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Did weekly reward change your play style?


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Just curious if the weekly rewards they added about 6 weeks ago actually changed anyones play style significantly?

My take is that if a person was a serious WvWer (getting mithril/diamond chest), they are probably getting the 6 achievements for the weekly reward without any change to their play.   So an extra 8 GP is probably well deserved for them.

I, who play more as a casual looking for WvW reward track/skirmish tickets, got I think the 6 achievements once.  Most of the time, the weekend rolls around, I look how far I am from completely the weekly, and don't bother (it would still be faster for me to get 8 GP through other means).

If I am close to one of the individual rewards, I may just play a bit extra to complete it to get the extra 5 claim tickets.

If Anets plan for that reward was to reward those who play WvW a lot, it is probably working.  But I wonder if it is doing anything to get the more casual WvW players to play anymore.


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Nope same play style, but then again I do tend to do a little of everything. I got the weekly done on two accounts a few weeks in a row. Usually only takes about 3 hours per account, I don't usually focus on the defense ones, those come naturally just running to defend stuff over the week. Weekends also tend to have more activity so I would think easier to do them, got them all done on my second account on saturday fairly easily. 🤷‍♂️

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Two Answers


1) I play about an hour a day, often as a commander with anywhere from ~5 to ~15 players along.  So far, I've gotten the weeklies done with a day or more to spare every time.  So, no, I don't think that the weekly rewards are out of reach for casual play, unless you restrict yourself to both roaming and playing casually.


2) Yes, the rewards have changed my playstyle some.  I'm noticing that there are a lot more very large enemy groups (guilds or guilds plus militia).  This is a change from my experience except when we were linked with a T1 server (like Maguuma).  I dislike gameplay where I have zero chance to win, and since my group is never likely to get bigger, that state of affairs is occurring a lot more often, and I am both playing less and enjoying WvW less as a result.


Disclaimer: It seems to me that ANet wants WvW to consist of large-scale fights if not in its entirety then in large part.  If so, then they will see the changes which came about as a result of the reward revamp as a positive thing.  Too bad for me that I don't.

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The only thing out of the ordinary for me is that 5 ruins is usually the last thing I have left to do. I'm not generally a roamer so have to deviate from normal to get it done even after 6/8 are finished.

When playing support I find the Dolly achievement lags behind because I don't get to tag them before everyone has nuked them.

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3 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

Just curious if the weekly rewards they added about 6 weeks ago actually changed anyones play style significantly?

My take is that if a person was a serious WvWer (getting mithril/diamond chest), they are probably getting the 6 achievements for the weekly reward without any change to their play.   So an extra 8 GP is probably well deserved for them.

I, who play more as a casual looking for WvW reward track/skirmish tickets, got I think the 6 achievements once.  Most of the time, the weekend rolls around, I look how far I am from completely the weekly, and don't bother (it would still be faster for me to get 8 GP through other means).

If I am close to one of the individual rewards, I may just play a bit extra to complete it to get the extra 5 claim tickets.

If Anets plan for that reward was to reward those who play WvW a lot, it is probably working.  But I wonder if it is doing anything to get the more casual WvW players to play anymore.


No, but I have seen an increase in player counts and queues so good with it since it has drawn players in.

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It did change my playstyle but not in the way you might think.

Apparently there's not much demand for scouts anymore since the new rewards, so I run more with zergs these days because being a scout just isn't enjoyable or worth it anymore since people don't care mostly.

I also don't defend camps as much anymore because I end up being alone half the time. When there's a call for nc, for example, and there's 3 attackers then I still end up there being alone or maybe one more person a lot of the time nowadays. People aren't interested in holding camps either anymore either.

So it's not that I changed because of my personal wish to get these rewards but because of what these rewards have done to the meta in the sense of my playing style becoming pretty much obsolete.

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3 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

I also don't defend camps as much anymore because I end up being alone half the time. When there's a call for nc, for example, and there's 3 attackers then I still end up there being alone or maybe one more person a lot of the time nowadays. People aren't interested in holding camps either anymore either.

Question, do you make a call by just linking the objective, or do you call out the number of enemies coming to the objective?

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5 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Question, do you make a call by just linking the objective, or do you call out the number of enemies coming to the objective?

