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Equality for ALL accounts!!

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I 've had enough with this disgrace of a progression system in this game. Why do old account get more stuff than new ones? This looks like it was made by slave owners who only help their veteran friends. New players pay the bills and old ones play for free in a game others pay for them which is OK on it's own. But it's not ok when new players can't compete with old accounts because of removed content.
Lets analyze this. 
Old accounts have achivement points unobtainable by new. WRONG!! They should get the achivement not the points.The best solution would be to make those points a different category that DO NOT STACK with normal achivements. So people can compete on an even plain field.
Old accounts can have up to 72 character slots. Not only 69!

To sum up in only play 3 years but i got all the legendaries and done every content. So the only way to progress now is to compete with others on stuff. So if no matter how good i am i can not catch up i ll just move to another game which will be fair to both new and old players.
I want this to be fair. Even i have some old achivements like ftom tutorials and annual festivals. Please REMOVE THEM FROM ME!! Make them not count as points. Either as seperate rankings and leaderboards or no points at all.


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I don't see a big deal here - and for other MMORPG it probably is even worse. Since there usually is a lot of limited stuff. Think only about special stuff given out during limited time periods. Or where people have to buy something else. (Here afaik some minis that come with other real life items you could buy.)

The char slot thing is not a big deal. Most people don't even need that many chars lol. Achievement points ... that is annoying. But eventually not that much I guess + the rewards from AP are not that interesting.

Long-term it would be fine to make some smaller adjustments. The shared inventory slots (they are actually something useful) where people are missing some if they bought the HoT+PoF bundle ... should be made available. (Not for free of course though.)

Older AP from completely retired achievements could be counted as a daily - towards that cap. (To have a limit together with the daily AP pool that is capped. Where new players just fill it with a few more dailies.) Chars slots though: Who cares lol? 😄 Buy a new account maybe.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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With the return of LW1 achievements, the AP has been equalized quite a bit. It's still not fully equal but it's better than it was for most of the game's life and was something that veterans also missed out on if they didn't do the achievements or missed them. Maybe something could be done but it's not really a huge deal once you hit 30k or so—tons of veterans have 20k or less so new players with a focus on AP could absolutely get more. It's not a big deal either way but AP from retired achievements could be credited to accounts that don't have those achievements. You'd still have to do your dailies to get them but they'd be there.

As for character slots, the only way to get it to 72 is to have had max character slots before HoT and then buy the deluxe editions of HoT, PoF, and EoD, something the small, small minority of players have done even if they've been playing since the head start. If someone spent that much money on the game, a few more characters doesn't change anything as they clearly have (or had) the means to throw money at the game and have no need of farming alts.

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Ap doesnt matter at all, AP doesnt say how good you are at game. I remember old days when people were asking for certain AP number for dungeons, that was kinda funny and yet silly. Many veterans that play game since beta can have less AP than people that play for 3 years, because simply they dont care. 
With LS1 achieves being back now I think you mostly only miss yearly festival AP? And that fair imo. Let people who play and support the game for longer than you have some extra AP, tbh, we are lucky that we can even get skins from old festivals, not like in other games where when you miss it you can not get it. I would be fine about that too, its just fair. Achievements are not a competition that matters.

As for character slots....yes, I completely agree with that, it doesnt make sense, max limit should be the same for everyone, I have 69 slots and I want 72, in fact, I still wish we can have 90.

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14 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I’ve been playing this game since beta, and I couldn’t confidently tell you where to even find this AP leaderboard.

Maybe they should just get rid of it, then everyone can approach APs like most do, as individual progression.

Should you ever be curious:  GuildWars2.com - Community - Leaderboards

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I only get:

Error 42 (0:9001:4457): Srv2Taco, transaction timeout {#1}, {P+/Taco/Request+STS/1.0}, { 0 0 0 0}

TacoProxy/302.22082501 Instance/1.698967872

in Firefox, in Chrome as well as in Edge (and as I rarely use this one, I haven't changed any settings)

Edited by Dayra.7405
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The resource from “https://services.staticwars.com/services/session/check-session.476658e3-svc.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).

Would be nice if the web services team would fix the log-in part.

Still, everything else works fine.  WvW, Worlds, etc. 

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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You have all the legendaries and you're stamping your feet over a few obsolete achievement points? Why can you not chill out and enjoy what you've made for yourself instead of coming to the forums to gripe about something you can't get anyway, something that will make negligible difference?

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2 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I’ve been playing this game since beta, and I couldn’t confidently tell you where to even find this AP leaderboard.

It works fine for me, though I must say an AP Leaderboard seems kinda... ridiculous. 😄

4 hours ago, Zephire.8049 said:

As for character slots, the only way to get it to 72 is [...]

I know only one crazy person with that many slots (and all in use). I bought GW2 on release and have "only" 16 slots, with 1 being unused, 1 being a mere storage character and 5 being WvW only.

I think it is kind of crazy to maintain 72 characters. I have a 40+ k AP account, by the way, and never felt like more characters would benefit me in any way. On the contrary, it would make everything more stressful for me, being a completionist and all.


