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Why can't we skip dialogue [Merged]

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While Anet has said this can cause timing issues, that is a purely an implementation detail - if they wanted to, they could fix that (or even add some timer, so you can skip after time has passed to set things up - it is hard for me to imagine that things are timed such that the entire dialogue has be done)

There are also story chapters where there is unskippable dialogue (or cut scenes) after the given story step is complete and there is no set up or anything else that needs to be done, other than listening to it, then getting the reward, and then exit the instance.

I personally think this is a way for Anet to try to stretch out content - that unskippable dialogue slows down play.


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  • 1 month later...
On 3/5/2022 at 6:37 AM, Adah.8371 said:

We should have to watch it on our main and then be able to pass them on our alts.

Can't stand all the Taimi's 4-minute monologues anymore. 😅

True haha.

What it annoys me more is sometimes when the dialogue merges and you can hear 2-3 guys talking at the same time. This even happens in open world.

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2 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:

The thing is how you are gonna skip dialogue in something that is going live, that is not a cutscene or a cinematic? Idk how you could implement that, havent seen anything like that in other game.

In SW:ToR you can hit the space bar and skip through the story cutscenes.

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2 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

In SW:ToR you can hit the space bar and skip through the story cutscenes.

The thing is that here you dont have cutscenes most of the time. Its just being in open world and hearing taimi from a device or live talking. How would you implement to skip that, idk from a technical point.

For example in Gw1 you could skip all the dialogues because they were all into cinematics and cutscenes. But they were not presented like they are in gw2 which i think it might be the real problem, even tho it looks cool the 1st time.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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11 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:

The thing is that here you dont have cutscenes most of the time. Its just being in open world and hearing taimi from a device or live talking. How would you implement to skip that, idk from a technical point.

For example in Gw1 you could skip all the dialogues because they were all into cinematics and cutscenes. But they were not presented like they are in gw2 which i think it might be the real problem, even tho it looks cool the 1st time.

I agree.  I was just countering the point that no other MMO allows skipping.

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If they put their mind to it, Anet could probably figure something out (go back to cutscenes, which could be skipped, or have it be conversations you interact with in which you can go to the next topic without waiting for them to finish what they are saying)


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  • 4 months later...
2 hours ago, Minras.8261 said:

It's the end of the year already and nothing changed, unfortunately 😞

I'm taking like a 6th or 7th character to Cantha and all those useless dialogs are so annoying.

Because you are playing it(Like a Lot of other people that complain or Like the Story). If you actually listen is Not of any interest to anet. They just See their Game and the Story get played, so it's an Success and they can say how loved and Successful their Story was x).

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On 3/6/2022 at 4:27 AM, Lottie.5370 said:


If you wanted to finish all the specialisation weapon collections, you would need to play though it 9 times. (Though it may be possible to get someone else to open the last story instance for you and complete that, and it may count).



Personally I really enjoy the dialogue as I'm doing the story, it feels more immersive than just cutscenes like in the personal story, and I like the writing in the expac (mostly).

I'm pretty sure you can get the drops for the specialization weapons either from the story, or completing the Dragon's End Meta.  After I found out about that, I quit doing the story and got the collections on all the rest of my toons that way  

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29 minutes ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

I'm pretty sure you can get the drops for the specialization weapons either from the story, or completing the Dragon's End Meta.  After I found out about that, I quit doing the story and got the collections on all the rest of my toons that way  


The post you replied to is 6 months old, this was changed.

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Another necro'd thread.


They've said repeatedly that removing the story beats isn't possible. The game isn't a single-player game running on your computer, its a multiplayer game running on a server, even in story mode. This means they need the dialogues to set up everything up in the background since it has to be done in real-time.


They can't just snap their fingers and make something happen instantly like you're used to. It takes time and resources to move the set pieces into place and advance the mission, and the only way to do this without you seeing it is to slow down the gameplay with the dialogue/cutscenes. The only dialogues that could be skippable are those that happen during combat, which are already set up to run simultaneously.


This is also why the moving red zones exist in Path of Fire and later.


