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Players who don´t do Strike/Raid/PvP/WvW: What activities do you engage in?

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As someone who plays PvP and does the occasional Strike I was always wondering what people do. I find the harder game modes quite enjoyable and mostly visit the OW map if I want something from them. Personally I feel that any form of OW-"train" quite boring, so I'm quite curios. I would like to know what other Players do in Tyria.



Edited by Albi.7250
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  • SlayerXX.7138 changed the title to Players who don´t do Strike/Raid/PvP/WvW: What activities do you engage in?
1 hour ago, Albi.7250 said:

As someone who plays PvP and does the occasional Strike I was always wondering what people do. I find the harder game modes quite enjoyable and mostly visit the OW map if I want something from them. Personally I feel that any form of OW-"train" quite boring, so I'm quite curios. I would like to know what other Players do in Tyria.

When I have the time and mood I can enjoy hardcore content as well.

But meta trains, achievement hunting & co. are more about repetition and slowly progressing towards something. It's more like a Zen stone garden than an exciting experience. You can almost think of it like a more involved and social idle clicker. It has to occupy my head enough and be an enjoyable exercise in muscle memory. But not actually fully occupy me or get any adrenaline pumping. 

Because with the more laid back environment comes a lot of socialization via map chat. That is entirely opt in. If I like it I can throw in a comment here or there. If not I can turn it off.  Found a bunch of friends like that. I also enjoy just stumbling over people who need help through that. Whether it is giving alac / shield to people eating the rotten meat in AB or tagging up afterwards to get someone their turtle from the strike (which I play as hscg, ending up as slow but very laid back experience too).

There's this amazing experience of being alone, together. Where I can be exactly as alone or as together as I feel like in that very second. In an environment that I'm fully comfortable in. 


(Also. If I want hardcore PvP I usually play some purely PvP focused game as I find the game design much tighter. Much more deliberate, especially in the details. Where all designers actually fully focus on PvP, while also focusing more on solid matchmaking systems)

Edited by Erise.5614
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World bosses, achievements, helping random players in map chat, map completion (yes I’m that kind of person who enjoys it 👀


i do sometimes play instanced pve but I don’t enjoy pvp at all. WvW I can endure and sometimes find fun to play. But mostly it’s just relaxed gaming 

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 Meta trains for lazy gold without the need to commit to a schedule; kill proof; gear score or some other arbitrary skill cap.

RP in divinity's reach.

Making legendary weapons. 

Edited by Pinkeh.4207
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Open-world PvE mainly. I usually start out aiming to do map completion, (re)play a storyline or do an achievement, but for me that's more of a prompt to start playing, then I just see what happens.

For example I might go to a map to do map completion then get caught up in an event chain, and find that's given me part of an achievement I didn't know about which sounds interesting, so I'll do a bit more of that. I think it's also important to note that I have limited time to play (I average about 2 hours per day) and I tend to play slowly, talking to NPCs, looking at the scenery, gathering materials even if I don't need them and they're not worth much and so on. So it probably takes me longer to get through stuff than many people on the forum, I've never reached a point where my only option is to repeat events just because they're repeatable and I suspect if I did I'd take a break, because that does sound boring.

I do also play WvW (but again the repetition gets boring quickly) and at the moment I'm doing Fractals fairly often to make the legendary backpack but I can't see myself doing them regularly once I've got it. I've done strikes as well when I needed something from them and I tried to raid for a while to get the minis, but that always falls apart because I can't commit to any type of schedule. I'm not opposed to any part of the game, but repetative activities get boring quickly for me, I'd rather do lots of different things than try to fixate on repeating any 1 area of the game.

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Open world.... usually starts out as farming, working on achievements or legendaries, ends up as world bosses and events lol.  I like doing dailies for open world, like the seasons 3, 4, and icebrood as well.  I occasionally WvW or do a fractal, usually again to feed into other things I'm working on.  Dabbled with PvP but I don't it that interesting in the last couple of years.  Raids and strikes take too much time and having to show up at a certain time doesn't coordinate with my current real life schedule.  I don't feel like there's ever a shortage of things to do in open world, so many maps to move around on.  

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The stuff I do hasn't shifted very much from when I first started playing. These days, the biggest part of my GW2 time is spent in PvE areas socializing with others, chasing achievements, exploring new locations, rediscovering old ones (thanks, mounts), fishing, assisting players I discover in my travels, farming materials and chopping down or harvesting every tree and plant unfortunate enough to appear on my minimap.

On occasion I waste time on pleasant chaos like slow-walking across three maps with an increasingly-long line of strangers all carrying and handing out jars of bees to the players we pass on the way or slow-leveling an alt named Karen by only completing XP tasks that involve employees, foremen, managers, or sales associates.

And finally, for the smallest parts of my Tyrian existence, I'll hold my nose and step into instanced content or a game mode I don't enjoy for a specific reward. However, if the experience is unenjoyable enough, it can outweigh my desire for the reward completely (recent example: strikes) and suddenly walking around giving bees to people seems like a much better use of my time.

I think it's great that GW2 has some content for people who don't get enough from the open world (and support those things getting more polish and balancing), but mostly that content isn't of interest to me. Open world feels like the thing they've done best.

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- Build & character crafting
- guildhall decorating/mapping
- guildmissions
- exploration
- testing theories, searching and investigating bugs/exploits
- helping new players/returners establishing a foothold/reaching their goals in GW2
- meta-events, large scale
- treasure-hunting, Jumping Puzzles & Mini Dungeons & other puzzles/random chests
- building guilds/helping others to do it

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kinds weird how many people here mention "schedules" together with raiding lol.


