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Can devs make something new and stop changing the old. [Merged]

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Just now, Einsof.1457 said:

Yeah so our opinion differs more on the integrity of the design than the design itself. 

That may be so. And that’s fine. Different opinions will always exist and there is no right or wrong. You’re entitled to tell your concerns, but the question is if a new topic about this specific mob change was needed. 

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1 hour ago, Einsof.1457 said:

Okay real talk. It doesn't matter if I like it or you like it. It's not about that. It's about anet complete changing design of enemies nearly ten years later for ...some reason? Do we really want them going in and changing the way stuff looks willy nilly with no reasoning for it? Can we agree it sets a bad precedent at least? For nearly ten years it was fine but now it's not? Why? What crime against humanity did the old watchknight commit?

Clearly it is about that if you're insulting people about liking the new one.


They obviously thought it was worth changing, especially since they brought back the Living Story episode at the same time (which they also revamped minor things in). I think the newer model looks much cleaner and higher res, and the face is less... creepy.

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I don't see them updating old models as a problem, and it's not like the watchknight and marionette are the only ones to have gotten facelifts. The great jungle wurm and shadow behemoth amongst other bosses have gotten updates just recently, and those are very old content too. Yet I see no topic or mention of you complaining on those re-designs? 



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19 minutes ago, Lottie.5370 said:

Clearly it is about that if you're insulting people about liking the new one.


They obviously thought it was worth changing, especially since they brought back the Living Story episode at the same time (which they also revamped minor things in). I think the newer model looks much cleaner and higher res, and the face is less... creepy.

Well.. they didn't touch the face, at all. It's the same as the old one. 

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7 minutes ago, Funky.4861 said:

You all need to stop kitten-footing about the issue. We know why the model was changed and it amuses me that so-called progressives can't tolerate a differing opinion without feeling the need to shut it down.

My, whatever do you mean?

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Its... a.. ROBOT.. Who cares if the models get changed? Sure, i was sad when the Hearthstone cards with the Sucubuses that were known for cards that did low damage but healed you were changed to more pr.. Satyr in a warlock class (despite warlocks having sucubuses as WoW pets, which was a lore thing that satyrs just of all things felt out of place).


But.. a robot. A metal, unsapient creature made to imitate a being having stuff no one cares about?


Who's life is in CRITICAL urgent medical attention if a robot's chest model is changed? :P, it's not even a playable race. There's still the very odd question of charr anatomy popping up from time to time since players have 0, one random npc model has male pecs.

It's a video game, we swing swords. It's a pg13 rated game, who cares? It's not lifechanging for my enjoyment of dungeons or raiding or game balance to have 'censored' robots so to speak. Unless Bender from futurama is playing the game, i don't see why it should be a big deal to anyone. 😛

Edited by Sunchaser.9854
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I'm not sure how to describe it in a fourm friendly manner. But basically there were robots that were.. Well, in my mind they kinda looked like the wrong sort of robot you'd want in a video game. But anyways they made them look more like people and edited some bits just like how Sucubuses were remade from wow to be more family appropriate for families to play.


Except imo, the new reworked models actually look more human to me with better overall faces and arm models, the complaints are probably the chests that were like the equivilent of putting a basketball on a car with scotch tape and replacing it with something nicer imo. Or at least, more human being looking. It's just a model change that makes it more family friendly and human, basically. 

Edited by Sunchaser.9854
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3 hours ago, Einsof.1457 said:

They wouldn't change it in the first place unless they saw some benefit. What's the benefit?

The benefit is a much better looking critter.  The old ones looked disjointed and have always been pretty sloppily made.  This is a vast improvement. 😎

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16 minutes ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

The benefit is a much better looking critter.  The old ones looked disjointed and have always been pretty sloppily made.  This is a vast improvement. 😎

So it took them ten years? They (anet or players) never once mentioned any problem in that timeframe. 

Edited by Einsof.1457
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14 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Reminds me of gen xers screaming that Lucas ruined their childhood.

Or the pearl clutchers wringing their hands that the Seuss estate chose to stop publishing a couple of his books.


9 hours ago, Hashberry.4510 said:

This is really a poor take, I would of thought you had more sense than this.

So did I.  I usually can see where you're coming from even if I don't agree with you, but this was petty and more than a little intellectually dishonest.

4 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Because your point was irrelevant.  Anet (and by extension NCSoft if you want to go that route) owns it all.  We only pay for a license to use it.

Maybe read through the terms of service.

You aren't wrong wrong on a legal level, Kharmin, but I would argue that on an ethical level Arenanet would absolutely be in the wrong to SELL us digital items that have a specific look and function prior to the sale and to then change those items after getting our money for them, even years later.  If I can't trust Arenanet to NOT change something that I have given them money to access after the fact then I don't see why I should take the risk at all, especially now as money starts becoming a lot tighter for a lot of people.

