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Hey, Please Don't Make the Game Impossible to Solo.

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4 hours ago, LittleSoftTail.8405 said:

I get that it's a MMO but a lot of us prefer to solo, at least, sometimes because of anxiety or just because they don't like having to group up with people constantly. I generally don't understand why MMO companies just love making it impossible/hard for players to solo their content. If I can't solo, then I guess I'm out. I have social anxiety and feel very uncomfortable grouping up with randos and even guild mates, the most I can do without feeling anxious or uncomfortable is to chat with other people on Map/Zone chat (I dunno why either), and yes, I get that I could just play singleplayer games but MMOs have something singleplayer games don't that I like.

I struggled enough as it is with HoT and PoF, and now it's possible that I won't be able to do any of the content without the help of a group. And I know I am not the only person who feels this way so.. kitten us, I guess.


I'm a living breathing player that only does solo play. I'm not even in a guild currently and I played through the entire HoT, PoF, and EoD storyline by myself, except for map events that required a group. It's not hard, just need the appropriate build and personal skill and knowledge of your class to survive and play swiftly.

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14 hours ago, Caitybee.3614 said:

I'm a living breathing player that only does solo play. I'm not even in a guild currently and I played through the entire HoT, PoF, and EoD storyline by myself, except for map events that required a group. It's not hard, just need the appropriate build and personal skill and knowledge of your class to survive and play swiftly.

totally aggree. I have done everything that is necessary for the story (referring ot ALL of the story, beginning with personal from core-game, until the end of EoD-story), and not tied to any large map-events solo just fine. 

I didn´t encounter any special issues, where i would have thought "man, i really need some people to help me here"  or "the enemies are too strong". Especially the latter is always an indicator, that YOU (as the player) are doing something wrong. That can be multiple factors, but usually it´s one of the following: 

1. You didn´t do the mechanics required for the event

2. You don´t do enough damage (and are running a bad build for your class most likely)

In both cases, the deciding factor is within the possibility for the player to adapt. My guess (from personal expierience, as well as from observing what other players do in the world) is, that many many players don´t want to put in ANY effort, while expecting the maximum reward. Just as example (i know a lot of people won´t like to hear what i say now), our good "friend" (and curse) arcdps very often reveals people, that look like they actively participate in a fight (because you see they are constantly in combat, and deal at least SOME kind of damage), but they deal close to ZERO damage. It´s often 1-1-1ing the fights. The people actively doing their best, knowing their builds and classes are carrying those people with them, but in some cases even this isn´t enough. 

again, you cannot expect the game to give you anything for zero investment. However, the way the game works makes this still possible, as long as you have enough players that actually DO "their job" in the events. 

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On 3/1/2022 at 7:42 PM, LittleSoftTail.8405 said:

I get that it's a MMO but a lot of us prefer to solo, at least, sometimes because of anxiety or just because they don't like having to group up with people constantly. I generally don't understand why MMO companies just love making it impossible/hard for players to solo their content. If I can't solo, then I guess I'm out. I have social anxiety and feel very uncomfortable grouping up with randos and even guild mates, the most I can do without feeling anxious or uncomfortable is to chat with other people on Map/Zone chat (I dunno why either), and yes, I get that I could just play singleplayer games but MMOs have something singleplayer games don't that I like.

I struggled enough as it is with HoT and PoF, and now it's possible that I won't be able to do any of the content without the help of a group. And I know I am not the only person who feels this way so.. kitten us, I guess.

Game was an utter joke and boring due to it. Get better gear, practice your builds, and learn enemy mechanics.

Game is perfectly fine solo still. You just aren't god mode anymore.

Edited by Shiyo.3578
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On 3/2/2022 at 11:43 PM, Shiyo.3578 said:

Game was an utter joke and boring due to it

If game was an utter joke and boring due to it for you - that does not mean the same to others.

On 3/2/2022 at 11:43 PM, Shiyo.3578 said:

Get better gear, practice your builds, and learn enemy mechanics.

At your opinion, earlier they did it another way?

On 3/2/2022 at 11:43 PM, Shiyo.3578 said:

Game is perfectly fine solo still

Partially agree as it depend on Spec, Build and Player`s experience.

On 3/2/2022 at 11:43 PM, Shiyo.3578 said:

You just aren't god mode anymore.

We never had god mode in GW2. Any who spent much time on everyday practice had much better result with the same gear and build.

I am not a big fan of Rev or Scourge, but as solo player, I feel sad that my colleagues from pool of one of the most strongest solo Specs being treated this way.

Edited by taara.3217
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14 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Luckily they have not made the game impossible to solo. In fact th e vast majority of the game, including some of the small percentage of the content that is instanced team oriented, is soloable.

I could be wrong, but think that we are talking about exactly champ/bounty solo content because ordinary OW PVE is soloable almost for every Spec.

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The big thing I have noticed is how horribly over tuned the events are.

If it is a collection quest and I am by myself. I should only have to hand in 10 things at the absolute MAX...if you have enemies in the area drop that by 2 for each rank the enemies are. Normal mobs? Make it 8. Vets? Oh that is 6. Elites? Drop it to 4. You spawn a champ on me and I am alone? Should only need to hand in 2. Normal events need to be completely and totally completable while solo. Yeah Meta Events should require big groups. 

