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Would you like content retroactively added to old maps?

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Something like new collections that reward unique sets of armor, like in Jahai for example.

Would you like such things to be added to base PoF maps even years later for example?


I think it'd be a neat way to make every map more alive and relevant. What are your thoughts?

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I used to play a game that would tell new stories in old maps by using shards of the map divided by time period. So a veteran could learn of a new threat to a given island and travel there to join up with other heroes to root out the bad guys and save the day. It was nice to revisit old maps that you hadnt been to in a while because of power level.

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I used to say this years ago. Rather than new maps revisit old ones between new maps. They do sort of do this from time to time. But I am thinking more about the Toxic Tower or whatever it was called. That was genuinely one of the best events I have ever done on this game and it was limited. It almost like a random que raid with loads going on inside.

My worry would be them having insane achievments, sort of like solo queing ranked Apex Legends where you are semi reliant on getting good teams randomly than ranking entirely to your abililty.

Fishing made me visit maps I haven't in a long time, and seeing some events going on there made me remember how fun some are. We used to have monthlies as well as dailies. The thing I always asked for was a sort of map of the week you can light grind for something like a sack of mystic coins or materials. Or have WvW style pips and tracks for the loot you want. Play as you want, sort of, do the quests, kill mobs, do events and get credit towards weekly chest.

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The nice thing about GW2 is that you can go to any zone and feel rewarded. Some games give zero XP and little to no loot in out-leveled maps, but not this game. I've gotten both my precursors in "old maps" such as Caledon Forest. Got my first ascended ring while killing drakes while waiting for the big ol' wurm to spawn. I know I'm an alt-o-holic, but I still spend a lot of time in Core maps and have no complaints.

How does this request balance with the cries of "vets kill everything too fast in newbie zones" posts?

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6 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

The nice thing about GW2 is that you can go to any zone and feel rewarded. Some games give zero XP and little to no loot in out-leveled maps, but not this game. I've gotten both my precursors in "old maps" such as Caledon Forest. Got my first ascended ring while killing drakes while waiting for the big ol' wurm to spawn. I know I'm an alt-o-holic, but I still spend a lot of time in Core maps and have no complaints.

How does this request balance with the cries of "vets kill everything too fast in newbie zones" posts?

In theory it could be implemented in one of the many level 80 zones to avoid that problem.

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Judging from what I've seen on the forums over the years, for every person asking "give me a reason to go back to old maps" there's another person complaining "why do you force me to go back to old maps".


GW2 is actually doing quite a bit of re-using old maps and environments. EoD for example has collections that send you back to basegame maps, collecting flowers, finding npc to get specific information, and so on. Legendary trinket collections, when they were introduced, required people to go back to all maps of the related living world season to do different things. All the way back to season 2 events were added to old maps, e.g. the mordrem events in the Iron Marches.


In the end it comes down to the question why you want new content in old maps. We already see different approaches in this thread:

  • somebody is looking for incentive to visit old maps
  • somebody loves playing old maps on alts and such
  • somebody loves the environments of low-level maps but would prefer to play them as max-level maps
  • somebody generally prefers new maps to old maps
  • somebody is concerned with maxed-out characters getting in the way of lower-level/non-maxed characters


GW2 has always worked on the premise of "the whole game is endgame", so you are free to (re-)visit all maps, and there's usually relevant things to do all over the place. Striking the balance of new environment vs. new task in old environment for as many players as possible is something only the devs can figure out, but from what we've seen over the years, I'm pretty confident that we will keep finding new stuff to spice up old maps.

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I'd like to see some Updrafts and Ley Lines added to the Core Tyria maps. And some of the places fixed up a bit so that there could be less invisible walls.

Hey, they went back and added Fishing Holes from EoD to Core Tyria. They added those magic things (I forget what they're called) to grab with your Skyscales from PoF. So there's no reason that they couldn't add a handful of Updrafts and 1 or 2 Ley Lines to the Core Tyria zones.

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I'd like to see old maps updated in general; especially core maps. I'd like to see the timeline on core maps made more generic and time period specific content pushed off on to maps that are basically like Dragon Champion maps used in Icebrood Saga. LWS1 could  have easily been done that way.

I'd really love to see the Orr maps post Zhaitan; after they are recovering from the dragons and  being underwater. They could do that fairly easy by making player characters have finished the personal story see something different. Allow them to see plants growing, cleaner water, convert half the risen to unchained risen and the rest replaced with non-risen versions of given creatures. Add more risen chickens for other places but post-personal story players see pocket raptors. Throw in some risen Karka / live Karka, depending on the view.

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On 5/4/2022 at 2:59 PM, Aodlop.1907 said:

Something like new collections that reward unique sets of armor, like in Jahai for example.

Would you like such things to be added to base PoF maps even years later for example?


I think it'd be a neat way to make every map more alive and relevant. What are your thoughts?

I'm always down for more content. I'm totally into meta events, so anywhere they'd like to throw one, I'm gonna try it out. Jumping puzzles do not interest me, and wouldn't be done beyond parking an alt, considering the loot was good. It also depends on the maps. Some are just not fun to move around, and deal with the enemies. Also, would like to point out HoT is old, so are you asking about vanilla stuff, or just anything before IBS?

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17 hours ago, Peregrine Falcon.5496 said:

I'd like to see some Updrafts and Ley Lines added to the Core Tyria maps. And some of the places fixed up a bit so that there could be less invisible walls.

Hey, they went back and added Fishing Holes from EoD to Core Tyria. They added those magic things (I forget what they're called) to grab with your Skyscales from PoF. So there's no reason that they couldn't add a handful of Updrafts and 1 or 2 Ley Lines to the Core Tyria zones.

Ruining the aesthetics of core Tyrian maps would drive me away from those maps. I probably wouldnt quit the game but I would play less, avoid those maps, and stop spending money on the game.

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23 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Ruining the aesthetics of core Tyrian maps would drive me away from those maps. I probably wouldnt quit the game but I would play less, avoid those maps, and stop spending money on the game.

Some of the new content is good, if they followed EoD style updates i'd be down, less so HoT and Pof, no i'd totally agree with you. That said they have to be careful what they add because new customers need! to level up in them so adding Hot like content might end the game over night.

Edited by Dante.1508
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No, I want to move on to new stuff that metalords haven't solved yet. Everything in this game loses its novelty in 2 weeks after a meta strategy for any given thing is established and you have to follow it or are told to GTFO. Adding more busywork to content everyone already has on braindead mode just prolongs the suffering.

I recently did... what was that, Juggernaut collection(?) for shiny ooze gizmo and it was the absolute worst experience since HoT adventures.

Edited by rune.9572
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