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What would be the next mount?

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It is an undisputed fact that we got the best mounts in the field. I believe ArenaNet has no reason to not keep doing what they do best.


So the question probably isn't if we're gonna have another mount but what it might be.


Right now, we have:












So the only thing this is missing is arachnid. I read somewhere that they scrapped the spider, so a reasonable choice would be the scorpion. 


How cool would it be to ride a giant scorpion? Make it a battle mount, too. Maybe.


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I think you're looking at it from the wrong perspective (especially since Anet have shown they're willing to reskin existing mounts as different animals, like the deer and kirin skins for the jackal). The important question is what new movement abilities or mechanics would it add?

  • The raptor gives an overland speed boost, with horizontal leaps.
  • The rollerbeetle gives an extreme speed boost at the cost of some manoeuvrability.
  • The springer gives vertical leaps.
  • The skimmer gives an aquatic speed boost with limited hover ability.
  • The jackal gives teleportation.
  • The griffon gives fast flight.
  • The skyscale gives slower flight with greater manoeuvrability and hover.
  • The turtle is a tanky mount (literally) with a passenger.
  • The skiff is a portable platform and group mount.
  • The warclaw is a WvW specific speed boost.

Looking at that list some things they could add are:

  • A group mount (5 players) for land.
  • A faster 2-player mount.
  • A flying group mount.
  • Something like the jackals teleportation ability or the skimmers immunity to ground effects, a way to navigate new types of terrain or barriers.
  • Maybe a new combat-themed mount like the siege turtle, but with different abilities, maybe a melee range one-player mount with faster but weaker attacks?
Edited by Danikat.8537
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Honestly I think they've kinda done a good job covering all the niches, it'd be hard to release anything that didn't encroach on other mounts or be semi redundant (skimmer vs skiff without fishing), or another gemshop item like qol mounts such as akin to a how's traveler mammoth or longboy with tp houses (bl merch), repair vendors (endless repair canisters) , Crafting stations (city hubs), etc. 

Perhaps a souped up griffin that could gain flight and fly from standing height with a prerequisite to own both previous mounts (griff + skyscale) could work, such as osrs resolving the torva powercreeping handle re release problem by making the bis gear require it's predecessors to craft a best of both world's item.

You could have like some feathered bird dragon with the flight of skyscale, the dive of Griffon, stronger overall flaps with perhaps lower height loss and flap pulses. Or make a two seater flight mount. But they could just as well just buff Griffon to have a stronger starting jump from flats and sky scale to have greater base speed as a upgrade as well. 

Other than that could be more mobile combat mounts, perhaps with lances and nests meant for rapid farming, mob clustering and mobility at like a jackal level speed with hooknets. But then again any combat mount has to compete with elite specs which might be a balance issue. Too strong and the mount overshadows specs. Too weak, zero point. Equal strength, why bother more actions for same reward?

You could make fun to use mounts like the beetle and maybe a go kart just for the fun and turn gw2 into a racing game. Hover jets, motorcycles, go karts, maybe even glider upgrades to make it compete with griff and the wow dracthyr evoker who I think they want to give griffon flight abilities on a base class.  

But I just can't think of any untouched mounts past qol vendor mounts, two seater flying mounts, or just fun to use mounts. PoF covered everything well. The only thing you could sell is redundancies or upgrades. 

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26 minutes ago, Brandon Uzumaki.1524 said:

That Hoverboard the Forged Forerunners use xD

Fast on land, fast on water, maybe a bit slower than the Raptor, and it has the same hover ability as the Skimmer.

I want this too.

like a cool hover board that you can just joy ride on doing tricks 

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I don't think we don't need new mounts.

The only other modes of transport I can think of is maybe... tunnelling, grappling, or climbing?

  • We already have a grapple mastery from LWS3 that has been largely unused outside of a couple of zones. Bring that back somehow?
  • Climbing? Well... Springer can already jump pretty high tbf. 
  • Tunnelling. I suppose if the next expansion was the Depths of Tyria... But we already have that tunnel mastery from HoT. Again, largely unused outside of it's own zones.

Maybe a party sized mount - like some kind of 5 man boat that could hover over the land. Yeah gimme a hoverskiff upgrade Anet.

