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Mechanist is currently destroying the game. Please consider adjusting it ASAP.


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The recent patch recognized that was too strong in PvP  while fine in the other game modes (especially PvE). So there still might be minor changes to PvE but no big nerfs while in PvP they are trying to make the mech completely useless. (Might be more nerfs in the future. :D)

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On 3/20/2022 at 10:32 PM, Shiyo.3578 said:

The mech can EASILY tank strike bosses. It should not be able to generate enmity at all.

The mech makes all open world content a snoozefest and extremely safe. Actually safer than any torment runes/self sustain build you nerfed going into EoD.

Support mechanist is just as good as Firebrand in groups(provides alac instead of quickness though).

DPS mechanist is doing extremely high DPS.

The skill floor on this class is extremely low, probably the lowest in the entire game.

You can do ~26k DPS while literally AFK only auto-attacking.







So what? It plays well, but you have to spec for it, exactly like fb. I don't see thr point here... 

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1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

The recent patch recognized that was too strong in PvP  while fine in the other game modes (especially PvE). So there still might be minor changes to PvE but no big nerfs while in PvP they are trying to make the mech completely useless. (Might be more nerfs in the future. :D)

Anet has a track record of destroying any PvP build that relies on AI. I fully expect Mechanist to eventually become complete garbage in PvP.

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1 hour ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

Anet has a track record of destroying any PvP build that relies on AI. I fully expect Mechanist to eventually become complete garbage in PvP.

Ranger main here.....I am waiting you mechanist at the bottom.....join us....we float down here....float....WE ALL FLOOOAT

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This is just the start of the nerfs and was forecast the moment AI was involved. Just enjoy your PvE, play something else in PvP. Atleast with this e-spec they didn't wait a few months to start the process.


The cycle repeats. Now that we've rediscovered a lesson we learnt with Ranger and Scrapper, can we get an actual trait-line so we don't need to rely on the Mech now? Or will that take 3 years to happen once we recognize that, for the 3rd time, AI just doesn't work well for players on both the receiving and the dealing end.

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On 3/20/2022 at 2:32 PM, Shiyo.3578 said:

The mech can EASILY tank strike bosses. It should not be able to generate enmity at all.

The mech makes all open world content a snoozefest and extremely safe. Actually safer than any torment runes/self sustain build you nerfed going into EoD.

Support mechanist is just as good as Firebrand in groups(provides alac instead of quickness though).

DPS mechanist is doing extremely high DPS.

The skill floor on this class is extremely low, probably the lowest in the entire game.

You can do ~26k DPS while literally AFK only auto-attacking.










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6 hours ago, Your Highness.9023 said:




tbh they both need nerfing.

Mirage shouldnt be doing 35k DPS with 2 buttons full stop realistically. Once again.. forcing Dodge mechanics into a Offensive fashion is amazingly wonderful...

providing this is repeatable in Live circumstances.. just like Machinists should only be taken seriouslyh if repeatable in live circumstances

the golem will do a bad job of showing the reality of clones, they die to AoEs. they despawn when things Die and Generally being 100% melee will drive Uptime problems in itself, I'd find it hard to beleive either of these are Repeatable in live gameplay. which is why i still beleive to this day Golem needs deleting from the game.

I personally cannot see a Auto attack Mesmer build doing 35k DPS in a Actual Raid.. just like i dont see a Auto attack Mechanist achieving 26k DPS...

Edited by Daddy.8125
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20 hours ago, Axl.8924 said:

You know what i'm worried about? instead of touching mechanist in itself they are gonna touch core and make scrapper even more inferior to mechanist and or ruin core.


I am always worried about anet ruining core classes to fix the new elites since they have a bad tendency to do that.

You were spot on. They did exactly this. Surprising no one, sadly.

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12 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Ranger main here.....I am waiting you mechanist at the bottom.....join us....we float down here....float....WE ALL FLOOOAT

Lol. Yes, some day mechanist will join you Rangers and Turret Engineers at the bottom. No idea how the hell Minion Necro manged to claw their way out though.

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I don't understand people. 

Core condi Engi uses a 4 kit piano build in PvE and is one of the highest effort builds for the least value. 

No one bats an eye. This build is so unrewarding, snowcrows eventually removed it. It's just not worth playing.

Core condi engi is a high effort low reword build in PvP/WvW. Using as many as 4 kits. No one bats an eye. 

They even celebrate when core engi gets nerfed because of whatever scrapper/holo are currently doing. See reactions to the latest patch. 


But when the inverse happens...


Engi gets a low effort high reward build, suddenly effort to reward ratio matters.  It is of the utmost importance that this delecate balance is restored or the game will be destroyed!

Lets also conveniently ignore the fact that condi alac mech uses 4 kits and is one of the hardest, if not the hardest rotaion in the game.

You have to piano 4 kits, micro manage a spastic AI. WITHOUT the help of shfit signet to reposition it when it runs into Narnia after a random mob (and it will).

