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Joon's Mansion is the Worst

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Playing on a ultrawide monitor here. Felt too sick to continue and had to stop twice mid way on that instance because of the camera issue.

Making multi-layered jump puzzles on a narrow in-door area is a stupid design.

Edited by Vilin.8056
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9 hours ago, Ultramex.1506 said:

Guess the newest update broke it, i will re-do the story to see how is it since i have done it twice.

I am at my eighth playthrough of the story. Except for the first one when there were all those bugs with the final fight room, I have not encountered any new ones. Will report back once I have arrived at this mission again.

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It should really have had a "skip it" option, kind of like that Rata Sum puzzle, and then make it an achievement for completing it successfully. So there's a reason to do it other than just for fun, but it can be on your own time, not when you're just wanting to see the story.

Also, I get OP on this. It is a boring puzzle to me too. The mechanics of it are not especially interesting and are stretched out for too long. And no, I did not look up a guide and got through it pretty easily. This is also coming from someone whose favorite game of all time is n64 Ocarina of Time, a puzzle game. It's ok to say that a puzzle is just not that interesting and it doesn't have to be deeper than that. Not everybody is trying to sneakily say something other than what they mean.

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15 hours ago, Emberfoot.6847 said:

One was a DC so discounting that, three goes.

And this is my biggest gripe with especially long story instances or puzzles like this. In a normal puzzle game, there's usually no risk of DCing losing your progress because it's not online-dependent.

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16 hours ago, Emberfoot.6847 said:

It took me 4 goes to get through Joons mansion. One was a DC so discounting that, three goes. Twice was managing to get jammed inside boxes in the final fight, and the other time I managed to end up in a totally locked room with no jade charges thanks to not realising exactly how the bot and my placement was going to work. All in all it was definitely one of the least fun times I had doing EoD, when it felt like it should have been a good one. 

For reference, I did this mission in the last week or so, so those bugs at least are not fixed. 

On my first run through I also ended up inside a box during the last fight. However, I found that /stuck worked to get me out. (remember not to move for 30s)

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19 hours ago, DJRM.6075 said:

I love this game but there have been times when it frustrates me. There is a lot of good to be found in this game, but when the developers do mess up, boy do they mess up bad.


Today I did the Weight of the World End of Dragons chapter, or at least tried to. There are many different opinions about what the lowest point of this game has been. Well Joon's mansion is the newest in those lows and perhaps the lowest one of all.

Where do I even begin? The jade bot's wonky controls and constant clipping into surfaces. The mind numbingly boring puzzles. If a puzzle at least seems interesting I will try to solve it on my own before looking up a walkthrough, but when its this boring, no way, just look it up. In the event that you get downed you are sent to the wrong side of the shield with no way to continue the fight and have no choice but to exit and start over.

I don't know about the rest of you but I am not touching anymore of Cantha until at least the respawning on the wrong side of the shield thing is fixed.

I've done it 6 times now and its been a chore every time.. Not living story 2 or 3 level but still a chore..

8 hours ago, Vilin.8056 said:

Playing on a ultrawide monitor here. Felt too sick to continue and had to stop twice mid way on that instance because of the camera issue.

Making multi-layered jump puzzles on a shallow in-door area is a stupid design.

Yes me too i hate when the developers take over my camera constantly.. it makes me sick as well.

Edited by Dante.1508
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9 hours ago, jamesg.7128 said:

On my first run through I also ended up inside a box during the last fight. However, I found that /stuck worked to get me out. (remember not to move for 30s)

Ahhh I tried /stuck but I didn't realise I was meant to not move for that long, thanks. 

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2 hours ago, Yello.3406 said:

the most annoying part was the story itself. Joon: "I don't belive you!" ... later... "Oh now you have solved my puzzle, i belive you! ... Oh, and please don't hate me for the dangerous trouble i put you in" *facepalm*

Thats pretty much the whole EoD in a nutshell for me lol Why couldn't we put Soo Wan in the Factory again.. It worked the first time..

Edited by Dante.1508
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Honestly I found the puzzles really easy, but it was still somewhat fun. Only thing I disliked was how long the instance was when trying to repeat it for achievements.


Jade bot control is annoying though, constantly clipping the wall/floor and porting back if you're one step too far away. 

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10 hours ago, Lottie.5370 said:

Honestly I found the puzzles really easy, but it was still somewhat fun. Only thing I disliked was how long the instance was when trying to repeat it for achievements.


Jade bot control is annoying though, constantly clipping the wall/floor and porting back if you're one step too far away. 

No idea why we couldn't control the jadebot like a mount.. and why jadebot controls seem to change all the time..

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It is honestly terrible. The part with all the platforms moving got bugged for me THREE times. It was reported long ago, but still not fixed. That and the mobs would get stuck so you couldn't hit them, could get stuck on the floor.  I sent them screenshots of the bugs and everything. So just please please send a ticket about it. There was a forum post about this already but clearly they do not pay attention.


The puzzle section was ok for me at least.

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Oh is the reaspawning outside the sheild bug still in game since launch? What? They really never fixed that? 

I managed to die in that last room as well (since I was afk'ing about 95% of the story, the first part had you actually play, amazingly, even if it was an incredibly easy and dull and boring "puzzle") Since when she was talking, I alt-tabbed, then when I went back, was dead so had to respawn, and if you do you spawned outside of the barrier. My first hope was the pet could go through the barrier, but then a mechanic started that it couldn't do. 

