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CMC please nerf cata and untamed for oct 4th


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cata is stronger then bladesworn even now, pre nerf.

and basically the most busted spec among all other busted specs, including specter, herald, etc.


and untamed, 15k instant damage with port is not healthy for game, and it wrecks pre-nerf specter already and that says something

only need the bust combo damage tuned down

Edited by felix.2386
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12 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

cata is stronger then bladesworn even now, pre nerf.

and basically the most busted spec among all other busted specs, including specter, herald, etc.


and untamed, 15k instant damage with port is not healthy for game, and it wrecks pre-nerf specter already and that says something

only need the bust combo damage tuned down

Isn't the whole issue with the TP combo that people macro it. TP with a precasted ability has always been one of those unfair cheese gimmicks even from the base game guard thief yada yada, since you have to counter it on build level with autoproc trait in the base game or by being a bunker and eat it.

Maybe it should have an attack animation with animation lock cast time that doesn't let you cast the other skills. For example Grasping Darkness on Reaper doesn't let you pre cast gravedigger or death spiral since it has a cast time. This adds to the clunkiness of the spec that really needs allot of streamlining but at the same time it prevents people of performing way over their level just because they bought a fancy gaming mouse or installed a program to macro stuff.

As time passes Arenanet should really consider that this could only be done on game level since they can't detect and police every button press when people can just buy Razer whatever that can have programmable delay and the whole one skill on one click doesn't stick. In actuality every fancy mouse works with macro program on default to function.

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1 hour ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

I don't have a problem with porting bursts, they can be healthy and all (aka: securing kills because sidenoders can kite forever), but maul dealing 9k AoE has been questionable for long before untamed became a thing.

So your problem isn't untamed, it's with Maul


Maul hitting 9k requires some serious setup and zerker ammy.. Obviously it can be done but you need might stacks and MoC setup to do it. You cant just tp in and 9k maul crit. Doesn't work like that.

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1 hour ago, Tinkerer.2167 said:

So your problem isn't untamed, it's with Maul


Maul hitting 9k requires some serious setup and zerker ammy.. Obviously it can be done but you need might stacks and MoC setup to do it. You cant just tp in and 9k maul crit. Doesn't work like that.

No, maul was hitting like that on valk. Valk core ranger has been a thing since forever.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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12 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

maybe giving ranger instant teleport wasnt ideal.
what do I know, I dont get paid to balance games, why does every class has to instantly teleport everywhere ?

They should remove the teleport from this spec, but they won't.

They are prepping for GW3 right now...most spots are filled now.

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5 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

maybe giving ranger instant teleport wasnt ideal.
what do I know, I dont get paid to balance games, why does every class has to instantly teleport everywhere ?

This is what triggers me also. Sometimes I feel like I'm playing a weeb anime game with all these people teleporting around. So many classes have teleports now, I feel like it's really unhealthy for the game. Some mobility to counter kiting is needed, but atm there's way more engage than disengage in the game and it doesn't feel good. Sidenoding is a dying art. Its all about teamfighting. And overall I'm not a fan of targetted ports that go through LoS, especially when the go paired with instant high burst damage. To me that is the literal definition of nobrain monkey gameplay.

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15 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

I don't have a problem with porting bursts, they can be healthy and all (aka: securing kills because sidenoders can kite forever), but maul dealing 9k AoE has been questionable for long before untamed became a thing.

Maul is perfectly fine with 9K if untamed teleport doesn't exists. To this day I can duel core rangers/soulbeasts and think to myself if I lose: yeah it's my fault, I should have dodged that Maul.
But with untamed, you either have a healthpool that survives a 16K burst or you die. The teleport can hide the animation perfectly. Landing some instant/unblockable stuff sometimes is fine, but having an uncounterable oneshot is over the top. When Malicious Backstab was oneshot worthy in sPvP, it still required the thief to land a few attacks, and then go to stealth. An Untamed can just do it whenever. There is no resource pool to charge, no outwardly apparent pre-requisite(like going stealth, popping might), if the Untamed is within 1200 of you and has a greatsword equipped, every second might be your last.
In 2020 a-net made it so that no currently existing spec could do instant oneshots. But with EoD they designed one... so eh... what's the rule? Do we get to oneshot others without giving them a chance to react or not?

