively impacted my perception of the expansion.


I waited years for an elite spec that allowed my Ranger main to not have to have a pet/companion with him. NOw,  unless I am willing to be at a mechanical disadvantage that option is gone. Also, not a fan of cutesy Wall-E(ish) style. Wallet closed.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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Just now, Ashen.2907 said:

Not going to lie, this one has negatively impacted my perception of the expansion.


I waited years for an elite spec that allowed my Ranger main to not have to have a pet/companion with him. NOw,  unless I am willing to be at a mechanical disadvantage that option is gone. Also, not a fan of cutesy Wll-E(ish) style. Wallet closed.

I'm still hoping for a "invisible jadebot" or "hidden jadebot" option.

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1 hour ago, witcher.3197 said:

They are willing to spend months trying to grind it out because they just carry so much prestige. Do you think anyone would care[...] if you could spend 10$ on the store and buy it? Absolutely not.

This is a major problem with GW2.

Did you ever consider that many of the people playing this game are here and not in WoW Classic because they prefer to play the content they enjoy and get the rewards they like instead of grinding stuff for non-existing "prestige"?

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1 hour ago, witcher.3197 said:

If in 2022 you still don't understand the difference between earning your reward and buying your reward

Where did the money to buy the reward come from? I can pretty much guarantee that there was more time, skill, and efort put into getting the money than goes into any particular in game means of earning a reward for many of us.

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49 minutes ago, Kondor.2904 said:

You can spawn an emergency waypoint that can't be contested for your team in WvW. 

You can nitpick about what technically is considered a dIfFeRenT fUnctIonAlItY as much as you want, the point is that as it is now, it doesn't offer neither new, nor game changing features, it's a QoL wheelchair that recycles existing mechanics and positions them as a unique selling point because the skin is cute. 

bruh, emergency waypoints in WvW are NOTHING like the functionality of waypoint deploying via Jade bot.

Emergency waypoint in wvw is static position conditionaly enabled waypoint, visible to everyone in relevant team.

And you are trying to sell in here that it is same, as marking any point in map for a waypoint only you can see? (at least implied to be only seen and usable by you by a mention of "personal" in the blogpost).

It is not nitpicking at "technically" different functionality, those two things ARE DEFINITIVELY different functionalities that requires separate code to work. Claiming it to be same only shows how little you know.

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1 hour ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

bruh, emergency waypoints in WvW are NOTHING like the functionality of waypoint deploying via Jade bot.

Emergency waypoint in wvw is static position conditionaly enabled waypoint, visible to everyone in relevant team.

And you are trying to sell in here that it is same, as marking any point in map for a waypoint only you can see? (at least implied to be only seen and usable by you by a mention of "personal" in the blogpost).

It is not nitpicking at "technically" different functionality, those two things ARE DEFINITIVELY different functionalities that requires separate code to work. Claiming it to be same only shows how little you know.

Waypoint is a waypoint. If you think the fact  that emergency waypoint is now movable (function that was most likely specifically disabled for wvw balance purposes, not because it was technically impossible to do) and only available to you (which is basically the same mechanic as only available to your party, your squad, your team) is a brand new functionality, then I guess you might be just impressionable enough for anet to sell that to you. Good for you, I guess. I bet you think specs like Catalyst or Virtuoso are also very distinct, radiating completely new mechanics and design elements. Kappa  

I don't consider any of the jade bot features shown new or exciting. Like I said, a wheelchair consisting of recycled mechanics advertised as new. I mean, I shouldn't be surprised after the WvW Alliances were pitched as a new and only expansion feature or half the elite specs turned out to be core rip-offs. To each their own, I suppose. 

Edited by Kondor.2904
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2 minutes ago, Kondor.2904 said:

Waypoint is a waypoint. If you think the fact  that emergency waypoint is now movable and only available to you (which is basically the same mechanic as only available to your party, your squad, your team) is a brand new functionality, then I guess you might be just impressionable enough for anet to sell that to you. Good for you, I guess.

Thank you for proving once again that you know nothing about how computer programs work.

There is a huge technical difference between "there is a waypoint here that I can activate, otherwise it stays disabled" and "I can drop a waypoint, anywhere I like". You can deny it all you want, but you won't change that fact.

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Gliding is really just falling, which we had in core.

And mounts are really just glorified running and jumping, just faster and farther. Running and jumping were also core features.

ANet can’t seem to bother adding anything new to the game, ever really.

So disappointing.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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3 hours ago, witcher.3197 said:

.. did you even read my post? I said store skins are fine during LS because that's free content, but if I paid 30$ for the expansion then your "but it's free content" logic doesn't apply.

But there are skins available to acquire in the game in each of the expansion, so what is this about?

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51 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

But there are skins available to acquire in the game in each of the expansion, so what is this about?

