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WvW Weekly Achievements Feedback


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I like the new weeklies for WvW but I have two suggestions:

1. To do 6 of 7 achieves is difficult for a roamer. Yaks, camps, ruins, enemy kills, towers can be do solo, but keeps and smc need a group. This is an interesting way to encourage group play, I suppose, and that is what I've seen so far. Roamers are asking in map chat for help to take a keep and then four or five peeps show up to work together.

2. What is also happening is groups are just flipping objectives back and forth to get the weeklies done. We'll take bay while they take hills, then switch! It would be nice to add another achievement to defend a certain number of objectives. This could be something the roamers could do and it would reward people for NOT letting the objectives all just flip over and over.

See you on the battlefield!

Edited by Spiral.3724
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4 hours ago, Spiral.3724 said:

I like the new weeklies for WvW but I have two suggestions:

1. To do 6 of 7 achieves is difficult for a roamer. Yaks, camps, ruins, enemy kills, towers can be do solo, but keeps and smc need a group. This is an interesting way to encourage group play, I suppose, and that is what I've seen so far. Roamers are asking in map chat for help to take a keep and then four or five peeps show up to work together.

2. What is also happening is groups are just flipping objectives back and forth to get the weeklies done. We'll take bay while they take hills, then switch! It would be nice to add another achievement to defend a certain number of objectives. This could be something the roamers could do and it would reward people for NOT letting the objectives all just flip over and over.

See you on the battlefield!

If 2. is the case for your server, just kill a guard at the keep and get credit for 1. when it flips. You don't have to kill the lord or cap the ring to get the credit....

What are you confused about a straightforward answer to get easy credit for keeps? ->


Edited by Xenesis.6389
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Keeps arent hard. SM though... it kind of require you to be on EBG.

One stupid thing though is that shrines count as ruins for daily, but not weekly.

Regarding the flipping... well maybe some see it as a bad thing. I see it as a WvW thats more active than its been in quite a long while. But of course it will simmer down soon enough. Give it a couple of weeks and people will forget the weekly even exists.

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1 hour ago, Ubi.4136 said:

The achievement should give credit for defending, not just taking.

that would defeat the purpose of those daylies. 


In addition to improved rewards, this update includes changes that are designed to encourage direct player vs. player conflict in fights over objectives

If defending an objective would count, you could just sit afk in any objective where roamers frequently pass by and pull the guards and wait for the defense timer run out. That would be the exact opposite of what these achievements try to achieve (reward active gameplay), as it wouldn´t create conflict (because it wouldn´t require you to do active play).

Looking at what achievements were added, you can see a clear line, that all of them have in common: 
All of them require you to become active in order to get them. And while it is easier in big groups to get them faster, 5 out of the 6 required for completion can be achieved completely alone (Camp Capturer, Dolyak Denier, Invader Incinerator, Ruin Runner, Tower Taker). You literally only need a group for 2 of them (capture SM and capture 5 keeps). Which is not that hard, considering you have a whole week to accomplish it, and even roamers can just leech a keep if an allied tag goes for it...


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14 minutes ago, Custodio.6134 said:

that would defeat the purpose of those daylies. 

If defending an objective would count, you could just sit afk in any objective where roamers frequently pass by and pull the guards and wait for the defense timer run out. That would be the exact opposite of what these achievements try to achieve (reward active gameplay), as it wouldn´t create conflict (because it wouldn´t require you to do active play).

Just sitting inside a contested objective does not grant defense event credit. You gotta do something more or with other words - be active. As it is the entire weekly achivement can be completed without any PvP , so it certainly does nothing to encourage players to fight each other.

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30 minutes ago, Custodio.6134 said:

that would defeat the purpose of those daylies. 

If defending an objective would count, you could just sit afk in any objective where roamers frequently pass by and pull the guards and wait for the defense timer run out. That would be the exact opposite of what these achievements try to achieve (reward active gameplay), as it wouldn´t create conflict (because it wouldn´t require you to do active play).

Looking at what achievements were added, you can see a clear line, that all of them have in common: 
All of them require you to become active in order to get them. And while it is easier in big groups to get them faster, 5 out of the 6 required for completion can be achieved completely alone (Camp Capturer, Dolyak Denier, Invader Incinerator, Ruin Runner, Tower Taker). You literally only need a group for 2 of them (capture SM and capture 5 keeps). Which is not that hard, considering you have a whole week to accomplish it, and even roamers can just leech a keep if an allied tag goes for it...


The problem is, at every turn, Anet basically changes the game so that ANY type of defense nets zero credit.

Every buff is in favor of larger groups, every nerf is a direct nerf to defense.  Anet might as well just make every structure reset to neutral after 5 mins and make all 3 sides the same color.  Because, that is what is happening.  No fighting, just people map hopping to fight empty buildings for 8g.


Edit: well, there is some fighting.  Groups of 50 are happy to port back and forth across every map to kill 5 people.  I guess, just as Anet intended.

Edited by Ubi.4136
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2 hours ago, Ubi.4136 said:

The achievement should give credit for defending, not just taking.  I mean, I get it.  Anet hates defenders and defending.  Nerfs anything that helps defenders or encourages it.  But, if they want people to actually fight, people need to try and defend, and be rewarded for doing so.

I think it has to do with Arenanet not having the proper coding for defenses compared to taking an objective. If the reward for repairing was removed I am almost certain that defending could be its own category:

* Yak Defender (see non-existent daily) - this is buggy , so the coding would need to undergo some revamp. It should be a priority if Arenanet wants to emphasize yaks more but particularly if the structure in question isn't tiered.