I link the objective, call out numbers, which enemy and what siege they have, and also when I see them going somewhere I'll say something like "3 greens going NC from east side".

I also call out contested objectives ask for eyes on the objective and if I don't get an answer quikly I will say I'm otw there if it's not near me. And I call out dots when I see them. I may not have specifics but people move in predictable ways most of the time so I can see something like "5 dots going woodhaven".

Edited by Gehenna.3625
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The weekly is inconsequential for the most part. 8g is less than half hour of fractals or anything openworld and if you are after skirmish tickets you are better off just capping things with gold tier event participation. Most caps now give grandmaster mark shards these days, including T3 defenses as well. T2 defense also gives a ticket.

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I didn't mean to imply as a casual I couldn't get the weekly done, though it probably doesn't help that I tend to play more at an off time.  I could certainly focus and say 'tonight I need 2 camps, 1 tower, and hopefully a keep', and if I mange to get that done every night, I think that would be close to the requirements for the weekly (doing those would also likely pick up the dolyak kills and killing enemy players).

It is just more than often I look at at the start of the weekend and see I need 2 keeps (or SMC) plus some others, and it is really hard to know if those can even get pulled off on a weekend when a lot of other players are active.


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5 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

I didn't mean to imply as a casual I couldn't get the weekly done, though it probably doesn't help that I tend to play more at an off time.  I could certainly focus and say 'tonight I need 2 camps, 1 tower, and hopefully a keep', and if I mange to get that done every night, I think that would be close to the requirements for the weekly (doing those would also likely pick up the dolyak kills and killing enemy players).

It is just more than often I look at at the start of the weekend and see I need 2 keeps (or SMC) plus some others, and it is really hard to know if those can even get pulled off on a weekend when a lot of other players are active.


I can get the weekly done in about 1-2 evenings of play (2-3 hours per evening) without thinking too much about it. So yeah, it can be done on a weekend. 

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11 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

I link the objective, call out numbers, which enemy and what siege they have, and also when I see them going somewhere I'll say something like "3 greens going NC from east side".

I also call out contested objectives ask for eyes on the objective and if I don't get an answer quikly I will say I'm otw there if it's not near me. And I call out dots when I see them. I may not have specifics but people move in predictable ways most of the time so I can see something like "5 dots going woodhaven".

This is practically the description of the most valuable player in this game mode. I don't care if they are considered as much or as little by these latest updates. For me, the players who play a key/fundamental role remain. both in terms of scoring for your server, and in terms of helping to build the content of the mode itself.

My regret is only that I cannot answer all the precious calls of my server brothers, just because the action of the enemy sometimes does not allow it. So the commitment and enthusiasm that my partner puts in, is sometimes disregarded, but this is part of the game. A good Scaut knows this for sure. To claim that this is the result of this latest update is basically to tell a trivial lie.

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2 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

I can get the weekly done in about 1-2 evenings of play (2-3 hours per evening) without thinking too much about it. So yeah, it can be done on a weekend. 

Literally the first thing we saw was people having so little time in the week they complained about stress completing in hours, lol. 

I dont really work for it (only the obvious shrines) and I usually complete it end of the week, left overs handled on weekend. It really depend on the situation. Some weeks I've barely managed the kill achievement because its been all roaming and low activity, other weeks I complete it in about 20 minutes after logging in the first time monday because garri happened to be under attack and I randomly picked that border.

Still havent finished SM cap even once though.

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4 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

This is practically the description of the most valuable player in this game mode. I don't care if they are considered as much or as little by these latest updates. For me, the players who play a key/fundamental role remain. both in terms of scoring for your server, and in terms of helping to build the content of the mode itself.

My regret is only that I cannot answer all the precious calls of my server brothers, just because the action of the enemy sometimes does not allow it. So the commitment and enthusiasm that my partner puts in, is sometimes disregarded, but this is part of the game. A good Scaut knows this for sure. To claim that this is the result of this latest update is basically to tell a trivial lie.

I guess it depends on the server but my server always was more of a PPT server but at least on home they used to appreciate those calls. Now I'm not saying that nobody cares but there need to be certain guilds online on the home map for that to be the case. I mean, what can you do when you call out that a t3 tower is attacked by 10-15 enemies with catas and the two tags don't care because they're trying to cap a t1 keep (and ultimately failing to do so)? 🤷‍♂️

So I've stopped playing as a scout now because it's just not appreciated much and if people don't respond to your calls, then what's the point? It's just frustrating. In 3 weeks I'll have my second Conflux done. Once that's done I think I'll take a break from WvW.

