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Ageism is now okay with Anet? Not with me. Remove Hate Speech from Guild Wars 2 Immediately.

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Thank you for posting this. I hope that the right person reads this, you are certainly not alone in these feelings. In fact this has been brought up in several community discords so much so that it has overshadowed the actual balance changes. This name has to be reverted ASAP if Anet wants to keep my or many many community member's respect, or show an ounce of respect to their player base. I really want to  believe that this was just a case of ignorance and no ill will was intended, and if that is the case REVERT THE SKILL NAME.  

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Sorry, I may be misunderstanding. But I do not see where the issue is? Where is the prejudice, stereotype and discrimination in changing the name from "Recall" to "Senility"?

Am I missing something? Are you saying ANet was making a joke on the name of this skill?

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Just now, MakeItFit.7062 said:

You're going to tell me that putting the word 'Senile' in a Skill Name is not offensive to senior citizens, okay. We all know the meaning of the word Senile. Tell me why it belongs in the game, please?

It's not offensive. It's a medical condition.


The skill name change however is just bad as it no longer fits with the time theme the rest of the wells had.

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Senility is not hate speech it is a word that describes a set of conditions. A spell that imposes those conditions is no more hate speech than is a spell that flashes bright light causing temporary blindness, or an arrow shot to the knee that causes a target to be temporarily crippled or a version of an 8-bit game mode called "infantile."

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It isn't being used as a derogatory.  The description of the skill is that it "steals memories from enemies".   The problem I see with it is that all it does is chill enemies and remove boons.  I don't see the connection between the name and the effect.  They should change it based on that.  

Edit:  Also, you cheapen the meaning of the term "hate speech" by assigning the label to something like this.


Edited by AliamRationem.5172
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A word being changed in a game that has been online for 10 years, changed skills, names, enemies entire overhauls, expansions new content etc...


We recently had a Kasmeer and Jory wedding, showing their support for same sex couples.


Do you honestly, and I mean truly believe, that this is "hate speech?"

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5 minutes ago, TexZero.7910 said:

K. Did that.

It's still not hate speech or ageism.


But keep protesting, eventually senior citizens everywhere will rally to your cause or it will be forgotten and lost to time.

I'm not going to get into this discussion specifically but you should beware this game has players from all walks of life, including many players who help you & others every day who are 60+ years old.


Having your own opinion is one thing, showing respect is another.


@ Thread: Yes, the word "senile" is a slur that is associated with older people. Its deliberately used to insult them every day by many, many people, at least in the US. It might be different in other English countries.


It doesn't mean what you think it means, the negative meaning is a synonym for "useless".

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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1 minute ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

I'm not going to get into this discussion specifically but you should beware this game has players from all walks of life, including many players who help you & others every day who are 60+ years old.


Having your own opinion is one thing, showing respect is another.

I'm well aware that the community is wide and diverse.

I'm giving back the same low effort that was given. Much like respect.

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32 minutes ago, MakeItFit.7062 said:

I was reading through the "interesting" patch notes today. While I was reading, confused and ready to give feedback, I was shocked and horrified to find this - it stopped me in my tracks:


"Well of Recall: Renamed Well of Senility."


Maybe I am naïve, but I wanted to think that Anet was a company with a moral compass and some values. A place that promoted equality and did not tolerate hate speech of any form. It's a company I have invested thousands of hours and thousands of dollars into. Guild Wars 2 is a game that is near and dear to my heart. Now they have coded hate speech into their game, and apparently for no reason at all. Why did you need to rename this skill in the first place, and furthermore - why did you go to such a degrading and insulting place with it? For those who do not know, ageism is a form of discrimination and hate towards senior citizens. Ageism refers to the stereotypes (how we think), prejudice (how we feel) and discrimination (how we act) towards others or oneself based on age. Anet needs to address this immediately and is now practicing Institutional Ageism. Institutional Ageism refers to when an institution or company perpetuates ageism through its actions and policies (like making fun and making light of senility and memory loss). I can tell you won't be playing your Chrono much less your game if this is okay with your devs. What's next?


If your team is not aware, you have a very large age range of players. I WvW with an octogenarian. I met the most lovely woman nearing 90 years of age one day at the Octovine and we became friends, ironically - she played Chrono. This hits me on a personal level, though. I lost my father to dementia a year ago, and my stepmother to Alzheimer's, as well. Making light of "Senility" is no longer considered "COOL" or okay. It's flat out hate speech. It's degrading to your community, whom you are quite out of touch with. Remove this trash from your game.


So, the name bothers you more than the fact that it's used to kill someone?

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6 minutes ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

I'm not going to get into this discussion specifically but you should beware this game has players from all walks of life, including many players who help you & others every day who are 60+ years old.


Having your own opinion is one thing, showing respect is another.


@ Thread: Yes, the word "senile" is a slur that is associated with older people. Its deliberately used to insult them every day by many, many people, at least in the US. It might be different in other English countries.


It doesn't mean what you think it means, the negative meaning is a synonym for "useless".

That depends on the context in which the word is used.  In this case it very clearly refers to the fact that the effect is stealing the memories from enemies.  There is nothing derogatory about that.  It's just a stupid name because the effect doesn't reflect what the well is supposedly doing.

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It's obvious that you feel quite passionate about this subject, and that's fine, but I would encourage you to rethink your approach. You're starting the conversation by presuming the worst: that the developers are ageist and are "coding hate speech" into the game. How has their development of the game up to this point led you to this conclusion? What steps have you seen that says to you this change was meant to be insulting or purposefully non-inclusive?


I'm willing to bet that there are no such signs.


I would suggest that you pause for a bit, rethink your approach to highlighting an idea that's important to you, and do so again without presuming the worst in others. It seems to be you'd like Anet to not presume the worst of our older population, so try to act in a similar manner.

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3 minutes ago, MakeItFit.7062 said:

Okay, so should Stage 4 kitten be a Skill too then? By your logic that would be just fine.

I don't know? Should we remove and change the name of the condition "cripple"?

Also do the same for skills such as "plague blast", "severe artery", "necrotic grasp, "grasping dead", and so on.

These are medical conditions, and from my understanding, senility is also?


Perhaps I am too young, or a is a lack on my understanding of English \ language barrier, , but was senile considered an offensive/swear word?

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36 minutes ago, MakeItFit.7062 said:

Okay, so should Stage 4 kitten be a Skill too then? By your logic that would be just fine.

As it happens I have seen any number of diseases used as spells in a variety of games. Is the Necromancer spell "Epidemic" hate speech too? Is "blood is power" hate speech toward people who suffer from anemia (after all the spell name implies that anemic people have less power)

Are gun based attack descriptors hate speech because people get shot?

Are dagger based attacks hateful because people get stabbed?

Are fire based spells hateful because people die in fires?

Is your user name hate speech because people die during fits? It seems awfully hypocritical to cast aspersions based on ANet using a medical condition to describe the effect of a spell when you are using a health condition that kills people as a personal title.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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2 hours ago, MakeItFit.7062 said:

You're going to tell me that putting the word 'Senile' in a Skill Name is not offensive to senior citizens, okay. We all know the meaning of the word Senile. Tell me why it belongs in the game, please?


You're going to tell me that the blind condition, which causes attacks to miss, isn't offensive to blind players?


It is not offensive.  Yes I am blind.  For real.  I have one eye and it's blind.  The other was exploded by a bullet.  I'm a marine and was shot in the head, so now I'm blind.  And the blind condition or any references to being blind found throughout the game is not offensive.

This thread is not reasonable.


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