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Why do you expect so much from people in Dragon's End meta?!?! [Merged]

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On 3/2/2022 at 11:16 AM, Deadran.7345 said:

I'd rather they keep it challenging so that more of the casual playerbase simply has to "step it up" and get "better" overall so that the group content gets more enjoyable throughout the game.

See and thats exactly where you are insanely wrong.
The casual playerbase (the majority of the playerbase btw.) 
Are CASUAL players for a reason. 
They dont need to step it up or get better.
If you want hardcode content, theres raids for that, strikes, T4 fracs.
Open world is FOR the Casuals. thats THEIR game mode.  I'm sorry but you are simply 100% in the wrong here. I have played and beaten, Sekiro, Dark souls 1-3, Nioh 1 and 2. And many other hard core games.
I DO NOT go into an MMO that is a grind fest, looking to have the open world content and map meta's to be challenging like that, THAT IS NOT THE POINT OF THAT MODE. If you want a challenge, go do Dhuum. To have a meta that is trying to be a raid, is just stupid and terribly done. The meta needs nerfed. its just not realistic its just not a viable thing. Its not suppose to be a raid, its suppose to be enjoyable. 

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8 minutes ago, Mike.7983 said:

Still adding fuel to dumpster fire meta with 99% fail rate, come on arena net some reply about fixing would be nice, this is to hard for the casual player base.

The fact Anet even released it in this condition is kinda sad if you ask me. Not everyone is Mighty teapot with a stream full of coordination. Its just absurd. I honestly didnt like Anet before this meta released, Now, I think they def are the worst devs Ive seen in the gaming industry.

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1 hour ago, Mike.7983 said:

Mastery capped at 435, ZERO spirit shards until can unlock and finish turtle which do not see happening for weeks unless anet responds and fixes the meta, agree with above late night pro streamer group or bust.  The fail rate has to be least 95% if not 99%.  Anet must notice.

If it makes you feel any better, you get spirit shards in the background. The exp isn't wasted, they fixed that a long time ago. It's just that you have no visual indication of that happening... Derpy fix tbh

And yeah, I did finish it at 3am with a raid group, we literally didn't taxi any pugs into the map, even acted like idiots so they leave 🤪
But worry not, it's not like you can get the turtle anyway. Seitung meta bugs out and can't be completed so you can't finish turtle collection atm. Tried 3 times today already.

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I think many people are frustrated now at how annoying this meta is. for the first few days ive put it down to new elite specs, new expansion, learning eta. but honestly now its becoming a little bit of a joke. When there is a entire mechanic being missed out on the fight to save 2 minutes in order to kill the boss (what most know doesnt help much) shows how poorly designed this boss is. Many people myself now included are wishing for this boss just to bug out so it can be done, and what seems to be looking like the only hope of doing it. Ive been at that boss maybe 20-30 times now and failed to ZERO passes. Hopefully you are working on a adjustment even a little conformation you are looking at improving it would be comforting. im just really hoping its not going to take anet putting turtle skins into the gemstore to fix this meta!  

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Very long fight with repetitive tactics. Toward the end it is actually boring imo. You should not have to purposely not do a mechanic to save time in order to kill a boss. I get it, they want to make it "challenging" but this just feels like I'm wasting my time trying. Time is something we will never get back. I would like to collect the turtle but I'm honestly never doing that meta again unless it is changed. 

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This isn't a raid event, why would you think that you could get 50+ players to follow the mechanics perfectly to have a chance with a 2h reset window. If you fail at a raid boss, you can just try again 30sec later or kick people that are incapable of doing the mechanics whatever the reason.


There is almost no tolerance for failure in dps or cooperation which is stupid for this type of event.

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So basically it sounds like the the easiest change would be for the Siege Turtle egg to not be locked to this content. Then the folks that like this sort of content and have enough time to spend hours on it could do so.  Alternatively, those who felt they were pretty much promised access to the siege turtles, and therefore spent money on the expansion, could get their eggs.

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On 3/2/2022 at 4:50 AM, Strider Pj.2193 said:

I mean, it could be like tangled depths…


Or AB, or Versant Brink.  🤷

Really? You think this is worse than HoT? If HoT was unpopular for being hard, end EoD meta makes HoT content look like a high school queen bee. The metas were dead in every map I've done except the last one. Even on the last one, about half the time I'm on a dead shard and the active ones in LFG are all full. 

This expansion is not well done, my jury is still out in terms of long term play, but I'm sure it's not a hit with new players.

Basically they're forcing players to do the most tedious things first: learning raid-like mechanics and puzzles not everyone appreciates (jade bot puzzle, I'm looking at you) and really that's not what most people like about this game. I mean why even have soldiers gear at this point with metas like Dragon's end lol? Even as someone who raids on and off, I don't appreciate the raid-like mechanics splattered everywhere. I like being able to play things chill sometimes. 

I'm seriously baffled. I would have guessed based on the general popularity of raids and the resurrected Twisted Marionette event  that the devs would have known better, but man, I'm seriously questioning my dedication to this game despite loving virtuoso gameplay and the Keinang strike I tried yesterday. 

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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5 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Did it today with a pug group and had 3 minutes left. It is actually a really fun meta. Just have to coordinate a bit and do more than hit auto attack. Judging from the comments here that seems to be to much to ask for many. 

