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What is considered proper "etiquette" for downed players during a map Meta?

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I am still learning the EOD maps and such, so last night I joined a squad for the meta in the very first zone.  The squad grew to almost 50 by the time it started.  Apparently we need to split into 3 paths, do some fighting, and we'll meet up together for the big fight at the end.  So I'm following one of the groups (not the one with the commander in it), and during I think the third fight/area I went down.  There was no waypoint anyway nearby (there are only 4 in the whole map).  So I figured after our group cleared that fight, one or more of the 17 or so people would see me lying there and give me a res.  This has been standard etiquette in all situations like this in the past 8 years I have played - look around and see who needs to be rezzed before moving on.  Instead, everyone hopped on their griffons and skyscales and just flew away to the next fight.  I admit that it left a bitter taste in my mouth and I instinctively lashed out more than I should have, and I left the squad at that point.


I get that during a final battle you can't stop to res people because DPS is needed (usually).  But are these EOD map metas so hard now, or short on time, that for a person who is just learning the meta, we don't have time to rez the downed players after the fight is over and before we move on?  Does that take too long?  I'm a Veteran casual player and if that's the new "normal" then I guess I'll have to live with it, if true.  But imagine a new player doing their first "map meta", and all their team-mates fly off and leave them there ... I can't imagine that player ever wanting to do it again.

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44 minutes ago, fourhim.3584 said:

I am still learning the EOD maps and such, so last night I joined a squad for the meta in the very first zone.  The squad grew to almost 50 by the time it started.  Apparently we need to split into 3 paths, do some fighting, and we'll meet up together for the big fight at the end.  So I'm following one of the groups (not the one with the commander in it), and during I think the third fight/area I went down.  There was no waypoint anyway nearby (there are only 4 in the whole map).  So I figured after our group cleared that fight, one or more of the 17 or so people would see me lying there and give me a res.  This has been standard etiquette in all situations like this in the past 8 years I have played - look around and see who needs to be rezzed before moving on.  Instead, everyone hopped on their griffons and skyscales and just flew away to the next fight.  I admit that it left a bitter taste in my mouth and I instinctively lashed out more than I should have, and I left the squad at that point.


I get that during a final battle you can't stop to res people because DPS is needed (usually).  But are these EOD map metas so hard now, or short on time, that for a person who is just learning the meta, we don't have time to rez the downed players after the fight is over and before we move on?  Does that take too long?  I'm a Veteran casual player and if that's the new "normal" then I guess I'll have to live with it, if true.  But imagine a new player doing their first "map meta", and all their team-mates fly off and leave them there ... I can't imagine that player ever wanting to do it again.

You should stop waiting on others waisting our precious time to do dps only because you were not careful and aware of mechanics. Just rezz yourself with the jade bot ability or just die and wp. Nobody rezzes anyone anymore. Especially "Leaves No Hero Behind" people don't do that. Waypoints are cheap as f and you can come to the battle very quick instead of scaling a boss even further by refusing to teleport. By being downed or staying dead you risk people shaming you anyways so, quickly teleporting is also helpful against that. 

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I think I would find myself in the same bracket as you as a player and I started playing GW2 in the middle of last year. From what I've experienced so far, the standard during harder fights is if you're dead you should go to waypoint. Downed players do get ressed usually but if there's all kinds of intense kitten going around I don't get mad if sometimes I don't get a res when downed.

The thing is ressing fully dead takes a good long while. And the dead count as everyone else in the event scaling. So staying dead when there's still a lot of job to be done can be frowned upon I think since not only you don't contribute, you also make it harder for the rest. Especially during tougher content.

Also, when I die really, really, really near the end I usually get a res after it's done if I don't WP.