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3 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Literally the first thing we saw was people having so little time in the week they complained about stress completing in hours, lol. 

Yeah, that's what you get when you look at it and don't just go out and do some stuff. On paper it always looks like a lot more then when you go out and do stuff. Kinda like the Skyscale.

3 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

I dont really work for it (only the obvious shrines) and I usually complete it end of the week, left overs handled on weekend. It really depend on the situation. Some weeks I've barely managed the kill achievement because its been all roaming and low activity, other weeks I complete it in about 20 minutes after logging in the first time monday because garri happened to be under attack and I randomly picked that border.

I do the dollies, camps and monuments first. After that I don't really look at it anymore. 

3 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Still havent finished SM cap even once though.

I have done most weeks but you have to be lucky for that one for two reasons. The first is that you have to be online at the right time and secondly there have to be no queues for EB. 

The one I seem to have more trouble with is the tower defense achievement. The focus is on SM and Keeps a lot, so people don't really care about defending towers a lot anymore.

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15 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

The weekly is inconsequential for the most part. 8g is less than half hour of fractals or anything openworld and if you are after skirmish tickets you are better off just capping things with gold tier event participation. Most caps now give grandmaster mark shards these days, including T3 defenses as well. T2 defense also gives a ticket.

That's all fine and good if you enjoy open-world PvE, but there are a lot of us who play WvW exclusively because we despise all things PvE.  A half-hour in fractals is a half-hour of misery.  8g is 8g, so I'll happily take it.

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6 hours ago, Eekasqueak.7850 said:

Bit more likely to go in for keeps/towers since the change, since I'm mostly a roamer. 

Easy enough to just go kill a guard on each keep/tower in the map and then continue on roaming. Eventually a zerg will come along, flip the keep/tower, and give you your credit.

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1 hour ago, Ronin.4501 said:

That's all fine and good if you enjoy open-world PvE, but there are a lot of us who play WvW exclusively because we despise all things PvE.  A half-hour in fractals is a half-hour of misery.  8g is 8g, so I'll happily take it.

You know if it were anything PvE it would be at least 2g per achievement (except maybe for 5 ruins but then again 2g in one week is barely anything) or 26g+ for all the weeklies... see raids and strikes. It is far less of a problem now that objective scaling was added though but it is important to note kills, camps, dolyaks, and ruins are not part of objective scaling.
SMC, keep, and tower cap all are affected by objective scaling as are keep and tower defense.

One thing to note is tower defense is extremely finnicky and for some reason memories of battle aren't distributed instead of resonating slivers.


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Well tbh you basically have to be playing only WvW to think these rewards matter. I mean it's nice to have extra gold for doing these things anyways, but I can't imagine it steering anyone anywhere.

Consider login rewards. Every month:

55 laurels (23g)

20 mystic coins  (18g)

Some assorted materials

So about 35g+/month after tp fees  or 8.75 gold a week just for having a pulse.

A PvEr can go to Tequatal (2+gold) for about 10 min, and then wp immediately to Ley-line anamoly (~1g) for another 5 minutes. 

Or they can do t2 fractal dailies once  for 7 gold.

Yea, so no.  8 gold is something that's earned in minutes, not days, even when scraping the bottom of the barrel.

The real advantage of WvW is those faster dailies, but even that's up for debate. And to be fair, gold isn't really that big a deal in Gw2 unless aiming for legendaries or stupidly rare skins. I feel most people tend to err in hoarding cheap materials that they could easily buy back


** I guess you do get extra wvw reward potions. Just take your favorite reward track here and divide by 80. That's how much 1 potion is worth.


Though to be fair you get account bound stuff and can autocomplete new reward tracks... if anet makes more.

edit: If you really want people to care, then you would put something that's not buyable. Say 10 AP per week repeatable 25 times. And it could unlock a skin. The problem with this is that there will be screeching about WvWers getting something other people can't just like  the other 0.01% of  game content accessible only by WvW but I'm ok with this.

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