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Can devs make something new and stop changing the old. [Merged]

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7 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

A year ago the twisted marionette was rereleased with dramatically changed artwork probably for polical reasons only. Then mai trins voice line were changed only because i assume they wanted the VA to be the same race as the character (similar to Cleveland on family guy or Apu on the simpson). Now all watchwork models have been changed in the game including the tonic that players can use. How long until legacy armors start getting censored as well.

My plea is for anet to stop changing legacy art assets or legacy voice lines. For the rest of season one, please keep the art style as faithful to what was released 8 years ago. I understand mechanics will have to be changed because ls1 want designed to drive traffic to the cashshop, I am ok with those changes. But changing old art assets is being disrespectful to the artists and voice actors from the past.

If current devs want to push the game to a different art style, they can do that with ls6 or add those assets to cathan. NKC feels like a dead zone, and could due with some more assets to make it feel more alive. But censoring old art make me feel like you are jealous of the old designs and you can not compete with them unless they have been removed.


TLDR:"Mad you took my booba away"

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Yes, changing the art for old content is prioritized over developing new art for upcoming content. Wonder why void creatures for EoD? By writing the content to include them it allowed ANet to save art budget to be funneled into censoring the past.

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Players have literally been asking for the devs to care about old content since launch. The game is full of unfinished, unpolished and outright buggy content that they never go back and revisit.


If anything, we need more QoL updates, and less Monster of the Week type updates.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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11 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Huh. Ok. Looks like they made it more realistic representation of female body. Struggling to see that as "censored."

No more big boobs and defined kitten (picture doesn't show the behind well).


Honestly, what bothers me is that ArenaNet felt the need to go back and spend resources on something that most people don't care about. And if this was because of "sexualizing is bad" as it by all appearances seems to be given the lack of explanation for it (ArenaNet is notoriously inconsistent so I don't really buy the "changed to match the Twisted Marionette that we changed without explanation" reasoning), then why do we keep sexualizing content like Faren in his, to quote Scarlet Briar, "fancy panties". Want to stop sexualizing women? Fine. But don't oversexualize the men in the same breath *coughRamaSnarglecough*.

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17 minutes ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

No more big boobs and defined kitten (picture doesn't show the behind well).


Honestly, what bothers me is that ArenaNet felt the need to go back and spend resources on something that most people don't care about. And if this was because of "sexualizing is bad" as it by all appearances seems to be given the lack of explanation for it (ArenaNet is notoriously inconsistent so I don't really buy the "changed to match the Twisted Marionette that we changed without explanation" reasoning), then why do we keep sexualizing content like Faren in his, to quote Scarlet Briar, "fancy panties". Want to stop sexualizing women? Fine. But don't oversexualize the men in the same breath *coughRamaSnarglecough*.

I don't think its censoring at all, the devs have talked multiple times about running into resource limits since End of Dragons was released and smooth, curvey surfaces while visually appealing are bad to render.


We're talking about a engine in which they had to turn reflections off in New Keining to get the map even loading, so of course trying to do combat against a giant busty mechanical supermodel with 80 players around all carrying balls and shooting light beams wasn't going to be a good idea.


The game is different than the original release, there's alot more cosmetic bloat now. Those most flare you had during Clockwork Chaos was a Warrior in Flame Legion armor.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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1 hour ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

Players have literally been asking for the devs to care about old content since launch. The game is full of unfinished, unpolished and outright buggy content that they never go back and revisit.


If anything, we need more QoL updates, and less Monster of the Week type updates.

And instead of finishing, polishing, unbugging they spend resources on redesigning functional, finished, already polished, not buggy art assets.

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17 minutes ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

We're talking about a engine in which they had to turn reflections off in New Keining to get the map even loading, so of course trying to do combat against a giant busty mechanical supermodel with 80 players around all carrying balls and shooting light beams wasn't going to be a good idea.

What are you on about? Newer content has way higher polycounts than old content, otherwise Seitung and New Kaineng wouldn't be as intensive as they are. HoT areas use less resources than EoD areas, so by extension LWS1 areas are even less intensive...finally meaning that even if the original Watchknight model was overtuned in the polygons, it wouldn't make a noticeable impact on the less intensive maps. But, l highly doubt they changed how it looks just for optimization when they can't even be bothered to fix up EoD.

And by the by, what do you mean they turned off reflections New Kaineng? I was literally looking at water reflections in that map today.

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2 minutes ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

No more big boobs and defined kitten (picture doesn't show the behind well).


Honestly, what bothers me is that ArenaNet felt the need to go back and spend resources on something that most people don't care about. And if this was because of "sexualizing is bad" as it by all appearances seems to be given the lack of explanation for it (ArenaNet is notoriously inconsistent so I don't really buy the "changed to match the Twisted Marionette that we changed without explanation" reasoning), then why do we keep sexualizing content like Faren in his, to quote Scarlet Briar, "fancy panties". Want to stop sexualizing women? Fine. But don't oversexualize the men in the same breath *coughRamaSnarglecough*.

