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bro pvp sucks lmfao


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I've said this many times, but powercreep has infested all game modes. Movement and attack speed should be reduced so that Swiftness and Quickness only bring players up to what we have as baseline now, which may feel slow but would give 100% more room for counterplay.


The game was better in Core because you could see animations and react to them in real-time.


Yet I've seen threads of players asking for Quickness to be made baseline, even in PvP. This is because players enjoy much more running into a group and dumping all their skills in 5sec and downing half the enemy team. Harbinger wasn't the first class able to do this, and it won't be the last.


I wish people would stop confusing adrenaline rushes with fun gameplay (for others). Bunker meta exists because its the only way to counter DPS spam adrenaline junkies. Some of us actually want to survive for a little while, have a bit of fighting, maybe play the game some instead of just being a free +5.


But these players don't want PvP, they want 20k in their log and more points in their score, as quickly as possible. If you could instagib players, half the "PvP" community would approve of it.


And they have before.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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We are small because we cling to our egos, even the ocean has boundaries and life is limitless. We are not the body, we are not the mind, we are consciousness, we are the one who is aware, we are witnesses to the game. When we aware that we are witnesses, we will begin to taste the nectar.


16:00 "If feels as though there's an ocean spread above the sky".

Edited by Tescao.3042
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21 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

I wish people would stop confusing adrenaline rushes with fun gameplay (for others). Bunker meta exists because its the only way to counter DPS spam adrenaline junkies. Some of us actually want to survive for a little while, have a bit of fighting, maybe play the game some instead of just being a free +5.


True. Being a free +5 points to the enemy team is bad.

Now imagine how bad feeding 100+ points to the enemy team is while you fight that one potentially never-ending 1v1 against a bunker for the majority of a match.


Support is the real counter to the DPS race. Bunkers are selfish and just exist to slow down the game and to be annoying.


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  • 8 months later...

I just got back into gw2 after I'd say like 6 years? I stopped playing Lost ark due to the fact their PVP was literally horse dog water poopoo (max rank was Plat there) & come to here my Max rank was plat also till I gained +9 LP and LOST -39. I gotta say the PVP skill set have gone beneath the ground. Yes, everyone just spams skills 0 proper rotation, bash their heads on the keyboard (chronomancers) and get unlimited boons, massive vulniberality and somehow everyone got massive movement speed?? The 2 classes I played was thief/necro. That's how I hit plat back then, 52% was thief, 38% was necro most played. Thief required skill to play, the back damage was superb, the movement is why that class was GOOD. Now? Necro and Thief nerfed beneath the gutter hole, every other class has massive boons, vul, cc, movement speed like what is the sole purpose?  If you're gonna make every class OP besides like maybe 5-6 why not make it all OP?? That's why MW2 was good, everything was OP there was never imbalance. I'm currently gold now, thief sucks, necro can't hold down a point 1 v 2 at all I'm forced to play spell breaker (which I don't want to so I quit pvp). But man, has this games PVP gone so shtty man. Disappointing because I use to love this games PVP. OH now you also got bots and afkers ??? Like when did this game BECAME lost ark.. WHEN?! They need to remove the Ascension/loot boxes from the PVP ranked to nonranked or WvW because I promise you this is stupid. Ranked is meta vs meta, non ranked is more funner than Ranked and its sad. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/11/2022 at 7:27 PM, Guirssane.7082 said:

Not having a real trinity killed pvp in the nest btw


Guild Wars Root, Foundation, Cornerstone - The Holy Trinity.


Guild Wars 2 Long-Suffering-  is the direct result and consequence of Anet decision, to forcibly remove Guild Wars Holy Trinity - Lessons, Growth, Wisdom, Strength, Creativity, Passion, Humility, Fun, Character, Knowledge, Meaningfulness, Purpose, Understanding, Beauty, Fun and Hope..... from Guild Wars 2 Design


"Just As A Tree Without Roots Is Dead"

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@Waterisrealywet.6408 tho thief is in its state cause of how fast its movement is but actually i would say it not Bad at all. Well Played you could easiliy rec every Spellbraker for Sure. The only thing makes Thief less good is the actually Meta cause its more or less AoE Spam plus been tanky. When it comes to necro...... it is acutually not that Bad but also too deleted by the Meta CC plus hard dmg. All I could say you Just Play the actually 2 least Meta classes you could get rn. So indeed you get a Bad expirience after that.

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On 7/13/2022 at 12:38 AM, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

True. Being a free +5 points to the enemy team is bad.

Now imagine how bad feeding 100+ points to the enemy team is while you fight that one potentially never-ending 1v1 against a bunker for the majority of a match.


