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Gen 3 legendaries

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im curios what do you guys think is a good price for for generation 3 legendaries to settle at. 


Since they reduced the mat requirement with t6 and mystic coins and made the antique summoning stones the biggest bottle neck.


But the summoning stones are dropping like a rock so will generation 3 be exponentially less expensive in the long run?


i made the axe for 1.9k but u can already make it for less and people that made it at launch proably paid over 3k.

Will they invalidate gen 1 and especially gen 2 legendaries with the huge mystic coin sink?



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I don't think they will invalidate gen 2, it's the only one where you can't sell them. Maybe Gen 1, but if you have a ton of mystic clovers, as say a pvp or wvw enjoyer, then Gen 1 are stupidly cheap to make. Hell I have like 650 mystic clovers from just wvw alone, I make a leggy here and there if I want. 

Edited by patton the great.7126
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5 hours ago, Sarius.9285 said:

many people, me included, build legendaries almost exclusively for the qol of always having that weapon with all possible stats available on every character 

This is why the vast majority of people craft/buy legendaries as well. But there are always that small minority of players that want the most expensive stuff just to show off how rich they are, so they think that anything they have dropping in price is a negative thing 🙄

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Even if the price drops below gen1, gen3 has all the same skins and effects. Gen1 will always be valuable to someone just because of unique skins. Gen2 as well.


Plus, I doubt it'll drop too much.

Still, antique summoning stones dropped from 14g last time I looked to like, 9g, so eventually, there will be more stones than the demand. 


So all you selling gen3, sell it sooner rather than later, the price already dropped to where (depending on how you crafted yours) you are possibly losing money.

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10 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

I don't undestand the question. Invalidate?

I make the legy i like because of the look, not because it's cheaper. And i personally find the new legendarys mostly really ugly and totaly lazx from anet~.

Or did i just misunderstood the post?

Same here.

Also at this height only new players will be interested in cheaper leggie.

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19 hours ago, xan.8936 said:

im curios what do you guys think is a good price for for generation 3 legendaries to settle at. 


Since they reduced the mat requirement with t6 and mystic coins and made the antique summoning stones the biggest bottle neck.


But the summoning stones are dropping like a rock so will generation 3 be exponentially less expensive in the long run?


i made the axe for 1.9k but u can already make it for less and people that made it at launch proably paid over 3k.

Will they invalidate gen 1 and especially gen 2 legendaries with the huge mystic coin sink?



I put 0 value in these new legendaries, they are a rainbow pile of garbage.... Everywhere I go in WVW or PVE there is some person flashing around his christmas lights and you cant even see the player. Its like watching Christmas Vacation everywhere I go...

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I don't think Anet realize how vast of the player base that is either indifferent towards or totally dislike Aurene.  I personally at the scale of 11 out of 10 in terms of the I-hate-Aurene scale, from the design to the voice line, just never appealed to me.   To make an entire line of legendary out of her theme is disheartening.  Every single one is messy glob of rainbow nonsense. It's lazy design, lets be honest now.  I hope the other dragon skin update will come soon so I can get rid of this distasteful rainbow skin on this staff that I....unfortunately made out of curiosity.  I would say gen 1 and 2 are better in terms of aesthetic for the most part (if you really care about that it), minus some of the joke weapons. 

Edited by quaniesan.8497
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46 minutes ago, quaniesan.8497 said:

I hope the other dragon skin update will come soon so I can get rid of this distasteful rainbow skin on this staff that I....unfortunately made out of curiosity. 

Dates for that has already been announced. May 24 for the first and June 28 for the second.

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On 4/11/2022 at 11:00 PM, xan.8936 said:

Will they invalidate gen 1 and especially gen 2 legendaries with the huge mystic coin sink?

Personally, they were never valid to begin with. Legendary Weapons are notoriously terrible value with how expensive they are (or especially were pre driving MC's down) for far less utility, since unlike Armors, Backpieces, Trinkets, Runes and Sigils, Weapons are generally fairly bound to specific stat sets through the skill sets they give anyway. 


