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Game is carried by older content

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1 hour ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Nothing against them, but they arnt new content for 99% of the player base. So yeah they kind of dont count indeed.

 The point is new stuff came out. If you say Anet hasn't introduced new content you're factually wrong.  For a lot of people, the LS Season 1 is new content, so you'd have to count that anyway.

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3 hours ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Nothing against them, but they arnt new content for 99% of the player base. So yeah they kind of dont count indeed.

Now don’t get me wrong here. I know many players are veterans. But do you honestly think only 1% of the player base started the game when they removed it 7-8 years ago? I highly doubt 99% of the players have done season 1. I know so many players who has not done it. When I think about it most of the players I know have not done it due to starting the game after it was gone. 

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1 hour ago, Freya.9075 said:

Now don’t get me wrong here. I know many players are veterans. But do you honestly think only 1% of the player base started the game when they removed it 7-8 years ago? I highly doubt 99% of the players have done season 1. I know so many players who has not done it. When I think about it most of the players I know have not done it due to starting the game after it was gone. 

Just as an fyi, the quote you refer to is talking about strike cms not ls1

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I used to play SWTOR, we've got it good here. Sure, there's LW1 that's being brought out now. For me, it's not been that inviting to go to, but I'm sure that after that we will see a new LW season or Saga, whatever they want to call that.

And yes, I still have a lot of "old content" to go through myself. /shrug

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Also older outfits.

All the new stuff always has to much stuff going on. Weird attachments that break combining with other skins or mess up dyes.

One of the most popular pieces is the metal Legion shirt. Because it's just a shirt and you can color it to match any outfit your dreaming up.

The main fashion wars outfits are all 5+years old.

So in a way fashion wars is also relying on old content.

Edited by SinisterSlay.6973
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On 9/12/2022 at 6:50 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

People moaned for years that they wanted more people in older maps, more focus in bringing back ls1, more reasons to play older content. So that’s what they are doing.

Forget the debate over EoD quality and the dreadful end half of IBS, all the other stuff has been positive.

Rehashing old content is not a bad thing, it can be a very healthy thing and in this case, it’s exactly that. That’s not to say new wvw maps, more fractals etc aren’t something to be requested for future new content, but stabilising and tarting up older content is necessary for the game right now.

perfect Sir....

and yes, replayability of old content is a positive point.. for many MMOS is a dream that never able to reach.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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7 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Fishing holes aren't, but Season 1 is for a lot of players. Why ignore the elephant in the room. For many it's completely new content.

im doing LS1 achievs, and  the maps achievments make newbs zone very active and live,,, we see new players asking questions etc. this is very good.

Today i did aetherpath for achiev, we have(counting with me) 3 guys with 30k+AP,and 2, with less 2k, one of them with just 500 AP and starting gear looks. .... the thing is achieving the goal of bring togheter new and experienced players.  


Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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16 hours ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

I love drizzlewood. It's the liveliest zone in the game. I wish for another similar zone someday. Maybe a balthazar realm that plays the same way.

same lol, specially

1-i was tired of desert maps.

2-i always dreamed about tundra like zone in this game.


a tundra "farming map" is a dream that come true.

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1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

What is more popular? HoT Metas, Drizzlewood, Dragonfall, Dragonstorm, etc. or Strike CMs? The former, by a mile.


With the exception of Dragonfall each of those metas is packed and completed when they are up. Old content is perfectly fine and a welcome part of current play. Scream into the void.

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3 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

What is more popular? HoT Metas, Drizzlewood, Dragonfall, Dragonstorm, etc. or Strike CMs? The former, by a mile.

Sure and there are a handful of hard instances in the game and a ton of metas by comparison There's a ton of stuff for casual solo players to do and less stuff for organized hard core groups to do. But there's a difference between saying there's no new content, and saying that there's no new content I like.

If you're okay with people misrepresenting the game, that's on you. The post I responded to said there was no new content and it's factually wrong. If you want to point out the only new content was content not for my demographic, that's fair. Saying there's no new content isn't. And again, for some of us, like me, Living World Season 1 is new content, even though I did it in it's original format. It's not the same content and it took time to program. People have asked for this for years and for many of those people this is new content.

So you know, between that and strike mission cms, there's something for casuals to do and something for hard core players to do.  

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11 hours ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

Also older outfits.

All the new stuff always has to much stuff going on. Weird attachments that break combining with other skins or mess up dyes.

One of the most popular pieces is the metal Legion shirt. Because it's just a shirt and you can color it to match any outfit your dreaming up.

The main fashion wars outfits are all 5+years old.

So in a way fashion wars is also relying on old content.

That's because there's someone who doesn't like "unrealistic looking armor", so instead we get blah.


On 9/13/2022 at 11:55 AM, Draygo.9473 said:

I consider the fact that anet does not invalidate older content one of the strongest points of the game in the games favor. 


I find the metas for EoD mostly enjoyable, with probably New Kaineng being the exception. 

Except they do, mainly by power creeping player strength. Chaak Garent, for example, used to be interesting even at the end of HoT, and your contribution mattered, now it's over in 1 phase and you sit around for 10+ minutes waiting for the door to open.

I don't consider that "not invalidating old content", since it's so boring it might as well be invalidated now. 

With time walking, in WoW and how FF14 does roulettes, I'd say Anet invalidates their content worse than theme park MMO's that constantly raise player level and gear ilvl, which is pretty hilarious.

inb4 I'm banned for having an opinion

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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40 minutes ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

That's because there's someone who doesn't like "unrealistic looking armor", so instead we get blah.


Except they do, mainly by power creeping player strength. Chaak Garent, for example, used to be interesting even at the end of HoT, and your contribution mattered, now it's over in 1 phase and you sit around for 10+ minutes waiting for the door to open.

I don't consider that "not invalidating old content", since it's so boring it might as well be invalidated now. 

With time walking, in WoW and how FF14 does roulettes, I'd say Anet invalidates their content worse than theme park MMO's that constantly raise player level and gear ilvl, which is pretty hilarious.

inb4 I'm banned for having an opinion

Of course the stuff they make is not realistic either. It's the opposite.

I feel like they've just become prudish. Male and female.

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Releasing return to living world, decades Armor, even the legendary variant skins encourages the old content and helps keep the older maps alive. It helps keep map populations up. Living world maps where it was hard to find maps that did the metas so you could finish your legendary trinkets are now easier to complete since the map populations went up. It is healthy to implement these in my opinion. They need to improve new user experience as well as living world season 1 so that gaps in the story that have been there for years is now there and helps keep players engaged in the story. Basically they are hitting some of the big things players have been asking for years. Icebrood saga was definately done in unprecedented times and it showed. Anet switched gears and started an expac from scratch. Now with the expac released they can definately now focus on more content development, stating that a new Cantha map is coming, along with developing the next expac. And with the Dragon story over, they can focus on much better original stories and hopefully good content to come.

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