Support is the real counter to the DPS race. Bunkers are selfish and just exist to slow down the game and to be annoying.


Yet the bunkers are one of the few things that could annoy the "pro" gamers from getting them leaderboard points. Bunkers are kittening boring and ruin the game but are the one of the effective things that could ruin the "fun" of some specific duo queues, you most probably won't win but sure as kitten will drag out the unwinnable game. Bunkers are pure spite , that is all.

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On 4/20/2023 at 3:23 PM, Vancho.8750 said:

Yet the bunkers are one of the few things that could annoy the "pro" gamers from getting them leaderboard points. Bunkers are kittening boring and ruin the game but are the one of the effective things that could ruin the "fun" of some specific duo queues, you most probably won't win but sure as kitten will drag out the unwinnable game. Bunkers are pure spite , that is all.

I don't understand why they're confusing you. You are absolutely right in saying that and you have my unwavering support.

It's all I did until EoD following the 2/25/2020 patch and I can confirm that the top players don't like it, therefore yes; do it, and also record it. Pls. 🙏

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I said from the start, the invulnerability spam shouldn't be a thing in pvp at all, there's no way that a guy can rise a piece of wood and instantly become immortal in front of 5 angry skilled guys attacking from any angle without any issue. In pvp invulnerability should work like some kind of minor damage mitigation like 20~30% less damage than a full no brain invulnerability, would be still good but not braindead.

Its just dumb that some classes can just block everything while dancing and still be more dangerous than full dps builds, warriors can just scream ONGA BONGA while permastunning you to the dead and if you attack ,ooooops , a shield!, elementalists and mesmers can do everything they want and if you do anything ooops, a shield! and they can just blink out and wait any cooldown and come again and again with a very funny infinite loop...

This kitten is out of balance and the dev is really out of touch from it, but hey, better nerf sharpened stone!1!1!


Well, just uninstalled this garbo, can't deal with the favoritism, private server staff be like...

Edited by Peter.3901
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On 7/6/2022 at 8:30 PM, Eddie.9143 said:

it's just a spam fest of aoe, insane burst, ridic boons, and invuln/blocks. it's so silly. 


really really REALLY need to scale the game back to core pacing. the power creep is just waaaaaayyy too much. also it's not spectator or noob friendly at all. 


lol spectator? gw2 esports failed / abandoned before the first xpac launched that ship has long sailed


power creep is insane especially with EoD but the only way to fix it is to remove all the xpacs which is never going to happen in pvp

1. anet is too greedy these days so if it doesn't make money which pvp doesn't its not going to get looked at or changed

2. it would probably end up being another mode like core pvp mode or w/e but thats a no go because of low player counts

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On 4/29/2023 at 7:09 AM, Myror.7521 said:

@Peter.3901 please tell me that your at least not a ranger main...... xD. Cause otherwise i would say .... you got a pet one of the best weapons in this game (your greatsword) (PvP wise) plus some decent ranged dmg (per longbow or axe mainhand). Idk why you even crying ^^

I rather prefer a bunch of invulnerability spam than a dumb pet in pvp.

Edited by Peter.3901
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On 7/6/2022 at 7:30 PM, Eddie.9143 said:

it's just a spam fest of aoe, insane burst, ridic boons, and invuln/blocks. it's so silly. 


really really REALLY need to scale the game back to core pacing. the power creep is just waaaaaayyy too much. also it's not spectator or noob friendly at all. 

Some spectator love would go a long long way. Also premade viable builds to help the noobs at least get a grip on their class with basic rotations to not get wrecked. They had something like that a long time ago but I guess got rid of it? It's a shame cuz I keep seeing full signet warriors and I just wish the game clearly gave out preset build options that weren't trash for new players trying to get the hang of it.

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On 7/11/2022 at 7:22 PM, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

Bunker meta exists because its the only way to counter DPS spam adrenaline junkies.

If you can kill a target in 1 second all combat is simply whoever presses his key first at range threshold wins.  With latency you don't even have that time to react.  It's just exploiting old multiplayer game technical problems.

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41 minutes ago, Lorendyl Azoradaelas.5203 said:

If you can kill a target in 1 second all combat is simply whoever presses his key first at range threshold wins.  With latency you don't even have that time to react.  It's just exploiting old multiplayer game technical problems.

If that were the case, skill didn’t matter just pressing a key when n range to win….. then you wouldn’t have platinum tier ranked matches with the exact same folks.  You’d have completely random key pressers in the top bunch each season.  

make no mistake there is a lot of skill to playing and positioning well.  People who say otherwise are probably trying to justify their performance with excuses

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