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Best spec to counter stealth spamm DE?


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Pulsing reveal, e.g. spb magebane tether is very effective. Landing a burst on a good DE is not easy but after that they can only shadowstep to break the chain. Otherwise you just mow them down during the chain. Ofc spb has its own problems and bad matchups.

I dont play DH but the spear pulse reveal might be good too. I dunno how well DH handles DE though... it counters daredevil but that is melee.

Or anything that can burst them with tracking while they are not stealthed, DE should be very squishy (if it wants to do enough dmg).

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I see this guy that plays only DE in top 25 for ages, stevie, he's top 10 most of time and I always see him solo. This makes me think DE is a skill based match up, if you're better mechanically you win if not you lose, i havent played with/agaisnt it very much, but DE is still a thief unless the player makes a mistake he'll never die.

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If you want to counter DE don't rely on boons, they can just double daze you from 1200 no matter what your buffs are. Blocking and projectile denial is what you want. Ranged weapon and reveal optional, LoS is critical.


I'm not gonna go on about and say Hammer Rev is the best but it's definitely good against it despite the recent nerfs on Forced Engagement which could Taunt in stealth if timed right. You have a lot of projectile denial uptime as Retribution Hammer.

Edited by Shao.7236
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Just now, Nezekan.2671 said:

Sic em is not pulsing reveal. One DE elite gets rid of the reveal. Sic em soulbeast is as much in risk of getting killed very quickly by Deadeye as well. 


Sic One Wolf Pack is definitely by far the hardest counter vs. DE.

It essentially removes the DE from play, leaving its team 4v5.

I can log in and show you why if you really want me to.

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3 hours ago, Nezekan.2671 said:

Sic em is not pulsing reveal. One DE elite gets rid of the reveal. Sic em soulbeast is as much in risk of getting killed very quickly by Deadeye as well. 

Problem is you do Sic Em into Rapid Fire, and stealth does not break the targetting. And no, Soulbest isnt even at a quarter of the risk of being killed by the deadeye as vice versa. Deadeye has a lot lower survivability *and* a lot lower damage. Soulbeast can shrug off a lot of damage and still kill the DE in a rapid fire + 2 hits. Deadeyes only advantage is out of combat mobility. I.e., they can run away.

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Reveal, reflects, gapclosers and/or ranged damage. Any build that has this, and on top of that learn the maps so you do not start looking for an LoS spot while trying to dodge the incoming DJ.

The hardcounters to DE are Sic'Em soulbeast, power DH, and to a lesser extent spellbreaker(pick the tether obviously). But as I said, any build with the above tools can defeat it. Tools holo, shiroglint rev etc...

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6 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

Are you asking as a rev player?

Yes I am and  I have no issues punishing some DE muppets but once they spec anti-rev just to troll around I'm starting to have problems. That's why I'd like to know the ideal counter so I can give it back to them.

Thanks for the replies everyone who didn't come up with some virgin-tier sarcastic remark. I'll try out wolf sic em soulbeast.

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19 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


Sic One Wolf Pack is definitely by far the hardest counter vs. DE.

It essentially removes the DE from play, leaving its team 4v5.

I can log in and show you why if you really want me to.

I literally killed a soulbeast with 2 spam on deadeye before coming here. Did not see me coming, marked him, gained quickness with trait and nuked him out of existence. I use Valkyrie stat with hidden killer from critical strikes.

It's literally a matter of who sees who first. I think you are underestimating DE burst. But I am not underestimating Soulbeast one. Who gets to act first is important, and if deadeye wants to run away, Soulbeast is not going to stop it with sic em build, and deadeye is not going to be in teamfights a lot anyway. It's a 1v1 or 2v2 class.

Edited by Nezekan.2671
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1 hour ago, Nezekan.2671 said:

I literally killed a soulbeast with 2 spam on deadeye before coming here. Did not see me coming, marked him, gained quickness with trait and nuked him out of existence. I use Valkyrie stat with hidden killer from critical strikes.

It's literally a matter of who sees who first. I think you are underestimating DE burst. But I am not underestimating Soulbeast one. Who gets to act first is important, and if deadeye wants to run away, Soulbeast is not going to stop it with sic em build, and deadeye is not going to be in teamfights a lot anyway. It's a 1v1 or 2v2 class.


You're fighting in low tier environments where people don't use their kits correctly.

Anyone playing at and with p1+ environments is going to tell you that Sic Em One Wolf Soulbeast vs. Rifle DE is like top 3 hardest counter situations in the game actually.

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17 hours ago, KIRA.4270 said:

Yes I am and  I have no issues punishing some DE muppets but once they spec anti-rev just to troll around I'm starting to have problems. That's why I'd like to know the ideal counter so I can give it back to them.

Thanks for the replies everyone who didn't come up with some virgin-tier sarcastic remark. I'll try out wolf sic em soulbeast.

Rev will prob struggle vs it if it gets the jump on you. Your best bet is to LoS until its out of stealth and try and burst it down. Rinse and repeat.

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Basically anything that can bonk the thief hard enough that, if they reappear and get even tickled again, they run the risk of dying. This includes builds that have access to reveal such as herald or spellbreaker, other thieves with the sticking power to force the DE to either disengage or die, builds that for some reason have interesting counters to stealth and put out enough damage that the thief either dies or blows too many resources to be useful (soulbeast LB), and other setups that can basically wait for the thief to pop up then threaten a 1-shot (other DEs, certain thief and mesmer builds, etc).


Anything with easily accessible projectile denial can also make a DE worthless at a midfight - usually tempest, and to some extent shield guardians.

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On 4/16/2022 at 11:32 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Sic em one wolf soulbeast is hardest counter vs DE


just wait for him to open and then.....    Sic´em BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Reflecting a 6k Stealthattack back into their face also works... so everything with reflect.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 4/16/2022 at 4:32 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Sic em one wolf soulbeast is hardest counter vs DE


I have over 3k games on DE and play at the plat+ level. Hardest counter is weaver hands down


Lots of reflect means you cant kill easily

Weakness means you cant build malice


SB vs DE is a toss up. Sic em is a problem, but if you cant kill me in the channel time it takes me to use my elite then your advantage is nullified

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