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As a returning player, what I find to be the gw2 problem.

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Toxic elitism.

I'm pretty sad to see that hasn't changed. Doing a nice fractal run, maybe not being optimal, and having people leave unreasonably because "dps isn't high enough" or such stuff. I'm talking not even people leaving while failing, but people leaving because you don't optimally succeed.


Tbh I do feel like there should be some kind of report for these things or a leaving penalty of some kind, making it at least a little harder on people who act like that.


And to all reading I can only suggest be friendly, be helpful, and not only you're gonna succeed in content but you're also gonna have much more fun.



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I have never experienced that and I do fractals quite often with random groups from LFG. It is not the best behavior but you find this behavior in a lot of games, this is nothing that happens only in GW2
If someone leaves, for whatever reasons, just replace him. I mean it’s not forbidden to leave a group and you can’t force them to play with you. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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If they're ragequitting after you  succeed, that's just kinda petty. What is that even called; winquitting? If your damage wasn't high enough then you wouldn't have cleared it.

Chances are they were being carried by you, and were just upset they weren't being full carried. Sometimes the worst players gotta project I guess.

But to be fair I sometimes don't like pugging. What tier fractal is this? T4 ones are pretty chill, but t3 ones tend to be filled with bitter mediocre players that are hardstuck there for good reason. And if this is t2 or less, well, they have issues that aren't yours.

And sometimes there are some real idiots. My friend ran into a group that was blaming him despite the fact he was doing the most damage and they were being toxic to him for not having enough AP-- he was like 27k lol. Which is more than me.

Anyhow, sorry.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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You should have returned last year with the rest of us during the "return to" event, now that was a good time to come back. Game was great fun back then before EoD came out and the population shifted to toxcity in open world as well as instanced. It was great fun teaming up with others in open world and so many were so cheerful when you helped them complete their part of the event quests in any given zone. Was honestly the best time to play GW2. 

Especially with WoW and lost world failing, which caused many players to return. Lost arc Also seemingly failing as whenever they do a bot ban wave the player count drops dramatically. Why has their been like 10million bot accounts? Anyway.. That instanced content stuff appears to usually always be the same, they are games most toxic players most of the time. Its too bad Anet suddenly wanted those types on players in our fun open world content :). 



Edited by Gorem.8104
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I have experienced this on my Reaper Necromancer.  The utility brought to the fight don't matter much nowadays. Ita all about the dps. This was a problem that I pointed out back before the game released. I predicted this Trinityless model will only lead to an all out DPS fest. 

Anet tried to play damage control with coming up with their own fake Trinity (Damage/Control/Support), but as we all know, that was just PR talk, since Control skills didn't even work in endgame PvE, and Support didn't even really exist as a separate role until HoT. So before then, it was meaningless to run major Healing Power Builds.

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I seriously don't get what kind of toxicity you guys are talking about i always do fractals and strikes daliy (also trying to get into raids) sometimes you bump into that "one guy" but i don't really see any toxicity or elitism on a major scale that you guys are talking about. Most people just join and don't say anything even after multiple wipes. I guess these kind of stuff are more common in sPvP and WvW since enviroment is more competitive but it is not the case for pve. Pve has issues but Elitism or toxicity is neither of them

Edited by Serperior.6541
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It depends. If the fight takes obscenely long because players aren't performing well and wiping constantly, even with a win, isn't really encouraging to stick around.


Some players only want to fractals for the quick money, and see taking too long as a waste of their time. I wouldn't necessarily call that elitism, compared to many of the LFG Posts.

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1 hour ago, Serperior.6541 said:

I seriously don't get what kind of toxicity you guys are talking about i always do fractals and strikes daliy (also trying to get into raids) sometimes you bump into that "one guy" but i don't really see any toxicity or elitism on a major scale that you guys are talking about. Most people just join and don't say anything even after multiple wipes. I guess these kind of stuff are more common in sPvP and WvW since enviroment is more competitive but it is not the case for pve. Pve has issues but Elitism or toxicity is neither of them

Sometimes people just get unlucky. From my experience, weekends or late in the night is when people tend to get a bit more aggro. The worst is before reset because I guess they're in a rush maybe?

The best is usually during Prime Time or slightly after Reset.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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I've seen this occasionally in Fractals (mainly T3). Once I joined a group right at the start of Siren's Reef and got in just in time to see another player say they were leaving because people were "moving like they're not sufficently experienced". 🤨

This was literally within the first few seconds of the Fractal because they were still fighting the first dinosaurs when I loaded in, and apparently it was the first Fractal the group had done, but yeah, someone rage quit because they were running wrong, apparently.

It doesn't happen often so when it does I usually put it down to that person being weird, or making an excuse because they need to leave for some reason they don't want to mention. Most groups I've been in are fine, even when it takes a few attempts to clear something.

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There is a way to make sure that people who want "optimal" and people who just want "OK" are not paired.  If, in the LFG, people would put "optimal run" or "casual run," then the twain need never meet.  Come to think of it, though, that would require people to pay attention and read -- OK, might be a big ask.

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It helps a lot to not join random "dps/alac/qfb" or whatever groups, and make your own one.

Write - "chill run, all welcome", and people will know what to expect. 

