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Siege Turtle


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Same in the beginning they said they would be in, and then mid way thru they said we need to figure out and then launch was no......Wouldn't mind seeing new types to play with, this seems like a good fit. Key is balance in damage done and supply costs while accounting for the mobile bits.

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its quite risky even thinking about a siege turtle. and yes it'd need to be a siege thing rather than a mount. mounts, as the warclaw showed, are more useless and a problem than anything really good


next, dmg of cata and treb against players (and thats not their real function...) is absurdly high, plus the aoe cc without cap


first fix that, then u can make a turtle maybe with far less range and 2 player manning and a big supply cost to build it. then we talk.



i'd rather have a new map. at least no new mount in wvw. no gucci idea.

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I do not really see a real problem with Siege Turtle being a "WvW siege weapon", when they adapt/modify the skills accordingly

1. Disable the PvE fancy stuff on the right side of the utility bar

2. Open/ restrict access can be the same

3. Change "Slam" to have only 150 range ("melee"), reduce damage compared to a Warclaw Battle maul (because that is not the purpose of the turtle)

4. Change Activate Jump jets to a "Ram Gate" skill, that deals comparable damage to a chain pull by a Warclaw and also costs 2 supply

Gunner spot:

1. Turtle Siege;  reduce to 1200 range; damage should be about half of a normal catapult, costing 5 supply (of the gunner's supply) each shot (can attack walls & gates, while putting the turtle into danger from defenders on the wall; can be used to clear siege on walls)

2. Disable Overdrive

3. Hunker down should be changed to be a protection bubble against being "pulled off" the turtle (see below)


Warclaw's lance attack will dismount a gunner first (if two men are on the turtle) and the pilot second. Ballista's skill #4 (Antiair Bolt) will also dismount a pilot/gunner.

Turtle will have too low damage to be a threat to the use of catas, because of its bad use of supply compared to those; it can find a new role to clear siege off walls (because of its 1200 range, especially vs. canons and oil and unprotected mortars)

Anything else can be fixed by a balance pass after a play-test phase (e.g. damage coefficient vs stuff)


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I think we have two groups here: One side welcomes new things like mounts, turtles, gliders etc. in WvW, the others just want to keep it in the state of the beginning of GW2.

Gliders - "OH NO, WvW is now unplayable for me, I quit!"

Warclaw - "OH NO - remove this piece of crap or I quit!"

Faster in own regions - "OH NO, that's so unfair, remove this asap!"


So we have now a mount that's so slow that it is more a joke. I guess if we will get turtles in WvW they can't jump over grass or little pebbles and will do less damage than throwing a stick.

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It'd probably be a novelty tactic like the dune roller deployed at camps. Two seater of course. First seat defensive skills/close range radius attacks; second seat: Ranged siege attack that does ok damage and probably a ranged condition area field and a ranged area heal. The size of the model wouldn't be too big as to prevent vision impairment of smaller objects but big enough to be noticeable. It's presence wouldn't be too game changing as there would be far better options, but it's presence would add a little more variety to WvW battles.


At least that's what I would aim for.



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Guys,come on...
Don't we have siege golems,bikes,warclaws already?


And what people build 95% of the time since 2016?!


Every single commander just prefer to build 6 catapults on a SINGLE PIXEL without even taking in consideration the idea to set up 2 trebs in the distance,not even a single commander ask bikes for support,not even a single commander runs a squad of warclaw to open gates and if catapults did 100% dmg on gates they wouldn't even use rams,golem rushes sometimes they happen,but most of the time u see golems parked at spawn or in camps ... so yea ...

Before adding new things to the shitshow, anet has to rework the whole siege system first: there is no actual siege warfare.

Edited by ilMasa.2546
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28 minutes ago, Halbarz.3854 said:

Let's be honest Siege Turtles will most probably be super OP or completely useless --> Anet cannot / refuses to balance and have the potential to ruin wvw. WvW is already in a bad state so before adding something new they should focus what they have.

at first superOP like warclaw, then nerfed into uselessness, like warclaw now.


at least turtles, if they could shoot walls, would make every keep a swiss chesse. even if not, and they did catapult like player dmg, the Wvw mode would become kinda Tank Wars simulator

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I'd like to see siege turtles as portable siege (like golems), and in the world ability points track for it, have one of the bonuses be increased speed, and perhaps even a jade themed portal skill which could be cast, say, 1500 range ahead of the siege turtle (thus not requiring a mesmer for portals - but they could still help, and would be more helpful as their portals have longer range), that could have a 45 second recharge/cooldown or something.


I'd love to see siege turtles with either a jade or a green marble shell and cannons, with gold accents/trim.


I still don't know the specifics on how they could be implemented properly, but I can definitely see siege turtles as siege in WvW. It's very appropriate, and would suit the whole cantha theme and all that.

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On 3/21/2022 at 10:57 PM, ilMasa.2546 said:

Guys,come on...
Don't we have siege golems,bikes,warclaws already?


And what people build 95% of the time since 2016?!


Every single commander just prefer to build 6 catapults on a SINGLE PIXEL without even taking in consideration the idea to set up 2 trebs in the distance,not even a single commander ask bikes for support,not even a single commander runs a squad of warclaw to open gates and if catapults did 100% dmg on gates they wouldn't even use rams,golem rushes sometimes they happen,but most of the time u see golems parked at spawn or in camps ... so yea ...

Before adding new things to the shitshow, anet has to rework the whole siege system first: there is no actual siege warfare.


You make a good point. I think the main reason why golems are often left abandoned is because they're too slow to be worth using. When commanders make them and tell players to get in them and use them, there's usually a hesitancy, because golem users end up missing out on small captures like sentries and such, on the way to the tower or keep they're trying to capture. That means less WXP for golem users - which explains the hesitancy. If Anet made Golems move a lot faster and be able to keep up with players, then I think there'd be a lot less hesitancy in players using them. So in that regard, you're absolutely right - Anet really should improve on what we have already before thinking about adding siege turtles. I'd still like to see siege turtles in WvW though 😛

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4 hours ago, Zaoda.1653 said:


You make a good point. I think the main reason why golems are often left abandoned is because they're too slow to be worth using. When commanders make them and tell players to get in them and use them, there's usually a hesitancy, because golem users end up missing out on small captures like sentries and such, on the way to the tower or keep they're trying to capture. That means less WXP for golem users - which explains the hesitancy. If Anet made Golems move a lot faster and be able to keep up with players, then I think there'd be a lot less hesitancy in players using them. So in that regard, you're absolutely right - Anet really should improve on what we have already before thinking about adding siege turtles. I'd still like to see siege turtles in WvW though 😛

Now that golems can get swiftness, there is no longer an excuse for them being left behind

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I'm sure the turtle will get implemented with the siege damage doing the same as the warclaw.

Kinda funny how they stuck gliders in for skins, they made warclaw for skins, they'll probably add their boat(they screwed over our water areas for siege they might as well) and turtle in for skins, but the one thing that's been in since 2012 with 7 different options they haven't bothered to offer custom skins other than a holiday version. 🤭

And if it's because it's useless for pve, just make another drizzlewood with player deployable siege. 😁


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