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Fashion Wars At Last

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I'm surprised there are no threads on it yet (maybe I missed them?).  The fashion show is quite fun!  I even managed a win on one alt, and got some kind spectator comments on others.  The commentary and heckling (from players) is all very kind-hearted.  It's a nice way to let players show off their looks.

For those not yet in the know, for the next week in LA you can strut your stuff in front of admirers.  It's a little rng as to whether you get to compete in any one round, but your turn will come eventually.  There's an achieve for competing/spectating ten times (no rewards though).  I've seen a lot of creativity already.  Thanks, ANet!

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I just checked the game updates and there's nothing about it! I actually just stumbled upon it while porting into LA. Not quite sure how they implemented it quite yet, but just the fact alone that it's there is really awesome and is such a cool detail to add to GW2.

What I'm thinking is happening is that the Fashion Wars event is still in testing, so they decided not to give it any fanfare (or rewards) until they make sure it's good to go.

Also... Nice April Fools with the dogs in the LA city center. lol

Edited by Arnox.5128
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Well all I can say, is the Fashion Wars Event at LA on April Fool's was a Hit!

I thankfully also stumbled upon it while taking a break at Lion's Arch.


I really hope this can go far, it's a great way to have fun and see other people's skins.

Everybody had a Really good time!

Thanks ANET! And all those who cheerfully participated! 

Edited by Audrina Wildfire.9204
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26 minutes ago, Arnox.5128 said:

I just checked the game updates and there's nothing about it! I actually just stumbled upon it while porting into LA. Not quite sure how they implemented it quite yet, but just the fact alone that it's there is really awesome and is such a cool detail to add to GW2.

What I'm thinking is happening is that the Fashion Wars event is still in testing, so they decided not to give it any fanfare (or rewards) until they make sure it's good to go.

Also... Nice April Fools with the dogs in the LA city center. lol



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2 hours ago, roederich.2716 said:

Pitty one has to vote while the event is still going on.

better be get all participants on stage after their individual runs so the audience can vote the winner then.

so one can vote after having seen all participants and not during the event.

You get no AP and no title (and rightfully so), so it's not a big deal to miss the event.

It's just to have some fun and leave some comment while you watch people showing off their skins. Don't take it too seriously. Also, in my experience, all the rounds have been always won by the last entrant. I don't know if it's a bug, it's because the last player remains on the stage longer than the others, or because people go afk and come back at the end to vote and get the participation.

Either ways, it's what it is, just a new (fun) event to try at least once.

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I was surprised to find this was real (although not as surprised as when the helicopter and commando showed up in GW1) but I was glad I picked a well dressed character to go along, I initially assumed it wouldn't matter. (I like how all my characters look, but they're not all ones I'd enter in a fashion show, especially right now. I'm no fashion expert but I'm not sure tattoos count.)

It looks like fun, the audience participation aspect makes it especially entertaining, although the one time I got called up I panicked and didn't really do anything. Apparently I can get stage fright online too. 😄

6 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

too bad 99% of the players are way too shy for this.

Some people might consider that a good thing. When I was there some people were complaining they'd been waiting ages to get called on stage and were worried they wouldn't get a turn.


6 hours ago, Arnox.5128 said:

Maybe, but I expected it to show up here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates

The official source for updates is actually here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/6-game-update-notes/

The Wiki is entirely written and maintained by players. Firstly that means it can take a while for a page to be updated, especially if there's several pages which need updating at once and it's at the start of a festival or special event. But secondly it also means if you notice something is missing or out of date and you think it's a problem you can add it yourself.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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10 minutes ago, Keymaster.7362 said:

I asume this is the this years april's fool event, especially because the achievment is under the festivals category.

Here's an article: 


I wonder what's next...

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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This was a pleasant surprise, and I'm genuinely glad they put it in. I stood around for a few hours bringing silly characters through the catwalk, and it was very heartening to watch a bunch of people delivering comedy, compliments, and overall having a good time. Love when the community just naturally gravitates around something like this (or like the unspoken agreement between most Skiff users to avoid hitting one another despite the total lack of collision).

Good addition, thank you.

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I’m suddenly wondering how much the wardrobe randomizer was implemented to be ready for this.

What if part two somehow triggers the randomizer to temporarily scramble our looks under certain circumstances?

Could be fun if it’s easy for players to avoid if they want.

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