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28 minutes ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

Maul is perfectly fine with 9K if untamed teleport doesn't exists. To this day I can duel core rangers/soulbeasts and think to myself if I lose: yeah it's my fault, I should have dodged that Maul.
But with untamed, you either have a healthpool that survives a 16K burst or you die. The teleport can hide the animation perfectly. Landing some instant/unblockable stuff sometimes is fine, but having an uncounterable oneshot is over the top. When Malicious Backstab was oneshot worthy in sPvP, it still required the thief to land a few attacks, and then go to stealth. An Untamed can just do it whenever. There is no resource pool to charge, no outwardly apparent pre-requisite(like going stealth, popping might), if the Untamed is within 1200 of you and has a greatsword equipped, every second might be your last.
In 2020 a-net made it so that no currently existing spec could do instant oneshots. But with EoD they designed one... so eh... what's the rule? Do we get to oneshot others without giving them a chance to react or not?

With Untamed is "get in and stay there"...there is no cucu settete with teleporting back or ignoring the z axis, or insta stealth to cover a failed burst, that's why you only see untamed being played like that in PvP by some macro user or some try hard who muscle recorded the whole combo to perfection, outside of that you don't see Untamed at all.

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5 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

With Untamed is "get in and stay there"...there is no cucu settete with teleporting back or ignoring the z axis, or insta stealth to cover a failed burst, that's why you only see untamed being played like that in PvP by some macro user or some try hard who muscle recorded the whole combo to perfection, outside of that you don't see Untamed at all.

Yes, people who are unable to execute a "press 3 buttons at once" combo aren't doing it. Cool... the rest still can. I'm not against making untamed more viable through other means, but this "I delete you instantly with no telegraph" combo needs to die.

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14 minutes ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

Yes, people who are unable to execute a "press 3 buttons at once" combo aren't doing it. Cool... the rest still can. I'm not against making untamed more viable through other means, but this "I delete you instantly with no telegraph" combo needs to die.

Just request to make Unnatural traversal a Ground targeted teleport

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1 hour ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Just make it so the skill teleport to the pet instead the target. That should require more setup like allowing the pet to get to the target first. 

am i the only one that thinks that this will be clunky as hell!?

a teleport that is AI reliant...

Edited by Sahne.6950
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19 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

am i the only one that thinks that this will be clunky as hell!?

I don't understand your train of though. Now instead selecting the target and hope for the best with the range and terrain the unPlayed knows that skill teleports to pet independently of range or terrain. 

And the pet can close gap with the unleashed F1. 

In any case a bruiser design should not have access to high mobility or high burst without any setup. 

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7 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

I don't understand your train of though. Now instead selecting the target and hope for the best with the range and terrain the unPlayed knows that skill teleports to pet independently of range or terrain. 

And the pet can close gap with the unleashed F1. 

In any case a bruiser design should not have access to high mobility or high burst without any setup. 

clunky in the sense, that you have to use the f1 and in quick succsession your unnatural traversal, but no too fast, because the pet has to finish his teleport, but also not to slow, because your target will be moving and the pet will most likely instantly execute a attack, resulting in it being stationary right after the teleport....

So if you do it to fast... you will teleport ot your pet and just right after that your pet will teleport to your target.... or... you teleport to you pet, but your target already moved a few units and your maul will not connect when you precast it....

It wouldnt really change alot... The "Teleporting maul" is still possible.... it would just make executing it more inconsistent... i guess... not really sure tho, was just my first thought...

Edited by Sahne.6950
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