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Stop complaning and enjoy the game, here's how

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oh and people seem to love complaining about rng:

one group did it with 6mins to spare (the post is gone so i cant link it)

and based on this analysis, rng only accounts for 3-5mins, so stop blaming rng, the meta's fine. and teapot is clearning the meta regularly at the moment

2nd oh before people go there, teapot already said: "We are on the case! But you didn't pay for the mount, you paid for the ability to unlock the mount!" (see comments section https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOm-BGR1ka0)


Edited by Sevens.9452
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Sorry, but there's no enjoying this meta.  The boss fight is epic and I'm sure everyone being new to it is the main reason the failure rate is so high at this point.  But the design is complete kitten.  Who wants to spend 2 hours per attempt for kitten rewards even if you win?  The RNG on this fight is also completely asinine and that would be true even with a 100% win rate.

Thanks to Teapot for putting together the guide, though.

Edited by AliamRationem.5172
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10 minutes ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

So he has made almost 30min video guide to that meta and he didn't mention the most important thing that is even more needed than what he presented in the video: praying to RNGesus for good rolls of mechanics in encounter.

one group did it with 6mins to spare (the post is gone so i cant link it)

and based on this analysis, rng only accounts for 3-5mins, so stop blaming rng, the meta's fine. and teapot is clearning the meta regularly at the moment


Edited by Sevens.9452
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32 minutes ago, Sevens.9452 said:

one group did it with 6mins to spare (the post is gone so i cant link it)

and based on this analysis, rng only accounts for 3-5mins, so stop blaming rng, the meta's fine. and teapot is clearning the meta regularly at the moment


Funny, thsese 3-5 mins are often deciding factor of beating that boss for many people currently.
He needs to organize and prepare himself and his whole squad as if it was Raid to beat an open world boss, that already is a big meme in itself.

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"If you don't do raid damage, you shouldn't be on this map" is the communication we're starting to hear in map chat. We're getting to the point where groups in LFG are doing gear and build checks and kicking people out who don't have a cookie-cutter meta build.

You know, all of the reasons those of us casuals don't raid in the first place. Extremely welcoming to all those players who are returning to the game.

I don't mind that difficult content exists. I've BEEN a raider in other MMOs. I love the mechanics in and of themselves  -- I can appreciate that ANet is trying to do that here, where it's more than a straight-up DPS check. *But* it's just not quite tuned to where an above-average group can get a clear with regularity -- and that fact is causing some straight up hard feelings right now.

Especially if ArenaNet is happy with how often it's currently being cleared.  That's a whole different can of worms. Because if this is currently supposed to be "fine," then the raiders can have it.

Edited by qrevolution.5867
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1 hour ago, Sevens.9452 said:

one group did it with 6mins to spare (the post is gone so i cant link it)

and based on this analysis, rng only accounts for 3-5mins, so stop blaming rng, the meta's fine. and teapot is clearning the meta regularly at the moment


I cleared it with a commander from their community. They do understand how to beat it but it takes a lot more than just following these steps. Which are already pretty hardcore.

Our completion was incredibly tight. <1 minute. Even though we were all on discord, they paid people to leave the map. The full thing.

A friend tried to do the same and they even failed before making it the second time.

If this level of organization doesn't even make it consistent it's not in a good state. 

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2 hours ago, Sevens.9452 said:

oh and people seem to love complaining about rng:

one group did it with 6mins to spare (the post is gone so i cant link it)

and based on this analysis, rng only accounts for 3-5mins, so stop blaming rng, the meta's fine. and teapot is clearning the meta regularly at the moment

2nd oh before people go there, teapot already said: "We are on the case! But you didn't pay for the mount, you paid for the ability to unlock the mount!" (see comments section https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOm-BGR1ka0)


Then the point of the discussion just went over your head.


"Forcing" players to spend an extreme amount of time to build a group full of meta builds should not be part of an open world meta. The game should have a place where meta builds do not matter, only mechanics should matter.


A non meta group that performs the mechanics properly (i.e. doesn't die, breaks the break bar, get several wisps buffs on their group), should be able to kill the boss with a significantly higher success rate (not have a guaruanteed win) then they currently do. And the 2-5 minutes of RNG help a lot with that.