Had to reset it by leaving, fortunately it does set you back after the "puzzle" is completed. But that bug has been in since launch. Also, bugged falling through floor, bugged being tapped in a box, and bugged enemies being below the floor. 

At least with that last one, a Rangers pet can still attack them if they are bugged below you. But yes one of the only parts of the ENTIRE EoD story that requires you to actually play, was extremely buggy at launch. And apparently... still is? Well that's weird. 

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6 hours ago, Dark Red Killian.3946 said:

If you’re talking about the first time play through it took me a very long time to finish. The second/third, etc it was not a long time at all once you knew the puzzles. As with everything it’s always hard when it first comes out. Sounds like complaining just to complain?

The first part maybe, but that second part with the moving platforms is so incredibly buggy. You can be trapped, you can respawn outside of an un-passable barrier and mobs can spawn far below you that are unreachable unless you have a pet to use. 

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So now "having to watch a walkthrough because a puzzle is too hard for me" has become "having to watch a walkthrough because a puzzle is too boring for me"...ok, sure I...believe you... 

You never cease to surprise me, this is exactly like the guys who blame lag for getting destroyed in pvp.

Edited by Zaraki.5784
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21 minutes ago, Zaraki.5784 said:

So now "having to watch a walkthrough because a puzzle is too hard for me" has become "having to watch a walkthrough because a puzzle is too boring for me"...ok, sure I...believe you... 

You never cease to surprise me, this is exactly like the guys who blame lag for getting destroyed in pvp.

I mean, if you aren't feeling engaged with it and just want to get it over with, it makes perfect sense to look up a walkthrough in this situation. It would be odd if it was specifically a puzzle game, but it's not. Some people like its puzzles, but it's first and foremost and MMORPG.

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5 hours ago, Zaraki.5784 said:

So now "having to watch a walkthrough because a puzzle is too hard for me" has become "having to watch a walkthrough because a puzzle is too boring for me"...ok, sure I...believe you... 

You never cease to surprise me, this is exactly like the guys who blame lag for getting destroyed in pvp.

What? How is lag killing you the same as using a guide to speed up a boring easy puzzle? And that's still ignoring the fact that the mansion is a buggy mess that managed to get through QA this buggy. 


Like, how did they manage to put the checkpoint for the instance outside of an unpassable barrier? 

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So, like my fellow original poster, I ventured in to Joon's mansion today. (Uninvited apparently - thanks Tami)


Joon, one, isn't happy to see me ("Hello? You tried pinning the destruction of your lab and shoddy tech on us. Don't hide behind anger you Napoleonic Sociopath"), two, is apparently more adept at keeping her failures from the Crown than seeing the long-term consequences of "Dragon-Jade-Tech", and three, straight up tries to murder us. Ok Galaxy Note 7 - it's on like Grey Poupon.


She promptly disappears and we have to fight some Walmart Jade Golems. (WJGs) Done. (by the by, how are things still running - ANYWHERE - if Soo Wun has gone full Void Corrupted, your facility is at the bottom of Davey Jones Locker,  and you're no longer generating power? Given my experience, these batteries have the shelf life of a Fruit fly). There are some doors protected by "energy fields". Why don't I just batter the paper-thin walls? Don't know. No worries, I'll just deploy my Jade Bot, and....


Wait, where did my charges go? I came in with four. Fine, she had some draining field that stripped my charges. I'll just look around and....hold on, not a single battery ANYWHERE? Normally they're more ubiquitous than Cowboys' fans in Texas, now they're rarer than a sober frat boy after an all night kegger.


Figure out (using the Sage 'Google', because like many things on Tyria, the answer is not intuitive), I have to transfer charges back and forth in order to "search", ROOM BY ROOM this BAMBOO and WOOD house. Where's the Big Bad Wolf when you need him? Start the laborious process of exploring this rickety place (Did I mention there's an order to this search?) lay waste to more WJGs and WJTs (turrets), while Tami throws hints my way.


Tami, double u, tee, eff. You've been in here for days if not weeks. At no time did your natural (sometimes self-destructive) Asuran curiosity kick in and you figure out how this place works? For ONCE you were cautious? 


Make my way to Joon's daughters room where I find a FUNCTIONING kill laser. Look, I get the concept of Helicopter parent, but that's extreme even by their standards. 


Get to her indoor garden (See? THIS is where "Jade Tech" has (Well had) some potential. Food growth resulting in sustainable population growth. Takes "going green" to another level), and I think this is where I threw in the towel. 


I don't want to tell anyone their job, but instead of me futzing about like the bad guys looking for the Ark of the Covenant in Indiana Jones, how about I go get some explosives, we put them inside the house and blow this place up like a microwave and search the rubble? There won't be any collateral damage (because the walls are made of Wolverine's exo-skeleton) 


Don't worry about the dynamite.


I know a guy.

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9 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I mean, if you aren't feeling engaged with it and just want to get it over with, it makes perfect sense to look up a walkthrough in this situation. It would be odd if it was specifically a puzzle game, but it's not. Some people like its puzzles, but it's first and foremost and MMORPG.

If a puzzle is really so simple and boring, as OP claims, it takes more time to open google to search for a walkthrough than just doing it regularly.

Edited by Zaraki.5784
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