So since Gen 1&2 always have pretty much just been vanity projects (more so than other Legendary types) for mainly the skins, maybe Gen 3 intentionally is aimed at correcting that mistake through eventually providing a more appropriately priced option, especially for players mainly concerned with the Legendary QoL functionality - which Anet might have correctly identified might be better for the game over all to be in the hands of more players. 


I hope to see them at <1k eventually, since I'd rate the value of Legendary Weapon functionality at about 600-800g (by the standards of imo generally already overpriced other Legendaries and their Utility/QoL).

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I would not take anything lower than 3.5k in the current market. This weapon for all the work you have to do to get the acc bound mats should be priced with a 1k profit margin. Anything below that you are giving gold away for free to the person buying it.

Mats do not dictate the price of the legendary, players, moreso the people who have the most in stock do. If account bound mats go down, that only means the price of mats go up, and vice versa. The price of the legendary for the most part remains static.

Edited by Aridon.8362
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They are at 3kish at the moment, i have personally bought two gen 1 legendaries. 3400 gold is far too much and i would never buy one at that price.. ever..

I would pay the same as gen 1 legendaries, not more sorry.

Edited by Dante.1508
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20 hours ago, Sarius.9285 said:

many people, me included, build legendaries almost exclusively for the qol of always having that weapon with all possible stats available on every character 

But wouldn't it then be good for People like you, when these new weapons get cheaper? Why is it invalidating the old ones?

Sorry, i just really dont geht this thread. There will always people who like the old legys more and there will people who like the new legys more and there will people who like the cheapest and people who like the expensivest, yada yada~.

This is why i asked if i misunderstood something, because i can absolutly not wrap my head about such a question.

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The price of summoning stones will drop a lot, slowly but steadily, because even if you don't plan on crafting a gen3 weapon there's no reason not to buy your weekly stones (at least 4/5 excluding strikes currency) and resell them, I mean you can exchange 1g for 9g right now, 1000 karma for 9g, that's insane and as more and more people max their arborstone and check that merchant, stones could drop to a couple golds, maybe around 5g tops since they are weekly.

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Idk anyone who loves to play the game, at one point decide to buy legendary weapons rather than crafting it themselves... It's a legendary journey is it not? Even if gen3 doesn't have achievements or specific journey associated with it, buying one off tp just won't give the feeling of  "it belongs to you"

Imagine buying someone else's legy weapon from tp ... It's like buying a memory / experience of someone else a second hand item blehh X)

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15 hours ago, Asum.4960 said:

Personally, they were never valid to begin with. Legendary Weapons are notoriously terrible value with how expensive they are (or especially were pre driving MC's down) for far less utility, since unlike Armors, Backpieces, Trinkets, Runes and Sigils, Weapons are generally fairly bound to specific stat sets through the skill sets they give anyway. 


So since Gen 1&2 always have pretty much just been vanity projects (more so than other Legendary types) for mainly the skins, maybe Gen 3 intentionally is aimed at correcting that mistake through eventually providing a more appropriately priced option, especially for players mainly concerned with the Legendary QoL functionality - which Anet might have correctly identified might be better for the game over all to be in the hands of more players. 


I hope to see them at <1k eventually, since I'd rate the value of Legendary Weapon functionality at about 600-800g (by the standards of imo generally already overpriced other Legendaries and their Utility/QoL).

I disagree. I have 48 characters and only need 2 weapons + 2 underwater weapons to have all, including duplicates of a few. The convenience of being able to equip most anything whenever I want is huge to me, well worth the investment. Besides, what else are you going to do with all the materials and gold you collect?

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4 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

Idk anyone who loves to play the game, at one point decide to buy legendary weapons rather than crafting it themselves... It's a legendary journey is it not? Even if gen3 doesn't have achievements or specific journey associated with it, buying one off tp just won't give the feeling of  "it belongs to you"

Imagine buying someone else's legy weapon from tp ... It's like buying a memory / experience of someone else a second hand item blehh X)

That can go off into all sorts of tangents.

Many if not most items of "legendary" status both real and fictional are not created by their most famous owners.

Masterwork tier and higher items become bound upon first use so the "used" claim has no merit.

Edited by Khisanth.2948
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