The only reason this worked in Personal Story is because it was alot less complicated, the environments were already set up, and there's still a ~5sec delay before you can skip anyway during which they do any extra background processing they needed to do.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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10 hours ago, LSD.4673 said:

Sitting through edgy teen fanfic-level writing is part and parcel of the GW2 experience.

Gotta admit EoD took it to astronomic levels of giga cringe and staring at my phone during missions isn't exactly well designed gameplay. I liked the end fight, but that's literally it. The twilight books and twitter are readily available if I want terrible writing and woke propaganda, next expansion can we just please play a game.

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Spotted this thread and figured to pop in and give some tips. In a variety of story instances from HoT onwards, there are some NPC story convos that can be skipped simply by walking away from them in the direction you're going to go next. To give some examples in HoT.

In "Torn from the Sky", immediately after you select what path you're taking, just walk out of the ring of wreckage that the survivors are sheltering in and the convo between Taimi and Braham instantly ends (you actually cut your own character off mid-sentence as you exit the camp).

After this, while the scout is talking, just head to the central pact camp. On foot you'll be most of the way there, or all the way there if you griffon zoom over, by the time the scout has finished talking. You just can't waypoint until he's done. Talk to the next guys and while the 2nd one talks just run, etc to the next story instance entrance.

When in "Prisoners of the Dragon", once you clear the mobs in the first cave Rytlock opens up the vines on, you don't have to wait for him and the others to finish yapping. Just go to the next set of vines and hack them open yourself, and walk up the stairs into the cutscene trigger to progress. You can run towards the vines path to trigger the next dialogue after clearing the mobs then immediately run to the crate where the fire grenades are and you cut a bunch of dialogue off. And you can also just run to the Overseer while they're yapping on the ramp after the vines and start fighting him (note all dialogue from the prisoners also cuts short if they're still talking when you free the next one)

Openworld dialogue at AB entrance? Talk to Francis and go for a stroll down the hill while the NPCs chat. Most of the convo will be done by the time you reach the next instance entrance unless you're rushing there on a mount.

In "Prized Possessions" just run past everyone to skip their initial conversation lines and fight the mordrem as usual. Once you've escaped and done the glide across the quarry. You don't have to listen to Ruka talk. Just dash through the vines while he's talking and head for Northwatch. He immediately teleports there when you arrive regardless of his dialogue completion at the previous location (He'll sometimes even skip his intial dialogue at Northwatch and you can stand in the light beam right away).

In "City of Hope" completely ignore the Luminate and use the tablet behind her, skip the cutscene, and glide on down into the city. Completely skipping everything she says other than the bits she gets through while you run to the tablet.

Next two steps after that, if you just run to the next spot while the NPCs talk, they're usually mostly done/finished talking by the time you get there.

"Roots of Terror" (first Tangled Depths instance) run strait ahead past your group, jump off the ledge and turn around to glide to the Priory gal. Talk to her to skip anything left of the convo up top and skip all of Canach's convo. Run through the passage without stopping at all, pick your path, and head to the Chak boss (just pull it away from the Magister with ranged attacks so you're not in the room fully and don't agro the other mobs (which despawn once it's dead) and Braham will teleport into the room and run to the Magister and you finish as normal from there.

Note: beyond this I've not tested stuff, since end of that story step is where you get the Black Lion Key. I have lots of alts and always get the HoT key on any I've levelled to 80, so I had an incentive to learn where I could push the instances to progress without breaking. My lvl 60 story key route is funny. The first Claw Island mission, I confuse the NPCs so much with my schenanigans that Trahearne will say some of his lines out of order. ("Do you think the commander will listen to us now?" as the first bone ship rises up out of the waves. YUP, I think he will!)

I've not tested anything in EoD yet (When I do play the story there, I'm playing it for the story and not keyfarming like in HoT). But I have seen that you can generally interupt any openworld dialogue over the coms simply by using a waypoint or popping to character select and back to interupt it and the story step progresses. Just like you can with a lot of the Living Story stuff that's happening over the com. I've not tried any instances of walking away from the NPCs in EoD as of yet, so I've no idea if it forces progression like it does in many places in HoT. Still, I hope the tips I've given above for HoT are useful for anyone doing that story on alts for the Black Lion Key 😄

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6 hours ago, Alaia Skyhawk.5064 said:

Spotted this thread and figured to pop in and give some tips. In a variety of story instances from HoT onwards, there are some NPC story convos that can be skipped simply by walking away from them in the direction you're going to go next. To give some examples in HoT.