Otherwise just add some different style mount skins, with different skeletons. Saltspray Skyscale or something idk

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Just for brainstorming/meme/novelty purposes. I think as discussed all bases seem pretty full, but thinking of some mount ideas for novelty all I could come up were novelty mounts, zone specific interactions, or personal preference mounts. But just for fun and brainstorming here's a couple novelty/meme ideas. 


Living world 6 Jade Beyblade: A highly fast spinning beyblade style combat top akin to the Top of Zelda: Twilight princess. It could feature fast momentum and the ability to ride leylines by hopping on top, tony hawk style, richochet off walls and have a living world twilight princess style 'wall riding mechanic' where the outer edges of the rims could be a gear to solve puzzles, spin gates open, wallride crannies in the walls of a living world designed for it.

As well as having potential utility like a bounce ricochet ability where crashing it into a wall fires it off at 110% SPEED the other direction while being able to spit out shiro style poisoned combat blades to either attack enemies or being used as mock propellers for semi hover flight/fall damage negation.

It'd likely have to be a living season locked mount in a area that disabled other mounts and could also probably power jadebot charges just via use as well. It's purpose mostly novelty but it could have a niche as a fast moving blade spinning combat mount for tunnels and also wallriding and puzzle solving within a open world, like jackal vs raptor. 


Norn wolf sled?: Featuring a pack of 4 siccable wolves, This could be just a more qol preference novelty in between mount between raptor and roller beetle.

It could travel at 80% of the speed of a roller beetle but MUCH faster than raptor while having much better acceleration, handling, and turning with the energy bar used for a 60% distance raptor like wolf jump as well as having it's engage be siccing 4 combat wolves, inflicting bleeding, crippling, vulnerability and damage for the first 10 seconds of combat.

It could be mostly a novelty mount as a hybrid between raptor ANF roller beetle. Master of none, but often more rounded than a master of one with fast speed, good turning, and 60-120% the best of both worlds of turbo speed, jumps, and rapid acceleration. 


Meme ice cream/food truck: Moneymaking mount for the excuse of novelty. A mount that could sell food items to npc as well as provide stats for the player and act as a cooking station.

It could be hard coded to have some joke asuran/jade food delivery service with rocket thrusters in the middle of new cantha, selling packets of ice cream to npcs as well as periodically generating expirable food (vanish 60 minutes after logout) ice cream buff foods and utilities.

Perhaps not dps buffs but karma, magic find, health regeneration and selling 5-10s+ ice cream for some 30-50g a hr joke mission. Not a greatly wanted mount just a meme mount searching for a reason to exist. Could also probably rocket thruster to run people over, carcrash dominos style, and explode Michael bay style when crashed for massive air damage + burning as the car explodes in the distance. Why exist? Why not is the only answer... 

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2 hours ago, Demon Pie.2634 said:

So the only thing this is missing is arachnid. I read somewhere that they scrapped the spider, so a reasonable choice would be the scorpion. 


How cool would it be to ride a giant scorpion? Make it a battle mount, too. Maybe.


There is SO many jokes I could make about my name and "mounting" but I'm afraid to do it.  

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The forged hoverboard is already a glider and it's awsome 😎


As for a new mount, I would go for a sand worm/sandshark/dredge drill, that would let you go underground in order to avoid agro in enemy heavy zones like orr and HoT maps. Add a few areas that can only be accessed by that mount like the jackal portals and you're golden.

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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Thanks for catching the typo, I meant skiff but wrote skimmer twice instead.

Yea, i got totally confused as you wrote "mount" and while technically true, i didn't mentally categorize skiffs as mounts, and totally forgot they existed for a second and was like, "what, skimmer has group applications, when?" lol.


You gave me like 20 confusion stacks with this hahahaahah!

Mostly due to my own brainfart though. 🙂

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 Sometimes I see mount skins that I like, but aren't for a mount that I use often... thinking in particular the Jackal and the Warclaw, versus the Raptor... "Wow that skin is fantastic!!  😀  Oh.. it's for the Jackal  😟....   Would be nice if somehow you could adopt some of the skins to work for more than one mount type.. I guess there would be development challenges with accommodating various animations for the mechanics, but would be interesting.

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Golem suit as "Transformer" that can switch between multiple forms. Main form is magi-mechanical biped golem. Capable of scaling steep cliffs. Has more HP. Second form is vehicle, ala race car, capable of high horizontal top speeds. Maybe 80% speed of Beetle, but better, tighter controls and turning. Less HP than golem form. Mount attack is barrage of rockets at targeted location (AoE).

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