* Camp Defender - this requires killing enemies near a camp but coding could be added to it to make it more accurate

* Tower Defender - since this doesn't have a good way of checking other than killing enemies inside the perimeter it probably would not happen , repairing counts currently for the daily. Maybe using oil or cannon on enemy rams or golems and killing the siege while the gate is damaged should be considered a defense.

* Keep Defender - the coding currently credits wall repair and killing enemies near the keep. If killing enemy siege that actually is used for assaulting the structure inside the perimeter is used as a check it could be improved.

* SMC defender - should only count enemies inside the perimeter and destruction of enemy siege (golems) inside lord room while your team holds it. It under no circumstances should credit repairing.

The 50 kills for the weekly currently has no differentiation, you could actually be on the offensive and it counts for "defender" daily and the Invader Incinerator weekly.

Of course if it were up to me the weekly achievement would not even have had 5 skirmish tickets in them and would have had memories of battle and grandmaster marks instead...

Edited by Infusion.7149
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Maybe they shouldn't make it a Weekly at all, instead make it an over-time repeatable Meta Achievement, like Emblem Achievements. 

Roamers, Defenders and Scouts will chip away at it slowly over time so their efforts aren't wasted every reset, but the zergers complete their weekly quota every week. 

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I suspect it is a weekly to put a cap on it.  I don't know if they have the logic right now to have repeatable achievements that are also time gated.

If it was unlimited repeatable, you'd probably just get people cycling through the camps constantly as a fast way to get the rewards.

If you meant the meta achievement to not be time constrained by repeatable, than I suspect people would look and not see that they are likely to take SMC or a keep, have that weekly achievement basically stuck, and would not see any reason to come to WvW to try and complete it.

My take with this is Anet is trying to get some more players to come to WvW and do these different tasks - I suspect it may work in a limited fashion (casuals not completing the full weekly, but popping into WvW to do some of the easier weekly tasks)


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I would like the weekly achievements giving a small amount of money and then remove the corresponding amount of money from the meta-achievement. What will people will feel drawn to is the liquid gold they can get instead of the additional skirmish tickets. And right a person gets nothing unless they do seven of eight and likewise nothing if they do the eight.

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I'm not a fan of the new weeklies, they feel artificial and soulless.  And as others have pointed out, they incentivize ktraining and not defending.  I'd rather just have the tickets and gold rolled into the existing pip chests.


One thing I do like about the new system, is that supposedly it straddles 2 matchups, assuming the reset is overnight Sunday..



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14 hours ago, Spiral.3724 said:

1. To do 6 of 7 achieves is difficult for a roamer. Yaks, camps, ruins, enemy kills, towers can be do solo, but keeps and smc need a group. This is an interesting way to encourage group play, I suppose, and that is what I've seen so far. Roamers are asking in map chat for help to take a keep and then four or five peeps show up to work together.

I agree with this. The only point I can really do as a roamer is to make sure I'm tagging a tower guard or keep guard every time I run past and then hoping that that keep/tower gets taken while I'm still on that map. Not exactly the most engaging gameplay loop, and I have to keep going "oh one second guys, gonna get a guard for the weekly"

It's not the end of the world, but having something I can contribute to (like weekly amount of defenses) would be a nice alternative. Although we're only on the first week, they may very well have a pool of weekly achieves to pick from like we do with dailies.

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Before we dig in, we wanted to remind the community of our current team priorities:

  1. Address player population balance issues through the World Restructuring and Alliances features.
  2. Make WvW more rewarding to play with a focus on active participation.
  3. Refine and iterate on core WvW systems like scoring, siege, upgrades, etc.

Participation seems to be degrading faster then it use to. Of course what should one expect when the game says you have 3 mins before being diverted to Lion's Arch and 15 secs later you get the boot. I've also noticed that some things, cataing/trebing and ruins in particular, may give exp but 0 time towards participation. Seems like an oxymoron, you're telling us "more rewarding to play with a focus on participation" yet there is no time rewarded for said participation. So which part exactly, in your scheme of things, is "more rewarding"? And please tell us that you have a larger pool to draw weeklies on instead of the 7 listed this week.

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My question is, who are these weeklies for?  Because it seems to me like the only people who will be able to complete them are the folks who already spend all their in-game time in WvW.  These people likely already have skirmish tickets coming out the wazoo.

SMC?  5 Keeps?  I might capture 5 keeps a YEAR.

The biggest issue with WvW is the time committment required.  If you don't have time to play you just keep repeating the same wood and bronze chests week after week after week and feel like you aren't getting anywhere.

Why do our pips have to reset each week?  It should remember your progress from one week to the next and once you finish the last chest it should loop back to wood.  They could still leave the weekly cap on skirmish tickets in place if they did this if they are worried about people earning too many tickets (LOL).  That one change would do more to entice people to play WvW than probably any other... because people would no longer think to themselves "why bother...?"

Edited by Will.9785
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I did the weeklies on 2 accounts yesterday since I can only play on weekends now for the most part; I'd only planned on doing one account but whatever. 


Anyway, it took me roughly 5 hours per, or to the end of gold chest to get all cheeves on both accounts.  I  spanned it out alittle on the second account since its lower ranked and not as well geared, so that one took close to 7 hours. 


The thing that held me up the most was the keeps, as the 2 leading teams were protecting each others interests, which is usually the case, but seems so much worse with the introduction of weeklies.


I won't complain, because it does seem to have breathed life back into the mode, but I could see how it would be hard for those with time issues,  certain learned playstyles and those newer to the mode.



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