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Already seeing reapers/firebrands/renegades/Pof specs and nothing else OW


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  • Shiyo.3578 changed the title to Already seeing reapers/firebrands/renegades/Pof specs and nothing else OW

I won't say certain PoF classes (Cough Firebrand Cough) are not OP, but "OPness" is not the only reason you still seeing them in game. You'll see many people still unlocking the new specializations and also many people who, in this moment, play what they know and not what is new. In Cantha maps I see 50/50 of EoD specs and HoT+PoF specs.

Also in comparison most EoD spec feel "meh" compared to the previous ones. I really tried Untamed until a certain point, I won't say is bad or weak, but why should I stick to a clunky broken pet system + clunky rotation to get damage, when I can do the same with Soulbeast and NOT rely on the pet system and also have an easy rotation? Should Soulbeast be nerfed because Arenanet fails at reinventing the wheel? Just imagine if they nerf fractals or strikes because no one wants to play Dragon Response Missions.

I like EoD and I don't regret the purchase, but I think at least half the EoD specs are the worse of every class. So is obvious you won't see them overpopulating the open world.

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Yeah, can people stop crying "nerf" every time people don't like something? Thank you!

People either don't have Hero points yet for new elites, or are just more comfortable exploring with something they're familiar with.

I play WvW a lot and unlocked new elites on 3 of my characters, and i could go further, i have the tokens.

But i still play in my Mirage when exploring Cantha.

And how about instead of the toxic "nerf calling", you have said, "buff the unerperforming classes to make them more interesting to people". Doesn't that soundway nicer?


Edited by Veprovina.4876
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If you want to see more diversity in "hard" content, like Strikes and Fractals, where party composition matters...I get it. But it sounds like you're making observations about the open world. At the risk of sounding disingenuous...why do you care? People play what they like, and if people are avoiding the new specs in the open world, that doesn't hurt anyone. It may speak to the quality or fun of the new specs, but it doesn't (shouldn't?) detract from the fun of anybody else. 


I would argue, actually, that seeing a mix of different elite specs is a sign of healthy diversity. The HoT specs weren't (necessarily) invalidated by the PoF specs, and the PoF specs shouldn't be invalidated by the EoD specs. 


Even after the fun nerfs, Im still playing my Firebrand, because my experience with Willbender hasn't been enjoyable, particularly in the open world (not enough AoE, no support). 

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I unlocked untamed,vind,and gunsaber whatever. Tried to like untamed,nope. Vindi is ok but GS is boring and swapping more legends sucks. Gunsaber could almost be cool but it’s so kitten in pvp. These elite specs just arnt as fun as the old ones. I’ve tried all of them and have no interest. I’m sure I’m not the only one. They should have just left especs out of the expansions and focused on something else 

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26 minutes ago, captrowdy.9561 said:

They should have just left especs out of the expansions and focused on something else 


Suddenly changing the design philosophy for Elites is whats killed the fun. Trade offs. We already have 2 elite specs for each profession which aren't hindered by trade offs, so why bother using the new ones? If they had just designed them to be on par with the last two generations it would have been fine. 


They became so terrified of power creep that most of these feel like either wet noodles or broken nukes. You can tell they havent fleshed these out enough.

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A lot of us are currently waiting for updated meta builds that involve the new specs. As soon as something on Snowcrows gets updated it will change definitely. Why play something that is outperformed by something else? High DPS is the most important thing. Especially in the new metas. 

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I went through EoD as a specter, because I had been waiting for it to come out for so long.   But I definitely would have been more effective on daredevil.   Not because DD is better, but because I haven't optimized gameplay of Specter yet.


Some people want to go through the story and feel comfortable with combat, rather than trying to figure out new combat mechanics while trying to enjoy the expansion.


Having said that, I feel more comfortable now and can roll about on par with where I was on my proficient specs, definitely more survivability.

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It's a game, let's people play what they like. I've done 80% of this game in Core Warrior because I like it. Not the most optimized set-up but who care if it does the job and I've fun ? Now I'm on Bladesworn and it's fun to me. I don't mind at all if 99% of the server is firebrand, reaper or whatever, it won't affect your gameplay and fun right ?

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I don't really understand where you are coming from with this, but ok. I've been in some squads for some events and the majority of people were playing EoD specs.


Maybe it's just my case, maybe there are tons of people sharing my experience, but I've got a lot of builds prepared for raids/fractals/strikes/dungeons w/e. Niche builds. Also, got some builds to play in the open world with. 

I like my necro. For quite some time I've played a Scourge build that can get through almost everything (harder HP, champions, some leggys). Got bored of it. Started playing a similar build on my Reaper because was more mobile and, personally, more fun. But every time I encountered a harder enemy in open world, I've switched to my Scourge and just ended my poor enemy's suffering.


Now Harbinger came in. A new experience. I've decided to play this for all EoD's story. I don't... really like it. And not because it's not as powerful as it counterparts... Didn't feel like I was going to die at any point, and I was dealing sufficient dps. Right now, after not very much testing, seems to deal more dps than a Reaper, but has less sustain than a Reaper (mind you, on a condi build). The difference though it's almost nonexistent for me. That's not my problems with this spec. Even though it's more mobile and very flashy in its shroud form, it doesn't have the necro feel that I WANT. It's a personal preference. I'd rather spread pestilence and slash enemies with a scythe, than just shoot poisoned bullets and throw molotov bottles at them.



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13 hours ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

That's exactly the point.

Yes because one will immediately know how to be strong on a brand new spec that they most likely won't have tried.

On the other hand, have you considered that people might just straight up not be interested in trying the new specs yet? Or even at all?

ALSO also, it's open world. It honestly does not matter in the least. If it was a closed group for 5 or 10 man content I'd understand, but this is open world you're talking about here.

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I tried the new ranger spec but it didn't work well for me. I'm running through with Virt on my mesmer. I'm also running through with a MM reaper. The reaper is my easy button. I can be laid back and enjoy the storyline, maps and learn what's going on. Mesmer is more my challenge one and I'll finish her up after the reaper finishes. Nothing to do with the espec's viability at all. More what I'm comfortable with which has to do with how well I am doing in real life. I also want to wait for builds to pop up. I'm no builder. Virt I can muck around on and am comfortable doing that but the others I don't know as well and prefer to wait for others to figure out. Plus, this is OW. Who cares as long as it's fun?

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