That way, you're screening the "we finished in 5 minutes instead of 4 - the audacity" crowd, and you'll get more chill people that don't expect everyone to speedrun everything.

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15 hours ago, Flasterko.4087 said:

Yeah, it's hard for some people to understand that people play just for fun and not for best performance. 

To some people the second is the first. You can say people don't understand that people play for fun but don't also forget that fun is entirely subjective to the person experiencing it.

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23 minutes ago, RedTheCrazy.1028 said:

I mean if you join a 10k UFE in 100CM and dont even manage to skip the wind phase or whatever it is, I can see why someone would leave after killing the boss. It is what it is

This. If you join high KP groups, there are certain expectations to be met. Regular T4 runs are way more relaxed and I doubt anyone really cares about dps in those (at least when I'm helping guildies with pugs to do T4 only, i don't care. It's T4, it's easy)

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On 6/2/2022 at 2:51 PM, Danikat.8537 said:

I've seen this occasionally in Fractals (mainly T3). Once I joined a group right at the start of Siren's Reef and got in just in time to see another player say they were leaving because people were "moving like they're not sufficently experienced".

How do you even move like you're experienced? I assure you as a player with 10k hours and a decade in this game I just move around in circles a lot. It appears that being stuck for that long has driven them mad.

It's always this weird kitten in t3. T2 is like super chill and people expect mistakes while t4 is pretty uneventful unless you get Siren's + bad instabilities but people can always skip it or something.

Well, that is why many suggest once you've developed familiarity at t3, to try and gear up to get to t4 instead and leave these wannabes behind. T3 is that weird zone where yes rewards are better but the time:reward  ratio is bad.

Alternatively, if you don't want to do this, you can always ask to add people when you have a good run and just gather enough people to not have to pug anymore eventually. This will also allow you to more easily take shots at CMs without having people ragequitting left and right or demanding 4000000 KP

We've reached a point where infusions are not very expensive and crafting is no longer too horrid  so t4 is definitely worth the push

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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8 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

How do you even move like you're experienced? I assure you as a player with 10k hours and a decade in this game I just move around in circles a lot. It appears that being stuck for that long has driven them mad.

It's always this weird kitten in t3. T2 is like super chill and people expect mistakes while t4 is pretty uneventful unless you get Siren's + bad instabilities but people can always skip it or something.

Well, that is why many suggest once you've developed familiarity at t3, to try and gear up to get to t4 instead and leave these wannabes behind. T3 is that weird zone where yes rewards are better but the time:reward  ratio is bad.

Alternatively, if you don't want to do this, you can always ask to add people when you have a good run and just gather enough people to not have to pug anymore eventually. This will also allow you to more easily take shots at CMs without having people ragequitting left and right or demanding 4000000 KP

We've reached a point where infusions are not very expensive and crafting is no longer too horrid  so t4 is definitely worth the push

That's why my best guess is they needed to leave and didn't want to admit it, so they were inventing an excuse.

Second best guess is they expect something like the 'pre-running' people will do in some competitive games where you hold down the forward key during the loading screen so you load in already moving. But I can't see any benefit to doing that in Fractals, so if it was something like that they were talking nonsense anyway.

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I play daily t4 and recs, sometimes a few CM.

I do see some people making somewhat toxic comments but it's rare in the common t4 groups. If that happens I usually say something like "I don't like that kind of comment, I play for fun so I'll drop and let you get someone else" and then I drop from the party - or more frequently the toxic person leaves. After they leave the runs are usually very much smoother - imagine that!

But overall I'd say 99% or the "t4+recs p+f alac/hfb/dps" groups are very chill and friendly.

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11 minutes ago, Ombras.2853 said:

To be fair, while I do think there are some people going way too far in that regard, I also noticed that most players complaining about “elitism” are the one who score 3k as a Dps.

 I do not complain about elitism, but I also have no idea what my dps is.  Is 3k bad or good? 

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1 hour ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

 I do not complain about elitism, but I also have no idea what my dps is.  Is 3k bad or good? 

That’s exactly my point.

Mind me, I’m not referring to you but generally speaking. A lot of the “you idiot elitist” players  have no idea what their dps is. Which means they didn’t even bother to go to the training golem room once. Which implies that they never ever practiced their rotations. Most of the time, it also means they never even read about the rotation of their class.

If it’s the case, not only you shouldn’t complain, but you should really, really start to commit a bit more into the game mode. Or not. But if you don’t, then your opinion about “elitist jerks” is null.

(3k is abismally low, on the golem as a Dps you should have at the very least 20-25k).

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1 hour ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

I do not complain about elitists because I have zero interest in fractals or most instanced parts of the game.  I do not know, or care, what my dps is. 😎

But if you don’t play that mode, then ofc you won’t care 😄

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On 6/2/2022 at 4:35 PM, Serperior.6541 said:

I seriously don't get what kind of toxicity you guys are talking about i always do fractals and strikes daliy (also trying to get into raids) sometimes you bump into that "one guy" but i don't really see any toxicity or elitism on a major scale that you guys are talking about. Most people just join and don't say anything even after multiple wipes. I guess these kind of stuff are more common in sPvP and WvW since enviroment is more competitive but it is not the case for pve. Pve has issues but Elitism or toxicity is neither of them

People would show examples if it wasn't punishable to do so on the forum

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