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Would you be ok with an in-game DPS-meter if it only showed your own numbers?

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 area is missing buff extension source (eg. signet of inspiration) - not notified by server.
 area is missing percent-based damage (eg. matthias' hadouken) - not notified by server.
 area is missing some siphon damage (eg. food, sigil, some traits) - not notified by server.
 area is missing healing - not notified by server.
 area is missing hard cc context - not notified by server.
 area is missing combo finishers - not notified by server.
 area is missing some gadget owners for damage association - not notified by server.
 area condition damage uses simulated attribute building from gear, traits, and buffs, on a simulated server tick.
 area condition damage scaling in levels 1 to 79 is different from the game's scaling.
 area condition damage on-skill-use procs on animation start instead of on skill use - not notified by server.
 area breakbar damage missing on some breakbar changes initiated by damageless skills.
 area breakbar damage missing for breakbar changes that cause a breakbar to recharge (does not affect deactivate).
 area strike damage notify bubble may cause some events (eg. deimos) to be out of range - not notified by server.
 area strips ignore last-stack stability, cc and strip indistinguishable.
 area skill activation will only count skills which have animations (no shouts, no instants) - not notified by server.
 area overstack and applied do not include ignored stacks (lower than lowest existing stack) - not notified by server.

These are all limitations Arc has right now, do these have any ipact in the accuracy of overall numbers and other stuff?? And would these go away with a in game DPS metter??

I would be all for it, and they could make it work in a way that would not increase toxicyty, for example:

-It's automatically active in Strikes, Fractals and Raids, and you can't opt out of it, but you can still choose to see only your DPS or everyone DPS.

-In open world, Dungeons, Story stances, etc, you can only see your own DPS if you want.

-+1 for stats after encounters, could show that even if someone is not doing a lot of DPS, he contributed in other ways in the fight, gave lots of boons, took the less damage, died less or not at all, etc.

-If possible, could show your overall stats for each encounter, like, you overall DPS in Underground Facility is X, your overall Survivability is X, etc.

-If it makes sense to do, it could show other stuff like KP, LI, etc, pulling directly from the API there would be no faking those stuff anymore, but by showing overall stats people would see if you are good enough to do certain content even if you don't have enough of those things.

-I know people meme templates a lot, but there's no way to monetize this, it would be very obnoxious and nonsense, templates monetization suck, yes, but it's monetization that makes sense compared to other stuff already in the game (bank tabs, bag space, char slot, etc).

-Would show that Mini Trahearne does indeed increase your DPS, and everyone should equip him.

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19 hours ago, lokh.2695 said:

Hi there,

basically what the topic says.

Would you be ok with an in-game DPS-meter, given it would only show your own metrics? Most arguments against DPS-meters are that 1) ppl feel spied upon and 2) that ppl fear exclusion if their numbers don't fit whatever other players see as "good DPS". Now if the meter only showed personal numbers I think both these arguments stop to matter.


What if the system could track that you have installed ArcDps and created an  Overworld-LFG were you can easily meet other people that have installed ArcDps ?

After 15 min , you are transferred  and  you  can see the the ArcDps/Low lvl LFG

Edit: They will be placed on the 3rd LFG where the listing from ArcDps/Low lvl LFG , are copied . And they can only see it

I believe there an RP addon too ,that you can type a short story about you and sense other guys using this addon ?


Edited by Solitude.2097
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I don't think the game needs a dps meter. DPS only really matters in timed encounters and even there you can see if the dps is good enough by the timer not running out. Measuring an individuals dps would only resault in finger pointing and all the negativity that entails.


If you are curious about your dps, use arcdps. Dps meters are delegated to third parties because most people are not interested in their dps and don't care as long as the boss dies in time.

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48 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:

And how does this hinder anyone to spy my behaviour? The option to disbale any spy software is of course the cool thing

It isnt spy software. It does not look at anything that is not already in public view.

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5 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

No because DPS numbers in a vacuum are nearly useless and potentially harmful.

Without facts people just make stuff up. This was already proven back before arc existed. Sticking your head in the sand will not make those types of people go away.

Only seeing your own numbers will give misleading ideas. "Wow this build is awesome! It does 2000 DPS, the previous one only did 1000 ...". Relatively speaking sure but in the full spectrum it is not. Other than timed content a 2000 DPS build still "works" it just ends up taking a lot more effort. A 1 million HP enemy with 9m limit requires less than 2000 DPS.

Of course people exaggerate.  But I'm saying for someone who wants to try a build and see what it does as an average, it would be handy.  Different sites that have builds possibly would have what a range of dps would be considered average, giving the player an idea of what they should be hitting if they're doing a rotation properly.  Situations and fights always arise that are not strictly dps.  I suppose though arc dps is fine for those who are interested and willing to use third party or just beat on a golem.

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9 minutes ago, civokenes.3284 said:

I don't think the game needs a dps meter. DPS only really matters in timed encounters and even there you can see if the dps is good enough by the timer not running out. Measuring an individuals dps would only resault in finger pointing and all the negativity that entails.


If you are curious about your dps, use arcdps. Dps meters are delegated to third parties because most people are not interested in their dps and don't care as long as the boss dies in time.

That fingerpointing existed prior to ArcDPS. Players were excluded from groups based on misunderstanding of class capabilities, AP, and so on. ArcDPS has actually increased instanced content accessibility.