We shouldn't even be seeing Elites and Champs until you have 10 people actively working on the event (not just in the event area but actually accomplished something to help it). 

When I am soloing, doing an event, no one else in the area...and I am fighting 6 normal mobs and 3 elites, you done screwed up your event scaling HORRIBLY. 


Should reiterate for the many trolls. This is a Cantha problem. Never had issues in any other area. If a champ spawns on you in PoF, chances are the normal mobs have stopped spawning entirely or you only ever have 2 bugging you. Go try and successfuly do Bubble's event as a great example of this problem in Cantha.

Edited by Runiir.6425
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1 hour ago, taara.3217 said:

I could be wrong, but think that we are talking about exactly champ/bounty solo content because ordinary OW PVE is soloable almost for every Spec.

You describe a tiny fraction of the total content of the game. When 99% of the game is soloable asking that much of the remaining 1% be taken away from group play is going a bit far.


And note that the topic is about, "the game," not, "one tiny portion of the game."

Edited by Ashen.2907
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On 3/2/2022 at 12:43 PM, Shiyo.3578 said:

Game was an utter joke and boring due to it

you have fractals, raids, and strikes if you want a challenge. if they are not hard enough, i suggest asking anet to fix that for you. that said, open world should not require everyone doing top tier raid dps with meta builds...OW events generally have never need this, at all. 

On 3/2/2022 at 12:25 PM, Custodio.6134 said:

that many many players don´t want to put in ANY effort, while expecting the maximum reward. Just as example (i know a lot of people won´t like to hear what i say now), our good "friend" (and curse) arcdps very often reveals people, that look like they actively participate in a fight (because you see they are constantly in combat, and deal at least SOME kind of damage), but they deal close to ZERO damage.

a large amount of players don't use these third party addons so how could they even know how much dps they are doing. it's not like the game has those tools built in. 

Edited by fixit.7189
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2 hours ago, kettering.6823 said:

Did I miss something? What is happening with GW2 that would make it no longer soloable? I solo most of my gameplay and have continued to do so playing through EoD with no issues...


An update came out on EoD launch that neutered multiple classes abilities and nerfed sustain across the board, even Warriors got a nerf to their sustain (I mean it was Sun and Moon stance but still, made no sense). Its not about good players who can still play nerfed classes, its about the people who needed these traits, who lost dps on purpose to get them. They had tradeoffs, and instead of fixing it or changing the tradeoff's, they just nerfed the sustain of everyone. Scrapper for example is 66% less sustainable after EoD's launch patch. 

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For people saying its an MMO, even people who aren't solo players aren't ALWAYS playing with others every second they're logged in.   Sometimes you just do stuff on your own, that doesn't make you a solo player and the game shouldn't punish you for it.

Edited by Ruisen.9471
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I literally do everything in this game solo. Champs, etc. Even dungeons if they can be soloed. Its not hard, just gotta learn the game. Outside of raids, everything in this game is soloable. Don't listen to all these naysayers screaming about it being an mmo. You paid for this game to play how you want, not how they want you to play. 

Edited by Nokturnal Lunacy.3186
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12 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:


An update came out on EoD launch that neutered multiple classes abilities and nerfed sustain across the board, even Warriors got a nerf to their sustain (I mean it was Sun and Moon stance but still, made no sense). Its not about good players who can still play nerfed classes, its about the people who needed these traits, who lost dps on purpose to get them. They had tradeoffs, and instead of fixing it or changing the tradeoff's, they just nerfed the sustain of everyone. Scrapper for example is 66% less sustainable after EoD's launch patch. 


This doesn't make any sense to me lol. I've been able to solo and have good sustain even since this change. If what you were using before isn't working for you anymore, try something else. I really don't want to be a 'learn how to play' person but it really does just come down to that. These changes didn't make the game impossible to solo at all; people can and have been soloing content even without sustain traits or builds. 


And if you're really struggling, you can always just buy more defensive gear rather than using pure berserkers. There are plenty of options.

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On 3/1/2022 at 4:54 PM, Fuchslein.8639 said:

Do you know what MMO means?

No offense, but I think what you are looking for are RPG's.
Although I must say I don't own EOD, but I doubt Anet will deviate much from his solo game. POF is super easy as a solo player and HOT, if you're a bit familiar with your class, is as well.

This is such a tired old argument. Let's assess shall we?

Ok so massive = big world, lots of people, lots of content
Multiplayer = The world contains other players. That can bring friends, and can bring kill stealers (in other past gamnes)
Online - well, online. Internet. Hosted on servers.

Nowhere in MMO does it say "Grouping required" or "Friends required" or anything similar. Rather, it alerts us to the fact that we're not alone in the world.   Multiplayer =/= grouping required. It simply means more than one player can play concurrently.
As evidence, I think most game companies are understanding this. They, for the most part, do have content for solo, group, and zergs.
Something for everyone.

