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The Zhaitan Variants

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Okay, I want to start by saying these are my opinions as someone who has six Aurene legendaries and was very excited for the variants to come out... I'm pissed. I was expecting a collection, and maybe some interesting lore, not an upfront cost of between 350-500g per skin before I can even work on the collection. The Aurene legendaries are already the most expensive legendaries the game has ever seen. This is coming from a player who currently has over 40 of them including trinkets, armor, and gen1, gen2, and gen3 weapons, sigils and runes. This means, that for someone like me who has always wanted to collect them all, I will need to spend nearly 6k gold in various currencies PER Aurene legendary. So basically to get the REskins of the weapon I already own. I'll need to spend the equivalent of making Eternity twice, and do 5 collections. Atleast Eternity gives you 3 separate greatswords unlocked in your armory. These are just skins! I don't know if I'm alone in feeling this way but I just don't understand why Arenanet picked this particular path and I'm incredibly disheartened. Thanks for reading and I hope to read healthy discussion below and maybe someone can help me see a silver lining. 

Attached is a screen of my efficiency's armory page to accent my feelings and goals


Edited by Elywan.7162
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Average cost of spirit shards, karma, ambergris, and research notes. The values are conservatively based on buy now of items listed on Fast farming website and the understanding that as more people have more uses for these currencies, their values will rise. 

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I only have 1 legendary so far. Gen 1. Planning a Gen 2 and then one from EoD as well (cause of the free precursor).

The advertising about the different skin sets - seemed interesting at first. And I had expected 1 collection per dragon - to unlock the skin type for the weapons. (Since they were advertised as wepons that could change and take different forms/apperances.)

But now ... with this cost ... it actually seems like separate weapons - not skins only. Should at least unlock a 2nd weapon in the armory. So that you could equip two 1-handed weapons with 2 "skins" unlocked.

Still would not be worth it. Who wants to do this for every weapon - and then super expensive. Either it should be cheap + you having to do it for each weapon. Or once per dragon variant (unlocking all of the variant skins for the Aurene' legendary you unlock) and then a bit more expensive maybe.

Not even thinking about the achievements - when I read about them I already thought "this will get grindy". Cause the news said something about an achievement for unlocking everything - meaning you'd need all legendaries and then to the achievements for the variant again which probalby is grindy even without the gold cost for the variant.

Imagine then another achievement for doing all of them (all variants for all weapons) - must be some new kind of long-term thing they want to implement to keep the prices high. (For research notes and the summoning stones.) Well ... I might just sell the summing stones. I care mainly about the convenience (having at least 1 of each legendry weapon typ ... 2 of the 1h ones  you can equip in both hands) and would only get the variants if they basically were free (except maybe having to do a collectoin that needed you to to JPs and/or events and stuff).

So ... ignoring them completely and doing only the 1 I have the free precursor. Other ones I get from the other sets - they look better anyways. EoD legendaries look all too similar to each other. Boring.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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I totally agree with this topic. 

When i first saw the gen3 anouncement i was like "well what a glorified overpriced Black lion skin set" and so were many other people. 
Then they anounced that these legendaries will have 7 variants aka skins. The majority of people was happy with this. That was the only saving grace for gen3 legendaries. That u get highly overpriced BLC skins, but with more variations.  
And today i login and see this... 350-500g PER legendary to get a mediocre at best skin and locked behind a collection? Who in their sane mind thought that this is a good idea?  

The only reason i crafted 3 of these was the idea of getting "free" (mb locked behind a collections or smtn, not a gold sink) skins. The least u could have done is make it a single collection with 350-500g cost that unlocks ALL of weapon skins of the same dragon. 

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Have to agree with this, especially since Steven McNally mentioned 'You’ll only need to forge each weapon once, then you’ll go on a journey with it to attune it to the magic of the other Elder Dragons.' This statement in particular had me thinking that you wouldn't need nearly as much resource investment and more achievement based. But to get each of them at 300-400 gold you'll end up spending more than you did to make the initial legendary!


Edit: Not sure if anyone has seen this, but for the 'Uncharged Fragment of Prismatic Shadows' it shows my funds of jade runestones, mystic clovers and memory of Aurene. Not sure how much of each but if it requires mystic clovers too how does that differ from forging the weapon?

Edited by luigiormario.7305
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2 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

I totally agree with this topic. 

When i first saw the gen3 anouncement i was like "well what a glorified overpriced Black lion skin set" and so were many other people. 
Then they anounced that these legendaries will have 7 variants aka skins. The majority of people was happy with this. That was the only saving grace for gen3 legendaries. That u get highly overpriced BLC skins, but with more variations.  
And today i login and see this... 350-500g PER legendary to get a mediocre at best skin and locked behind a collection? Who in their sane mind thought that this is a good idea?  

The only reason i crafted 3 of these was the idea of getting "free" (mb locked behind a collections or smtn, not a gold sink) skins. The least u could have done is make it a single collection with 350-500g cost that unlocks ALL of weapon skins of the same dragon. 


I'm not going to deny your opinion, because really it's your opinion. But I will comment and say that I smell a sense of extreme envy coming from it.

Edited by Aridon.8362
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Just here to remind what they said in a blogpost about this appearences:

"You’ll note I said appearances, not weapons. [...] and you won’t have to worry about spending tons of resources making and remaking these weapons."

So... yeah. I'm very disappointed to be honnest. Was expecting this update so much but what a let down.

Edited by Rakotia.5812
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5 minutes ago, Rakotia.5812 said:

Just here to reming what they said about this appearences:

"You’ll note I said appearances, not weapons. [...] and you won’t have to worry about spending tons of resources making and remaking these weapons."

So... yeah. I'm very disappointed to be honnest. Was expecting this so much but what a let down.

Totaly agree with this.

I don't feel ok with spending 1 million research notes (literally - 40K for the aurene weapons, 6 skin sets, 160K notes per set, thats exactly 1 million).

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4 minutes ago, Hellissane.3041 said:

I don't feel ok with spending 1 million research notes (literally - 40K for the aurene weapons, 6 skin sets, 160K notes per set, thats exactly 1 million).

That's ridiculous. That means even if it only costs a singular silver per research note. Which in my experience is roughly 1/3 of the real cost. You'll spend an extra 10k gold on just research notes alone. I can't with this, it has to be some sort of joke. 

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Keep your head up, here's the silver lining, just imagine when you're finished collecting these, you'll probably be in the rarest group of collectors in the game, maybe even the only one this particular group.... cuz I can't imagine why anyone would want to collect all these skins...


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It's quite easy  to guess what happened.

Anet saw all the people swiping their credit card to get gen3 legendaries and realized they can milk more by making " won’t have to worry about spending tons of resources" into a grind.

I'm sure they'll address this issue right after they fix legendary armor effects to match what they promised on stream :) 

By the way, this forum is amazing. Imagine having a post editor where arrow keys work. Nah XD

Edited by rune.9572
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