But as someone who raids alot, I recently started several "hardcore" characters which is alot of fun in the open world. Basically trying to 100% as much as possible, main game and add-ons without dying 

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make way too many alts

craft legendary weapons

once in a blue moon i will strike on normal  they are easy, do them more so now cause i can sell the weekly stones from arborstone

always do my wvw daily then leave asap sometimes follow a tag that will let random's join

map completions/meta events

dungeons [chill runs none of that speed run crap  that's so boring]

i used to go hardcore on ff14 extreme trials and some savage raids but the drama that came with it i stopped i am not about that life

now i like to chill solo play mostly 

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At the moment:

  • gold making via multi-accounting
  • fashion wars
  • world exploration
  • systems exploration (game systems); I'm that kind of person beta-testers and devs hate for gaming their designs.
  • theorycrafting (professions)
  • occasional RP

I'm open to the things mentioned by the OP, but I lack a decent guild in the EU that basically plays at US times since it would fit better with my insomnia.

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23 minutes ago, Sarius.9285 said:

kinds weird how many people here mention "schedules" together with raiding lol.


But as someone who raids alot, I recently started several "hardcore" characters which is alot of fun in the open world. Basically trying to 100% as much as possible, main game and add-ons without dying 

Meaning that if you're in a guild you probably need to show up at a certain time for raids as a group, and for those with kids or jobs or other commitments it may not work to have to follow a gaming schedule.  So many players are casual in that they need that flexibility to drop in, do something quick, and able to pause or log off without leaving nine other people hanging.  It's often challenging to be able to sit and play for over an hour without interruption.

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I play fractals and that's all the instanced group content I need. Otherwise what's been fun about the game to me is map metas, map exploration, achievements, character building, story releases. There has been a lot less of that in the last several years so I'm playing this game less.

When they almost kept a consistent schedule of new content coming the game was fun. As that has dried up it's lost a lot of luster for me. I mostly do fractals and work on legendary weapons now.

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It really depends on time and if my brother or other family members are playing. Dailies (mix of PvE & WvW), story, play/level an alt, try out a new build, do stuff that makes some gold (events, gathering, whatever). I'm not working towards a world completion right now, but have a number of times in the past. Crafting when I need something. Key run on the weekend, typically.

I've been around since the start, but my brother only a couple years, so we will go achievement hunting together. Unlock the griffon, tiger dens, Herta, etc. Or go after mastery points. We'll jump in on metas or world bosses, but don't typically seek out those events.

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30 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Meaning that if you're in a guild you probably need to show up at a certain time for raids as a group, and for those with kids or jobs or other commitments it may not work to have to follow a gaming schedule.  So many players are casual in that they need that flexibility to drop in, do something quick, and able to pause or log off without leaving nine other people hanging.  It's often challenging to be able to sit and play for over an hour without interruption.

ah well okay. Another reason I'm glad I'm not in a guild lol raiding with pugs seems much more chill compared to that 

Edited by Sarius.9285
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I get my dailies done for both of my accounts and mostly wonder around the open maps. I hit open world events as I encounter them when I'm doing my more longer range farming. I tend to be interrupted a lot IRL so it's hard to find the time that I can plan more in-depth content. I like the open world interactions with other players generally. I'd enjoy buying and selling more on the TP if I had time to plan it more so I largely just gather, refine and sale. I wish we had a better space to build things. Guild Halls are ok but they tend to be to well decorated to begin with, more so the Canthan one. I'd really like to see a player space that the owner could place a passage to on open world spaces that allowed random players to enter and explore but with a way to ban  troublemakers. I miss the days of players building maps in Unreal. Entry markers could be the glowing green markers used for story content. Have them persist for an hour, allowing other players to zone to the map.

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6 hours ago, Albi.7250 said:

As someone who plays PvP and does the occasional Strike I was always wondering what people do. I find the harder game modes quite enjoyable and mostly visit the OW map if I want something from them. Personally I feel that any form of OW-"train" quite boring, so I'm quite curios. I would like to know what other Players do in Tyria.




Meta events, farming for materials, achievements, experiment with new open world builds.  I have 9 alts so there is always something to do in terms of exploration and story. I would try Strikes and Raids but the terrible attitude in LFG makes me avoid it. 

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I get distracted easily so multiple alts and OW is best (depending on the map), always running into events, farms, lore and other players it is very engaging. Sometimes I will find an achievement that looks interesting to complete or just want to explore every nook and cranny of a map. Also crafting in any RPG is something I enjoying focusing on and it's fun to farm metas for materials.


I don't enjoy pvp as a game mode, talk about repetitive. I had some fun in WvW but it was so long a go I don't even have the mount.

Raids/strikes are too much of a hassle to get into with DPS checks and the boon meta stagnating class diversity.

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Run around the open world, build up resources to add to my legendary collection, help new/in-need players in the expansion maps. I do technically do wvw but only enough to finish diamond each week and once I'm done with my last set of armor I'll be saying goodbye to it forever lol.

Edited by Sarge shot Grif.6450
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Playing other games mostly 😛

In all seriousness though when I am playing Gw2 i'm mostly doing dailies or map completing while running alts through story content and playing around with new builds and playstyles I come up with, occasionally trying to solo group events and champs etc to see what those builds can handle.


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