I must have missed it, can you link me a raptor or springer skin that isn't from the store? Other than the base one of course, which they had to add so we don't ride invisible floating boxes.

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6 hours ago, Mesket.5728 said:

My point is they sacrificied any sort of prestige that would be tied to showing off a certain mount skin over the gemstore. Normally you'd have some unlocked through game and some through store and that is fine. Here, we just have the store. It is also fine, just for me, less fine. I get it, ANET needs money to keep the circus alive. Agian, its obvious why the need to state the obvious lol. 

They have that's true ... but prestige is an empty thing to associate with pixels anyways so I don't see a problem with that. Put it this way ... is prestige items or keeping the lights on more important to the game?

I mean, if people want 'prestige' items, go farm a set of Ceremonial Bear Armor or complete Tengu weapon set. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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1 hour ago, witcher.3197 said:

I must have missed it, can you link me a raptor or springer skin that isn't from the store? Other than the base one of course, which they had to add so we don't ride invisible floating boxes.

You didn't miss it, you're just not honestly  associating getting skins from the GS via gold to gems conversion with acquisition ... even though that's a perfectly valid approach to acquiring them.

Edited by Obtena.7952
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Ok, I have done this before and posted without reading all 52 pages of replies before me, so I readily recognize I may be repeating someone that beat me to the punch.

My concern is who repairs the damage if the jade bot collides with the various disco globes already swirling around my characters head? Will such accidents result in the disruption of jade bot services &/or legendary gear? Will the Xunlai consortium insure against veterinary bills if their bot runs over my scepter's flying lizard or sets down on my mini and crushes it? 

Apart from those concerns I am looking forward to this feature most out of all I have seen so far. 

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On 2/8/2022 at 4:05 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Just popping in quickly to say that I'm keeping an eye on responses and questions throughout the community to make sure Friday's episode of Guild Chat is as informative as it can be! (We might not be able to answer every single question, ofc, but I'll do my best!)


Well, my feedback is that it is an interesting feature but i dont want it to broke the game, meaning, this should be disable in instanced content and WvW (self revive, + vitality etc.). Also im not much of a fan of those two, unless the revive its just like your 4th skill in downstate but better and with a BIG cooldown, cos we already have a function for that in game and is what make players interact with each other. The vitality seems so much power creep as well as the auto TP. Idk, i hope this is all really nerf and dont work in any kind of instanced content/wvw.

Otherwise i would just say the anet developer that made this completly run out of ideas for expansion and wanted to make it a disaster. Cos you have so many things you could add that are okay (skiffs, fishing), player housing, factions wars kurzick/luxon like GW1 and so many more. Without having to make some more weird powercreep.

Also i hope theres a way to disable the jade bots from other people so we dont see the map full of them and with fps drops.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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37 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:

Also i hope theres a way to disable the jade bots from other people so we dont see the map full of them and with fps drops.

I saw this and had a mental image of Gendaren Fields covered with Jade Bots, fields of green.

The more I think about this though, the more concerned I am getting. Hasn't anyone else seen the many dystopian movies that encourage everyone to buy robots, all advertised as "friendly, helpful companions", only to discover that those "companions" are fundamentally flawed which ultimately end up destroying their hapless, unsuspecting owners? Doesn't anybody else see the potential for this to go really wrong? 

We ALREADY see hints of that in the implicit suggestions that not all is well with Jade tech in Cantha.

To my earlier concern, will there be a disclaimer and hold harmless contract clause that we have to check before we can unlock and progress the mastery?

Edited by Moira Shalaar.5620
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5 hours ago, Kondor.2904 said:

Waypoint is a waypoint. If you think the fact  that emergency waypoint is now movable (function that was most likely specifically disabled for wvw balance purposes, not because it was technically impossible to do) and only available to you (which is basically the same mechanic as only available to your party, your squad, your team) is a brand new functionality, then I guess you might be just impressionable enough for anet to sell that to you. Good for you, I guess. I bet you think specs like Catalyst or Virtuoso are also very distinct, radiating completely new mechanics and design elements. Kappa  

I don't consider any of the jade bot features shown new or exciting. Like I said, a wheelchair consisting of recycled mechanics advertised as new. I mean, I shouldn't be surprised after the WvW Alliances were pitched as a new and only expansion feature or half the elite specs turned out to be core rip-offs. To each their own, I suppose. 

Now I think you're just being purposely obtuse...

Edited by Serephen.3420
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I wonder if the jade bot mastery will only be used on Canthan maps or if there is a slide towards keeping it "towards Cantha" i.e. you can take your bot charges and go to central Tyria but you must recharge them in Cantha. My experience during the beta was how awful the events came when everyone was spamming siege turtles in PVE. Couldn't see anything so I do have a few concerns.

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