Edited by Yanosh.2631
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To answer your question, yes EoD metas are both hard and short on time. Maybe someone could have ressed you but if you died at any point before the lane champ was killed, there was no time to res you. There's also so many mobs in EoD metas that people are reluctant to res because that will put them in combat (which will also slow the res down) and force them to either kill a mob that could be upscaled or run far enough away they can mount up and rejoin the meta. Or they'll die trying to res you. If you're dead, you're already one person short for the meta and it's unfair to everyone else to want it to be 2-5 people short on the meta when a lot of metas succeed with less than a minute on the clock (at least from my experience).

Plus, due to the split mechanics, you need as many bodies to throw at events as you can get, especially for events that, should they fail, the whole meta will fail.

I don't agree with the lack of downtime or breathing room in EoD metas but it is what it is. If it's after the final boss, yes people should res you. If it's during the meta—and especially if there's enemies around—just WP and run back because it's unsafe to res you and the entire group is on a strict timer.

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Don't bother with the negativity brewing. It sometimes takes a few encounters to know what's actually killing you. Big battles have a lot going on, a bunch to take in.

Far as wp out. Yes, if fully dead, do that. There's a ton of loss in group dps and it's often risky (AI likes gravitating towards rezzers. Faster you wp out, faster you can jump in and throw some more punches.

Edited by Allen.9310
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It depends on how long you were dead before the end of the fight. If you died within a few minutes of the fight ending, it is really weird for no one to res you. But if you died earlier and stayed dead without waypointing, I would probably not res you since you broke etiquette first. "WP if dead" is standard procedure for open world content. If an event is far from a WP and you think you might die, use a personal WP or bring revive orbs.

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If I was in charge of this game I'd make it so that instead of it being a detriment, stopping to rez a fellow player would grant a nice morale bonus that would make up for the time/DPS loss. The way things work around here, though, we'd probably have people asking others to sacrifice themselves for that sweet 'death boost' so the group could get their loot a little faster. But it might be a way to get the casuals and anti-casuals to work together!

"I've not done this event before. What should I do?"

"Stand in the red circles and die!"
"Hey, I'm good at that!"

/e A Star Is Born

Edited by Tachenon.5270
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No, it's always been etiquette for the dead to WP and run back. Laying dead for a chunk of the fight and doing nothing just because you don't want to run back is toxic and also leeching. You also make it harder to res active players by creating clutter and scale the boss up.  That's being worse than useless.

So people aren't putting up with that anymore.

I mean, if someone dies soloing a hero point, I don't mind finishing it for them. But if it's a group event and lots of people lay dead, then whatever. Next time.

That being said I can't say I'm happy with so little waypoints myself. It reminds of those annoying days when Silverwastes could fail and there's only 1 wp on the damned map.

Also, people. I'd like to know if you or anyone else you know had to get mounts through EoD and how was that experience. (I'm not speaking of the turtle but rather people who don't have PoF)

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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What I hear is if you're downed (e.g. you're in the state where you can potentially get yourself back up if you don't get damage too much while trying) people should rez, if you're dead waypoint. BUT, in my experience, this usually applies to people talking about during a fight, not after it ends. However, I'm not familiar with the EoD meta and if the fight was technically over, but they were still on a strict timer, I think it's fair to consider that as still being the same fight ongoing. Compared to, say, Dragon's Stand (HoT), where you have breaks inbetween the camp advancement events.

I also don't know just how far the waypoint is though. Some of where the waypoint if dead etiquette comes from is probably from waypoints being close enough you can run back fairly quickly, or mechanics being such that it's not feasible to get you up. For example, in the running around the circle phase of Dragon's Stand, stopping to rez someone can be fatal. You need to keep moving.

So I don't think there is any hard and fast rule for all content.

If Anet chilled on the timers on everything, people would probably stop to rez more.

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I dont expect to be rezzed instantly anymore in the DE meta. In normal metas ok it is not that hard to rez someone. But sometimes the dps time in this meta is such a small window I kinda think let me die and continu DPS. My own fault to not payed attention or like yesterday I used my dodge too soon.

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It is the exact same situation after every expansion release and sometimes even when a new LW season starts. Normally you have groups made of experienced players, who mostly know that a squad of only dead people cannot succeed. But when new content is released, the groups are mixed. 

