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Rate the June 28 patch out of 10


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4.  Overall not good, but despite the negative hyperbole, there are some good changes in this patch that do reflect some good game design decisions:

The Salvation/Ventari rework is very good.  It gets rid of healing orbs, which means that the healing is focused on the direct application instead of just sitting on the ground where the person who needs them likely won’t notice.  A faster tablet and better boon application also make this app better.  

Thief changes that reward getting stealth over sitting in stealth are very good too since weaving in and out of stealth is better for PvP and you can’t sit in stealth for PvE.  

It’s just unfortunate that there are so many missteps in the patch though.  Warrior gets maybe the worst of these.  The way that quickness was added to Herald is also poor since the short durations force spamming everything instead of being able to save some consumes like heal/CC elite for the appropriate time.

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0 like the amount of money they'll get from me with changes like this. 


Why is it always the balancing that is so off base from what gamers want to experience. Swear every MMO its like the longer it goes on the worse the combat systems become. 

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As an Engi main I'm happy for the Mechanist QoL. I'll withhold judgment on the rifle buffs. Firearms rework and Aim assisted rocket rework were needed for a long time now. 

As an Ele enjoyer... There's very little for me to be excited about. Do nothing Staff buffs that only affect PvP. Catalyst QoL comes with the bitter aftertaste of getting a dps nerf. DPS cata also can't give quickness anymore. Earth Shield nerfs in PvP... I'd be okay with this if they actually nerfed Harbinger/Willbender in any meaningful way. Earth shield was helping ele survive all the BS in the meta. 

I really don't like the way crit chance was added to Air attunement. This is going to make crit capping feel wonky no matter what. Either you overcap crit by 5% in air attunement, or you miss out on capped crit in your other attunements. Please remove this and just buff fury to 30% baseline. Other classes would also benefit from thsi with Spotter and Banner gone. 

I don't know what think about herald. 1.5 seconds of quickness? Is this pulsing or only once? They made this same mistake with Scrapper initially. The quickness amount was too low and had to be increased before it was worth anything. Removal of Alac on Salvation means Alac Vindicator is dead. 

Tablet changes look interesting. There's a lot to take in there, too much to gaige based on text.  

Untamed deserved better. 

I don't know enough about the other classes to say much about them. 


Overall, my only positive feelings about the patch are the Engi changes. 

My feelings on catalyst are neutral. QoL is nice. DPS nerf doesn't kill it but, I'm not going to be excited about a 10% nerf. Especially a nerf in a patch that was hyped up by the devs for several months. 

Judging by everyone else's reactions, other classes aren't exactly happy about this patch. 


This should be a lesson to ANet about keeping people in the dark to build hype. Unless you're sure you can deliver on something exciting that takes in the feedback of the people that actually play each class and know where their main issues lie... The patch is going to fall flat. Anticipation followed by disappointment just makes things sting 10x more. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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Homogenizing professions makes balance "easier" and more predicable but you lose some creativity and identity in the process. Also, the new elites didn't get much structural fixes. Even though Catalyst is on its way to the landfill, we still deserve a floaty jade friend similar the mini gyro  scrapper has.

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Warriors: "We don't like bannerslave because it's the only build that's viable in high-end PvE"

The doppelganger wearing ANet's skin: *Kills banners*




Seriously, there's a massive disconnect between the developers and their game. It feels like there's no-one left at the company who understands the core philosophy behind the Guild Wars franchise.

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Sure it's not what we all wanted and that alone makes it more of a 2/10 but objectively I mostly like them.

But ruined for me by no Untamed changes worth a kitten. I like the changes to shadow arts mostly. Druid getting a bit of a buff in some areas was also nice as a WvW'er. BUT having the stupid spirits still be rooted nonsense is the main thing I wanted changed with spirits. Bleh.

I actually love the Ventari changes and some of the Chrono stuff is actually nice. But yeah I think the biggest problem people have with all of this has more to do with what's NOT here.

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As an engineer I am happy to see some QoL changes. The rifle rework looks decent, and since I'm planning to get Predator, I wont say no to a good weapon for engi.


As a warrior, I expected something better from the banner rework. It looks nice on paper but it no longer synergize with all classes. A Holosmith for instance will not care about the strenght banner because it gives might and holosmith already generate its own might. I think what Anet should have done if they wanted to get rid of attribute boost is change the effectiveness of the boon based on what banner is deployed. 


For instance a simple stack of might gives 30 power and condition. If you put down the strenght banner, all might created inside the banner would grants for instance 45 power and condition damage instead of 30(number are subject to change ofc) .



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I really was hyped about the patch, I mean they announced it over 3 month ago so there was enough time to look into the problems of each some classes and adress them properly. But this patch feels like some weeks ago they realized "oh no we still have a balance patch to do" and seems like a rushed mess which ignores most of those problem. For the last 12 months all communication and patches were okay or even good imo, but this patch now is the most dissapointing mess I have seen now in a long, a very long time. thb no patch at all is better than this.

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I stopped playing the game because my friends and me were interested in other stuff after Cantha (which btw we loved and it was a 10/10), and we felt like anet was slowly going back to old bad habits...

This patch was something I was looking for to try to convince my friend they were wrong but it seems awful!

No big changes, just some number tweaking and also the "major" changes to war and ranger are not so interesting/game changing....

Last but not least I really don't like the game design approach to give everyone the same buffs and condi, I understand why they want to do this, but I feel like classes will lose their uniqueness, but it's just a personal opinion ^^

I'm sad that I waited long for this and anet missed the opportunity to do something big

Edited by montecristo.1324
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