And heck, even when I am playing alone, I find it nice to see other players around, the world feeling rather alive, rather than the emptiness of a single players RPG.

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On 3/1/2022 at 8:08 PM, LittleSoftTail.8405 said:

Yeah, it's a shame, I actually just got into Thief a few months back and loved it, but now my Thief is probably just going to collect dust.

I'm not sure what type of build you run on Thief, but when it comes to new pve content I always go through it on my thief first (I started the game on him so I feel compelled to explore all new content/areas on him) and rarely have any issues surviving.  I'll admit my build is probably not the traditional burst build most thieves play and it does take a bit longer to fight some npcs, but as I said I survive 99% of my fights too.  If you're interested I'd be happy to share my build with you.

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8 minutes ago, vicky.9751 said:

my dude, what is this thread even about? the only things you should need a group for is fractals and dungeons.

I haven't bought EoD yet. Did something change?

I suggest playing more survivable builds or classes like ranger with self-revive, or daredevil with 3 dodges if you're dying in open world.

Nothing really changed, you can solo eod just as you can solo hot and pof. People just like the Drama, and go nuts about a simple nerv because they know nothing about there classes they play  ..

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15 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

Nothing really changed, you can solo eod just as you can solo hot and pof. People just like the Drama, and go nuts about a simple nerv because they know nothing about there classes they play  ..

Simple nerf? Did you miss the update notes entirely? 

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2 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Simple nerf? Did you miss the update notes entirely? 

So, pls explain to me why even my friend who is absolutely no good at the game continues to have zero problems doing everything solo?

Please explain to me these fundamental nerves that make it impossible to enjoy GW2 as a solo player now.

Yes, I myself have no insight on this because I never used sustain, I did everything with raid builds on my Mesmer, Ele and Engie and have no problems with it.(and just to be clear, I am not a good player by any stretch. I don't do the DMG that friends of mine do.But for the most part I know how to use all my skills and know how to move my character.) So please explain to me here what exactly happened now so terrible for you that you can not simply find other solution like the large number of GW2 players who live every day their casual solo life in GW2 like my dear friend?

Do you know how many times people had to change builds in Gw2 because of balance patches? How many times we raiders had to adjust our builds, sometimes putting so much gold into builds that were ruined by Anet?
I can understand if you are a bit angry, but what was written in this thread here is just ... 

Pls, explain it. Explain me the big nerves, what it does to the CLASSES and why you can't just change things with your'e CLASSES.
Please explain this to me without any emotional vices because you're pissed, but explain why exactly your class that you play is now unplayable in OW with the last nerves. Please.

Edited by Fuchslein.8639
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MMOs are meant to play with friends and groups. True, but every single mmo has solo players and solo builds. 

I really don't know who is the developer nerf who thought solo players are harming someone in the game. Probably the usual developer who balance sPvP and WvW without even playing the gamemodes and he is bad at his own created game. Nothing to say just disappointment.


Apart from this, what do you guys plays in solo with mesmer now that tormenting runes are gone? Staff/staff undead runes can be decent?

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10 hours ago, vicky.9751 said:

my dude, what is this thread even about? the only things you should need a group for is fractals and dungeons.

I haven't bought EoD yet. Did something change?

I suggest playing more survivable builds or classes like ranger with self-revive, or daredevil with 3 dodges if you're dying in open world.

Aside from the sustain nerfs, it does feel to me like they put in more events with increased difficulty in the open world. There are still plenty of easy events and mobs, but there also seem to be more that are significantly increased in difficulty than core/HoT/PoF.

In Seitung there’s an event chain that starts at a party, and your job is to dress as a servant and bring drinks and food to the guests. Very simple. Once it completes, though, the next event in the chain is a boss and two lieutenants. The boss spams a four way attack, portals at its feet that port players away, and frequently teleports. It has a large amount of overlapping ground indicators.

I was on my zerker holosmith, my son was on celestial virtuoso, and there were two other players there. The problem wasn’t dying, though. We timed out at about 10% boss health.

I’m not complaining, just sharing one experience to illustrate some of what I’ve encountered in EOD so far. The difficulty ramp up from fetch quest to those enemies was surprising. It’s not the kind of event anyones going to sit around and repeat to learn, as far as I can tell.

Last night I jumped into the middle of a fight against a huge Jade mech in Echovald. New to the zone, so I don’t know if it’s part of the meta or not. There were a ton of players, but we timed out with a sliver of health left. There’s a permanent circle of death around the mech, making it hard to attack as melee, a frequent, long lasting effect that pulls everyone, a frequent need to run behind newly dropped objects to hide from an instakill attack, and tons of ground telegraphs.

Players encouraged each other at the end that given time the population will learn the encounter and it’ll be good.

Again, not complaining, just reporting that it does feel like they went with open world difficulty ramped up like they did with HoT launch. Running defensive gear may not do much, because there seems to be a big emphasis on enemy mechanics, not their overall damage output. The things I’ve been a part of failing are more about spending so much time avoiding or getting downed by the instakill mechanisms and heavy aoes that people aren’t putting out enough damage to beat the timers.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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