The mech also can't queue skills so you actually have to time them. If it's doing an auto attack chain the skill will also just... not go off so you have to watch out for that too.

If that isn't high effort I don't know what is.

It also benches less than Firebrand, Scourge, Harbinger, and Condi Alacrigade.

This whole argument feels disingenuous. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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You know the nerfs were coming and gonna pile up in the future, but those who gain ez power of faceroll always afraid to lose it.

When you started relying on this ezmode specc, you should know in your heart to expect nerfs and dont get your heart broken.

Edited by Crackmonster.2790
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2 hours ago, Crackmonster.2790 said:

You know the nerfs were coming and gonna pile up in the future, but those who gain ez power of faceroll always afraid to lose it.

When you started relying on this ezmode specc, you should know in your heart to expect nerfs and dont get your heart broken.

We knew the nerfs were coming because AI. Not ease of use. If it was the later, hFB + Scourge wouldnt still be meta. 

The nerfs are geared towards pvp.

PvPers. would complain even if the piano condi build was meta. 

Source: I play a piano condi mech build. 

I run 3 kits + Mace Pistol.  The build operates by co-ordinating bursts with your mech and weaving in kits. That's 4 weapon swaps with added AI management on top. 

I dont use elite revive and run mortar instead. I bank on my ability to pressute them if they focus the mech, and pre-emtively recall it if I cant protect it.

Objectively, not an easy build, but frustrating to fight because players hate dying to AI. I still get angry whispers/mail while playing it.


Edited by Kuma.1503
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What you are talking about isnt related to mechanist, its something you add on top yourself from core. Objectively, mechanist is ez, safe, powerful and got tons of tools to do way more than your average class from huge safety and still get big numbers. It's very obvious - you just look how many ppl were happy to faceroll all content without any stress or how guides were being posted about how its the easiest and very powerful specc in pvp, etc, can do anything the want, heralding it as the ultimate world build etc. The only level that its not op was at the highest level if you are able to eliminate player error, but even there its one of the top builds on 40k+ dps with a perfect play.

So youre you should still expect nerfs. But tbh i doubt mech will ever be as bad as ranger pets or even close, it has too much good tools to scale the mech that ranger could only dream of, so there's that. The only way for mech not to still remain a relaxing build and good for world is if they nerfed every aspects of it hard into the ground - it will still be the best pet build in game even if they try tho as too much of the power is baked into the pet a whole redesign is in order if you want to make the pet bad. 

Mech already receiving much more love and care than ranger pets ever did, i think its safe to say that among pet builds, mech is gonna be the "pet" build of arena net going forward leaving ranger pets largely untalked about.

Edited by Crackmonster.2790
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2 hours ago, Crackmonster.2790 said:

What you are talking about isnt related to mechanist, its something you add on top yourself from core. Objectively, mechanist is ez, safe, powerful and got tons of tools to do way more than your average class from huge safety and still get big numbers. It's very obvious - you just look how many ppl were happy to faceroll all content without any stress or how guides were being posted about how its the easiest and very powerful specc in pvp, etc, can do anything the want, heralding it as the ultimate world build etc. The only level that its not op was at the highest level if you are able to eliminate player error, but even there its one of the top builds on 40k+ dps with a perfect play.

So youre you should still expect nerfs. But tbh i doubt mech will ever be as bad as ranger pets or even close, it has too much good tools to scale the mech that ranger could only dream of, so there's that. The only way for mech not to still remain a relaxing build and good for world is if they nerfed every aspects of it hard into the ground - it will still be the best pet build in game even if they try tho as too much of the power is baked into the pet a whole redesign is in order if you want to make the pet bad. 

Mech already receiving much more love and care than ranger pets ever did, i think its safe to say that among pet builds, mech is gonna be the "pet" build of arena net going forward leaving ranger pets largely untalked about.

If core nerfs are justified because the elite is overperforming, then core is a part of the elite, and is relevant to discussion. 

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On 3/30/2022 at 7:23 AM, Daddy.8125 said:

the golem will do a bad job of showing the reality of clones, they die to AoEs. they despawn when things Die and Generally being 100% melee will drive Uptime problems in itself, I'd find it hard to beleive either of these are Repeatable in live gameplay. which is why i still beleive to this day Golem needs deleting from the game.

Nobody who knows anything about this game considers golem benchmarks realistic. They are comparison tools to show maximum possible single-target dps and ideal rotations, not indicative of combat performance.

As for clones, pets get 95% damage reduction when they are not directly targeted, so they won't die to aoe, and they are super easy to resummon anyway.

Edited by RabbitUp.8294
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Thanks you OP for proving that you dont know kitten about Mechanist.


You link snowcrow build that are full focus on Viper stats claiming hurr it deals high damage while at the same time crying that the mech is a super tank using Hizen example who plays celestial.