My personal opinion is that RNG has to be kept in lines, because at some point, "bad luck" becomes no fun. When the boss, in extreme cases, can go tail -> 3x side swap -> tail -> more side swaps. Then that simple is not fun. It's furstrating, and probably much more exhausting then just stepping left and right to dodge mechanics.

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Why are fast food restaurants so successful? It's because people want everything handed to them with ease. This meta is perfect. It's fun, it's long enough that if you do fail you feel like you actually lost...


Guild wars 2 is widely accepted as the lazy mmo. You want legendary...buy gems....you want ascended armor? Buy gems.....you want to finish a raid....buy gems. You want easy farmable meta event.....BUY MORE GEMS....ACT NOW.....QUICKnLOANS IS AVAILABLE FOR ALL YOUR GEM NEEDS.

And that's all ok, it's why the game has survived and will continue to thrive. 

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14 minutes ago, patton the great.7126 said:

Why are fast food restaurants so successful? It's because people want everything handed to them with ease. This meta is perfect. It's fun, it's long enough that if you do fail you feel like you actually lost...


Guild wars 2 is widely accepted as the lazy mmo. You want legendary...buy gems....you want ascended armor? Buy gems.....you want to finish a raid....buy gems. You want easy farmable meta event.....BUY MORE GEMS....ACT NOW.....QUICKnLOANS IS AVAILABLE FOR ALL YOUR GEM NEEDS.

And that's all ok, it's why the game has survived and will continue to thrive. 

How do you get these legendaries and ascended items with gems? 🤔

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5 hours ago, Pretty Pixie.8603 said:

“Top tier players clear this regularly, so there’s no issue. It’s on you for not being a top tier player.”

I mean, the whole point is to improve at what you do, but I suppose GW2 players are the type that'd hit a wall and give up instead of trying to overcome it.

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1 minute ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

I mean, the whole point is to improve at what you do, but I suppose GW2 players are the type that'd hit a wall and give up instead of trying to overcome it.


Really. I thought the point of games was to have fun? Maybe you could educate me on the error of my ways?

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7 hours ago, Sevens.9452 said:


oh and people seem to love complaining about rng:

one group did it with 6mins to spare (the post is gone so i cant link it)

and based on this analysis, rng only accounts for 3-5mins, so stop blaming rng, the meta's fine. and teapot is clearning the meta regularly at the moment

2nd oh before people go there, teapot already said: "We are on the case! But you didn't pay for the mount, you paid for the ability to unlock the mount!" (see comments section https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOm-BGR1ka0)



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1 hour ago, Pretty Pixie.8603 said:

Really. I thought the point of games was to have fun? Maybe you could educate me on the error of my ways?

Yeah, fun is generally derived from challenges.  If a game has the same level of  challenge throughout, where's the fun or incentive to even play the new content outside of shiny rewards?

Most games don't stay the same difficulty from start to finish.  They teach the player the mechanics expected from them either through inorganic tutorial messages or organically through gameplay.  Generally, humans are pretty  ood at picking up what games lay down, but GW2's playerbase seems adamant in wanting something as easy as a mobile experience for the open world.

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"Stop complaining about wanting to enjoy your free time, here is your recreational homework, once you complete that you'll be able to enjoy your hobby. Until then, git gud or expect to work when you are trying to relax in your off time from work."

^That's about how this reads to me.

And I've done raiding in the past (for years in another game, including leadership and trying to work out what's going wrong), so nobody can tell me about how I'm a casual who never wants to try or whatever. The fact is, people are in different places in terms of time and desires out of a game, and the ones who are as into raiding challenges as I was then are the odd ones in video games, not the norm (tho they might be the norn, hah). A lot of people justifiably want to relax after a hard day and no amount of insisting that you the odd ones are the normal ones is going to change that fact. Nor is it a permanent state of being.  I don't raid anymore and have little desire to go back into that space. A lot of people who readily tell others to git gud now are prob kids or students and will one day hit a point where they find themselves in a casual phase because of how much RL has taken over. I hope they will have the recall then to remember how they behaved and correct for it by advocating for those who just want to putter around, who are so often the target of the most immature facets of behavior in video game communities.

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