The experienced players are still with you, but they only make a small fraction of the players around you. There is a high number of new players and returners who barely have an idea of what is going on around them. The experienced players still reach out to keep the others alive. But there are way more downed than usual. The others already struggle with the overwhelming effect-fireworks and (re)learning basic movement and combat. 

Time solves this problem. In addition it might be helpful to give some basic advice in map/say-chat. Something like 'please revive downed players near you, just press F when near a player.' Yes, for some players even that is a useful information. Keep in mind the expansion launched a little more than two weeks ago. Be patient and polite when explaining things. That way you can contribute to solve the difficulties the best. 

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The general rule is that downed players get rezzed, but defeated (dead) players use the nearest Waypoint.

Situationally speaking, if a Meta Event is highly time dependent, then this rule is going to be more strictly enforced (if I stop to rez you, then we're down TWO players). If the event is more flexible, or has a window between events in a chain, then I'll always stop to rez the dead on maps with inconvenient waypoints. 

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23 hours ago, fourhim.3584 said:

There was no waypoint anyway nearby (there are only 4 in the whole map).  So I figured after our group cleared that fight, one or more of the 17 or so people would see me lying there and give me a res.  This has been standard etiquette in all situations like this in the past 8 years I have played - look around and see who needs to be rezzed before moving on.  Instead, everyone hopped on their griffons and skyscales and just flew away to the next fight.

Some players do not rez full dead after a fight because they think that full dead should always port to the nearest WP and lying on the ground not only can scale the fight but could also be seen as lazy. And of course some do not care. But it is still seen as a nice behaviour to rez players after a fight and I still see it regularly.


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2 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

But it is still seen as a nice behaviour to rez players after a fight and I still see it regularly.


Unless it's a huge pile of bodies one can distinguish between those dying right at the end or minutes ago.

I'm not doing anything for the latter. Rude doesn't deserve nice.

One exception is the (very short) Matriarch fight, sure everyone getting downed is plain bad but it's just an alt parking spot - however you get yourself downed or dead outside the charge safe zone you can stay in the dirt forever.


I also don't res some downed players. When there obviously was a mechanic they need to learn and didn't helping would take away from the learning experience (the relatively small circle in front of the Jade Behemoth comes to mind ... you just did this to yourself and basically wanted that to happen).

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The final meta fight at Dragon's End has a WP nearby, and during the split phase you mentioned there are also waypoints available. Dead players rarely get rezzed these days, and you shouldn't lay around waiting for it, because your presence unnecessarily upscales the current fight in which you cannot participate while dead. 😉 I think that's the biggest beef many players have with dead teammates that keep lying there for minutes waiting to get rezzed.

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Etiquette, for me is saying out in the Open ... Thank you!!! Personally, I think this is a brilliant game mechanic and I've several times had random people "rescuing" me from certain death ... brilliant again 🙂 Maybe this type of mechanic brings people more together on a subconcious level 😜 I think it's a really positive way of making a communtiy adhere ... DEVs, analysts ... whoever thought of implementing this, gets a tremendous KUDOS.

And oh, WoW-refugee who now has a hard time believing/understanding why he left GW 1/2 to play something else. TL:DR ... got back into the game and simply loving it ... This game has so much relevance ...


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I don't have a rule to follow, it just depends on each situation and it doesn't always play the same way. I usually rez downed players during a fight, but i rarely go out of my way to rez a player that failed an obvious mechanic without doing anything to avoid it. With dead players i'll probably rez them once the fight is over, but not always.

For example, one of those big bad red telegraphs and you stay still eating damage like if it was a free buffet? then if you get downed it's your problem. That same telegraph and i actually saw you trying to move out, making an effort to avoid the damage? then i'll help you. And something similar happens with dead players.

In my opinion the polite thing to do (or at least what i do) if you die is to get back to the fight as soon as possible: get to the nearest waypoint and run back.

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