Edited by The Greyhawk.9107
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2 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

What in the blue hell are watchknights? You want support? Show us what you're talking about.


1 hour ago, Sunchaser.9854 said:

I'm not sure how to describe it in a fourm friendly manner. But basically there were robots that were.. Well, in my mind they kinda looked like the wrong sort of robot you'd want in a video game. But anyways they made them look more like people and edited some bits just like how Sucubuses were remade from wow to be more family appropriate for families to play.


Except imo, the new reworked models actually look more human to me with better overall faces and arm models, the complaints are probably the chests that were like the equivilent of putting a basketball on a car with scotch tape and replacing it with something nicer imo. Or at least, more human being looking. It's just a model change that makes it more family friendly and human, basically. 


They had BREASTS.  With CLEAVAGE made out of exposed gears.  There you go, with no beating around the bush. 

As I said in the thread this one's going to get merged into, I never liked the original version as I found it creepy (not that the "updated" version is really any better in those regards) but my opposition to the change is because I'm very wary of the precedent it sets in giving the current crop at Arenanet free reign to change wardrobe items or other older content like dialog from older portions of the story without consequences from the audience.

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We pay for access to a game someone else owns. They can change whatever the kitten they want 🤷‍♂️ I do not personally care what a robot looks like in this game. For those of you that are truly bothered by it, feel free to find a picture of the original online and go stare at it... Stop wasting our time on the forums with a non issue...

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18 minutes ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:



They had BREASTS.  With CLEAVAGE made out of exposed gears.  There you go, with no beating around the bush...

That's the change people are upset about? Really? Why? I mean this is 2022 and everyone playing this game and reading this forum has access to the internet. That means you can probably find as much of that as you like with a simple google search. So what's the big deal?

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2 minutes ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

That's the change people are upset about? Really? Why? I mean this is 2022 and everyone playing this game and reading this forum has access to the internet. That means you can probably find as much of that as you like with a simple google search. So what's the big deal?

The impression I get is for some people, it's the precedent they are worried about. GW2 gets called fashion wars for a reason. Imagine you take months getting certain armor pieces unlocked, you spend hours trying different looks until you find just the right thing. You love what you made and how it all works together just right. Then Anet comes in and changes a piece of it in a way that ruins the look and you can't do anything about it. I think that's kinda what people are afraid of.

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1 minute ago, Labjax.2465 said:

The impression I get is for some people, it's the precedent they are worried about. GW2 gets called fashion wars for a reason. Imagine you take months getting certain armor pieces unlocked, you spend hours trying different looks until you find just the right thing. You love what you made and how it all works together just right. Then Anet comes in and changes a piece of it in a way that ruins the look and you can't do anything about it. I think that's kinda what people are afraid of.

Ah, now that is a reason that makes sense to me. Thank you.

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Man, this whole debacle with the watchknights "controversy" just makes me laugh lmao.

No no no no. Let me spell out the REAL reason for this "controversy". So, the male player base got aroused by the old watchknight design and when it got changed, it inconvenienced them and ruined their little fantasy! That's it! Let's call it like it is, folks. None of this stuff about "grinding" or "effort". This change is but a benign aesthetics and wardrobe change like anything else. Nothing surprising. It just happened to involve...boobs.

But you know, the funny thing is: nobody is saying anything about the new Queen Jennah. https://gw2style.com/look.php?id=18098 Now, riddle me THAT.

4 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

The impression I get is for some people, it's the precedent they are worried about. GW2 gets called fashion wars for a reason. Imagine you take months getting certain armor pieces unlocked, you spend hours trying different looks until you find just the right thing. You love what you made and how it all works together just right. Then Anet comes in and changes a piece of it in a way that ruins the look and you can't do anything about it. I think that's kinda what people are afraid of.

The precedent was set a long time ago with town clothes being deleted and replaced by outfits.

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1 hour ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

But you know, the funny thing is: nobody is saying anything about the new Queen Jennah. https://gw2style.com/look.php?id=18098 Now, riddle me THAT.

That looks like a player character designed to imitate Jennah and not the actual NPC Jennah, as such would have no relevance to the discussion on hand.

And your reference to the old town cloths has a flaw: they changed how they worked (which people did get rightfully pissed about at the time) but not how they looked.

Edited by The Greyhawk.9107
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4 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

No no no no. Let me spell out the REAL reason for this "controversy". So, the male player base got aroused by the old watchknight design and when it got changed, it inconvenienced them and ruined their little fantasy!

Exactly!  It is about boobs & butt on a poorly drawn robot.  On the plus side, if this is a major game issue - then the game must be doing well ha ha  😎

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