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12 minutes ago, civokenes.3284 said:

I don't think the game needs a dps meter. DPS only really matters in timed encounters and even there you can see if the dps is good enough by the timer not running out. Measuring an individuals dps would only resault in finger pointing and all the negativity that entails.


If you are curious about your dps, use arcdps. Dps meters are delegated to third parties because most people are not interested in their dps and don't care as long as the boss dies in time.

The problem is new content has and is being added that requires players to do more than stand with their thumb up their proverbial bum, even for more casual players.  A lot seem to have no clue if they are hitting the bare minimum or not.  This is especially true in the Soo-won fight and with encouraging people to do strikes.  When the boss doesn't die in time, suddenly people wonder why.

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4 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

The better question is: will having it as part of the client be necessary?

Nope. But then there's a lot of things that are unnecessary as well. We have it as QoL, convenience, interest, etc. Does it hurt to have it as part of the client?

2 hours ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

Honest question: What actual benefit would this provide?

To have the options of others not having access to your data? I'm sure there are many who'd rather other players can't see their data without their consent. It may not mean much to some because "it's just a game". However, there's the issue of privacy. No one should be able view and be judgemental on how you play unless you agree to it.

39 minutes ago, civokenes.3284 said:

MMOs have existed for over 15 years ...

I think you missed by a decade. MMOs have been around for over 25 years. Just saying. 😀

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Just now, Silent.6137 said:

To have the options of others not having access to your data? I'm sure there are many who'd rather other players can't see their data without their consent. It may not mean much to some because "it's just a game". However, there's the issue of privacy. No one should be able view and be judgemental on how you play unless you agree to it.

If a player joins a group doesn't it become part of the team's data?
If everyone is working towards a common goal, why should one member want to hide their contribution?

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8 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

If a player joins a group doesn't it become part of the team's data?
If everyone is working towards a common goal, why should one member want to hide their contribution?

If I want to form a team and you join it, does that means I should have to share my data with you? And if I don't want to, then I can't form a team?

Why is it so important that you should have access to it if we work well as a team and win the event. And if I do my part. Especially if we will only be teamed up just that once. Or if we're in a squad of 50.

Personally, I have no problem with it but not everyone will be willing to share with just anyone.

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11 hours ago, Taclism.2406 said:

...Imo there's not even a big demographic asking for that feature as OP describes it.
People either want to know how their dps is relative to others (because a number void of context is meaningless) ; or have no information and the illusion of doing ok rather than a tool pointing out they're below average.

After four and a half years in Tyria, I finally got around to installing ArcDps a couple of weeks ago. I have it set to display my dps/healing and only mine, onscreen all the time. The results were very interesting. As an old, slow player I generally use LI builds focused on sustainability. With such builds, I average 2,000 - 4,000 dps in open world pve and have played that way most of my time in Tyria.

This past week, I've been checking out two different builds for my favorite profession. One is a LI dps build, the other is a regular dps build. With the LI dps build, I was getting 5,000 - 10,000 dps, with a four button rotation. With the regular dps build though, I was getting 10,000 - 20,000 dps, with spikes up to 30,000, depending on the size of the mob attacking me. And that was using only one button, hitting 1,1,1,1, etc. As a side note, the sustain was much better for me with the one button build. That's because a four button rotation is pushing the limits of my slow reaction/response times. Watching the cool downs made it harder for me to dodge, heal, and the like.

Having such info available for those who want seems like a good thing. I'm glad I finally installed ArcDps. Would it be a good thing if Anet built a dps meter into the game? I honestly don't know. This thread has given some strong arguments both for and against Anet doing so. All I do know is that I like having such info available about my own performance.

Edited by Chichimec.9364
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2 hours ago, civokenes.3284 said:

MMOs have existed for over 15 years as have dps meters. If the developers believed it to be a good idea, they would have integrated them by now.

Another take might be:

For decades now MMO developers have seen that they do not need to expend the resources to create many forms of in house mods/tools because their community will create them for free.

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1 hour ago, Silent.6137 said:

If I want to form a team and you join it, does that means I should have to share my data with you? And if I don't want to, then I can't form a team?

Why is it so important that you should have access to it if we work well as a team and win the event. And if I do my part. Especially if we will only be teamed up just that once. Or if we're in a squad of 50.

Personally, I have no problem with it but not everyone will be willing to share with just anyone.

To be fair, it is not your data.

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57 minutes ago, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

How hard is it really to add up the floating damage numbers over a second?

A good dps meter tracks sources pretty meticulously (like in arcdps you can see a damage breakdown per skill).

In the context of this game and post-play analysis (arcdps -> dpsreport, for example), it's also very important to report boon uptime and how often you destroy your own rotation by interrupting skill chains.

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5 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

...I think you missed by a decade. MMOs have been around for over 25 years. Just saying. 😀

True. I have been playing MMORPGs since 1997.  😎


As for the OP - 

I have never felt any need to see what my DPS is, but if A-Net wants to put it in our info panel, sure. Why not?  No one else has any need to see anything about our characters, and should not be able to now.  

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4 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

To be fair, it is not your data.

If it's not mine, from my actions, then whose is it? Yours?

If you meant Anet owns the game, it is still data that is a direct result of what I do. If you'd to craft a legendary item, isn't it your item even if you have no legal ownership of it? Within the parameter of the game, I certainly do own the data.


Edited by Silent.6137
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