In "Torn from the Sky", immediately after you select what path you're taking, just walk out of the ring of wreckage that the survivors are sheltering in and the convo between Taimi and Braham instantly ends (you actually cut your own character off mid-sentence as you exit the camp).

After this, while the scout is talking, just head to the central pact camp. On foot you'll be most of the way there, or all the way there if you griffon zoom over, by the time the scout has finished talking. You just can't waypoint until he's done. Talk to the next guys and while the 2nd one talks just run, etc to the next story instance entrance.

When in "Prisoners of the Dragon", once you clear the mobs in the first cave Rytlock opens up the vines on, you don't have to wait for him and the others to finish yapping. Just go to the next set of vines and hack them open yourself, and walk up the stairs into the cutscene trigger to progress. You can run towards the vines path to trigger the next dialogue after clearing the mobs then immediately run to the crate where the fire grenades are and you cut a bunch of dialogue off. And you can also just run to the Overseer while they're yapping on the ramp after the vines and start fighting him (note all dialogue from the prisoners also cuts short if they're still talking when you free the next one)

Openworld dialogue at AB entrance? Talk to Francis and go for a stroll down the hill while the NPCs chat. Most of the convo will be done by the time you reach the next instance entrance unless you're rushing there on a mount.

In "Prized Possessions" just run past everyone to skip their initial conversation lines and fight the mordrem as usual. Once you've escaped and done the glide across the quarry. You don't have to listen to Ruka talk. Just dash through the vines while he's talking and head for Northwatch. He immediately teleports there when you arrive regardless of his dialogue completion at the previous location (He'll sometimes even skip his intial dialogue at Northwatch and you can stand in the light beam right away).

In "City of Hope" completely ignore the Luminate and use the tablet behind her, skip the cutscene, and glide on down into the city. Completely skipping everything she says other than the bits she gets through while you run to the tablet.

Next two steps after that, if you just run to the next spot while the NPCs talk, they're usually mostly done/finished talking by the time you get there.

"Roots of Terror" (first Tangled Depths instance) run strait ahead past your group, jump off the ledge and turn around to glide to the Priory gal. Talk to her to skip anything left of the convo up top and skip all of Canach's convo. Run through the passage without stopping at all, pick your path, and head to the Chak boss (just pull it away from the Magister with ranged attacks so you're not in the room fully and don't agro the other mobs (which despawn once it's dead) and Braham will teleport into the room and run to the Magister and you finish as normal from there.

Note: beyond this I've not tested stuff, since end of that story step is where you get the Black Lion Key. I have lots of alts and always get the HoT key on any I've levelled to 80, so I had an incentive to learn where I could push the instances to progress without breaking. My lvl 60 story key route is funny. The first Claw Island mission, I confuse the NPCs so much with my schenanigans that Trahearne will say some of his lines out of order. ("Do you think the commander will listen to us now?" as the first bone ship rises up out of the waves. YUP, I think he will!)

I've not tested anything in EoD yet (When I do play the story there, I'm playing it for the story and not keyfarming like in HoT). But I have seen that you can generally interupt any openworld dialogue over the coms simply by using a waypoint or popping to character select and back to interupt it and the story step progresses. Just like you can with a lot of the Living Story stuff that's happening over the com. I've not tried any instances of walking away from the NPCs in EoD as of yet, so I've no idea if it forces progression like it does in many places in HoT. Still, I hope the tips I've given above for HoT are useful for anyone doing that story on alts for the Black Lion Key 😄

Problem is, running away doesn't work everywhere. There are plenty of times where you're trapped at a dead end and have to wait for the dialogue to finish (with nothing happening to the environment for the whole two minutes, for those who think cutscenes set up gameplay). Plus, if you do skip dialogue by running ahead, you can't read the recap at your own pace because you interrupt it entirely. This would all have been much less of an issue if ANET had stuck with the cinematics from core Tyria's Personal Story, but for some reason, people prefer looking at characters standing around with no emotion, as opposed to being able to see them move their arms and faces with half-decent lip sync. 

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