Mechanist deals high damage but if you want to cry about damage then why were you not complaining about the 41k-44k Catalyst ? Why are you not complaining about the post buff Catalyst that deals 39k which is 1k lower than Mechanist ? Personnally I dont see a big difference between 40k and 39k but apparently you do. Of course I picked Catalyst as an example but we can talk about Virtuoso and Harbringer which both outdamage Mechanist and Catalyst. 


You cry that the mech is a big tank but mech tank only work when you use thoughness and vitality stats AND forces you to take channeling conduit for the heal. It is no surprise that condition is stupidly strong because you only need to focus on 2 stats instead of 3, which leaves 1-2 empty stats room for you to choose. And guess what sets benefit the most for mech ? Trailblazer and celestial.  Pretty much any class running trailblazer or celestial can easily tank while dealing damage, both sets makes all condi focus build easy and forgiving to play.  But a Viper or Berserker mech  ? it will takes a few hit and die because it has 0 toughness. Oh yeah sure it may have 48k HP but what is 48k HP when the boss removes 10k/hits. 


You claim it is destroying the game so that includes WvW and SPvP. 


For SPvP, I will not talk about since I dont care about this gamemode at all and it has its own balance and world.


However for WvW, Mechanist is the worst spec in the game, hands down. I would rather play core engineer which is arguably the worst core spec at the moment, rather than Mechanist. At least core engineer doesnt need to rely on a mech with an AI you can easily exploit. Core engineer doesnt lose its toolbelt which can have strong utility or power skill for a mech that spend its time running in circle, getting perma CC and die to uncleasable condition and power damage. People love to compare mechanist to Ranger but ranger can completely buff itself and ignore the pet if the player choose to do so. Mechanist branch only buff the pet. If you lose to a mechanist in WvW, you either kitten up somewhere or he outplayed you. But chances are, if you're loosing to a Mechanist you would probably lose to a core engi, scrapper or holosmith.


Mechanist is far from being gamebreaking. But of course you would know all of that if you actually play the class instead of mixing all the information from different source together and claim that's how it works.


Edited by Alcatraznc.3869
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Better nerf harb virt weaver ren too since they benchmark above mech. 🤣

On 3/31/2022 at 4:23 PM, Crackmonster.2790 said:

Mech already receiving much more love and care than ranger pets ever did, i think its safe to say that among pet builds, mech is gonna be the "pet" build of arena net going forward leaving ranger pets largely untalked about.

I main mech and ranger the same problems that plague ranger pets plague mech. The AI is still wonky half the time it dont obey commands the skills can be slow to fire off. I also have a necro and my minions are superior to both ranger and mechs

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On 3/20/2022 at 5:08 PM, Tatwi.3562 said:

I happen to very much enjoy it for these exact reasons. In fact, it's probably the only aspect of the entire expansion that I am completely satisfied with.


Nerfing it into the ground to satisfy raiders would be a disservice to the other 95% of the people who paid for the content.

As a raider I can assure you we are not the ones complaining about mech. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know this is a old topic but..I have a MM build that would love to have a word with your "afk" build..I literally don't have to press anything I can sit in area never lose a bit of hp never even attack and things die around me. Now I know mechs give shields and that's cool but I've tried the same area with my mech vs my mm and my mm seems to kill faster and I take less damage.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/20/2022 at 11:32 PM, Shiyo.3578 said:

Support mechanist is just as good as Firebrand in groups(provides alac instead of quickness though).


So you're also in the Guardian forums, demanding nerfs for Firebrand. Right? ...right?


On 3/24/2022 at 4:21 PM, AliamRationem.5172 said:

That's the problem.  People do play classes because they overperform.  It's why firebrand/renegade/scourge was at 80% representation and why they announced their efforts to begin nerfing them down to make room for other classes.  So, again, if it's overperforming to that level (I'm not saying it is), it only makes sense to trim it.  Like I said, if you want to say "But firebrand!" you already lost the argument. 


In theory, I completely agree. In practice, it seems that they're not going to do kitten anything about FB, so if they don't bring it down to level with the rest, the next best choice seems to have more "FB"s so they don't completely dominate everything. :x

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2 minutes ago, melodyspectrum.2980 said:


So you're also in the Guardian forums, demanding nerfs for Firebrand. Right? ...right?



In theory, I completely agree. In practice, it seems that they're not going to do kitten anything about FB, so if they don't bring it down to level with the rest, the next best choice seems to have more "FB"s so they don't completely dominate everything. :x

Believe me, I feel your frustration with the situation on firebrand.  It's really disappointing that 1) They allowed it to ever happen in the first place and 2) They refuse to do anything meaningful to force this class to choose between all of the things it does so well rolled into a single kit.  It really doesn't leave a lot of room for other classes to shine and that's a pretty glaring flaw in this game's class design that's, unfortunately, become a bit of a hallmark.

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