I guess I can see that interpretation of it? The way I see it, is it's not a "sexualizing is bad" thing so much as it's a "ridiculous portrayal of the female form is bad" thing. Now if they started going through and removing all revealing armor, I'd certainly be more on your side on this.

But this is a fully armored... whatever it is. People complain about immersion sometimes, well it's not exactly immersive for those bits you named to be sticking way out on metallic-looking armor. I think it's plenty possible to sexualize without misrepresenting how bodies work in relation to things worn (which is a long-standing problem in how female bodies and clothing/armor worn tend to look in video games).

That said, idk if that's even the reason. It's just what looks like the reason to me, maybe there are completely different motivations than either tack we're on.

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Oh no the boobs! Not the boobs! I don’t think it’s censoring. The old model of clockwork looks silly and you could just as well put some guns in them and let it shoot wildly around as she twist and turns. I like the new model better. 

ppl have been asking for season one for a long time. It’s good we who never got to play it finally can do so. Anet is working on new content too. They already confirmed a new expansion and this is something for us to do while we wait. 

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Oh what difference a few years make. When it was released, the V2 tonic was obviously inferior and a way to hide the shape. We knew it. Anet knew it. Everyone knew it. There was absolutely no point in making it and a waste of time and resources. Nobody wanted it.

Now according to people it was apparently an important "upgrade" to make it more realistic (a robot, in a world where every female character is a supermodel to begin with) or to reduce the resource stress on the engine (lol).

The answers are ridiculous IMO but whatever.

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6 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I guess I can see that interpretation of it? The way I see it, is it's not a "sexualizing is bad" thing so much as it's a "ridiculous portrayal of the female form is bad" thing. Now if they started going through and removing all revealing armor, I'd certainly be more on your side on this.

They actually did censor at least one armor set: Female heavy Arah armor.

Mind you, I like this censorship that includes adding more armor/clothing to hide the skin as I felt it was way too skimpy compared to the male version, but it was something done.


I won't be surprised at all if we get more in the future. And you know what? That's fine. Games sexualize women too much as it is. But be equal about it - if you desexualize women, desexualize the men too, and don't open interviews saying things like "Faren’s fancy panties will live on forever, so help me."

And if it isn't about desexualizing but polishing or altering for gameplay improvements, don't pretend its something else. ArenaNet never cared for consistency before and the game is so full of inconsistencies that ArenaNet has earned the moniker "consistently inconsistent" so I just cannot believe that, suddenly, out of nowhere, they actually care about consistency with minor things. (Especially since the Twisted Marionette still isn't consistent in its new appearance - every visual of the TM outside of The Mists' WB instance uses the old version still afaik).

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On 7/20/2022 at 1:17 AM, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

A year ago the twisted marionette was rereleased with dramatically changed artwork probably for polical reasons only.

Yes, "polical" reasons are the worst! 😄 Also, it was more like three years ago, not one.

In any case, I liked the old design better, too.

If they are so eager to fight sexism (which is a good thing!), they should rather go rework most of the (human/norn) female armor sets and outfits, which are awful in that regard (no serious-business adventurer dresses like that), and not just their overly revealing designs but also their tendency to increase the cup size for no logical reason.

Edit: I bet the negative reactions are all from straight male players who love to create scantily clad female chars? 😂

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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8 hours ago, Healix.5819 said:


ts interesting, the boos have been reduced, but it kind of has a more feminine pose? like the hips and the posture are "enhaced" could be the world? i dont realy understand why the change though.

I mean i dont realy care that much about this kind of art reworks but the thing is, it kind of smells like a change made to appease people, like, oh its a machine resembling a female it has boobs its too obscene kind of people, i mean... it feels like an imposed change not because of the studio true desire to remake the art but because theyre forced to be family friendly, and it kind of feels bad that we have to get to this point.

if you introduce a new character that is caled by it and not he or she for example, you make a side story, coments or stuff about why, like an asura having golem implants for example thus its more machine, or something.

with that i mean why make marionetes more feminine, posture wise, and then cut some feminine characteristics from them?

we can have changes made with sense

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20 minutes ago, zaswer.5246 said:

with that i mean why make marionetes more feminine, posture wise, and then cut some feminine characteristics from them?

we can have changes made with sense

The animation and posture wasnt changed you are seeing different angles.

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well except the watchknights aren't human, they had inhuman proportions because they are constructs. Besides, all the little gears in the boobs and the butt were visually interesting, instead of flattened smooth plates.  

Edited by Zebulous.2934
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