I disagree. The group I failed it yesterday with was actually really strong (had great DPS) and the comms tried to lead well. and the pre event is just way too long. You must have way more free time than me. I also just think it's too easy to fail. Like alot of metas are passable with strong players, even if your group is smaller, we failed it before Soo Won on my other attempt and i felt the players were definitely better than average and we had more than enough for what would have been a typical meta. It's terrible OW design and I'm concerned people will stop doing this meta and Seige turtle will be unreachable content in about 1 year for new players. 

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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1 minute ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

I disagree. The group I failed it yesterday with was actually really strong (had great DPS) and the comms tried to lead well. and the pre event is just way too long. You must have way more free time than me. I also just think it's too easy to fail. Like alot of metas are passable with strong players, even if your group is smaller, we failed it before Soo Won on my other attempt and i felt the players were definitely better than average and we had more than enough for what would have been a typical meta. It's terrible OW design and I'm concerned people will stop doing this meta and Seige turtle will be unreachable content in about 1 year for new players. 

Should have been a post story collection, obviously anet didn't attempt this meta themself as no way unless high profile twitch streamer with army of raid dps members can do this. Asked a few who had turtle and they all said they joined teapot, effectivly every 2 hours why bother.  Really wish arena net would reply to these as I  am not willing to wait months for turtle.

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1 minute ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

 It's terrible OW design and I'm concerned people will stop doing this meta and Seige turtle will be unreachable content in about 1 year for new players. 

it will get easier with time. The expansion is not even one week. it is a challenging fight. But it is well done and a lot of fun. 

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2 minutes ago, Mike.7983 said:

Should have been a post story collection, obviously anet didn't attempt this meta themself as no way unless high profile twitch streamer with army of raid dps members can do this. Asked a few who had turtle and they all said they joined teapot, effectivly every 2 hours why bother.  Really wish arena net would reply to these as I  am not willing to wait months for turtle.

I got my turtle with a pug group, no high profile streamer nor raid dps members, just a group who was willing to coordinate and focus. That’s not to much to ask, is it?

Edited by yoni.7015
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On 2/3/2022 at 19:11, Friday.7864 said:

Estuve intentándolo durante 2 días, no funcionó  🤪 🤪 🤪 🤪 🤪
Alguien olvidó enseñarle a la gente cómo hacer dps antes de dejarlos entrar al mapa final

you will have to teach them yourself, as well as explain things instead of offering gold

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I know some people that made it, even with minutes to spare, but those are groups that demand kp and metabuilds. That is all right for Strikes/Cm's but not for Open World content, not for content that blocks you from gameplay you actually paid for.

Yes, it's nice to have a difficult meta, and it should be easy to keep that fight the way it is in a Cm mode, but please give us a less challenging version also.

The way it is now,  newcomers or people that want to experiment with classes and builds, as well as people that don't have the mobility for all the maneuvering needed for that boss or people that are not totally proficient in game, will not get the Siege Turtle.

Not everyone has 50 perfectly geared friends in game to play with.

I've spent 14 hours failing at this, explaining the mechanics in chat and doing everything I can to make this succeed, I'm sure many people here spent even more time on it.

But when you have 50 random people on a map, there will be ones that are afk, or farming, fishing or exploring. There will be ones that are new or just returned to the game, that don't have full ascended gear and perfectly thought out builds, that can't dodge perfectly every time. 


I don't see a way to succeed  the way it is now, even if more people get more knowledgeable about the mechanics. But maybe this is just like marionette and all it would take is just 50 harbingers all playing the same build to bring it down.

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On 3/1/2022 at 7:20 PM, MagicalSilence.1837 said:

Biggest issue is see is the timer.. or bosses health, considering its an open world meta where you Literally Can't get truly organized group going easily but even bigger issue is why lock a turtle behind a open world meta that's literally made for an organized squads might as well tossed it into instanced content Public/Private then..   I know it's a new thing and people getting used to it but some how i don't imagine the map having much love after most people get what they want out of it due to so long wait and such a ping pong fight that has very high fail rate. I haven't gotten further than 20% but knowing usual rewards its unlikely to be worth it to do more than once id imagine if time sink for few rares :)


I know some Meta's are suppose to be challenging like DS was at start but it had time to recover from fails while this is very unforgiving and id say either add more time to timer or reduce bosses health a bit.

  ( that's just my opinion about it )

they missed a point, a lot.

traditionally these longer metas compesate with loot/gold, not a feature like a mount.(i personally dont mind it, i just find childsh ride animals)

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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The problem is not that the meta is hard it's just that people who don't know how the mechanic works jump into the green because aurene is yelling for them to when the "correct way" is not to. It's basically a trivial raid mechanic that simply just screws everyone else over if someone who doesn't know how to do it does it. A simple fix is just to pause the timer once the first person gets back and then everyone else has 60 seconds to get back on their own until they are killed or pulled back and then the timer will resume.

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8 minutes ago, Hallow.7368 said:

The problem is not that the meta is hard it's just that people who don't know how the mechanic works jump into the green because aurene is yelling for them to when the "correct way" is not to.

inst about ppl dont know, is too many flash effects, i cant remeber even a green thing or aurene sayd anything with all that noise.

and i use mininum shade/particle, i can't imagine how's it is in another setup with more effects on.

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I just find it hilarious how they're teaching people how to dodge, CC and what combo fields are when they enter expansion maps. 
Like, they know how bad most people are at this game.
Then, 3 maps later, everyone in the map is supposed to pull decent dps, coordinate and know what they're doing.

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