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You know your argument has little merit when you have to compare removal of old achievements in a video game to human chattel slavery in an attempt to foster outrage.

Oh, and as to the account equality point....people creating accounts now can have the entire game by purchasing the expansions. People who started at launch had to buy the base game as well. In pursuit of equality, are you going to pay all launch day veterans back for their base game purchase?

Edited by Ashen.2907
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9 hours ago, Reborn.1738 said:

People actually look at other's AP? Strange. Never bothered me in the slightest if someone else has a bigger number than me. 

Should have seen the silliness back in the old days.

3 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

You know your argument has little merit when you have to compare removal of old achievements in a video game to human chattel slavery in an attempt to foster outrage.

Oh, and as to the account equality point....people creating accounts now can have the entire game by purchasing the expansions. People who started at launch had to buy the base game as well. In pursuit of equality, are you going to pay all launch day veterans back for their base game purchase?

I am also willing to accept the next 4 expansion for free instead. That should cover the cost difference and it should be less of an accounting issue for ANet.

4 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

It works fine for me, though I must say an AP Leaderboard seems kinda... ridiculous. 😄

I know only one crazy person with that many slots (and all in use). I bought GW2 on release and have "only" 16 slots, with 1 being unused, 1 being a mere storage character and 5 being WvW only.

I think it is kind of crazy to maintain 72 characters. I have a 40+ k AP account, by the way, and never felt like more characters would benefit me in any way. On the contrary, it would make everything more stressful for me, being a completionist and all.


Just the scrolling would be very annoying. Character select screen is poorly designed for dealing with many characters.

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I agree with the opinion that removing achievements is and was a bad idea.


I was very happy to see that ArenaNet worked on restoring most of Living World season 1. Not just for the story but mostly because it makes a large number of AP available again to players that did not get those AP when LW S1 was live. It disappointed me that ArenaNet decided after that to remove the tutorial achievements because this creates more of the problem that they worked on to resolve by remaking LW S1.


I do not agree with your 'solution' to make the old achievement points not count towards the grand total. Existing players have earned them and they expect them to count.


Having staid this: Equality is not something that can be fully achieved. For example:  Enough players have too much anxiety to ever play content like ranked PvP, raids and CM strikes. Not because they don't have the skill to learn to play them but because they are too afraid of being not good enough for their team, or being afraid to get kicked from their group. There are a lot of AP unobtainable to these players. Is this equality? Opinions will differ. My point is that you cannot achieve equality here.

Edited by TheQuickFox.3826
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3 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

I am also willing to accept the next 4 expansion for free instead. That should cover the cost difference and it should be less of an accounting issue for ANet.

Shouldn't be an issue for ANet as the OP should be the one paying the, "reparations," as he is the one pushing for equity.

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7 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:
12 hours ago, Zephire.8049 said:

As for character slots, the only way to get it to 72 is [...]

I know only one crazy person with that many slots (and all in use). I bought GW2 on release and have "only" 16 slots, with 1 being unused, 1 being a mere storage character and 5 being WvW only.

I think it is kind of crazy to maintain 72 characters. I have a 40+ k AP account, by the way, and never felt like more characters would benefit me in any way. On the contrary, it would make everything more stressful for me, being a completionist and all.

I have 52 characters because I like alts, but unless you're into them for fashion or other personal reasons, you really don't need 69-72. You only need 9 for all classes or 18 if you want both genders for each class. It only gets up to 90 if you want one of each race for every profession and both genders to boot.

If you simply want to make gold, an alt account for login rewards and to double up on account-wide parking spots is much, much more lucrative.

But I was reminded that instead of equality, equity would be better for achievements. Don't remove AP from people to make things equal (I don't know if the system would allow that much AP to be removed, either, between not being able to re-lock skins and how some AP thresholds reward gems) but give people who missed achievements a chance to get that AP elsewhere if they so choose.


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We don't even get equality for our RL accounts. You coulda just been born at a different time frame into a massively rich family, allowing you to skip a lot of RL grind and responsibilities, and had so much free time and freedom that you'd of discovered GW2 sooner and been top of the AP chart forever.

4 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

Should have seen the silliness back in the old days.

I am also willing to accept the next 4 expansion for free instead. That should cover the cost difference and it should be less of an accounting issue for ANet.

Just the scrolling would be very annoying. Character select screen is poorly designed for dealing with many characters.

I have 17 characters and actually worry that if I got another one it'd spawn a scroll bar. I never want to see a scroll bar.

I wish they'd let us organize and favorite them instead of shuffling them around like a deck of cards.

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14 minutes ago, Doggie.3184 said:

We don't even get equality for our RL accounts. You coulda just been born at a different time frame into a massively rich family, allowing you to skip a lot of RL grind and responsibilities, and had so much free time and freedom that you'd of discovered GW2 sooner and been top of the AP chart forever.

I have 17 characters and actually worry that if I got another one it'd spawn a scroll bar. I never want to see a scroll bar.

I wish they'd let us organize and favorite them instead of shuffling them around like a deck of cards.

Well if you play at 2560-1440 you can have up to 19 atleast without a scroll bar since that is what I got.

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